NOT A CHAPTER - Fans! VIP Readers and Messages! Hooray!
I just love to receive your messages. During my depression episode (which is under control with medication and therapy now), one bright moment was to see the 100+ icon on my inbox at the top right corner of RR.
I have a group of readers that I hold close to heart. The reviewers who help me in google docs, the ones who post comments, and I love you guys. I'm doing this for you. Even if just this few dozen are the only ones who read my fictions, I'll keep writing.
Recently, I found a few VIP readers that brought a smile to me.
The first was a_man_in_black, author of Skyclad and Skybound, with his hysterically hilarious naked protagonist and animated loofah. Seriously, go read it. . I love his work and his participation in the comments and messages
The second was KingKennit, of Sylver Seeker fame. If you want to see tridimensional characters who aren't just filler, the CHILLEST necromancer to ever grace Royal Road pages (he's shoulder-to-shoulder with Walter Tye from Never Die Thrice, but Walter loses because he sometimes bitches too much). . I'll just believe you are already subscribed to Sylver Seeker, but if you are not, just go. I'll wait for you to come back.
We also have TheDude and his lovely stories. TheDude, if you are reading this, I hate you. I wish I had such lovely illustrations too! He got a shoutout in a previous chapter, but here's the link again:
Maybe some other authors are reading this too, I don't know. Send me a message if you are. If anyone wants a shout for their fictions, just ask.
Here's some messages I got, and I think they are relevant enough to share with everyone. I didn't ask for permission so I will omit the name of the sender.
Why isn't the Old Soul breaking any curses anymore? It's weird, she's super strong now.
She said once that she could transform into anyone but only females because of a curse. Didn't she have a Perk that allowed her to ignore a curse for one hour each day? What if she uses that on the curse that forces her to be female, then transforms into a man? Wouldn't that solve her unmentionables problem?
You are absolutely correct, that would work. Let's say she didn't think of that. Hindsight is 20/20 but you are right, the Old Soul should be breaking curses easier with her pumped-up Magic score. My bad.
Something I just can't wrap my head around: which levels does each rank equate to in ILH?
Anything I try to remember just does not make sense.
Love your stories, always looking forward to new chapters!
Hey, thanks for messaging me. There are five tiers of levels, each with twenty levels. They are called "base" (Species or Class, depending on epoch) from zero to twenty, then "First Rank" from twenty to forty, "Second Rank" from forty to sixty, "Third Rank" from sixty to eighty, and finally "Fourth Rank" from eighty to a hundred.
Before life 33 (Percival), levels used to be from zero to two hundred, so just double the figures above if before that.
However, what may be a game-changer is that with her abilities to resurrect and reincarnate others and her ability to make contracts with those she brings back she may just force/convince penal Mind Mages with that Perk that she killed (she likely had one that tried to take her Blood Magic affinity) to grant her Perks for her offering them good reincarnation (as Haru did with that dragon's collaborator noble in Windemere). Even if the Attributes point cost were permanent, they have nothing to lose, and with Attribute recovering she may use them as long, as she wishes. Moreover, she may force/convince any high-level penal mage killed and resurrected by her take that Perk for purposes of strengthening her. With what's going on in Empire and her intention to cleanse the Imperial elite (and with her having a collection of captured and bound souls of her enemies she may resurrect in her pocket space) it's not like she'll ever run out of high-level Perks donors.
PS BTW in the last lives she didn't eat any of her accumulated Cores, the waste of Attributes, even with those Attributes going to feed Surpasser - waste of Surpasser levels not gained.
Regarding using Soul magic to extract more power for herself from her dead enemies, it is against the Old Soul's beliefs. In Snowdrop's life, she learned how the world used to be before the System. Souls would come and go, reincarnating but keeping a little of the power they held in life, becoming stronger in future incarnations. That ended with the System, who, in MC's words, "bleaches" the soul for the benefit of the alien Pantheon from Earth. She even changed her policy with her faithful, keeping only half of this power to herself and giving half back to her believers.
There's another issue with her stealing Perks and Attributes, a technical one. Cless, from "My Monster Adventurer's Guild" has the power to enter contracts with willing subjects, doing exactly that. I don't want to repeat mechanics across stories, so here in ILH we won't see that.
But back to the ILH universe and the "not eating Cores" issue. She experiences diminishing returns when using several cores in a single life. Being a curmudgeon, MC usually goes for the highest-leveled one she could find. In lives 30 ~ 32 (Tina the scavenger gnome and the pixie) she died rather unexpectedly and couldn't eat any Cores.