In Naruto as Ten Tail

Chapter 39 : Visiting Uzushiogakure

The guards stationed at the village entrance were clearly taken aback by my appearance. Their expressions held a mixture of astonishment and disbelief as they seemed to be entranced by my presence. I halted before them and, with a simple snap of my fingers, brought them out of their daze.

"Purpose of visit?" the guard asked.

"Simply taking a stroll around the village for the day," I responded to his query. He acknowledged my answer with a nod, seemingly satisfied with my explanation.

Then came the next question, "Name?" he inquired. I offered the alias I had used a few years ago, not revealing my true identity.

"Gender?" his tone grew more serious, and I couldn't help but exchange a knowing look with the others around. It was as if he was asking an obvious question, and my expression reflected my experienced response to such a query – a nonchalant 'are you serious?' vibe. The others in the vicinity seemed to catch onto the undertones of the conversation, and they too became attentive.

Exhaling audibly, I couldn't help but give a somewhat exasperated sigh. "Male," I replied, and I could have sworn I heard a faint note of disappointment coming from someone nearby.

Disregarding the odd behavior of those guards, I ventured further into the heart of the Uzumaki territory. Their numbers were impressive, perhaps even surpassing that of the Senju clan we had visited earlier.

As I stepped into their domain, I became acutely aware of the gazes that seemed to converge on me from every direction. People were staring, their attention firmly fixed on my presence. Despite the collective scrutiny, I maintained my composure and continued using my sensory abilities to scan through the multitude of Uzumaki individuals.

Amidst the sea of faces, my senses detected the unique chakra signatures of the Uzumaki clan members. Additionally, my perception revealed a lingering trace of the black Zetsu's malevolent presence, he started going after the tailed beasts i guess.

It was evident that the remnants of the black Zetsu were still attempting to manipulate and control, seeking out potential pawns for their sinister agenda.

As I walked, my path led me to a quaint ramen shop. The proprietor, a lady, seemed to be both flustered and intrigued by my presence, her cheeks tinted with a faint blush. Ordering a bowl of miso ramen, I sat in solitude, savoring the flavors while keeping a watchful eye on my surroundings.

The ramen had been adorned with extra toppings, adding to the culinary experience. Even as I indulged in the meal, my senses remained attuned to the village's activities. It wasn't long before I picked up on the telltale signs of guards reporting my presence to their leader.

In a spacious hall, a scene unfolded. A guard knelt before Ashina Uzumaki, the prominent figure at the helm of the clan. Beside him sat a striking woman, tall and adorned with vibrant red hair elegantly fashioned into twin buns. She engrossed herself in a book, its subject matter centered around the intricate art of fuinjutsu.

Ashina, the leader of the Uzumaki clan, leaned forward slightly as he questioned the guard about the stranger's appearance and purpose. His expression was a mixture of curiosity and caution, his piercing gaze focused on the guard's words. The guard, feeling the weight of Ashina's attention, took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding.

"I don't think he is a spy," the guard began, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "He claimed to be a mercenary, here to sightsee. But, well... he's quite handsome." The last word slipped out almost like a secret, and the guard's cheeks colored slightly as he realized he had spoken it aloud.

Ashina's eyebrows raised ever so slightly, his interest piqued by the guard's unexpected remark. Beside him, a tall and beautiful woman with red hair tied in a twin bun over her head was engrossed in reading a book on fuinjutsu. The woman's presence exuded a sense of confidence and intelligence, her focus unwavering despite the conversation happening nearby.

Ashina, the leader of the Uzumaki clan, cast a reproachful look at the guard, his tone carrying a hint of disappointment. "You are a shinobi of Uzushiogakure, have some discipline. If you get flustered that easily, how will you even be able to fight properly?" The guard, chastised by the leader's words, lowered his head in acknowledgment without uttering a response.

Ashina then turned his attention to his daughter, Mito Uzumaki, seeking her opinion. Mito, a woman of stature and intelligence, glanced up from her book on Fuinjutsu. Her red hair was tied in a twin bun over her head, and her expression was thoughtful as she considered the situation.

"Hmm," Mito began, her voice carrying a sense of contemplation. "Just send someone with Kagura's Mind's Eye to sense whether he is hostile or not. That should be enough to assess the situation." Ashina nodded in agreement with Mito's suggestion, recognizing the wisdom in her words.

"Why don't you go? You're free anyway," Ashina's voice held a hint of frustration, his gaze flickering toward his daughter. Mito responded with a serene smile, her expression displaying her inner contentment. Despite Ashina's attempt at persuasion, Mito remained firm in her decision.

"I am reading a book, Father. I need to prepare, as I will be going to Konoha soon," Mito's voice conveyed her unwavering determination, her commitment to her studies taking precedence.

Ashina let out a resigned sigh, acknowledging his daughter's stubbornness. "Go tell my son to keep an eye on him while he's in the village," he instructed the guard, who promptly bowed and departed to fulfill the leader's command.

As I savored the ramen, my actions were measured and refined, reflecting the table manners I had cultivated in my previous life. Despite my composed demeanor, I couldn't help but sense the intense gazes directed at me from various directions. It felt as if I were an exotic creature on display in a zoo, subject to the curiosity of onlookers.

Amidst the multitude of glances, one particular gaze stood out. It carried a distinct quality, unlike the others. I could tell that this gaze was different, likely emanating from the son of the village leader. While I couldn't help but wonder about his intentions, I also pondered whether he would be able to handle this situation gracefully.

It was evident that he was grappling with an internal struggle, possibly experiencing an existential crisis of sorts. His gaze held a depth of emotion that went beyond mere curiosity or interest.

Leaving the ramen shop behind, I ventured through the bustling area, my attention drawn to the various food stalls lining the streets. Among the tempting offerings, I spotted dango, a traditional Japanese treat that I had a fondness for. As I indulged in its delectable taste, savoring the sensation as it melted in my mouth, I couldn't help but acknowledge the simple pleasure that certain experiences could bring. Sometimes, it's best to let certain things remain unaltered and enjoyed in their natural state.

Following a day of exploration and mingling with the locals, I eventually decided it was time to head back. Before leaving, I made sure to purchase several souvenirs to bring back as tokens of my visit. These mementos would serve as reminders of the time spent in the Uzumaki clan's village.

As I walked away from the clan's area, I carried with me not only the physical items I had acquired but also a sense of the memories and interactions that had taken place during my visit. Definitely need to get out of here, I can look for a host later but the eyes on me are just getting weirder and weirder.

' Uzumaki's are weird.'



Hope this message finds you riding high on the adventure rollercoaster that is [Your Work]. I’m Odayaka, the word-weaving wizard behind the tales you love! 🧙✨


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