Kind Demon King

173-Shadow and Flame

Seeing the fire burning in Arslan’s green feline eyes, I was sure that he wasn’t just going to keel over and die. I still didn’t know if he had what it takes to survive but even he probably didn’t know that. Nobody knew until they were pushed to their absolute limit.

I pulled out the sword I got from Belkonot from my shadow. This Shadow Storage skill proved itself to be very useful as I could just reach into my shadow and pull stuff out instead of rummaging through my bag of holding. It was heavy even for me and it was longer than me.

(Demonic Swordbreaker)



(A greatsword forged in the fiery depths of the demonic realm using materials unique to that realm. While its origins and materials make it a formidable artifact, the records of rivers of blood spilled and weapons shattered using this weapon have imbued it with even greater strength.)

(Sword Breaker: True to its name, Demonic Swordbreaker possesses the ability to shatter any conventional weapon it comes into contact with. Any weapon that’s not coated with mana or aura will lose 10 Durability when they clash against this sword. This option weakens against mana or aura-coated weapons, destroying 5 durability for a clash.)

(Blood Boon: When coated with blood this absorbs it, magnifying the mana used to reinforce it. The rate of magnifying will depend on how strong the enemy is.)

That axe Bloodbane wielded was troublesome, I could sense it that much. Honestly, the Sword Breaker option was a real cheat. Someone on my level could swing this sword tens of times in less than a minute and take a large chunk of Durability. If it wasn’t for my Sacred Sword having infinite durability even I could have been in trouble. But now it was in my hands.

Holding my Sacred Sword in my right hand and demonic sword on my left, I charged forward. Even though even one of them would be heavy for someone else to wield, with my increased stats I was able to clash against Bloodbane with deadly precision.

“That sword… You killed Belkonot!”

Even though the clash of our weapons produced booming noises every time they hit each other, the angry shouting of Bloodbane rang in my head.

“Yeah, I did. Was he your boyfriend or something?”

I jumped back as he swung his weapon in a wide arc, releasing demonic energy everywhere.

“He was nothing! He was just a foot soldier I ordered around and you think you are strong because you defeated him?”

Looks like I managed to make him angry. Well, angrier. It was my intention so that he would focus on me instead of Arslan who was making his way to Bloodbane’s back with Gökbörü, using the energy and dust caused by his attacks as a cover. To corner him I charged from the front.

“Ah, I understand. You are sad that your boyfriend died. You are denying it to cope with your grief.”

My entire left arm shook with the sensation of my sword bouncing off Bloodbane’s axe. Even with mana and my buffs, I was weaker than him physically and every exchange I had with him made it more obvious. He tried to use my left arm momentarily being displaced to bring down his axe to my head. I managed to parry it sideways with my right sword while stepping to his side, saving my head from exploding like a watermelon.

It was now Arslan and Gökbörü’s turn. Arslan’s twin swords clad in golden aura tore gashes into Bloodbane’s back while Gökbörü unleashed a barrage of ice spears. Bloodbane tried to swat them with his remaining wing.

“Hey, I am the jealous type. You should pay attention to only me!”

Even though they couldn’t hit as hard as me, their hits managed to shift Bloodbane’s attention to them slightly. I didn’t miss that chance, loading massive amounts of mana onto my sword and unleashing them with Mana Erupt. The explosion was strong enough to break its bony protrusions and tear open a large wound across its torso.

He touched the wound with his claws, covering them with blood before swinging them wildly towards us. I dodged the drops of blood raining upon me despite their boiling blood not hurting me before and it was the right choice. The moment blood came in contact with something it exploded, sparking a fire that was hot enough to threaten me.

“Kill, maim, burn!”

Starting a fire dangerous enough to engulf the entirety of Whifur must have fired up Bloodbane as he stomped the ground while chanting. His stomping was so intense that it not only shook my body, it also caused what little structures were left to crumble. I quickly used Titan Slayer’s Rune while manifesting a giant spear. I let go of both of my swords and grabbed the massive spear with both of my hands while the rune filled me with power.


Using all of my strength I threw it to Bloodbane. It must weighed a hundred kilograms or more yet I was able to launch it close to the speed of sound though my back complained by sending a sharp pain through my entire body. Bloodbane reacted by raising his axe overhead and swinging it down, choosing the take it head-on. As the spear collided with Bloodbane's axe, a shockwave rippled through the air, shaking the ground beneath my feet while massive amounts of mana were released in the air.

Heh. Just like I planned.

I ran, leaving my other weapons behind while manifesting my hammer, bigger than ever. I used its option just in case.

(Wurmblood Resonance is activated. Your defense increases by 10 for 5 minutes. Your resistance towards any kind of toxin or poison increases by 10 percent for 5 minutes.)

I didn’t think my spear a a bullet or javelin. I thought it as a nail and one needed a hammer to drive a nail to its place. I swung it down to the tip of my spear which was barely stopped by Bloodbane’s axe. With a deafening roar, the spear broke through Bloodbane's defenses, shattering a chunk out of his axe and striking true. The demon let out a guttural scream of pain as the spear lodged itself deep within his chest, the momentum causing him to fly back as my shoulders screamed in pain.

Bloodbane planted his claws deep into the ground to stop himself while Arslan didn’t give him a second to breathe as he attacked the demon as soon as he stopped. Even though Bloodbane was wounded he was still stronger than Arslan as after managing to get several strikes in he was thrown away by a heavy axe swing. He tried to throw his blood after Arslan to finish him off but I couldn’t let it happen. I manifested my shield, gigantifying it to create a barrier between Arslan and him while I reached him. I called upon my sword while dodging his axe strikes. I grabbed my sword mid-air and answered his strikes with several of my own.

“You are nothing! You mere mortal!”

Bloodbane shouted, his anger apparently fueling him as the spear inside his body started to melt while my joints screamed under the pressure of every strike I blocked. I couldn’t find a way to gain distance or use my agility as his strikes became more and more relentless. I was barely able to dodge as strike aimed at my head, my helmet shattering as the blade cut into my forehead. Blood covered my vision as something heavy slammed against my body, sending me flying into the air. I felt several of my ribs break when I landed, the pain making my eyes bulge.

I tried to get up, the pain causing me to pause for a second.

“This isn’t the time!”

Bloodbane was running towards me, his massive frame getting bigger and bigger. He raised his axe overhead, bringing it down. Knowing I couldn’t tank it I turned my torso into shadow, letting it pass through me. I rolled on the side and swung my sword which was blocked by his axe. His fist entered my vision and I turned into a shadow once more. However, the punch never came. Instead, he opened his hand and released an arc of fire.


The heat and light tore through my shadowifed form, making me feel pain so intense that my vision went black. It was so bad that I crawled on the ground to escape it in a shameful display. Bloodbane’s mocking laughter filled my head but I didn’t care. I crawled as he raised his weapon again. I had two choices: Take the hit or risk being burned while turning into a shadow. I chose to take the hit.

“Poyraz! Are you kidding me? Where did your arrogant attitude go?”

With an angry shout, Arslan jumped between me and Bloodbane, his swords raised high to block the executioner’s axe from severing my head. With a mighty clash, Arslan's swords met the descending axe of Bloodbane, the impact sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The force of the blow threatened to overwhelm him, but he held his ground, his determination shining bright in his emerald eyes. I could hear his bones cracking under the pressure while blood poured from his nose.


I saw his left bicep tear while his knees buckled as the Bloodbane put more of his weight. I wouldn’t blame Arslan for giving up at that moment yet despite his body being pushed to the brink, it wasn’t Arslan that got broken.

It was Bloodbane’s axe. Already damaged from previous battles, it couldn’t break through Arslan’s golden aura. As the shards of it spread out, Arslan’s swords tore through Bloodbane’s chest.

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