MHA : Rabbit & Spider

Chapter 16: MHA : Chapter 16 : Marvelous First Day I

"Oi." A familiar voice came, bringing Peter back into slight consciousness.

His world was filled with darkness, so he was either blind or just had his eyes closed. Where was he? He felt absolutely terrible. Even worse than when he fought that one vulture looking guy in queens, man was that not fun.

"Oi, wake up." There was that voice again! It sounded like a girl. A very impatient and annoyed girl. Maybe he was dead? He sure hoped not, that'd be lame. Wasn't he at UA?

Oh, wait! He was holding back that giant robot from crushing those people! That's why everything hurt! God, it hurt to think. Was it supposed to hurt to think? He was pretty sure it wasn't supposed to do that.

"I assure you that he should be unconscious for a few more hours, dear. Why don't you go home?" An elderly voice said, wasn't it the one he heard before passing out? Maybe it was some nurse or something.

Who could that other voice be, though? Nejire didn't sound like that, May was at work right now and Kamiji had a more enthusiastic way of speaking. Wait, was it-

"Oi! Peter! Get up right now or I'll kick your ass! I am not missing my train cause of you!" That angry voice yelled.


It was definitely Rumi, should he be scared or glad she was here? He never knew with her.

"Gimme a sec… It hurts to exist right now…" He mumbled, tossing in his hospital bed to block out the light overhead. He swore he heard Rumi give a light chuckle.

"Young man, you've been out for nearly 38 minutes! Judging by your injuries plus me using my quirk on you, you shouldn't have woken up for another 4 hours!" The woman said, taking her cane and lightly hitting him in the head with it.

"I got a lot of stamina." The brunette told her, finally getting up and hopping out of bed, he wobbled slightly on the landing but was caught by his friend.

Looking down, he saw he was still in his workout clothes, he was gonna call it… costume Alpha, with a few bandages on his arms. The clothes were a bit ripped up and dirty but he could fix that, he didn't learn sewing for nothing.

"Hey, what the hell happened to him, anyway?" The tanned girl asked, she had helped Peter up to a standing position and then let go of him. "He seemed pretty beat up."

Peter winced at standing up without support, the slight pain quickly fading away and being replaced with a feeling of pure exhaustion. He really needed a nap.

"Well, each year we have at least one student who tries to destroy a 0-P, he was that student this year. Also. from the footage, he got thrown through 9 windows and smashed into 12 walls. But he should be free to go, please do not make a habit of visiting me, now shoo!" The old woman informed, quickly pushing the teens out of the clinic and into the hallway, slamming the door behind them with a huff.

"Alright, then! Let's g- Why are you looking at me like that?" Peter looked down at his friend only to see her looking up at him with an intense look in her eye. The same look she had during fights back in the wrong.

That didn't seem safe.

"You fought a 0-P?! That's sick! I was too far away to get to it in time over at my testing site! You gotta tell me about how it was!" The girl was hopping from foot to foot, the pair were now walking down the hallways and out of the school toward the front gate.

"I, uh, don't really remember. I think I tried to hold it back from people who were about to get crushed or something, then I blacked out. How did your test go, by the way?" Peter ran a hand through his hair as the two stepped past the school gate. Rumi was still bouncing from side to side, kinda like a scary version of Nejire.

"Alright, so basically…"


Over at Rumi's and Nejire's testing site bus…

1 hour ago…

"Hey, hey! what's your name? Your ears are super pointy! Is it cause of your quirk? Rumi-chan's ears are cause of her quirk! Please, tell me! I bet it's super interesting! Please plea-" Nejire bombarded the poor boy sitting next to her with question after question.

She and Nejire were seating next to each other on the bus that would take them to the testing site when some shy looking guy with long hair, point ears, and his hood up sat next to them. He got out that his name was Tamaki Amajiki through his stutter right before Nejire started speaking nonstop, making him hide behind his hood.

"I-Its called ma-manifest… It gives m-me the properties of what I e-eat…" Amajiki said, his voice barely above a whisper. Nejire's eyes lit up like stars, leaning closer to the indigo haired boy, making him lean away.

"Oh my gosh! That's so cool! If you eat a clam, do you get its shell? Wait, what about a horse? What if you eat a rock? Do you become a rock? That'd be so cool! Tell me what you can do, Amajiki-Kun! Have you ever tried t-"

It went on like this for about 20 minutes before the bus started moving and brought them to the testing site.

"Really? I feel kinda bad for that guy." Peter laughed, scratching his cheek as he and Rumi sat on the moving train.

"Oh, I haven't even gotten to the exam part yet! Lemma tell ya' about it!" Rumi laughed, leaning forward in her seat, her eyes practically glowing.

Peter couldn't help but smile as she went on about how her day went during the entire ride.


1 week later, Parker household.

The TV was basically white noise to Peter, it was something discussing about All Might's quirk or something. The past week had been basically torture for the young boy, he had never been good at waiting.

Now, it could go two ways. Either he's accepted and goes about becoming a hero the legal way while having wacky high school high Jinks, or gets rejected and has to figure out a different way fo be Spider-Man.

Maybe Shiketsu? That was basically the UA for people who couldn't get into UA, but then he'd have to wear a hat. What if he went back to vigilantism? He couldn't do that to May, and he'd already worked this hard to get into UA. Overall, he didn't have many op-

The front door to his small apartment slammed open, rattling the room and breaking Peter out of his thoughts. He turned his head only to be met by the sight of his aunt May, looking like she'd run all the way from her back here, and was she holding something?

Peter squinted at the woman, his tired eyes focusing on the small white envelope with a red stamp she held in her hands. The stamp had a familiar logo.

His eyes widened.

It was the UA logo.

it was his results.

"Holy shit." His voice barely above a whisper. May threw the letter across the room only for it to be caught by a line of webbing that pulled it into the boy's hands. His aunt went and sat next to him on the couch, both of their eyes glued on the small envelope.

In one swift motion, the envelope was ripped to pieces, a small disk falling down and onto the floor.

What? Was this a Japanese thing or something? Why was it a disk?

"W-Where's the letter?" The older Parker stuttered, Peter was glad he wasn't the only was confused right now.

Cautiously, he nudged the small object with his foot while leaning away from it, May leaning away as well. The second his shoe made contact, a beam of light erupted from it, a hologram of All Might wearing a pinstripe suit stood before them.

"Young Parker! I am here! With… Your results!"

The hologram laughed, Peter could see a boom mic in the frame. He and his aunt were deathly silent, the only sounds being the video and the cars outside.

Alright, Peter was silently freaking out now. Cause instead of sending a letter like normal people, UA sent him a hologram, who does that? Also, the dude who punched him and got him arrested was in said hologram, suffice to say Peter was still a bit mad about that.

He was allowed to be mad, right? The black eye didn't go away for like, a week.

"Before we start, I would like to apologize to you and your guardian for punching you in the face. It was unnecessary fo- Huh? Get to the results? How many more of these? fine!" The hero grumbled, just having been interrupted by someone off-screen. Peter was also not appeased by the man's apology, his forgiveness would take at least a fruit basket.

"All Might punched you in the face?" May asked, taking a sideways glance at him. Did he not tell her about that? Man, how was he gonna explain the number one hero punching him? Wait! UA letter! He'd deal with that later!

"You did amazingly in the written exam, only not getting into the top 10 scores due to a language barrier! I assure you this will improve as t ime goes on! And as for the practical exam…" The screen zoomed out, a red counter with the word 'Villain' being under it. Along with that, clips of him swinging around and taking out robots were being shown.

"Truly an impressive performance! I would guess your… past gave you the right amount of experience, correct? Overall, 68 Villain points! Easily putting you in the top 10 spots of examinees!" All might laughed, hands still on his hips, and that damn smile still shining.


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