Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 1418: Encirclement by Troops and Horses

Chapter 1418: Encirclement by Troops and Horses
Now the prince wants to meet Sun Housheng, will he agree?
A fool would not agree!

Sun Housheng was trapped in the quagmire, and it was difficult to escape. In the final analysis of this civil uprising, he was just a puppet who was forcibly pushed out. In fact, everything was done by unknown mysterious figures behind the scenes.

What's wrong with Sun Housheng?

He just has a relatively low IQ and was taken advantage of in a daze.

As the leader of the civil uprising, it would have been very dangerous for the current prince to meet him. After all, he was the nominal leader of the rebellion.

But Sun Housheng felt that this was his turning point.

As things have developed so far, he is completely out of control and must find another way to escape and save his life.

The prince's summons was an opportunity for him.

Still on the bank of Taihu Lake, a temporary camp was built on a flat land about ten miles away from the civil revolution team, and Li Sujie, the king of Xi, temporarily settled in the camp.

Two hours later, Sun Housheng arrived at the camp and saw more than a thousand armored soldiers waiting in formation outside the camp. The black armor, strong horses, swords and halberds emitting cold light, and the cold and indifferent eyes of the soldiers... …

Sun Housheng hadn't started camp yet, but his legs and feet were already weak.

What on earth did I do? How dare I provoke the imperial court?
Just the sight of these more than a thousand soldiers in front of him gave him a sense of powerlessness in the face of the majestic mountain. What on earth did he think that he wanted to shake this mountain in the first place.

Li Sujie met Sun Housheng in the tent.

Sun Housheng did not come alone. There were several burly men behind him.

As soon as these people entered the tent, Li Sujie sensed something was wrong.

After Sun Housheng entered the account, he bowed to the ground and bowed. He knelt on the ground with a look of fear and uneasiness, not even daring to raise his head.

The several burly men behind him had expressionless faces. Although they also knelt down and worshiped, they could not see much awe.

Li Sujie stared at Sun Housheng silently, observing Sun Housheng's expression.

The more he observed, the more strange he felt. At this moment, Sun Housheng looked frightened, his fat body was trembling, and his kneeling posture was also very pious.

How could such a person who was in awe of the imperial power incite the people to revolt?

Very unreasonable!

After a long time, Li Sujie said in an indifferent tone: "Did you instigate the Jiangning civil uprising?"

Sun Housheng trembled all over, and cold sweat instantly covered his forehead: "I... villain, I..."

As he spoke, Sun Housheng couldn't help but turn his head and look at the faces of the burly men behind him.

Turning his head, Li Sujie understood a lot.

Li Sujie slammed the table and shouted: "Come here!"

Several members of the Li family rushed into the account.

Li Sujie pointed at the big men behind Sun Housheng and shouted: "Take these people down and kill them!"

Several big men were shocked. Before they could resist, the Li family's tribe rushed up and knocked them down. After several blows, they were tied up and escorted out of the tent.

Only Li Sujie and Sun Housheng were left in the tent. Sun Housheng's body was shaking more and more violently, and his face was horribly pale.

Li Sujie put on a pleasant smile and said: "Don't be afraid, the damn person is dead. Now you and I might as well be honest with each other..."

After a pause, Li Sujie continued: "Of course, I don't care if you still refuse to be honest. Even if the court does not dispatch troops to suppress it, the more than a thousand people outside the camp can quickly put an end to the civil uprising. I think you should be very good at it." Do you understand this?"

Sun Housheng couldn't bear it anymore. He banged his fat head on the ground and cried loudly: "This villain is innocent and is being held hostage! Please save me, Your Highness!"

Li Sujie showed a warm smile, which was exactly the same as Li Qinzai's.

"Come, let's have a chat about what's going on."

Half an hour later, Li Sujie already knew the ins and outs of the civil uprising and all the inside stories.Sun Housheng was still kneeling in front of him, looking at him uneasily.

Li Sujie was deep in thought.

This is a task assigned to him by his husband. He must not only complete it smoothly, but also complete it neatly and beautifully in order to live up to his trust.

While he was thinking, a member of the Li family reported to the account that General Xue Rengui had arrived with his army. More than ten thousand troops under his command were encamped five miles away, and the civilians could attack at any time.

Li Sujie was overjoyed when he heard this, got up and walked out of the tent.

"Please ask General Xue to lead the troops immediately and form an encirclement against the rebellious people. However, do not use weapons rashly. Sir, I have said that only the culprits will be punished and others will be spared."


Camp outside Gusu City.

Li Qinzai was having a lively chat with the family heads.

It is related to the vital interests of the court and the major families, and the negotiations cannot be completed in a short time. Everyone has to bargain over some details. Sometimes it is normal for you to come and talk for several days around a small issue.

From the taxation policy of Jiangnan land to the number of troops in the New World, etc., after one round of discussion, Li Qinzai became more and more impatient and wanted to flip the table.

I miscalculated. This kind of specific and trivial matter should be discussed with a court official. My dignified Duke is arguing with others like a vegetable seller. The price is too low.

The family heads here did not feel at all. They knew their own value very well. The land and benefits given to them by the imperial court were not given in vain. The imperial court also needed them to develop the new continent. While expanding the territory of the Tang Dynasty, it also needed to use the newly acquired land. prosper.

This can only be done by aristocratic families. The power of the imperial court is limited, and private landlords and businessmen are the backbone of development and prosperity.

Therefore, while the family heads understand their own value, they also have the confidence to compete with Li Qinzai.

Let’s put aside the civil unrest in advance. Business is business. Since everyone is sitting together to discuss cooperation, there is no reason to actively give up interests out of awe and fear.

You can kill me, but the benefits must be given.

This is the mentality of all family heads at this time.

This negotiation lasted from morning to evening, and a whole day passed. The general direction of the talks was almost the same, but there were still many details that had not been discussed clearly.

At this time, Li Qinzai's patience was almost reaching its limit.

Holding back his anger, Li Qinzai knocked on the table with his fingers and said: "Today's banquet, I can see that everyone is enjoying themselves..."

Everyone looked at him with doubts in their eyes.

From what angle did you find that everyone was enjoying themselves?
Combat, intimidation, and various means were used in turn. We had the courage to chat with you all day long. Is this what you call "enjoyment"?
Well, maybe you are the only one who enjoys it the most...

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "It's getting late today, so we'll continue our conversation tomorrow..."

Then Li Qinzai paused and continued: "But we'd better have a lively chat tomorrow. Don't talk about trivial matters on the table. It's not respectable to drop prices!"

"My mother-in-law is still pregnant. Something happened here. I'm in a hurry to get back to Chang'an. If you delay my mother-in-law's delivery of the baby, I might go crazy." Li Qinzai's smile was already a bit cold.

Prince Teng, who was also a little impatient, nodded after hearing this: "Yes, I am not polite anymore!"

Everyone looked at him puzzled.

Prince Teng pointed at Li Qinzai and said, "I am not talented. His pregnant woman happens to be my daughter."

So everyone, hypocritically and against their will, handed over their hands and congratulated King Teng.

Prince Teng laughed and returned the favor: "Same joy..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Qinzai's eyes quickly covered his father-in-law's mouth with his hands, and he stared at him and said slowly: "My father-in-law, please be careful. We can't share the joy of this matter. I did it alone and it has nothing to do with others!"

(End of this chapter)

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