Jiroshi Struggles

Chapter 3: Ch 003 Back to Agravenni

Nobe Mendelle is busy preparing for a summoning spell. One that only is minor, with some melogamma seeds (to transfer instructions), Halocemma herbs (Have bodies prepared for teleportation), Xinxhua roots (magic controllers and power amplifiers), and some pure spirit crystals.


(Note: the herbs are fictional, but their wording do have meaning)


Then he inscribes a summoning circle in the top of the tower of Laraflora. From there inscribes inscriptions, in those inscriptions lies the names in Agravenni, Jiroshi Takageme, and Masaki Rikimori.


After that, he started chanting to activate the spell.


"Shintaya mureya hassam, Shintaya Mureya kresson, Mataya, mataya, mataya - Hergunn!" - Nobe Mendelle


Where the first stanza is for sustained magic control for summoning an imagined object. The second is sustained magic control for putting them into the reality of Agravenni. "Mataya" is for it to be channeled into happening. Then the activating spell, "Hergunn", which is time portal teleportation field. There you have it, teleportation magic of Nobe Mendelle into Agravenni.


"Master Nobe, this time you only used a few crystals." - Masaki Rikimori

"Of course, mastery of techniques is key, not the power alone that is needed." - Nobe Mendelle


Being back in Agravenni is a fresh start to life. The energy is much too stable. Mana runs free and the spirits are abundant.


Now, the first thing that comes to mind to Jiroshi is where to find his three long lost friends. Upon their loop in middleschool, the three of their friends suddenly did not loop. Causing both to grieve in sorrow of the lost. But with magic, maybe with magic, they can loop the three now that is ever more effective.


With Nobe Mendelle, this task may not be harder than what is to expect. In fact, they may once again loop. A chance to be alive again.


So Nobe Mendelle started remote dowsing for them. From the last of their memories, they dowse, and upon a certain time, before their eminent deaths. They received the channeled message from Nobe Mendelle.


"Tojo do you hear me?" - Nobe Mendelle

"Yes, I do, we are about to die." - Tojo Mushiwara

"We will now perform a summoning spell for the three of you. Are you ready?" - Nobe Mendelle

"What about the other two?!" - Tojo Mushiwara

"They need to loop in Earth. So that someone will contact me again. So that fate will intertwine." - Nobe Mendelle


Now knowing that they did the magic themselves. They no longer feel grieved by no loses in sight. Jiroshi Takageme and Masaki Rikimori are once again happy to have their team and friends back.


"Jiroshi, Masaki, both of you are young again" - Tojo Mushiwara

(Tojo is already 26 years old, after 10 years of being summoned)

(Jiroshi and Masaki are both 17 again)

"Then we change back our appearances to become again our adult selves." - Jiroshi Takageme


"Jarrrhhh, Jarrrhhh, hanuvallah, hanuvallah - Mesugarda!" - Both Masaki and Jiroshi


Now that the whole team is back. They venture towards King Rahamond in secret. To discuss the matters of the loops, and to discuss the matter of warfare against their enemies.


In this time that the moment has appeared again, a chance to still vengence on their overwhelming defeat. A chance to thrive again against the odds pushed upon them. Now they make cleansing, first off the Wizard Tower into the Kingdom of Hafenselle where the magic Kingdom disobeyed King Rahamond's advice and order and went against Nobe Mendelle. Many of the traitor have to be sealed.


So once again in secret do they head to King Rahamond of the Kingdom of Anasthellia.

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