Master of Beasts

Chapter 98: Break it for you

Yan Lingxiong looked at Xiao Yang and the red flame rising from the purple flames indifferently, and squeezed his palms, the gray rock was condensed up, and immediately stepped on the steps that made the fire source mineral veins vibrate, and blasted out with a fierce punch. .


The air seemed to be exploded at this time, and the surging wind and waves blew the red flames and fluffs slightly.

At this level of offensive, Xiao Yang's face was slightly condensed. The seventh-order rock spirit bear was obviously much stronger than Song Teng's fifth-order rock spirit bear. Without the use of spiritual skills, he could play such a terrifying game. one strike.

Chi Yan, upon seeing this, let out a warlike whine, spread his claws, and the raging purple flame rose up, and immediately greeted him without evasiveness.


The dazzling spark sputtered, and Chi Yan took a few steps back madly. Only when the soles of his feet touched a flame crystal wall, he barely stabilized his figure, and the rock spirit bear was surprised, why didn't he take this one? After Firefox died, he immediately fists together, raised the top of his head, and then slammed it down.

slightly to one side of the figure, avoiding the rock-like blow of the rock spirit bear, the red flame tail blade drew out, leaving a long blood mark on the rock spirit bear's arm.

It is obviously unwise to compete with the rock spirit bear for power. This kind of spirit beast is too powerful. Few of the same level spirit beasts can defeat it, but the speed of the red flame, the rock spirit bear is not comparable to a horse. on.

There was a pain in his arm, and the rock spirit bear suddenly heard an angry roar, and his broad palms fanned out, tearing the hard flame crystal wall into a long crack.

Rolling on the ground, avoiding this attack, Chi Yan just about to get up, his whole body suddenly stood up, and he rolled for another week, the rock spirit bear's feet stepped heavily on the position where it was just now, and the ground was immediately covered. It is sinking.

"Brother, this Firefox has a spiritual skill that can temporarily raise the rank, it's best to fight quickly!"

Watching the Rock Spirit Bear's attacks fail several times, Song Teng's eyes flashed anxiously, the scene where the red flame penetrated through the abdomen of the Tier 5 Rock Bear like lightning, leaving a lingering shadow in his heart.

"Is it possible to raise the rank? Interesting." Song Que grinned, that smile was rather cold.

The palm of his hand was waved heavily, with only a few purple fluffs. In the eyes of the rock spirit bear, a violent color appeared. With the palm of the hand, the earthy yellow spiritual power turned into a sharp stone spear, and then it was fanned in the palm of his hand. It scatters towards the red flame in a fan shape.

His eyes narrowed slightly. Around Chi Yan's body, flames of flames flowed out, and his aura instantly rose. With a wave of the tail blade, all the stone spears broke and plunged into the ground obliquely.

"The strength is comparable to Tier 5 spirit beasts."

Song Que smiled indifferently: "No wonder the rock spirit bear who can kill my brother was originally an extremely difficult spirit skill, Flame Breath. However, the gap in strength cannot be made up by this small means, so , Let's take it to death."


The rock spirit bear raised both palms, and all the spiritual energy in the body gathered on it. In the blink of an eye, a rock ball exuding majestic spiritual power flashed out. That way, it was obviously more than Song Tengyan spirit bear. Much tougher.

"I have broken this trick." Xiao Yang said calmly.

"What about this trick?"

In Song Quesenran’s laughter, another rock ball was condensed on the other palm of the rock spirit bear. Suddenly, the ground under the rock bear’s feet was sinking a few inches due to the sudden increase in weight. .


In Xiao Yang's voice, there was still no waves. He raised his face slightly and said softly, "I haven't broken this trick, but I can show it to you."

"Arrogant!" Song Que sneered disdainfully.

The rock spirit bear gave a low roar, and two rock **** shot out in a violent circle. Above the rock balls, there were violent power fluctuations, as if even a mountain could be smashed.

The offensive was like a violent wind, roaring, the battle intent in Chi Yan's eyes suddenly skyrocketed, and on the spread paws, a purple ring of fire suddenly flashed out, and during the rapid rotation, there was a stern sound of breaking the wind. .

"What kind of spiritual skill is this?" Song Que's eyes stunned, and he even felt a fatal threat from the spiked ring of fire.


Chi Yan waved his palm, and the ring of fire disappeared instantly. When it reappeared, it had already come to the rock ball surrounding like a double star. It was amazing that the collision between the two did not make much sound.

I saw the fierce ring of fire, directly passing between the two rock balls, and when it appeared again, the fire that permeated it had dimmed a lot.

The rock ball was still shooting, and there was no sign of damage.

"Haha, I thought it was a powerful spiritual skill." Song Teng laughed, Song Que on the side also pouted noncommittal.

The purple eyes calmly looked at the rock ball that was howling, Chi Yan's claws stretched out, and it touched one of the rock balls, and immediately applied slightly.


I saw the two rock balls, and they stopped spinning instantly, cracks, like spider webs ~~, spread all over the rock balls, and immediately burst into pieces with a bang.

Both Song Que and Song Teng's pupils shrank, but they had not had time to react. The slightly dim ring of fire, and the spiritual power skyrocketed, the speed suddenly increased, and after several circles, they slashed fiercely. Yan Ling Xiong's head.

"Rock Spirit Bear, use a stone shield!" Song Que shouted quickly.

Rock Spirit Bear was also a little flustered for a while, with both palms hitting the ground, a rock wall rose up like a shield, blocking it in front.

However, the destructive power of the fire thorn ring far exceeds the hardness of the stone shield. After a slight flash, it tears the defense of the stone shield, and the sharp fire thorn clearly appears in the eyes of the rock spirit bear.

With arms crossed, the spiritual power of Yan Lingxiong's whole body surged rapidly, all gathered on his arms, a layer of extremely hard rock armor emerged, and it collided heavily with the coming fire thorn ring.


The edge of the fire thorn ring was on the rock armor, spinning wildly, bringing up a dazzling spark. The next moment, it shot out from the back of the rock spirit bear's head like lightning, deeply embedded in the fire crystal wall. .

With his arms hanging weakly, Yan Lingxiong stared at the purple flame demon fox blankly, his mouth opened, and he fell backward weakly, gurgling blood, flowing in the passage.

"How could this happen?" Song Teng looked at the rock spirit bear lying on the ground, his legs trembled slightly, this Firefox hadn't had such a terrifying spiritual skills a few days ago, how could it suddenly become so powerful.

The one who was hit even more was undoubtedly Song Que. He entered this fire source ore with ambition, in order to get the rock mushroom monsters and make his own strength further, but the realistic blow made him mentally unbearable.

"You brother, it's not too difficult to mess with."

Xiao Yang looked at Song Teng with a smile, and shook his head slightly.

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