E104 – Right, thanks for that…

He left the evening meal soon after, for he was full and his mind was almost as heavy as his stomach. There was something at their doorstep that he needed to deal with. Ares walked over to meet with the dragonfolk, who had been eating themselves. When he saw the First Dragon, he bowed his head, and they returned the bow.

The First Dragon invited them in and then he entered the temple that Peros had partaken in their orgy. Ares looked around but then was quickly brought to some cushions. He had hoped they had been washed, he didn’t want any residue on him. He shuddered at the thought.

He sat down and was brought some fine drinks and food, the smell of it made his mouth drool and his stomach felt empty even though he had just ate. He brought a piece of meat to his lips and then he realised.

This was basically mixed donner. He looked to the First Dragon and then continue eating, using his fingers to eat each little piece.

“Thank you.” He said with joy as the First Dragon bowed their head. The First Dragon was an extremely attractive man, and Ares was rather annoyed that so many powerful people were so handsome, though he supposed he himself wasn’t quite so ugly… Perhaps there was some truth to such things?

He continued to eat as the First Dragon sipped on their wine, or whatever it was that they were drinking before Ares snapped back to attention. “Excuse me.” He said as he licked his fingers clean and then pulled back, spraying his hands with some water to clean them up properly and then he placed his hands onto his knees.

“I have come to speak with you, oh great First Dragon.” Ares said.

The First Dragon bowed their head, their long white hair flowing down over their shoulders. He waited for Ares and then cocked their head to their side, crossing their arms in anticipation.

“I wanted to know where we stood. I am King Ares, Master of Waters, Kin of all Riveans, I’m sure you have heard that quite a bit though. Rivee has given me a task and I want to know where you stand. Your people were responsible for protecting his shrine, and now I have taken such a task, I want to know what your place is in all this.”

The First Dragon looked up and closed their eyes, humming quietly before beginning to chant. Ares felt a comfortable feeling envelope him, a familiar feeling, as though he was meeting with an old friend. Then he began a conversation with Levi.

An hour passed and Ares was brought back to the present and the First Dragon let out a long sigh. Their body was covered in a thick hot sweat and they looked as though they were about to pass out.

Ares was particularly confused. He didn’t quite understand what had happened. He was sure he was speaking with Levi, and yet… he didn’t quite recall about what. Ares felt as though they had come to an agreement on something, but now he needed to speak with the First Dragon.

“What just…”

“We have spoken.”

“We have spoken? About… what?” Ares cocked his head slightly, narrowing his eyes. “What… I don’t understand what we talked about, would you mind helping me out here?”

“We have spoken with Rivee, you and I, of our place in the world, and we have shared a meal. What is it that you wish of us, our people.”

“Well… I want you to be a Rivean.”

“If that is your request, we shall honour it.”

“Alright, well, then… will you speak to the rest of your folk about it?”

“I will. I shall inform them of your demands and your deal.”

“Right, thanks for that…” Ares furrowed his brows a little confused. He had no idea what had happened but that had been much easier than he anticipated. He allowed the First Dragon to guide him out before a roar then engulfed the mountain.

It filled Ares with a deep cold.

The First Dragon looked up and seemed unbothered by it. He then looked down towards Ares. “The Mother Dragon has awoken.”

“What does that mean?”

The First Dragon looked back up. “She will see you one day. I shall fetch for you when she requests such a meeting.”

Ares nodded his head slowly and then left the dragonfolk, who were all looking at the sky as if waiting for a sign.

Ares returned to his people fairly confused as to what had happened. The night was dark and the stars were twinkling. He looked out to the sky himself and then began to look between the stars as if searching for something before he walked over to his tent, seeing Lana already there. She was playing with her hair, brushing it between her fingers. When she saw Ares, she stopped and smiled.

Ares nodded to her. “Would you mind if we brought the kids in tonight?”

“If it would please you.” Lana said as she lay down and then Ares went to bring the three to the tent. They each walked by themselves before then finding their place on top of Lana and himself.

He was holding Ozri in an arm as Ozar half sat on his face and neck, before rolling over though Ares quickly caught him. He shook his head and chuckled.

Runar was currently feeding with Lana, whose top was free. Ares tried not to stare, though Lana didn’t seem to mind.

“Do you know who you wish to make your Queen?” She asked.

“I have a few ideas.”

“Indeed? May I hear them.”

“It’s embarrassing.”

“That’s why I asked.”

Ares shook his head and then Lana drew closer to him to steal a kiss from his lips. He chuckled and then brushed his fingers through her hair.

“The strangest thing happened today…”

“You awoke the Mother Dragon…”

“Well, I didn’t do that, I don’t think…”

“Then who did?”

“I don’t know. Can’t she wake up by herself?”

“She could, but I gather that you probably had something to do with it.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean exactly what I said. You have brought such madness in this world, it is your role in it, is it not?”

“Perhaps it is…” Ares laughed and then kissed her neck.

“You are a maker of trouble.”

“Yeah, yeah… I also… I feel like I spoke with Rivee when I was there. But I didn’t speak with him, it just kind of happened.”

Lana rest her head on his chest, her ears flickering here and there. “I don’t understand.” She said as she looked up at him.

“Nevermind.” He said, feeling a little silly about it all, even though it did seem fairly weird. He leaned in to kiss her forehead and then he continued to play with his children until they wanted to go to sleep, and so did he.

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