NOT A CHAPTER - Build-A-Prince challenge! Halloween is Coming!
Thirty-six Imperial Princes remain to be revealed. Thirty-six on top of a bunch of nobles is quite a lot to flesh out. Time to ask for help.
So help me build a Prince. Add your comments to the entries below,
AVOID CONFLICTS. If you disagree with someone's opinion, work on another prince or make your own.
NO GRAFFITI. Please be charitable.
I created 24 entries for princes, with their names IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER. The personality, quirks, and traits are all up to you. The last twelve are for those who want to name their own prince and territory.
Just for reference, Percival would be "Prince Percival of Roswaria". Add the name of the mother's territory of origin (it may be just a fief or a vassal country). Also, all territory names in the Empire end with "...ia".
So, I would like at least six things about each Prince: The weapon they favor, their Class, a noble virtue (as perceived by society), a dark secret, and a passion. Lastly, a geographical wonder about their home territory or country.
For Percival, it would be:
Percival of Raswaria: Spear, Imperial Lancer, never backs down from a challenge, was born a woman, overprotective of his mother. Raswaria is a highland country famous for its sunsets that look like oil paintings.
The entries don't need to follow the format above. Be creative.
You may add more traits. Especially those that can make them worthy villains (good and bad, the best villains are not wickedly evil).
Everyone that contributed for a prince will get credits on the chapter. All contributions imply a irrevocable permission to the author to use the information supplied.
Let the madness begin. We started on october 7th 2021.
Links to google docs:
The main review effort for ILH (bookmark this one, whenever there's new stuff I change the title):
When I wrote the Halloween special last year, I didn't expect it would take another year to reach that point, but that's a web serial for you. Or writing in general, as we STILL DON'T HAVE the last ASOIAF book. You know, when the HBO show ran out of original material and derailed everything because the best Hollywood screenwriter today is called Ryan George (from Pitch Meeting).
But I hoped I could reach that point by next Halloween (i.e. by the end of this very month). It would require a lot of time I won't have. So be patient. I have no idea for a Halloween special this year (2019 was Decompose Thriller caverns, then 2020's Monster Mash castle party) or even a song to parody.
I already have a broad rodmap of the story until its end on life 100. Very broad. I don't know if I'm going to have more luck than GRRM on finishing work. if I had to pick, the luck would go to the Anime Starship Captain.
Real World™ doesn't want to let me have time. My kid is changing schools and he has some special needs so it's been a scavenger hunt to get all the paperwork approved to give him the education that he deserves. As any parent reading this will understand, a hobby that doesn't generate revenue will be pushed to the side.
I don't know if I can call writing a hobby anymore. It's more like a compulsion, a raison d'etre. I am thinking of opening a Patreon in 2022 so I can justify the time I spend writing with some cash flow. Let's see. So far, I refrained from doing so because money can taint many good things and I'm blessed enough to survive without monetizing my writing. Nothing against my fellow writers that make a business out of it, more power to them and they'll always get my Kindle Unlimited subscription money.
Oh, well. Such is life.
If you want to help, go make a Prince. If I don't have to come up with some stupid idea and instead crowdsource it, I can spend more time banging a plastic keyboard like a monkey.