Literotica Lover

Chapter 75: Chapter 3: Talk

"We need to talk."

The words sent a jolt of alarm racing down my spine as I closed the door to my room behind me. A series of questions rapidly flashed through my head. What the hell was my sister doing in here? How long had she been waiting like this? Was that T-shirt the only thing she was wearing? And was the vibe still inside her?

The last two, in particular, were extremely out of place, certainly not ones I would have thought even just yesterday, but that's the mental space I was in after today. "Talk? About what?" I didn't want to be the one to bring it up, so I tossed the ball back into her court, moving over to drop into my desk chair.

Elayne arched an eyebrow at me. "I dunno, maybe the remote control you took from my room? Or how about the fact you gave me an orgasm in the car this morning? Or maybe about how you left me on the third setting for the entire. Fucking. Afternoon."

The blood drained from my face. "No. No way. I dropped it back down to the lowest setting only a few minutes after raising it to that level. I realized it was going to be too much!"

"The remote only has a limited range, dumbass. If you change the intensity while it's too far away then it doesn't take effect until you get close enough. I dropped down to a one as soon as you got home."

Holy shit. Did that mean it was really still inside her? My eyes couldn't help but drop down to her crotch once again, the long shirt she was wearing pooling in her lap as she sat cross-legged.


My eyes shot back up to meet hers. There was a small smirk on her lips. "No, I just--"

"Was wondering if my pussy had a vibe in it, I know."

Hearing my sister say the word "pussy" to me was something I'd never imagined would happen. I was even more embarrassed as my dick began to harden. "I mean... are you?"

Elayne's eyes widened as my face heated up like the sun. "You already have the ability to figure that out on your own," she slowly replied.

Was she... daring me to use the remote? This whole situation was insanity. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that the best thing I could possibly do in this situation was to apologize and give the remote back to her. So, of course, I reached into my pocket, grabbed it, and pressed the plus button twice.

My sister immediately moaned, so loudly that I jumped in surprise and desperately prayed that our parents were both still downstairs. A moment later, I realized I could hear a buzzing noise, which didn't make any sense.

"Just kidding," she said, smiling cheekily as she reached down and pulled the pink vibe into view from where it had been hidden in her lap. It dangled from her fingers on a thin strap, buzzing wildly. "I'm impressed. Didn't think you'd actually try it when we were alone like this." In one, smooth motion, she bounced to her feet--her long, bare legs flashing into view. "Come on, let's finish this convo in my room."

I didn't ask why we couldn't do it here, I just followed behind her in a daze, belatedly realizing I should turn the vibe off as we passed through the bathroom. My eyes were glued to the shape of her ass that her shirt barely concealed as she crossed her room before dropping down onto her own bed--this time with her legs dangling off the side instead of underneath her. Elayne frowned as she saw me staying by the bathroom door.

"Come, sit," she said, patting the sheets at her side. "I promise I don't bite."

"I'm... not sure that's a great idea." I swallowed thickly. "You're basically half naked. I shouldn't even be in here."

Elayne pouted. "Please? I feel like after everything you've put me through in the last day, the least you owe me is a brief chat. And it'll be way more comfortable sitting down on the bed than standing over there."

I couldn't deny that she was right, on both counts, so I reluctantly walked over and joined her--although I sat down further away than where she'd indicated. It was meaningless, as she immediately shifted over, her leg brushing against mine.

"So, let's get right to the point." She placed her hand on my thigh, her eyes looking directly into mine. "Why'd you steal your sister's remote?"

"I... I don't know. It was stupid. I just saw it there and thought there was no way it was real. And if it somehow was, then it would let me play an amazing prank on you. At the end of the day, I just wasn't thinking. I know it was wrong. I'm sorry." The words came out in a desperate rush, embarrassment flooding through me.

There was a long moment of silence before she gently squeezed my leg. "Erik. I'm not angry with you. I'm the one who chose to use it again today, after all. To tell the truth, this whole thing has worked out way better without me having control over the remote."

"Worked out?" I finally looked over at her, frowning. "Wait, did you plan this whole thing?!"

Elayne blinked before quickly shaking her head. "No, no, not at all. The vibe only arrived yesterday. I was so excited to try it out that I popped it right in, and then almost immediately after Mom called out that dinner was ready. I knew that I should have taken it out, but god, it felt so good buzzing away inside me I didn't want to. Plus, the idea of wearing it to dinner secretly was such a massive turn-on. So I left it inside. I never imagined you'd be up in my room so I wasn't as careful with the remote as I should have been."

I did my best to stay as still as I could, not wanting my sister to realize how excited I was getting from what we were discussing. "But... buying a vibe and then wearing it to school? I never would have imagined that was something you'd be into."

She shifted in place, her thighs grinding together in a way that made me swallow. "I just get... extremely horny sometimes."

"Like... fuck a bunch of strangers horny?" It definitely wasn't the right thing to say, but it popped out anyway.

She punched my arm, hard, but the smile on her lips let me know she wasn't actually angry. "Not like that, I'm not some kind of slut. For the record, I'll have you know that I've never slept with anyone."

I swallowed. Fuck, why did that have to make my dick twitch?

"But what about you, bro? Find anyone to poke with your cock in the first semester? Maybe that's why you only got a 3.7?"

My mouth fell open and I struggled to come up with a response. Both because this was an absolutely wild conversation to be having with my sister, but also because she'd decided now of all times to bring up the difference in our grades. "What? No. I was too busy studying to get good grades to spend much time doing anything else."

"Interesting, so that means--"

Whatever she was going to say was cut off by the sound of someone knocking on her bedroom door. Of course, it could only be one of our parents, so I immediately freaked out. The door was already opening, though, meaning there was no way I'd be able to make it to the bathroom in time.

"Quick, under the sheets," Elayne hissed, pulling them up off her bed. "Stay behind me and don't move a muscle."

It was only after I'd done as she'd instructed that I realized there was no way whoever it was could have known what we were talking about, and that there wasn't anything inherently wrong with me being in my sister's room. By that point, Elayne had already slipped in after me, sliding backward until I was essentially spooning her. If anything, this was only going to make things dramatically worse if my presence was noticed.

"Elayne? Are you feeling any better, honey?" my mother asked, her head poking in through the doorway.

"I am," Elayne replied, grinding her ass backward into me. "A lot better, in fact."

My mouth fell open in astonishment. Was she seriously doing this? Now? My traitorous cock was enjoying it, however, stiffening up and pressing into her hard enough that there was no way she couldn't feel it.

"Well, that's good to hear, at least. If you're hungry, there's still some leftovers on the top shelf in the fridge. Feel free to help yourself."

"Thanks, Mom. By the way, please don't pressure Erik about his grades. I'm sure he tried his hardest." She rubbed her butt back into me, even more than before.

I would have groaned if it wouldn't have given me away.

While I couldn't see our mother's face, I could tell from her voice that she was wearing a confused expression. "It's nice to see you looking out for your brother, but you don't need to worry about that. Your father and I are both very proud of the two of you."

I couldn't help but wonder how proud they'd be if they knew we were dry-humping each other under the sheets at that very moment.

"Anyways, I'll let you get to sleep. See you in the morning, dear."

"Night, Mom!"

Elayne waited a moment after I heard the door close before she flipped over to face me, an excited grin on her face. My heart jumped, and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. She also didn't pull away, leaving our faces far closer than I could ever remember them being. My eyes dropped to her lips and how soft they looked. Quickly growing flustered, I scrambled for something to say. "Did you have to bring me up? Were you trying to get us caught?"

Elayne's eyes twinkled. "Of course not, but you have to admit, didn't it turn you on, doing something so inappropriate directly in front of Mom?"

My cock twitched again and I hated that she was right. "Yes, but--"

"Listen, this whole situation has got me thinking. More than anything else, what I've learned over the last day is how fucking good it feels when you're not the one providing the... stimulation. The vibe was one layer of that, but then you being the one to control it made things even more incredible. Since neither of us is dating anyone..."

She trailed off, her cheeks all but glowing a bright red. Apparently, actually saying it out loud was too much even for her, but it was blatantly obvious exactly what she meant. And it blew my mind. If someone had told me I'd ever be talking about this with my sister, I would have punched them in the face and called them sick. I knew I should be opposed to it, that my immediate reaction should be to turn her down, but lying there in her bed, our bodies pressed together, I wasn't sure what to do.

"I--I'm... not sure, this all feels a little weird."

"It's only weird if you make it weird. Besides, it's not like I'm asking you to fuck me."

I don't know what kind of facial expression I made, but it made her choke back a laugh. "Unless you want to fuck me?" She bit her lip in a way that was wholly unfair, one of her eyebrows raising upward.

"No! I mean... kind of yes, but at the same time, no!"

Elayne laughed, shaking her head slightly. "Trust me, I know the feeling. Don't worry, I'm not that horny."

At least not yet.

She didn't say the words, but I knew without a fraction of a doubt that we were both thinking them.

"Did we just..."

" the twin thing?" she finished, looking at me in astonishment.

It shouldn't have meant much, and I'm pretty sure we were both aware that twin telepathy wasn't real, but in that moment, I felt a closer connection with Elayne than ever before. "Fine, I suppose we can at least try it out. But if it gets weird then we stop, okay?"

"Yes!" Her eyes lit up as she seemed to bounce with joy. "You're the best brother ever."

And then my sister's lips were pressed against mine.

Contrary to my expectations, it wasn't weird at all. In fact, it was rather nice. I lost myself in the kiss--amazed at how soft Elayne's lips felt pressed against my own--although it ended sooner than I would have liked as my sister pulled back.

"Well, was that weird?"

I shook my head. "Not really. A part of me knows that we shouldn't be doing any of this, but that ultimately just makes it hotter."

"Yay! See, you're getting it now!"

I laughed. "So... how does this work? What kind of rules are there in terms of what we can and cannot do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like... can I just touch your boobs now, or what?"

"I don't know, can you?"

Elayne's breathing deepened and her eyes were locked onto mine as my hand shifted over to her waist and began slowly creeping up her side. I paused for a moment once I reached her upper chest, building up the courage to take the next step. My sister's tits. The sight of them from the night before flashed before my eyes, and I couldn't constrain myself any longer.

As my hand shifted down to cup her breast, I realized several things at once. The first was that she clearly wasn't wearing a bra under her shirt, not from how soft and supple it felt--not to mention that I could distinctly feel her hardened nipple pressing into my palm. The second was just how perfectly it fit into my hand, overflowing it slightly, but molded together in such a way that it felt like we were made to do this. And the third was a realization that I now wanted to do far more to my sister's boobs than simply mere touching.

"Just so you know, my nipples are super sensitive," Elayne said with a grin. "As for rules--"

She cut off with a hiss of pleasure as I gently tweaked the nipple I had access to through her shirt to test what she'd said. The sound was music to my ears and caused my cock to only get harder than it already was.

"As for the rules," she began again, giving me a playfully stern look. "I think the only things that matter are that we're both comfortable and having a good time and that our parents never find out what we're doing. This is very much an experiment, so we'll just have to try things out and see where it goes."

"That sounds good to me," I replied, only half paying attention as I continued to grope her.

"Someone sure seems to be enjoying themself," she said with an amused chuckle. "Can I take this to mean you're a boobs-over-ass guy, then?"

I nodded fervently. "Very much so, and especially when they're as incredible looking as yours are."

"And how would you know what your sister's tits look like?" she asked, giving me a curious but not upset look.

I could feel my face burning as I desperately attempted to explain. "I... might have snuck a peek at you last night, after dinner, when you were enjoying yourself in the bathroom. The door was cracked slightly open."

"Oh." Elayne's cheeks flushed a pretty pink before she bit her lower lip, and then let it pop back out of her mouth. "Want to see them again, only much, much closer this time?"

"Yes. Please." My response was immediate, and I would have been embarrassed at the speed if I hadn't been so incredibly turned on.

She shifted slightly, her upper body rising upwards off the bed and causing the sheets to pool at her waist. "There's only one little problem. I'm not wearing anything at all under this shirt, so if I take it off, I'll be completely naked. Is that okay with you?"

I swear my brain nearly short-circuited. "I... I'm okay with that, as long as you are," I stammered, my eyes locked onto the two tents in her shirt. I could easily make out her nipples. Were we really doing this? Was she actually about to strip naked?

Elayne's hands briefly disappeared under the sheets--her arms crossing in an x--before coming back into view with the hem of her shirt gripped in her fingers. She hesitated for a moment once she reached her stomach before, in one swift, smooth motion, she peeled the shirt off and let it drop on the floor.

At that moment, I knew that I would never forget the sight before me. Her breasts were just as I remembered them from last night, firm, pert, and standing proudly out from her chest without even the slightest hint of sag. Crowning each of them like a diamond, her nipples poked out, veritably begging to be sucked on. And I couldn't resist their call.

I lunged forward, nearly tackling my sister--her crystalline laughter filling my ears. We landed with me on top of her, but in such a way that one of her thighs was pressed against my cock while one of mine was nestled in her crotch as I ended up straddling her leg. I only even vaguely noticed the position since it was providing my cock a nice surface to grind against because the rest of my attention was entirely focused on the nipple that was now in my mouth.

Swirling my tongue around it, I sucked and was immediately rewarded with a moan from my sister's lips. Her hand slid into my hair, gripping it and pulling me tighter against her. Encouraged, I continued to suck away, one of my hands finding her other breast so that it wasn't left out of the party. In response, Elayne clapped her other hand over her mouth as she let out another cry of pleasure. Given our parents' room was right down the hall, I appreciated her efforts to not get us caught.

Not wanting to leave her other nipple to just my fingers, I reluctantly let the one I was currently sucking on slip free, before quickly moving my head over to latch on to the other one. Once again, I used my fingers to make sure the first wasn't left out, and this time with my spit still coating it I was able to make her cry out even louder. At the same time, we were both grinding together under the sheets and my dick was making it painfully clear that I was getting incredibly close to coating the inside of my boxers for the second time in a single day. Not that I was going to let that stop me, although a part of me wished that I'd also stripped down.

"Fuck, are you actually going to make me cum from just my nipples alone?" my sister gasped from between her fingers. "I've never been able to do that on my own."

A sense of pride filled me, and I redoubled my efforts, desperately wanting to make her orgasm now. I continued to shift my mouth back and forth between her tits, sucking and slurping, nipping and twisting to my heart's content. The whole situation was so incredibly wrong and yet so incredibly right. It didn't matter that it was my sister's nipples I was devouring, because anything that felt this fucking good couldn't be a bad thing.

It wasn't much longer before I felt Elayne's entire body tense under me--her thigh digging painfully into my dick--with both of her hands now clamped over her mouth to muffle her deliciously sexy noises. Unable to contain my own pleasure, my cock throbbed hard once before yet again exploding inside my pants. I collapsed at her side, both of us gasping for air in the aftermath of our shared orgasms.

"So fucking good..." she murmured, almost sounding like she was in a daze.

My sister's tits were a bright red, her nipples swollen from all the attention I'd given them and completely covered in my spit. It was ridiculously hot, and something I'd certainly never expected to see, much less to do her. That thought consumed me, forcing me to acknowledge exactly what I'd just done. And while I didn't regret it, and I'd enjoyed it immensely, it nevertheless forced me to question if it should have happened at all.

While I was almost positive the answer to that question was a definitive yes, I felt like I needed a moment alone to truly come to terms with where this bold new path we were walking down together was leading. "This was amazing, and I love this new thing between us, but I also need some time to process what the fuck we just did. I'm sorry."

Elayne shook her head--her eyes full to the brim with affection--clearly not upset in the least. "Don't apologize. But you could always stay here, you know. Sleep with me." She winked.

My mouth went dry as I briefly considered the offer before shaking my head in denial. It was outrageously tempting, but I knew I needed a moment away from her intoxicating presence to clear my head. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. I'll see you tomorrow. Night, sis." With that, I fled--slipping out from under the sheets before hurrying to the bathroom to clean myself up. I didn't look back, and my sister's soft laughter followed me back to my room.

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