Chapter 498
Chapter 498
The United States and the Soviet Union, once dividing the world, waged a space race to show off their technology.
The first to win was the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union made the first manned space flight in 1961, and the United States was shocked.
Stimulated by this, the United States announced the famous Apollo Program. At the time, John F. President Kennedy’s speech touched the hearts of Americans.
“We are going to the moon. We will go to the moon in 10 years, and many other things. Not because it is easy, but because it is difficult.”
And as announced, the United States succeeded in sending humans to the moon in 1969.
A total of 12 astronauts, starting with Neil Armstrong, stepped on the moon, installed various equipment such as reflectors and seismometers on the lunar surface, and collected 385 kilograms of moonstone and earth and brought it to Earth.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the space race ended. Nearly half a century has passed since the last visit to the moon, and mankind did not step on the moon again.
In the 21st century, the need for space development has emerged again. NASA has announced Project Constellation.
This was an unprecedented plan to send a manned spaceship to the moon again, and to build a base on the moon and use it as a base camp for advancing into space. The moon’s gravity is only one-sixth that of Earth’s. Launching a rocket from the moon has the advantage of reducing fuel consumption by that much.
14 countries, including the United States, participated in this plan. However, in 2010, in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the plan was abandoned with nothing to do.
However, after President Ronald took office, the plan was revived.
“Just as America was the first country to send humans to the moon in the 20th century, it will be the first country to send humans to the 21st century!”
This is the Artemis Program.
While the Apollo program aimed to send humans to the moon, the Artemis project went further than that, and was an extension of the Constellation plan to build a manned base capable of long-term residence on the moon and launch rockets, and to build a shuttle connecting the Earth and the moon. .
It should have been implemented by the end of last year if it was originally.
However, the Big One forced the federal government to pour all of its available budget into the California restoration project, leaving the space industry behind.
As NASA failed to secure the relevant budget, the execution of the Artemis project was entrusted to private space companies.
The company most actively participating in this plan is Space Z.
* * *
When I arrived in Florida, I got in the prepared car and went straight to the launch site.
Since the place is a place, I had to go through thorough identification and inspection of my belongings before entering. It was still early in the morning, but Allen Everhart and Space Z officials were already gathered at the launch site.
I greeted them one by one.
“Nice to meet you. I am Amir Roshan, who is in charge of this launch.”
“Nice to meet you, this is Jinhoo Kang.”
He is an Indian-American, COO of SpaceZ and head of development for Pat Phoenix.
They all looked like they hadn’t slept properly for several days, but their expressions and eyes were overflowing with passion. I’ve seen this a few times in the past with Professor Homin Kim and Professor Petrov.
I was able to get close to the launch pad following the staff’s guidance.
The Fat Phoenix is an enlarged version of the existing Phoenix rocket, created by Everhart to realize his dream of sending humans to Mars.
The structure of the spacecraft was not significantly different from that of the Apollo program.
When it leaves the atmosphere, the rocket is detached and the spacecraft flies towards the moon. When it arrives in lunar orbit, the command ship remains in orbit, and the lunar lander lands in the Sea of Abundance.
When the lunar lander carrying the mined samples takes off and docks with the command ship, the plan is to return the command ship to Earth.
Since the rover and mining robots are loaded on the lunar lander, the key is to bear the weight.
Allen Everhart asked me.
“How about seeing it for yourself?”
Pat Phoenix boasted a grandeur bigger than any other building.
It is 82 meters high, 13.6 meters wide, and weighs 1529 tons. There were 32 single-stage engines, and boosters were attached to both sides of the rocket.
Fat Phoenix was the heaviest of all existing rockets and was capable of carrying the most payloads.
Even the godly beauty was felt on the surface of the metal shining brilliantly in the rising sun. Even so, this rocket can be said to be the crystallization of human science.
I said my honest opinion.
“Can this really come to mind?”
People burst out laughing at my words.
Allen Eberhart was confident of success.
“It will fly well to the moon.”
Although he wasn’t the first to build an electric car, he popularized his first electric car. And now, it is pushing ahead with electric aircraft and advances to Mars.
JN Battery will give wings to his plans.
Allen Everhart’s eyes lit up like a child.
“If the JN battery is commercialized, a drastic change will occur in the aerospace and aerospace industries. Also, starting with this work, we will build a base on the moon, and use that as a base camp, so that mankind will one day go to Mars.”
Either way, I bet the future here.
Now, in a few hours, everything will be decided.
* * *
Cape Canaveral Space Center, Florida, USA.
Thousands of people gathered to watch the launch of Pat Phoenix. Everyone in the crowd could not help but marvel at Pat Phoenix’s tremendous majesty.
Launching rockets is now common enough to even talk about private space travel. However, rockets sent to the moon were as different as light vehicles and large trucks.
All the media outlets around the world reported on it, and protests by civic groups against space development were held outside the launch site.
Media outlets broadcast live broadcasts long before launch.
CNN reporter Leah Sims said with a microphone.
“30 minutes from now, Space Z’s Fat Phoenix will be launched towards the moon. Fat Phoenix will fly some 237,000 miles to land in the lunar ocean of fertility to mine geratinium before returning to Earth. If we succeed in mining the lunar resources for the first time in the world according to this plan, it will open a new chapter in space development. The world is watching right now, as the future of the global economy can be determined by the success of Fat Phoenix!”
As the launch time approached, the control center became busy.
Allen Eberhart and SpaceZ staff continued to check the system until the very end.
When it was confirmed that there was nothing wrong, the countdown finally started.
Fireworks erupted with a roar, and a massive rocket, worthy of its name as Fat Phoenix, soared into space.
People cheered and applauded all at once.
Allen Eberhart let out a shout of joy, and Jinhoo Kang smiled and shook hands with the people around him.
Reporters wrote articles about the success of the launch and sent them out as breaking news. But this atmosphere lasted less than a minute.
Those who watched Pat Phoenix flying through the telescope murmured in amazement.
“Come on, wait! Why are you there?”
“Why are you smoking?”
“Uh, something’s a little strange.”
Smoke was coming from the bottom of the rocket and the fuselage shaking greatly was reflected on the electronic display.
Allen Everhart groaned while writing her impressions.
“Shit! Stop that smoke right now!”
The staff were confused and did not know what to do.
“Liquid oxygen tank pressure is soaring! The control system is not listening!”
“Then do something!”
After a while, the rising flames enveloped the entire rocket, and then exploded with a roar.
Burning debris fell to the ground. Everyone was at a loss for words at the unexpected explosion.
Fat Phoenix, who was flying towards the moon, exploded and fell without even being able to escape the atmosphere!
Allen Eberhart’s screaming and running rampant and Kang Jin-hoo’s hardened expression were captured on camera.
* * *
A mansion in Buckinghamshire.
Grace watched Pat Phoenix explode with Grant.
JN Battery was the hidden card of Jinhoo Kang that could prevent the crisis. However, the card disappeared from the air.
The rocket exploded, and the rover and mining robots aboard the lunar craft were also shattered.
As it was an unmanned spacecraft, there were no casualties, but the loss was estimated to exceed 1 billion dollars. But the real loss is that geratinium mining did not even start and ended.
Even if we rush to push forward again, no one will wait any longer. There was no more means for Jinhoo Kang to use.
He succeeded in every investment, and became the world’s most famous investor and the richest person in the world. But in this one failure he lost everything.
Unfortunately, that’s what investing is all about.
How many investors have bled out of the market during that time? Jinhoo Kang is just one of them.
She has all her plans for the future.
Rothschild purchased stock-backed bonds through a variety of channels. As the collapse of the Chinese economy is becoming a reality, Jinhoo Kang will never be able to repay the debt until maturity, and the stocks held as collateral will be in the hands of the Rothschilds.
Even if he got his hands on OTK Company, he had no intention of letting go of the aftermath. He will still remain CEO and will serve Rothschild’s interests with his skills.
Grace turned her head again and looked at Jin-hoo Kang’s face on the TV screen.
‘What are you thinking right now?’
A smile of relief appeared on Grant’s face as he was watching TV.
[It’s all over.]Grace Rothschild smiled brightly.
“We won.”
* * *
Pat Phoenix exploded. Shattered debris fell to the ground.
The whole world will be watching this scene as all the media’s attention was focused and the launch scene was being broadcast live.
Allen Eberhart was busy trying to figure out the circumstances of the damage.
“What was the problem?”
She said as an employee in the control room ran and stuttered.
“The exact cause is currently under investigation, but it has been confirmed that the liquid oxygen tank pressure level suddenly surged immediately after launch.”
Allen Everhart lashed out at her staff.
“Damn it! So what is the cause!?”
This appearance will be on the news as it is.
The reporters all at once pointed their microphones at me and asked questions.
“What are you going to do now?”
“Have you been thinking about the possibility of failure?”
“Any other plans?”
“Please say something!”
Space Z’s launch failed.
What more needs to be said here?
It was no longer necessary to remain on the launch pad. I got into the car to avoid the crowd of reporters.
As soon as the door closed, the car left immediately, and I leaned back against the seat and let out a long sigh. CNN news streamed on the car display. Pat Phoenix explodes in mid-air over and over again.
At that moment, the cell phone rang. As soon as the call was connected, Taek-gyu’s voice was heard as if shouting.(Read more @
[I’m watching the news right now! Isn’t this a Rothschild thing?]“Well.”
After launch, it is not uncommon for a rocket to explode. As this was an unreasonable effort, there is a possibility that an error occurred in the production process or calculation.
Whatever the cause, the important thing is that Pat Phoenix exploded.
Taek-gyu asked in a frustrated voice.
[Is it really all over?]“It’s almost over.”
[Did you know it would be like this?]“No, I didn’t know either.”
[Then why?]I remembered the famous investment adage.
“You don’t put your eggs in one basket.”
* * *
[Explosion in 2 minutes and 9 seconds immediately after Fat Phoenix launch!][Is it a structural defect? Is it a mistake?][The cause of the explosion is presumed to be a liquid oxygen tank pressure problem][International Space Safety Improvement Association President Lewis Campbell ‘Talent due to unreasonable launch schedule change’][The rocket cannot bear the weight of the rover and mining robot][Space Z, Moon Resource Mining Failed!][NASA asks Space Z to postpone launch indefinitely until the cause is found]Rocket launch failures were not uncommon. But Pat Phoenix’s explosion caused a huge aftermath.
The failure of Space Z meant the failure of Jinhu Kang!
As much as I had high expectations, I was also disappointed. When it became known that it was virtually impossible to mine geratinium on the moon, panic swept the market.
The stock price immediately plummeted, and safe assets, including the dollar, jumped.
But less than an hour after Pat Phoenix exploded, news that no one expected shook the world.
[China ICBM launch!][Estimated to be launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province!][There is no notification from neighboring countries… … ][US Department of Defense is analyzing missile trajectories!]While the world was shocked, the Chinese government issued an official statement.
Prime Minister Bo Xiaoyu appeared in front of the camera and read the announcement with a determined expression on his face.
“Not long ago, China’s National Port of Heaven successfully completed the Chang’e 8 launch. The destination is the sea of abundance on the moon. We will mine geratinium from there.”