189 - Life is a stage
The kobold alchemist used the green liquid to put out the fire created by its wildfire bombs, but he didn't have enough water to clear the fires that Hera had started. She didn't have any way to deal with the flames, neither did Blue nor Alex. In the end, the best option was to wait for Bonnie or Runir, who could do something using their spells. It didn't take long for the team to arrive at the cabin, and less than five minutes after that, the feral kobold's corpses dissolved, leaving some of their claws behind. At the same time, a notification appeared in front of them.
You have completed the Event – Canine Invasion
The Wolves of the Night have failed in their attempts to deal a crushing blow to the Dragon Kin Army
Large morale increase
Dragon Kin Kobolds deal 30% more damage to Wolves of the Night Kobolds
"So I guess that's that," Bonnie said.
"Yeah. We can relax for now, but I say we keep the shifts," Blue nodded.
"I'm fine with that. If I sleep now, I'm not going to function later," Hera said.
"It seems you guys will have company," Runir pointed towards the lookout tower. There was a torch and two kobolds in there.
"Good. At least Zudra finally did something," Hera scoffed.
"Is this new Hera a permanent thing or just for today?" Alex asked.
"Not sure. Ask me again after I have a good night of rest."
"Do what you will. I must say that I'm tired after the day's trials," Tom said before heading back to their tent.
Hera and Blue started their patrol that remained uneventful throughout the night. When the sun came out, life in the camp quickly returned. A large group of kobolds was already outside the gates, setting up traps and barricades. The field was very different than what it was during the night before. The patches of freshly dug up ground were not just covered but even had grass on top of them. A small trench circled the area filled with a light brown liquid that could easily be confused with mud, and several spiked barricades were spread around the site in a checkered pattern, interspaced with the traps. Galva was already up and serving breakfast, and he even asked a few other kobolds to bring Hera and Blue some jerky.
"Guys, we are all awake. Can you come by the tent? We have a situation," Bonnie's voice came through their comms.
"Sure. We'll be there in a minute. Is everything ok?" Hera noticed the worried tone in her friend's voice.
"I'm not sure. Just come, and we'll figure it out," Bonnie replied.
As they arrived, Zudra was waiting in front of the tent. Alex and the rest were standing in front with serious expressions.
Hera leaned towards Blue while picking up the letter that could work as a ripcord, "Do you think they have a court-martial here?"
"I really hope they don't," Blue activated her communicator and whispered, "keep the ripcord on hand, guys."
The group turned towards them and nodded. Hera could tell that they were all hiding one of their hands.
"She arrived! Come, come. I have question," Zudra made a motion for Hera to come closer.
"This is far enough. What can I help you with, general?" Hera asked, stopping closer to her group.
"I know secret you have. We talk private, yes?"
"I have no secrets with my group. Whatever you want to say to me, you can say it in front of them," Hera was adamant against getting too close to the kobold.
"They all know you dragon?" Zudra asked with a smirk.
"You are what?!" the entire group asked all at once.
"I'm what now?"
"You dragon. I know. I see during night."
Hera looked at her party, "Is she making sense to any of you?"
"Not really," Alex turned to Zudra, "Excuse me, general. What did you see exactly?"
"Don't believe? Fine, it is hard to agree. Light fur show dragon strength while protect Zudra."
"Did you summon a dragon with magic or something?" Blue asked.
"Yeah, sure, I can't even figure out a fear spell, but I can summon a dragon. No, I didn't call a dragon or the illusion of one, for that matter," Hera replied, still trying to understand what was going on.
"No no, you are dragon. I see you breath fire," Zudra replied.
"You weren't even there! You were still inside the tent doing nothing while those damn things almost killed me!" Hera's shout made Zudra shudder and take a step back.
"I make big mistake," the kobold general started at the ground, "My help saw you fight and tell me. I should listen to you before. Forgive me, great one," the general lowered her head.
Hera didn't know how to respond. Zudra always treated her badly, but now, she was even bowing to her. A few moments passed where no one said anything, but a few kobolds walking around noticed the movement and stopped to watch from a distance.
"Hang on. Did you breathe fire, Hera?" Bonnie said.
"Not really. It was magic."
"But it came out of your mouth?"
"Yes. Why?"
"One moment," Bonnie turned to Zudra, "general, I'm sorry, but could you give us a moment. We didn't know that we had such a great being in our midst and would like to apologize properly for any rude behavior."
"What are you…," Hera started to speak, but Tom held her arm, shaking his head.
Zudra stared at Bonnie for a moment and then looked at Hera, "I can wait, yes. But not long. I need dragon help."
"I understand. We will talk and meet you back in your tent in… 30 minutes?" Bonnie replied.
Zudra nodded and left the area, heading back to the command tent. Bonnie grabbed Hera and pushed her inside their tent.
"Bonnie, what are you doing?"
"Didn't you hear her? They think you are a dragon! How did you make fire come out of your mouth?" she asked.
"I used the grease fire spell. All I had to do was change the point where it would gather. I can probably do the same with any other spell I have," Hera replied, still confused.
"Great! We can use that."
"Use what? Bonnie, you are not making any sense," Blue asked.
"They are named the Dragon Kin. In some parts of pop culture, some kobolds worship dragons as gods and considering the way Zudra was acting, I bet it's the same for them. We can use that to our advantage. Get more quests, or even being able to command the army," Bonnie explained.
"How is that a good idea? What good would that do to us? Besides, what if they ask Hera to turn into a dragon and fly? " Alex asked.
"Hera can say she is living as a human to help our people, or that she made a vow not to turn back until a debt has been paid. I don't know. We can figure that out. But we can ask them to bring all the quests, and we pick the ones we can do."
"That is an incredibly devious and cunning plan. I like it!" Tom announced.
"I like it too. We can figure out a lot of things with this. Not to mention that if it works, we can use it again during other runs," Runir said.
"I don't like it," Alex said.
"Me neither, it puts Hera in a dangerous position. Those types of lies always get caught," Blue shook her head.
"No, they don't. You have no idea how many CEOs play the good guy part but are actual psychopaths," Bonnie scoffed.
"It doesn't matter. I think Hera should have the final say in this. She's the one who will be in the center of it all," Alex said.
They all agreed to leave the decision to her since she would be the one who would face any potential danger. Hera thought for a moment and turned to the group, "We have half an hour, right? If we can come up with a good plan, a good story about why I can't turn into a dragon, and a good exit strategy, I'm in."
It was a tall order. Hera was asking for a fail-proof plan. It could be mean, but she would have to be in the spotlight, and that wasn't exactly a place she wanted to be. Still, if they could come up with a good enough idea, she would do it.
Bonnie smiled and pulled up her tablet, "Ok then. Here is my suggestion…"
Half an hour later, they were in the command tent in front of Zudra. Hera was doing her best to keep a regal expression.
"Great one. Thank for be here. I sorry for how treated you and for not realizing you dragon," the general bowed once more.
"It is ok. I had to be able to fool even our own kin so the canines wouldn't recognize me," Hera replied using the story they had created.
Zudra looked up, "Can you kill all mutts?"
Hera shook her head, "Unfortunately, no. I must remain hidden to complete my task. But I can protect the camp as a human would."
"What task?" Zudra's eyes were full of wonder. Hera didn't expect such a child-like expression from the general. It was almost like a kid seeing Santa for the first time.
"The canines have imprisoned our kin. My task is to rescue those who were dragged into their city. It pains to say that this is not the only place where they exist, and I must journey towards the very heart of their civilization to save our own. To keep me hidden, I must suppress my powers," Hera replied, pausing after a sentence every time she forgot the lines Tom had written. Bonnie said that part of the reason the kobolds were so keen on learning how to speak properly was likely because of the dragons. They still didn't know if that was the truth, but Zudra responded positively to the way Hera was talking.
"You truly great one. Risk so much for low kobold," Zudra bowed once more.
Seeing Zudra act like that reminded Hera of herself, always being too strict with her actions and putting herself down. She placed one hand on the general's shoulder, "Never speak that way again," Zudra rose her head with wide eyes, "You are not lowly kobold. You are mighty and powerful, just young. I hope to see the day where you will be standing shoulder to shoulder with us."
Bonnie stared at that the two, clenching her fist. The plan was to show that the dragon Hera was strong and kind, but saying the kobold could one day be as strong as a dragon was a stretch. They had no idea how the Dragon Kin would react to that concept.
Zudra's eyes started to water, and she rushed to give Hera a hug, "Thank you, thank you. We grow, we get stronger. Zudra will not let down."
You have given a renewed hope for the general
Troops under Zudra's direct command receive a 50% bonus to their attributes
Zudra's attributes increased by 100%
Medium morale increase
Hera looked back to her group while the general still held her in her arms and smiled with a shrug. Bonnie smiled back and walked towards her.
"General, forgive me for interrupting, but I would like to make a request to the great one," Zudra let go of Hera and stared at Bonnie, waiting for her to speak, "Oh mighty dragon. I know your task requires stealth, and your presence must be kept secret, but please, oh great one, bestow upon the troops your boon even if just to a select few. Give them strength and courage to face the incoming enemy," Bonnie took a knee, facing away from the general.
Hera took a moment, trying to understand what Bonnie was doing. She had no spells to buff anyone. Yet Bonnie seemed to have a plan. Hera had to find a way to talk to her in private. After a few tense seconds, she looked back at Zudra, "Would you give my companions and me a minute to talk? If I am to do such a thing, I must warn them about the perils that the rest of our journey will bring."
Zudra nodded, "Yes, yes. I go out. You stay, drink and eat anything," she bowed to Hera once more and left the tent.
"What's the big idea?" Blue asked, getting closer to Bonnie.
"You saw the notification, right? Did you use any type of spell?" Bonnie turned to Hera.
"No, I just talked. I didn't want them to be saying they suck when Galva, the captain, and the troops work so hard."
"Ok, so what if we put on a little show for the entire army? Don't you think the same effect will trigger?"
"Well... Maybe, but that is a long shot," Alex said.
"That's fine. We can say something like, only those who are worthy can receive the dragon's boon, and Runir can buff a few kobolds if nothing happens," Bonnie explained.
"Ok, but how can we make them believe Hera is a dragon? They saw her fighting yesterday. What if they put two and two together and realized that the 'fire breath' was just a spell?" Runir said.
"That's where this comes in," Bonnie created a pair of earth fists and changed their shape to resemble wings, "I was toying with the spell and figured this out. I can make you a pair of fire wings," she moved her fingers, and the earth shapes started to move as if they were made of feathers rustling with the wind.