E108 – A King should be able to manage at least this much…

The next few weeks went by like a dream. The various squads of soldiers each went about to their work with fervor, they didn’t wish to lose against the now healed Marching Blades, who were training for many hours of the day before then helping with the terraforming around the main city where the mine was located. 

They had already created most of the nearest six villages, the carpenters going from one village to the next and creating large homes for the various people to live within. There were large numbers of tents out, though soon they were replaced with the skeleton forms of homes which they draped cloth over like sophisticated tents, before then they were filled. He had the new stonesmiths work on creating a few central buildings in each village before continuing on to the next. He let them figure out how to make such cement and how to slot the stone together.

He was proud of how quickly the carpenters worked. They had quickly formed the skeleton structures in a village, completing an entire village’s worth in a single night and then took two more to completely finish the buildings. They let the apprentices nail the various wood together, overseen by a few master carpenters before going off to the next village. They worked with deathly efficiency. 

Many farmers began claiming the land around the villages, and soon there was a bit of fighting between the various farmers and hunters. Ares came to mediate them, almost slapping a few when they wouldn’t understand. “All of this land belongs to me. You are all allowed to work it freely, though I will hope that only one of you will oversee the work, and if anything goes wrong, it will be your head on the stake.” He warned before he laughed. “I won’t actually put your heads on a stake, though you would have wished for such honour.” He then went about letting the farmers work on the entire land, picking the most senior to overlook it. Each village was responsible for stockpiling their own food, and then also creating a surplus that would be sent to the main city in case there were times of famine and such. Ares made sure they understood that they would have to create at least half extra as part of a surplus, and each village would be expected to keep about a month’s worth of food in storage as well.

The various villages were almost entirely formed, with many having already moved around. Much of Sohka’s tribe had joined him already, though he had yet to settle them in any of the villages. He kept them nearby so that there were no tensions between the newcomers and those that had first joined him. He let the other oxfolk remain at the base of the mountain and the surrounding plains where they could sleep and begin farming. Ares did warn them that after a few months they might be asked to leave, but they were allowed to keep whatever they had gathered among the land and such. He did ask for them to share a little with those working at the fort since they were being allowed to watch and such. 

Ares was also gifted much from Sohka’s tribe, as they had found some of the baggage train of the human soldiers on the way to the place. They had sorted out the money into equal parts, including a part for himself. Yet Sohka gave most of their share to him as well, and Ares graciously accepted. 

Sohka had been slightly worried about the rules of the land, which was that anything gained by an individual, they would only be allowed to keep a tenth for themselves, and the rest would go to Rivea. “What of those that are injured, they would have nothing to trade for healing and food?”

“When in Rivea, one does not need to trade for healing and food. Shelter, safety, food, medicines, all of these are provided to all Riveans. Such is the duty of the King and Consul.” Ares said. “Though, we are sure to place in provisions and systems to make sure that each community will be able to thrive by themselves. There will be a level of autonomy for each community, as long as they remember they are Riveans first, and everything else second.” 

Sohka understood the sentiment, for the Seven Tribes had a similar foundation too. Ares was glad to have found a like-minded individual in Sohka. The other Horns had left back to their people, but had sent a representative to speak on their behalf, a relative or someone of great respect, along with a handful of oxenblut and such. They would listen in to each meeting and observe Ares. Ares had informed them that Rori held a great power, even more than his own in some ways, and that this was a Kingdom of two great powers, not just his own. They hadn’t quite believed him, but he just thought he had to convince them through action.

Ares would often check the base of the mountain and the wolffolk, making sure they were keeping out of trouble. He handed the human slaves over to Heria and her people, they were now responsible for watching over the humans. The humans had gone a long ways away and had begun to dig out the earth and then create a wall, starting from one side of the mountain and then circling around about a few miles away. It would take them forever, so he also set forth a large number of soldiers, some of which were the oxfolk that had joined him, some of which were his own soldiers. He set about ten squads to work with the humans, so each human was at least outnumbered six to one from the soldiers and the wolffolk charged with looking after them. The wall was about seven feet high, though the ditch on the other side made it closer to about ten, a little more in some cases.

Ares had also already started to form a straighter path towards the fort from the shrine. Though he would need to speed it up. Perhaps the new oxfolk could help him do that? Especially those in the army… or perhaps those that aren’t in the army? He could have the help of the younger ones and then have the soldiers supervise. As long as it isn’t too harsh, they could help clear the area with the help of the soldiers. 

There was so much to do still. Ares needed to figure out far too much. ‘Maybe I need to start delegating all these tasks?’ He thought to himself, and looking out to everyone, he sighed. ‘No, not yet. A King should be able to manage at least this much…’


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