Chapter 87: Chapter 6
I spent the next half hour at the barbecue grilling meats and observing the party as the guests who arrived in small groups. My sisters came by every now and again to keep me company and introduce me to some of their friends. I was quite bad with names and learning so many in such a short period was a sure-fire way for me to forget absolutely everything about them.
Emily spent the most time with me. She sat on the stone-topped bench behind me and we chatted about music, movies and books we enjoyed reading. I found out she was particularly fond of high-fantasy novels, and that her favourite animals were wolves.
Each of my sisters dropped a drink off to me when I was starting to run low, and I was beginning to suspect they were keeping an eye on me. Each time my brew was down to its last mouthful, one of my siblings would appear with a cold one and a smile. Erica flaunted herself as usual when it was her turn. She'd changed into a modest black two-piece bikini and had wrapped a thin shawl around her wide hips that danced with each step she took. Even though she'd covered her juicy ass with the thin material, it still hypnotized me each time she walked by, which seemed to be every five or so minutes.
Mel was the only one of my new siblings that skipped bringing me a beverage. She had changed into a black and white striped bikini after her shower, and now sat by the edge of the pool with a few other girls that I would have ogled openly any other day. They were all total babes, but they had nothing on the girls of the house.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of time to converse with Amanda as the party started to kick off. Like the dutiful host she was, she spent most of her time floating from one group of guests to the next. Chatting with people here, laughing with others over there. The joyful glint in her eyes and the flash of her smile made her impossible to look away from.
And her ass in those shorts. A man could die from old age staring at those taut cheeks.
Once I cleaned up the grill, I took the empty plates and utensils into the kitchen to clean them up. I wasn't fond of scrubbing caked-on fat from the barbecue, so I set about the task of cleaning everything now.
The small cluster of people standing in the kitchen chatting moved to the kitchen counter when I approached, but one of the three guys gave me a friendly nod before turning back to the black-haired girl I suspected was his girlfriend. The three girls in the group all gave me an up-and-down look before turning back to the other guys, but nothing more.
The guests were about what I expected after meeting my siblings. There were more guys with long hair and shaved heads than girls with brightly coloured hair. I really didn't stand out all that much in this crowd.
"Don't they teach you how to party in England?"
Erica's now familiar voice cut through the dull hum of conversation and background music coming from the living room. I turned to see my gorgeous half-sister saunter towards me with a tumbler in each hand. The two fingers of amber coloured liquid sloshed around in the glasses as she added what I guessed was an exaggerated sway to her hips. Not that I minded in the slightest.
"Work, then play," I smiled.
"Well that's no fun," Erica pouted, then placed the whiskey tumblers on the counter beside the fridge.
"This will only take a few minutes, then it's done," I replied.
Erica didn't reply as she opened the double door refrigerator and leaned inside. She bent at the waist, giving me a front row seat to her veiled behind. The shawl still hung from her hips and curtained her glorious butt like a magician's cloak hiding secrets. I wanted to look, but I also didn't want to spoil the magic.
After a dozen seconds passed—more than needed I was sure—she straightened with some ice cubes clutched in one hand. She dropped two cubes in each tumbler before bringing the fifth to her lips. I watched with rapt attention as she slid the cold block of frozen water along her full lips, licked it with her tongue, and trailed it down the side of her neck and over her chest.
"It's so hot," she said casually, as if she didn't know what she was doing to me.
I turned back to the sink in an attempt to hide my growing erection, but I couldn't help but look back at the seductress that was my sister. Her full lips glistened with moisture, and the trail of wetness down her neck and over her chest all but begged me to lap at it with my tongue. Like it was a paint by numbers where my tongue was the brush, and my sibling the canvas.
I'd thought at first that the two drinks she brought over were for her and a friend, and that she was just grabbing some ice. So, I was shocked when Erica held one of the tumblers out to me.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Just trying to make you have fun," she smiled back.
I took a sip of the whiskey and could tell immediately that this wasn't the cheap Jack Daniels we were drinking the night before. This tasted expensive, and I wondered why Erica would waste such a fine drop on me. Was she really into me? Or was she just flexing? Either way, I was going to enjoy the fuck out of this.
"Damn! That's good whiskey," I exclaimed.
"I'm glad you like it," she smiled. "I figured we shared some common tastes."
Her words left me wondering at her meaning. We'd enjoyed the same foods and booze so far, so that might be it. But I had a feeling she was referring to our little game we had been playing since I got here.
I openly ogled Erica's body as I took another drink, and I saw her eyes drift down to my crotch. I was turned away from the others in the kitchen so they couldn't see my bulge.
But Erica could.
The fire in her eyes was all the proof I needed. This wasn't a game to my temptress of a sibling, she wanted me as bad as I wanted her. The only question was. Do I act upon it?
Erica had come across as the type of girl who didn't chase anyone. She was intelligent and sexy. She could have any single guy at this party, and even most of the girls. I doubted she initiated much when it came to pursuing partners, preferring to have guys throw their dicks at her until she deemed them worthy of her attention. So that meant I had to make the difficult decision of fucking a member of my newly acquired family.
Emily all but ran into me as she threw her arms around my neck. The faint scent of beer and bourbon filled my nostrils as I breathed in, but it wasn't an overpowering, nor an unpleasant smell. I enjoyed beer and bourbon after all. I hugged Emily back, very aware of my arousal situation. Emily leaned into me and I had to place my drink down and wrap both arms around her waist to keep us both from toppling over. There was no way she didn't feel my dick pressing into her stomach.
"Nice to see you too," I laughed. "I see you're having fun."
"Of course," she smiled as we parted. "I love parties, and my big brother is here."
"It's a decent party," Erica chimed in. "But our dear brother prefers dishes to having actual fun."
Emily looked to her sister, then me, then down to the sink full of soapy water and cooking utensils. Then she scrunched up her cute nose and shook her head. "Nope."
"It needs to be done," I chuckled.
"Nope," Emily repeated. "House rules state that no cleaning is to happen until the next day of a party."
"I get the feeling you just made that up," I laughed.
"She did," Erica said. "But I'm going to enforce this rule."
Before I could object any more, Emily began tugging on my hands in an attempt to drag me away from the kitchen. I let her lead me away, and I saw Erica follow after us with a whiskey tumbler clutched in each hand.
"Manda!" Emily called out a second later. "Nick's trying to clean during the party!"
Amanda came running in from the backyard, a look of worry on her face from the volume at which Emily called her. But her face softened into a peasant smile before shifting into a playful stern expression.
"No way mister," she said, crossing her arms. "This is your party after all."
"I guess I'm out-numbered," I sighed in defeat. "Just don't make this a regular thing."
"No promises," Amanda smiled.
Emily quickly darted off to the living room and returned after turning the music up. A well-known song from a classic Australian rock n roll band kicked off, and next thing I knew I was being dragged into the living room by Emily, with Amanda pushing me along. Emily danced like no one was watching, and I smiled at my cute, dorky sister. I was never much of a dancer myself, and I quickly learnt that our bad dancing skills must have come from my father, because Amanda joined in. I was sure we all looked like complete idiots, but the grins on my siblings' beautiful faces were worth anything.
Erica chose to take a seat and sip on her whiskey. I guessed her type of dancing was probably more like a serpent; meant to hypnotize men and get them aroused in a heartbeat. I was probably being overly critical of my most seductive sibling, but she hadn't really given me much else to go on in the short time I'd known her. Although, when my eyes met hers at one point, I saw a much different girl. She was smiling, genuinely. Usually when she smiled it looked like a cat grinning over a crippled mouse she'd discovered--at least that's how I felt sometimes. But this time I could see actual mirth and enjoyment in her sultry gaze. She had a cold, hard exterior, but I knew now that she loved her sisters, and seeing them happy made her happy.
I pondered on her need for protective walls and barriers for a minute or two, then pushed it aside. I lived with her now and had plenty of time to find the woman she really was beneath all her smoky eyeshadow and sultry looks. But I would find out, especially if anything intimate were to happen between us. She could get as hurt as the others if I fucked up.
"Hey babe."
A tall blonde man stepped up to our small group and put his arm around Amanda. He was about my height, with long golden hair, piercing blue eyes and a clean-shaven face that looked to be a carbon copy of Fabio. His black tank-top drew attention to his lean arms. I sized him up immediately and guessed he could probably throw a decent punch, but I must have outweighed him by at least twenty kilograms.
"Craig!" Amanda hugged the man. "Glad you could make it."
I felt an instant stab of jealousy as Amanda hugged the newcomer, but I squashed it immediately. She was a grown woman and allowed to see guys. She'd probably known him a hell of a lot longer than she knew me. It was silly to be jealous.
But I could tell straight away that she could do better than this guy.
"Craig, this is my brother Nick." Amanda gestured to me.
"Hey man," he said with a nod, then held his hand out. "It's a pleasure. Amanda hasn't shut up about you coming to visit."
I took his hand and gave it a firm shake. His own grip was quite strong, so I wasn't surprised at all when he didn't flinch. "You too."
I left it up to the Fabio lookalike to decipher the meaning of my reply, but he didn't show any sign of insult. He actually didn't show much expression, and I started to wonder if he wasn't very bright. I had met guys like him before, and they usually just expected people to like them immediately since they were so pretty and 'cool'.
"Hey Craig," Emily waved, one arm still draped over my shoulder.
"Hey Em," he greeted her. "Hey Erica."
I glanced over my shoulder to see Erica taking a sip from her drink and giving Craig an off-handed, dismissive wave before turning her attention back to her phone, as if it was far more important. I got the feeling she didn't like Amanda's boyfriend, and I made a mental note to dig into why.
Two more people flanked Craig like henchmen from a bond movie. The one to his right was short, with a barrel-like chest, big arms, and a head of long, thick, jet-black hair. His beard was equally impressive as it reached half-way down his broad chest. He glanced around the party as if looking for someone, but he didn't leave his friends' side. The guy on Craig's left could have been his younger brother, although the only resemblance was their height, blonde hair, and blue eyes. Where Craig was lean and muscular, this kid was all skin and bones. He also lacked the powerful jaw that the Fabio clone had and didn't exude confidence like Craig did.
"This is Daniel and Paul," Craig introduced the black-haired man, then the blonde.
"Nice to meet you guys," I said with a casual wave.
Daniel offered me a friendly nod before returning to his room gazing. Paul looked me up and down, then let his eyes linger on Emily for much longer than I'd have liked. Emily squeezed me tighter and rested her head against my shoulder. I had a feeling she felt uncomfortable under Paul's gaze, so I wrapped my arm around her waist, settling my hand on her hip. The gesture could have been taken the wrong way by almost anyone, but at the moment I couldn't have care less. I just wanted to make sure my sister felt safe and comfortable. If Paul kept up with these looks at her all night, we were going to have to have a word.
"I'll be back in a bit," Daniel said to Craig, then quickly excused himself.
Craig's eyes followed his friend as he carefully picked his way through the throngs of people. Daniel moved slowly and deliberately, like he was always mindful of others around him. A man of his build could easily push his way through almost anyone at this party, but he chose to take his time. That alone—and his friendly nod—made me like him far more than the other two he arrived with.
"Is he still chasing after Jen?" Amanda asked her boyfriend.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "One night together and he's in love."
"Poor guy," Amanda sighed. "He deserves a nice girl."
"Is Jen really that bad?" I asked Emily, quiet enough that no one else could hear over the music.
"Jen likes to keep her options open," Emily replied.
"That's a very polite way of saying she's a slut," I chuckled.
"Well...she is my best friend after all," Emily grinned.
Out of nowhere, a girl collided with Emily with a massive hug. She was shorter than my sister and was petite in every way, except her rather perky breasts. Her long black hair was perfectly straight and contrasted strongly against her pale skin—which she was showing a great deal of. I took a half step back from my sibling as she and her friend hugged it out in a chorus of laughing, questions and speed-of-light conversation that sounded less intelligible than the background hum of the party guests.
Somewhere in their mix of chatter I picked up the name Jen. I assumed this was Emily's fabled friend that was interested in meeting me—and the object of Daniel's infatuation—and I had to say, I was quite eager to get to know her more.
She wore a pair of black sports shorts with white trim that covered her tight, round ass, while leaving her slender legs bare. The top she wore was equally as tiny. It—along with her bra—lifted and pressed her round, perky breasts together delightfully without covering an inch of her well-formed figure. Her stomach was flat and smooth with tight lines of definition around her stomach and along her hips. This girl obviously took great care of her body. Jen wore the customary winged eyeliner makeup of the goth girl with just enough eyeshadow to give her the seductive, smoky-eyed look.
Smoking hot body and make-up aside. Jen was incredibly pretty in her own way. This might be the best thing for me; someone to focus my attention on and get them off my siblings. If the way Jen was looking at me was any indicator on how she felt about me already, it wouldn't be too difficult to persuade her to have a little fun.
"This is Nick," Emily said, bringing my attention back to reality.
"Hello, Nick," Jen said, taking a step closer to me. "I'm Jen. I've heard so much about you."
"All good I hope," I chuckled, letting my eyes roam her body once more.
"Of course," Jen smirked, catching my wandering eyes.
We stood there for a moment when our eyes locked. Her dark blue orbs seemed to burn into mine with a fierce intensity filled with lust and desire. This was a woman who got what she wanted. She probably came from a rich or well-off family and had everything given to her. Her good looks had been a genetic lottery and she'd always had access to the best of the best when it came to beauty and fitness. I'd bet the remaining money in my bank account that she had a meal planner and a personal trainer. Although, with how amazing her body looked, I was okay with that.
The rest of the party was mostly spent with Emily and Jen. Erica dropped in and out regularly as she floated about the party talking to different groups. Each time she glided up to the three of us, she had a fresh drink in hand for me, along with a sly smile and wink when the other two weren't looking.
Amanda had all but vanished for the night, but I did catch a glimpse of her from time to time, standing by Craig's side as he spoke loudly with his hands and barely spared a glance for my sister. She looked a little bored, but not once did she leave his side except to grab him another drink. Mel was mostly absent, but I did see her lounging by the pool with a few of her friends when I went out the back for a smoke. She gave me a friendly smile which warmed my heart. I was a little worried about the guarded way she had received me yesterday and seeing her beautiful smile now put me at ease. She was just a little more reserved than her sisters. A lot more than Erica.
"So, Nick. Do you have a girlfriend?" Jen blurted out.
I had just taken a sip of my drink, and I half spluttered the strong liquor at her straight-to-the-point question. "No girlfriend."
"How does such a handsome guy like you stay single?" she asked, placing a hand on my forearm and leaning in nice and close.
"Well I've only been in the country for a day," I replied. "I'm not that good."
"Lucky for me then," Jen said softly.
Her hand had shifted from my arm to my thigh, an action that wasn't lost on Emily, who was seated on the other side of me. She frowned at her friend but said nothing.
I originally thought that hooking up with Jen would be a great way for me to blow off some steam and hopefully get rid of these feelings towards my sisters. I'd only been in the hottie house for a day, and I was as horny as a teenager at a strip-club. A week of this and my balls might just explode. That or I'd do something I would regret later. However, that look on Emily's face—that look of jealousy and disappointment—it hurt to see that.
After spending some time with both girls, it was easy to tell who dominated their friendship. While Emily was gorgeous, funny, sassy, and a joy to be around, Jen was sexy, confident, and had a far louder personality. She dominated the conversation, and everyone seemed to know the beautiful raven-haired babe. Almost every guy openly checked her out, and most of the girls she'd spoken to fawned over her for some reason. Emily was just the background friend.
And that really didn't sit right with me.
Emily was probably accustomed to everyone wanting to be friends with Jen and not her. The guys going for Jen over her. Jen demanded a certain amount of attention be directed at her, and she was good at getting it.
During one of Jen's conversations with a guy passing that she knew, I spied Amanda by herself. She was walking around the side of the pool, and up the steep incline to the backyard where my flat was located. I looked about for Amanda's Fabio clone of a boyfriend and saw him with his buddies by the backdoor of the house. They were chatting to a group of bikini-clad girls who all seemed to have eyes for Craig only.
I quickly excused myself from Emily and darted away from her and Jen before the raven-haired vixen could protest. She'd probably be annoyed at me for daring to give someone else my attention, but I'm sure I could put her in a good mood later. If I wanted to anyway.
I followed the way I'd seen Amanda walk only a minute earlier and saw her sitting on the steps to my flat, smoking a cigarette.
"Hey," she smiled.
"Hey to you," I smiled back. "What are you doing up here?"
"Needed to get away from all that for a minute," she replied, handing me the cigarette. "What about you?"
"Saw you sneaking away, so I thought I'd check to make sure you weren't up to mischief," I replied, taking a small drag from the smoke before handing it back.
"I do not get up to mischief," Amanda grinned.
"Fabio doesn't like you smoking?" I asked, taking a wild guess.
"Not one bit," she smiled before finishing the cigarette off and stamping it out. "But sometimes I need one when dealing with him."
"Trouble on love island?" I asked, maybe a little too hopefully.
"Craig has a big personality and loves the spotlight," she sighed. "I just wish for once we could do something for just the two of us."
My heart thumped a little harder at hearing her sadness in her voice. Craig was the male version of Jen, and it was no wonder the two hadn't hooked up. They'd struggle with sharing the spotlight.
"I think he needs to learn how lucky he is," I said without thinking.
"That's sweet," Amanda smiled, then kissed me on the cheek.
We sat in comfortable silence for about fifteen minutes. Amanda rested her head on my shoulder, and I wrapped an around her, pulling her closer. The sounds of music and conversation were proof that the party was still in full swing, but I was happy enough where I was right here.
"I'm glad you're here," Amanda said in a whisper. "Please don't leave."
"I won't," I replied, kissing the top of her head.
I inhaled slowly, savouring the scent of her hair and I felt Amanda melt into my body more as she too sighed. Her hand was resting on my leg, but it felt different to when Jen had done it. The motion of her thumb against my bare skin was calming and soothing, not arousing and sexual. Sure...I was still hard enough to hammer nails, but I was also relaxed and comfortable in my sibling's presence.
"This is much nicer than any party," I said after a few minutes.
"Sorry," Amanda replied.
"For what?" I asked.
"We thought you'd appreciate a big welcome and like to meet some new friends," she explained. "I guess we should have asked you first."
I smiled and kissed her head once more. "I really do appreciate it, Amanda. It's been great to meet some new people, but you and our sisters are what's important to me right now."
Amanda turned her face to look at me, and I was caught like a deer in headlights at how beautiful she looked in the pale glow from the moon. Her gorgeous blue eyes regarded me with such intelligence and wonder that I couldn't look away. I was completely smitten with this woman, and I had been from the moment I saw her.
I wracked my brain for something to say, but all thoughts of conversational topics were erased from my brain as I stared at her beauty. Her body felt warm against mine, and I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms and devour her entire being.
But I couldn't. I had to fight these feelings and put an end to this.
My words were cut off as Amanda's lips pressed against mine. It was soft to begin with—as if she was testing the waters—but I automatically returned her kiss. Within a few seconds, our tongues were battling for dominance as we forgot ourselves and simply enjoyed the moment. I wasn't sure when it happened, but Amanda had swung a leg over me and now straddled me. My hands found purchase on her hips as her fingers ran through my hair as she pulled me into her. Amanda's hips rocked against me, and my hands guided her movements before I let my fingers trail under her top, and up the smooth, bare skin of her back. I felt her moan into my mouth as her body shuddered from my touch, making me want to touch her more and more. I was drunk on the feeling of her body and addicted to the sounds I was drawing out of her.
We finally came up for air after what felt like an eternity. Her hair hung about us like a black curtain, blocking out the outside world. Our chests heaved with heavy breathing as we struggled to calm out beating hearts, and I felt the length of my hard-as-iron rod nestled between her legs.
"Holy shit," I whispered. "Amanda...that—"
Before I could finish what I was about to say, Amanda's eyes lit up with realisation. She quickly jumped to her feet—muttered an apology—and quickly darted away. I called out to her, but she was already halfway down the incline of the backyard, and already out of sight.
"Well...fuck," I muttered to myself, leaning back against the steps. "Way to go Nick."