Literotica Lover

Chapter 73: Chapter 1: Remote

"Congratulations on finishing your first semester of college!" my dad declared as my mother placed the potatoes in the center of the dining room table before taking her seat next to him, across from my sister and me. "We're both very proud of the two of you."

My mother nodded her head in agreement. "Before we dig in, however, we'd like to see each of your grades, as we agreed on at the beginning of the school year."

Elayne groaned at my side. "Seriously? Can't it wait until after dinner? It's not like they're going to change at this point and I left my printout upstairs on my desk."

"So is mine," I said, pushing my seat back. "Don't worry, sis, I'll grab yours too."

My sister's eyes widened fractionally, but before she could respond I was already up and out of my chair, racing for the stairs. Like her, I just wanted to start dinner, but I knew this was something our parents weren't going to budge on, making the easiest solution to just do as they asked. While it was mildly annoying to still have our grades matter so much even though we were now in college, the fact that our parents were paying the entirety of our tuition made it hard to complain. The agreement we'd settled on was that as long as we stayed over a 3.5 GPA then they'd continue to cover the full cost--otherwise, we'd be expected to start paying a portion of it ourselves.

Reaching the second floor of our house, it was only a short distance down the hallway before I was standing in front of the door to my room. I pushed it open and hurried inside, making my way over to my desk where I'd carelessly tossed my backpack onto my chair when I'd gotten home earlier. It took me a moment to riffle through the papers inside to find the one I was looking for, but once I found it, I spun around and quickly entered the shared bathroom between mine and Elayne's room.

Sharing a bathroom with my twin sister was at least partially responsible for our relationship drifting apart over the years. Not that we didn't still get along well, but when all you wanted to do was jump in the shower and relax, only to find it already occupied by your twin, it was impossible not to get frustrated. To be fair, I liked long showers just as much as Elayne did so we were both very much at fault in that regard.

Oddly enough, the light in the bathroom had been left on, which was unusual since that was the way we signaled for the other not to enter. For some unfathomable reason, the doors to the bedrooms hadn't been installed with locks so any sign of light shining along the edges of the door frame was as good as a "do not enter" sign. Knowing Elayne was downstairs at the moment, I didn't worry about entering. I caught a glimpse of myself in the wall-length mirror as soon as I was inside--short, faintly curly brown hair with blue eyes and a, let's be honest, fairly average body. Not that I was ashamed of it. I worked out on occasion, but I'd much rather sit around playing video games than spend time playing sports.

As I reached the opposite side of the bathroom and grabbed the handle of the door leading into Elayne's room, I paused. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been in her room, and I knew for a fact I'd never entered through the bathroom before. Pushing the weird feeling away, I slid the door open. With the light in her room off, the first thing I noticed was the smell--a gentle, floral note that I vaguely recognized as her perfume. Not wanting to overly invade her privacy, I decided to leave the lights off and use what was coming from the bathroom to guide me. I made my way across the room to where her desk sat against the far wall and immediately saw the printout she'd mentioned lying on top of it. At first, my eyes were captured by the large 3.9 circled in the bottom right, showing that she'd beaten my 3.7 which I knew I was never going to hear the end of. But then my eyes shifted slightly over to the object sitting next to the paper, almost hiding in the shadow of her chair--a remote.

I blinked several times, caught off guard and not entirely sure exactly what I was looking at, although I had a sneaking suspicion. It was clearly not a television remote since she didn't have one in her bedroom, not to mention the fact it only had three buttons: power, plus, and minus. Between the plus and minus buttons were five LEDs, only one of which was currently glowing softly. I'm not sure what insanity came over me in that instant, but before I knew it, I'd grabbed her grades with one hand while shoving the remote into one of my pockets with the other.

Fleeing her room, I closed her door behind me and crossed the bathroom in an instant, flicking the lights off as I returned to my room. Taking a deep breath, I tried not to think of the remote control I could feel sitting in my pocket, almost like a hot coal. What the fuck was wrong with me? Why the hell had I just taken it like that? I almost turned around to go put it back, but by this point if I was gone for any longer the rest of my family would start to wonder what was taking so long. Besides, if I was being entirely honest, if this was what I thought it was, then I could play the most amazing prank ever on my sister as we ate dinner. It would even be worth the inevitable ass-kicking it would earn me.

Decision made, I left my room and headed back for the dining room. "Elayne nearly got a perfect score!" I shouted as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

Her head snapped over to look at me as I rejoined my family, causing her ponytail to flick over her shoulder as her crystal blue eyes seemed to pierce through me. "You better not have messed with anything in my room," she snapped.

"Like what?" I asked, giving her my best confused and innocent look as I handed the papers off to our parents. "I was in and out in the blink of an eye since it was exactly where you said it was. You left the bathroom light on, though."

She blinked in surprise, the tension clearly draining out of her as she settled back into her chair. Taking my seat next to her, I couldn't help but think of the remote in my pocket and what exactly it might control. The fact that my sister of all people had it, and that, given by the glowing light, she'd apparently worn it to the dinner table of all places. The thought completely shook my mental picture of her. Assuming I was correct, at least, and there was only one way to find out.

In the background, I could hear our parents praising us as they served dinner--steak, potatoes, asparagus--but the words flowed in one ear and out the other. I nodded and smiled at what seemed like the right times, all while my left hand slowly, ever so slowly, crept its way into my pocket. I was so wound up I nearly jumped out of my seat as my finger brushed against the cold metal of the remote.

"Everything okay, Erik?" my father asked.

Cursing internally, I nodded. "Yeah, I just can't believe how good this steak always is." It wasn't a lie, Dad made a killer steak.

Thankfully, no one questioned why one of my hands was under the table, and I'd made sure to cut the steak into chunks in advance specifically for this exact reason. Finishing its journey, my finger reached the plus button, the symbol gently pressing into my skin. This was the deciding moment. Once I pushed this button there would be no going back, no way of pretending that I had no idea of what was going on.

On the plus side, there was no way Elayne would be able to immediately confront me about it, not without giving everything away to our parents. There was also the chance that I was completely off base here, that this remote wasn't what I suspected and that pressing it would have no impact whatsoever. I honestly wasn't sure if I wanted that or not.

I pressed the button.

The reaction was immediate although, to Elayne's credit, I'm positive that our parents didn't notice since they weren't focused on her like I was. Her body stiffened and I could hear her legs shift together under the table. She also inhaled, and I realized my timing hadn't been the best as she'd just taken a sip of water. Coughing loudly, she set her glass down heavily enough that some of the liquid sloshed over the lip, spilling onto the table.

"Careful," my mother chided, shaking her head ruefully. "I always tell you that you eat too quickly for your own good."

"You're right. Sorry, Mom," Elayne said once she'd finished coughing and had caught her breath. Her eyes almost imperceptibly flicked over in my direction, but she didn't say anything to me.

For my part, my mouth suddenly felt insanely dry. Holy shit. I was right. My sister was wearing a vibrator. Taking a sip of my own water, I strained my ears, trying my hardest to see if I could hear any buzzing sounds. Nothing. I didn't know anything at all about vibrators so I had no idea if they were quiet enough that you couldn't hear them, but given how they worked, that didn't seem likely. Of course, the other option was that it was inside her.

Feeling the blood rushing to my head at the thought, I desperately downed the rest of my glass and jumped to my feet. "Anyone else need a refill?"

Elayne shook her head, still not looking at me, but my dad finished the last of his water before handing me his empty glass. "Thanks."

"No problem," I said, grabbing it and making a beeline for the kitchen. Once I arrived, I set the glasses down and immediately pulled the remote out of my pocket. Two lights greeted me, showing that I had, in fact, increased the intensity as suspected. Three more lights must mean that there was still a decent way to go, but I also had no idea how much each one might ramp up. At the end of the day, this was all just an extremely crazy prank and the last thing I wanted to do was get my sister in trouble with our parents. Not that I thought they'd care about her owning a vibrator, but wearing it to dinner was a completely separate matter. I still couldn't wrap my head around what had driven her to do it.

As I filled the glasses with cold water from the fridge, I struggled to decide if I should push things any further or leave them be. I'd already had my fun, managed to tease my sister in the most unbelievable way, and learned a lot of things I'd never expected about her. If I was being reasonable, there was absolutely zero reason to turn on that third light. And yet...

A part of me was insanely curious to see what kind of reaction I might get.

I made my way back to the dining room, water glasses in hand, and paused in the doorway. My parents were still eating, chatting with each other about something related to work, but Elayne was just lying there, leaning back in her chair. Her neck was resting against the top of the chair--her brown hair cascading down its back--with her eyes closed and her lips drawn into an incredibly faint smile. Looking closely, I could tell from the rise and fall of her chest that she was breathing deeply but shallowly, and while I'd be lying if I said my eyes didn't flick over her breasts to check for hardened nipples--I couldn't make anything out--they quickly moved away since looking at her like that felt wrong.

To me, it was blatantly obvious exactly what was going on and how much she had to be enjoying the little toy buzzing around inside of her, but to her credit, there was no way our parents would be able to guess that anything was happening on the other side of the table.

Setting my dad's glass down, I returned to my seat, took another sip of water, and then subtly glanced over at Elayne. There was no discernible change from earlier, other than maybe a slight tremor as she shifted in her seat. Before I was even fully aware of it, my finger pressed the button a second time.

Her eyes shot wide open as she jumped upward in her seat, a noise coming from her mouth that was clearly a moan disguised as a cough. "Oh, shit!" she shouted. "Sorry, I totally forgot I have to send an important email to Professor Lawson. I have to run!" Before anyone could react, she was gone, racing out of the room before her footsteps could be heard pounding up the stairs.

"Well that was unusual," my mom said, frowning softly. "Elayne's not usually one to swear, and considering how well she did this semester I expected her to be teasing you about it. Do you know if something is going on?"

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. "Nope, nothing really comes to mind." My hand in my pocket tightened around the remote, and I carefully hit the minus button once. I hadn't expected a reaction that strong, maybe I'd gone too far. "I'm sure she's just a bit stressed out after working so hard this semester."

"Hmmm, I suppose so. Maybe you could go check in on her? I know the two of you don't like us commenting on it, but your father and I would love to see you getting along like you used to."

"It's not like we're that distant," I said with a frown. "Besides, we grew up. Isn't it only natural for siblings to drift apart a bit once they get older?" I knew what my mom was talking about, of course. Elayne and I used to regularly have a movie night each weekend where we'd watch a movie together on the living room sofa. Towards the end of middle school, it had begun to fall off, and then once high school had started it had completely died out. A part of me did miss it if I was being honest, but it was a long time ago and things had changed.

"Please, just a quick check? She doesn't talk with us as much as she used to," my mom said.

I sighed. "Alright, fine. I'll go see if anything is up."

My mom beamed at me as I got up from the table and left, clearly pleased. As I made my way back upstairs, I knew there was no way in fucking hell that I was going anywhere near my sister's room. Not now, not after what had just happened at dinner. It had gotten dark enough outside by this point that I could tell the light in her room wasn't even on from how dark the hallway was. I tried my hardest not to imagine what she might be up to in the dark. Almost certainly not sending an email to her biology professor, that was for sure. I knew it was only a matter of time before we ended up talking about what I'd done, but as far as I was concerned, it wasn't something I was going to be the one to bring up.

Stepping into my room, I immediately noticed that the bathroom light was back on, indicating that Elayne was likely inside. I couldn't hear the water running, though, so she wasn't taking a shower. The next thing I noticed was that there was slightly too much light filtering into my room. Quietly moving closer, I realized that when I'd passed through earlier, I'd pulled the door closed behind me but it hadn't fully shut--leaving the tiniest amount of a crack possible. Elayne must not have noticed, since from her side the door would have looked closed. Not really thinking about it, I took one, brief look through the gap, preparing to silently close the door to respect her privacy.

I froze, my heart stuck in my throat. The last thing I'd expected to see was my sister standing in front of the mirror with her hands cupping her bare tits. And so help me, were they a fucking amazing pair of tits. I didn't know anything about cup sizes, or how any of that worked, but in my eyes, they were perfect. Firm, pert, and given the way they rested in her palms, a pretty generous handful.

Despite knowing that I absolutely should not be looking at any of this, I couldn't tear my eyes away, especially as her fingers slowly drifted upwards to gently pinch her nipples. My cock, which had already been stiffening, reached the point where I was forced to reach down and reposition in it my boxers so that it wasn't so painful. The fact that there was a small bead of pre-cum that ended up smearing across my palm did not make me proud. This was so wrong.

But it was also seriously, fucking hot. Hot enough that I couldn't stop myself from seeing what Elayne might do next.

Reaching down, her hand slipped between her legs, hidden by the marble countertop. I'd certainly never in my life expected to watch my sister finger herself, but a moment later her hand came back into view--a small, pink object dangling from her fingers. The vibrator. Now that it was outside her pussy, I could ever so faintly hear it buzzing away. To my shock, the situation only got more insane as she raised it to her lips and sucked it into her mouth, a small moan escaping her lips. I slapped my hand to my mouth as my cock throbbed at the undeniably sexual sound, not to mention the spectacle I was witnessing.

My twin sister was sucking her own pussy juices off the vibrator that had been buzzing away inside her while we'd been eating dinner as a family. And I still had the remote control.

I staggered backward, away from the door, my mind reeling. Before today, I'd never once looked at my sister in a sexual way. I mean, sure, as we were growing up I'd noticed her boobs getting larger and had always thought she looked pretty, but not like that. Not sexually. She was my sister for crying out loud. I fell into my bed on my back, the back of my arm resting over my eyes as if it could block out the sight that was now permanently seared into my brain.

"Shit," I heard her faintly mutter before a moment later the small crack of light coming from the bathroom vanished as she quietly closed the door, sending my room into pitch blackness. I lay there in my bed--my heart beating like it was trying to break out of my chest--completely and utterly confused. Why the fuck was my cock harder than it had ever been before and when had my sister become so fucking sexy?

As those thoughts spun around my head, I slowly drifted off to sleep, making sure to hit the power button on the remote that was still clutched in my hand. After all, there was always a chance I might be able to mess around with it more tomorrow.

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