Mei Man: Starting from the Dimension Demon

Chapter 214 Ashes to dust, dust to dust, what should go, should not stay! (Add 2 chapters)

Chapter 214 Ashes to dust, dust to dust, what should go, should not stay! (Add 2 chapters)
The bullets fired rapidly pierced through the air and hit the magic shield built by Arthur with mana.

Falcon trembled slightly, sweating coldly, and Arthur felt that he had a false alarm.

"I admit, I underestimated you a little bit, but you are so wrong to think that my strength is only so small!"

The crocodile cane emitted a dazzling purple light, and Arthur swung heavily at Yan Shuangying, shooting a magical beam in vain.

Unfortunately, to Yan Shuangying, this kind of direct attack was no different from dodging bullets.

He judged the trajectory of the ballistic in an instant, changed his footsteps, and easily dodged it.

The magic beam shot on the ground, blasting a small crater.

Coulson on one side naturally wouldn't do nothing, he shot three bullets on Arthur's magic shield, trying to disturb his mind.

Arthur was temporarily attracted attention, he shot a magic beam at Coulson with a cold face, but was dodged by the prepared Coulson, which made him more irritable.

You one by one. Why can't you die honestly? !

[Mood value from Arthur Harrow +1777]


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yan Shuangying leaned forward and rushed forward, his footsteps were extremely fast, like a black phantom.

Another beam of light was emitted and was dodged by him. Arthur stepped back helplessly, and was bullied by Yan Shuangying.

The two looked at each other, and the purple light of the crocodile's crutches and the bullets from the muzzle exploded together.

A bullet spun and hit Arthur's eyebrow, and was blocked by a thin purple magic shield. The eyes behind the magic shield narrowed cruelly, mocking.

"Hehe. You are no match for me, Arthur Harrow!"


The pair of black pupils on the opposite side were as calm as water, and a cold sneer was heard in Arthur's ears. Yan Shuangying kicked heavily on the magic shield, and instantly picked up Natasha who was on the ground in his hands when he turned over and stepped back.

not good! !
Surprised, Arthur realized that he had retreated too much in the battle, and the opponent's goal was to save Natasha from the very beginning.

[Mood value from Arthur Harrow +1780]

With two gunshots, the chains on Natasha's hands and feet were broken. She took Yan Shuangying's pistol and aimed it in Arthur's direction.

This time, the situation changed from 2 to 1 to 3 to 1.

One punch blows the head of the last jackal, and Mark turns this way with his fist clenched.

Well it's 4 vs 1.

The subsequent battles were extremely boring. Arthur fought four against four. Although he fought hard, he was not the protagonist, and he was quickly defeated.

The crocodile cane was thrown aside, Arthur knelt on the ground with a bruised nose, and Yan Shuangying raised his gun to his forehead and said in a deep voice.

"it's over"

"Wait, Yan Shuangying!"

Raising his hand to hold down his gun, Mark said hurriedly.

"Kong Su told me just now that we can't kill him yet!"


Yan Shuangying's eyes were as calm as water, but this kind of calm made people feel chills in their hearts.

"Is such that."

Taking a deep breath, Mark glanced at Kong Su who suddenly appeared, and told the information he heard from him.

"You mean, as long as we find another incarnation of God and perform the ritual, we can seal Amit's power on Arthur?" Yan Shuangying finally put away the pistol, frowning.

"Yes, that's exactly what Kong Su said."

"But here, besides you, there are no other incarnations of gods!"

Coulson on the side pointed out the blind spots.

"Yes, that's why Kongsu asked me to ask you, would you like to be his knight?"

Looking at Yan Shuangying, Mark asked awkwardly.

Yan Shuangying: "."

Is this for him?

"Also, Miss Natasha, you can also think about it."

The more embarrassing it got, Mark felt like he was pimping.

Natasha: "."

"Although I don't care, I still want to ask, is there me?"

Pointing to himself, Coulson asked.

"Sorry, Consu said, he doesn't like your .hairstyle very much."

Spreading his hands, Mark glanced at Coulson's thinning hair, and smiled even more awkwardly.



Coulson was a little speechless, are you Egyptian gods so picky?


At this time, everything that happened here has been known to all the surrounding countries.

Whether it is the United States, Maozi or Dongguo, they have seen this battle through their own means almost at the same time.

There is no way, Imerton's body several hundred meters high is too huge, especially the inhuman crocodile image, which is as frightening as a monster running out of a special drama.

This is not the same as Thor, the god of thunder. One look at this appearance, he is a monster!

Therefore, the 190-kilometer Suez Canal was immediately blocked.

On the surrounding borders, large defensive troops began to be stationed.

Along the Mediterranean coast, the United States' Sixth Fleet appeared.

The latest space-based kinetic energy weapon developed by Maozi is aiming at Hamna Tower in outer space
And in Yemen, on the international waterway off Somalia, Dongguo's aircraft carrier Fujian is "quietly" visiting this country.


Facing the fishy sea breeze, standing on the huge aircraft carrier, Leng Feng turned his back to the national flag and cast a cold gaze towards Egypt.

His sight seems to have passed through Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and went straight into a huge ruins near Cairo, Egypt-Hamna Tower!
"Chief, the JJ20 fighter jets are ready for battle, the Beidou satellite navigation system has started full support, and our air force is ready to fight at any time!"

A soldier came trotting all the way, stood at attention and saluted.

"Very good, what about that senior?"

"Yes, he is, uh, playing the erhu?"

"It's good not to panic before the battle." He nodded expressionlessly, and Leng Feng changed the subject, "Is there a signal from Yan Shuangying?"

"Not yet, Chief."

"Then continue to wait. We will only act after receiving Yan Shuangying's signal. This is the order of Director Zheng Xian of the Divine Spear Bureau!"



Mediterranean, international waters.

The American Sixth Fleet is quietly stopping here.

Captain's room.

"Commander Pandolf, we have received protests from the Egyptian government, they don't want us" the navy subordinate who pushed the door in immediately conveyed the latest news.

"Don't worry about them!"

The current commander, Craig Pandorf, interrupted his subordinates by raising his hand. He dropped the document in his hand and arrogantly issued a combat order.

"There is no need for a god in this world. If he has one, it must belong to us, the United States! Order it, 8 Tomahawk cruise missiles!"


No matter how skilled the pilot of the Quin-jet fighter was, he was quickly defeated in the face of a huge attack like Imerton's.

They were wrapped in the sky full of yellow sand, and two clusters of sparks burst out.

The two pilots ejected from the cabin, their bodies flew in the air, looking at Emerton in despair.

Imerton sneered and raised his hand to grab it, but suddenly he stopped and turned his head to look at the northwest sky.

There, 8 Tomahawk cruise missiles are dragging white smoke tails, firing rapidly at a subsonic speed of fire.

This is? ! !

Emerton was startled, and with a step, the yellow sand of the earth rolled up in an instant, forming a city wall of sand in front of him in an instant.

8 rounds of Tomahawk missiles bombarded heavily, and there was a loud noise.

The blackness of the earth first lit up, and then burst into white light. This white light illuminated the sky and the earth, bringing about scorching wind and waves.

The ruthless air waves blew in all directions, a huge amount of yellow sand rushed to the sky like a tsunami, and the sandstorm ruthlessly scraped across the face of the new moon. The cutting-edge technology from humans finally collided with the power of myth for the first time! !

boom--! !

"do you died?"

At the same time, countless countries and individuals are staring at this moment. Commander Craig Pandorf clasped his hands, expecting Imerton's death.

next second.


Shocking roars shook the sky, they stirred the atmosphere frantically, and scattered the high-altitude clouds.

The cloud of smoke covering his body exploded in an instant, and the invincible figure stepped on the ground and crashed into everyone's pupils!
It's Imerton! !
Imerton's power is completely different from Amit's. If Amit wants to exert her power after she descends, she must use her avatar.

But he is different, he has 3000 years of powerful mana, and after absorbing the power of those incarnations, he absorbs Amit's power again, making his power explode in a short time.

Not only does he have the entity that Amit does not have, but also has the power that Amit can exert.

This made the missile hit him like a firecracker exploded on him.

"It's really ridiculous, the power of a mere mortal!"

Seeing Imerton's mocking look, countless military experts and scientists gasped.


"This is impossible!!"

"How can he be so strong?"

"This unscientific!!"



A large amount of dynamic data flickered on the computer screen, and countless scientists yelled frantically. They calculated the power displayed by Imerton in disbelief.

[Of course, that's a god! 】

Kong Su activated his divine power and led everyone away from the battlefield.

Everyone at the scene was shocked, you know, that is the power of the Tomahawk missile!

[Mood value from Phil Coulson +1788]

[Mood value from Natasha Manromanov +1789]

[Mood value +1788 from Mark Speek]

[Mood value from Steven Grant +1799]

[There are two states of existence and non-entity. Imerton's body can maximize Amit's power! 】

Glancing at Mark, Kongsu explained.

But Craig, the commander of the Sixth Fleet, couldn't hear his explanation.

"how is this possible?!!"

His whole body was cold, his back was wet with cold sweat, his hands and feet trembled slightly, a monster that couldn't even be pierced by Tomahawk cruise missiles, unless they launched a nuclear bomb now, they had no way to fight against it.

"Hahaha those stupid Americans, now, let them see our strength!"

In Maoziguo, a secret military base in St. Petersburg, following an order, the space-based kinetic energy weapon in outer space began to calibrate the space coordinates. This weapon was secretly developed after the Rocky New York incident, and it was specially used to deal with these extraordinary individuals.

clack clack.
As the satellite in the sky received the command, a thick tungsten rod protruded from it, aiming in the direction of the earth.


The screaming Emerton suddenly felt uneasy, his pupils flickered, and the power from Amit was brewing in his eyes.

Some kind of danger was coming from outside the sky. The divine power pulled his eyes and projected it on a satellite. He saw a thick tungsten rod.

In an underground military hall in St. Petersburg, a huge screen illuminated Imerton's disturbed portrait at this time.

When the tungsten rod was dropped from outer space with a silent roar, it pulled out a long tail flame in the air, and the scorching light emitted brought overwhelming death.

"In the face of human beings' super weapons, even myths must bow their heads!"

Maozi's great emperor, with his upper body bare, sat domineeringly on a luxurious seat with his legs crossed, his cold words revealed unprecedented power.

The giant brown bear crouched at his feet, showing a submissive look. He shook the red wine in his hand slightly and smiled lightly.

"Gods will also die."

boom--! ! !
Intense white light was exposed on the screen in front of me, and the shock wave of the explosion exuded terrifying power. There was a wailing sound in the white light, and the officers on both sides stepped forward in unison, all of whom were generals.

They stared at the screen in front of them, hoping for Imerton's death.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Accompanied by a huge roar, the huge crocodile head reappeared in front of everyone. He was indeed injured a little bit, um, it was just a small injury and a little nosebleed.

The whole person looked disheveled, without the majesty of a god at all, but everyone who saw that he was fine, felt as if they were poured from the top of their heads by countless basins of bitingly cold water, and their hearts felt cold.


"It's horrible, how can there be such a creature in this world?"

"God, we can't defeat it!!"

"Monster, downright monster!!!"


"What... how stupid!"

The huge crocodile monster had its hands on its hips, and Imerton looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

The power is pouring out continuously, getting stronger and stronger!
There was a sudden gunshot, and the bullets sparked on his eyelids.


Imerton lowered his head and looked towards the location of the gunshots. He saw Yan Shuangying waving a book with a gold cover and laughing at him.

"Hey Immorton!"

"Sun Jin Jing? You court death!!"

Recognizing the book in front of him at a glance, Imerton's heart tightened, and he hurriedly walked towards Yan Shuangying.

The ground trembled as he walked, just as the saying goes, new hatred adds to old hatred, these guys have repeatedly spoiled his good deeds, this time they can't let them go!

Now, he wants to trample all these nasty little bugs to death!

Taking out a signal transceiver device, Yan Shuangying hesitated for a moment, but still did not press the red button on it.

The golden book was opened in his hand, and according to the pronunciation on the note, he recited the spell on it to Imerton.

"ka bi shi mao, ka bi shi ma le; pa rua du si, pa rua du si!"

 Writing this chapter, the story of Ultraman and Godzilla is inexplicably playing in my mind 2333
(End of this chapter)

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