MAZE - The Endless Quest

41 - Crossing the 't's

When all the presentations were over, Mr. Greyson walked towards the recruits.

"Now that ye know what each role does. Let me tell ye how the rest of the month will go. Ah will teach ye some basic survival skills, how to make a tent, or a campfire. What types of fruits ye can look for and things like that. Ye will also learn more about the MAZE. Things like monsters tiers, explorer equipment, room effects, and more. We will keep the same pattern we have today, In the morning we hit the classroom. And in the afternoon we come here, so ye all can learn a proper fighting style, or improve yer own."

When the teacher finished speaking, Janna gasped.

"Did I hear it right? Calving Greyson is going to use the ATR to teach a class?"

The woman said it overly dramatically, like a character from a terrible movie. The only thing missing was a fan in her hand.

"Oh, bite me, Janna," the teacher replied.

"Is that an invitation?" Frostbite replied with a mischievous smile.

Mr. Greyson became flustered. He mumbled something that none of the recruits could hear. But soon he came back to his usual self.

"Moving on, today this group of explorers was kind enough to be available to clear any doubts ye might have on the roles. Then, after lunch, we can stay in the ATR until the end of the day, thanks to Ms. Ivanova."

The recruits became even more impressed with Frostbite. She was a hero who was willing to pay an expensive training facility for a bunch of recruits she never even met.

"One last thing. Ye will choose yer role in the final test, and part of the test is to get the role skill. As ye all know, the system never gives anything. Ye need to earn it. The test is also the first mission the system will give ye. For the next few hours, ye can still talk, so ask more questions about the roles to help ye with yer decision. But if none of ye are interested in a specific role, let me know. That way we can let these fine people go back to their day," the teacher finished his explanation while the explorers spread around the room.

After that, the recruits went around asking more about the roles. Hera wanted to talk to Helena, but first, she wanted to know more about the explorer and the researcher's roles.

Moving toward Omar, Hera and Kenjiro asked him a few questions. The explorer told the two that to learn a role skill they would need to do another test and that the difficulty increased with each role skill they had. The main reason explorers wouldn't get all the role skills was the difficulty of the test. He also said that the item they get depends on the grade they receive at the test and that it would always help them uncover secrets about the MAZE. He ended up getting just a passing grade, but some who got perfect scores would get even more amazing rewards.

Satisfied with the information, Hera thanked the man and left Kenjiro alone with Omar. The recruit seemed to have a lot more questions, mainly about fighting inside the MAZE.

She moved toward Darrell, the researcher. Bonnie was already there talking with him. It took Hera a while to figure out what they were saying. Both of them seemed to be invested in a discussion about ways to learn and teach skills and how to improve them.

When Darrell finally realized the recent arrival, he stopped the discussion and went back to answering questions. Hera was mainly interested in how the skill would work in someone else's research. Apparently, first, she would need to understand the research. The skill would make it easier because it would tell her if she had any gaps in the knowledge she needed to understand it. Then she could collaborate and even share what [Learn] told her.

She asked a few more questions about how the skill worked and what were its limits. However, when Hera asked if [Learn] could tell her things about a room inside the MAZE, Darrell wasn't able to answer. He never tried, but it was possible, in theory.

Talking some more, Darrell told the recruits that researchers were also an excellent combat class. The ability to learn skills at a fundamental level allowed them to change the skill to strengthen it or target more enemies. It was even easier for a beginner researcher to learn magic than for a beginner mage.

Hera thanked him and walked towards Helena, however on the way Mark asked her to show Jasper, the crafter, her bracelet. She showed it to him. It impressed the man. He said that very few recruits had her talents and that being a crafter meant she could make anything she wanted. Her weapons could be tailor made to hunt down the creatures she was after, or she could just sell jewelry that increases the wearer's power. It was an interesting idea, but she wasn't as excited as Mark with the prospect. She worked with sales for a long time. It wasn't something she was keen to go back to.

Thanking Jasper, Hera finally arrived where Helena was. She had just finished talking with Alex and Tiffany. Both seemed to be interested in the ways of magic.

"Hello sweetie, how are you feeling today?" Helena asked with a smile.

"Is overwhelmed an option? The test and then this. It's a lot to process," Hera replied.

"I know. Usually, that test is given in the last week of training. But Greyson thinks it's better to get rid of the 'weak-willed' first. Honestly, I think he just gets annoyed when dealing with large classes."

They both laughed, Helena could be right. Or at least it would be on brand with the teacher's personality.

"Anyway, I have some questions. I was talking with the other explorers, and I'm not sure what would help you the most. Maybe a researcher would be good, but an explorer might have a better mix of abilities. Being a crafter could help too, since I could make your tools, Or I could be a mage like you said and help you that way. What role do you want for me to help you?" Hera asked, still deep in thought about the role she could pick.

Helena stared at the recruit for a moment.

"Hera, what do you want?" she asked, "Forget about what you think will help me, this is a decision about your life. You can't change that later on. I will ask for your help no matter what role you ch0ose, but first, you need to figure out what do you want to do."

Hera was taken aback. She didn't expect Helena to ignore her questions, she only wanted to help her. Still, after thinking for a moment, Hera realized the mage was right. If she chooses a role because of someone else she could end up missing on something she wanted to do.

"I'm not sure. I always wanted to be an explorer, to have adventures inside the MAZE, discover new things and places. But apparently, all roles can do that." Hera finally said.

"You are right, all can do that. Which roles you are thinking about?" the mage asked.

"Well, explorer seems nice. But I guess it will depend on the item I get. Since they don't have a role skill to start I imagine they have a hard time early on. Research seems interesting, being able to change how skills behave can be really useful. I thought crafters would have a peaceful life, but after seeing Jasper I'm not so sure anymore."

They both laughed at Hera's comment.

"Yeah, he really is something," Helena agreed

"Another thing, why did you frown when Frostbite talked about that story?" Hera asked.

"Oh... keep this between us, but Janna is not quite what she seems. What she failed to mention was that she had earned a sizeable sum of money to protect the town. Also, her Plan B was to blow up the valley. This seems a good plan until you know that the blast would hit part of the town. She acts all noble and fair, but she was willing to throw many people under the bus to save herself and her paycheck. Don't get me wrong. It was impressive, just not... Hero like."

Hera was surprised. Janna seemed to be so honest. However, Hera knew that some people here good at hiding their true intentions. Even if she could never tell when someone was like that.

“Changing the subject, I noticed you said nothing about being a mage. Is that such a terrible concept?” Helena pouted.

Hera could tell the woman was just teasing her.

"Well, I don't know, why don't you clear some doubts I have about such a dreadful role."

Without realizing, Hera replied in a fake British accent. That reaction only amused Helena even more. It was good seeing the recruit joke around.

They talked about what mages could do, but Helena avoided talking about affinities even when asked. It was better to learn the basics before delving into the advanced stuff. A while later Bonnie joined in asking about how spells were made and how could she start training magic.

Last, Hera went towards the hunter. She had a tendency to overthink and overanalyze a situation and the [Hunt] skill could be a perfect fit for that.

As time went by the explorers left one by one. Aside from the teacher and Helena, Janna was the last one to leave, but only after Blue got three autographs.

"Since we still have an hour before lunch, let's make good use of the time we have. Everyone spread out, Ah'm gonna figure out how to start this bloody thing."

The teacher moved to the back of the room with Helena, asking about how to operate the ATR's systems.

The recruits spread around, Hera leaned on the wall while drinking some water. She was still exhausted from the night before. Thinking about the unique roles, a voice, coming from the side, spooked her.

"It seems like you lost your edge," Anaya said.

"What do you mean?" Hera asked between sips.

"C'mon, Hera. That ditzy attitude stopped being funny a while ago. I'm talking about Frostbite and Mr. Greyson. Seems like you lost your beau, and to an older model at that."

The woman said the words without looking directly at Hera, but she wasn't trying to hide the smirk on her face.

Hera stared at Anaya for a moment, before the realization finally dawned upon her. Making her choke with the water she was drinking.

"Wait. Do you think Mr. Greyson and I are... together?"

Hera's eyes were still watery from the coughing.

"Of course. Why else would you get so much special treatment? Get in late on the first day without a problem, and them all the attention you've been getting from him. It would only be expected for you to be.. taking care of him in exchange," Anaya said.

Hera's eyes went wide as she blushed.

"No, no, of course not. He gave me some advice, but that's just because I messed up, and the first-day thing was all thanks to Helena."

Before she could continue, Anaya interrupted her.

"Oh, so you swing that way? I'm not one to judge, but it will be harder for you to stay with a woman like her. You need to take care of yourself to be on her level."

Hera twisted her nose. Hearing that she needed to take care of herself reminded her of her mother. She took a deep breath and tried once again to explain.

"Anaya, you are getting this all wrong. I won the raffle the guild was having. The next day when I came here, the class was already starting and Helena had to do the paperwork before I joined in. I'm not with anyone nor do I want to be, ok?"

Anaya gave Hera a warm smile.

"Oh, that makes so much more sense. I'm sorry for getting it all wrong. You are a charity case, of course. The guild has to treat you well. It must be great for marketing. The story of the talentless recruit who dropped out because it was too hard. I can see them spinning this as how only the worthy can be explorers. That will be great."

Hera clenched her fist tightly. She wasn't useless, and why would this woman be saying all this? It was one thing to hear it from her mother, but Anaya had no right to say any of that. She was only kind to others. However, it was the comment about 'only the worthy' that made her snap.

"Anaya, I don't know what bug bit you and made you so bitter, but you don't know the first thing about me. So just keep your opinions to yourself. And don't you think you are too old for this mean girl attitude? You are not in high school anymore."

Hera turned around and stormed off away from the woman. Who just stared at Hera angrily. Hera looked around and saw her friends all looking at her with smiles on their faces.

"Well, I was going to ask you what role were you thinking about, but after that. I'm guessing fighter. You have some [Fury] inside of you," Leo commented, clapping his hands slowly.

"I think you are wrong, she's gonna be an assassin. We just witnessed her first murder," Blue said, putting way too much emphasis on murder.

"Guys, you are overdoing it again," Alex chimed in, "you can't be supportive if you are that over the top. But I have to say. Well done. That girl was getting on my nerves."

"I know, right? She does that with anyone who gets more attention than her. You should have heard what she said to me after I got the [Cartography] skill."

Bonnie talked about the what Anaya said to her, and all of her friends seemed to be the target for her contempt at some point during the last week. Hera felt bad for not realizing it. If she had, she could have tried to help them.

"Yeah, yeah, she sucks. Now for the important part, before Mr. Greyson figures out how to deal with the ATR. What roles are you guys thinking about?"

Blue changed the subject. Hera smiled at her friend. It was nice knowing she wasn't the only one who couldn’t think about anything else. She looked at the group and started talking.

"I have a few ideas...."

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