NOT A CHAPTER - Health Report & Next Life Randomizer.
Hey, everyone. LibreOffice froze and I lost about 700 words of the next chapter (and some minor spreadsheet modifications). That irritated me so much I am going to chill a bit. Bleh.
Regarding my health, the vaccines saved my life. My own test came positive for COVID-19 and the whole family is self-quarantining at home. I feel like I spent two days at a water park being churned around by the waters. Otherwise, we're fine. The wife lost all sense of smell but I didn't.
If you have any doubts regarding the vaccine, rest assured it is proved safe. The test subjects took it more than a year ago and had no long-lasting side-effects. Taking the vaccine helps not only you but also keeps the infection time short should you get it, avoiding the lottery to create a new and deadly variant. The vaccine helps not only you but everyone in your community.
We are nowhere near the end of the current arc. However...
Speaking of Lottery, the next life will be totally random. I'm using the Oct-27th Powerball drawing for that.
So, here's the rules:
Gender will be determined by the parity of the red ball. Odd = male, even = female.
Species will be determined by the mod_10 of the sum of all unit digits of the five numbers. Next life won't take place in Windemere.
1 - Lierin Elf
2 - Dwarf
3 - Gnome
4 - Rabbit-Kin
5 - Silk-Folk
6 - Halfling (not the Eleon sub-species)
7 - Lizardfolk
8, 9, 0 - People's Choice.
People's Choice:
Post a comment suggesting one fantasy species not listed above. Anything goes, even monsters (ignore the restriction for now). People should upvote the comments they like. By November 2st, the most upvoted comment will be chosen, should the numbers say so.