In Loki's Honor

Life 33 - Chapter 55 - Side Quest and a Princess' Kiss. Hack the System, Cheat Your Way to Victory!

Final Fantasy VII left its mark on me. A gigantic meteor would end all life on the planet but the character somehow found time to win a giant chicken riding derby, breed said giant chickens, go kill all the optional bosses, finish the minigames, go around the world for 300 times, use Quadra Magic with W-Summon for Knights of the Round in a party of mimes, go shop for groceries because that's how long it would take to play the two-minute cutscene twenty-four times. Then come back and find the party dead and game over because I'd blown the timer on the Emerald Weapon.

Stupid game, you are supposed to stop the timer on the cutscenes.

No, we weren't doing that. The dragon lady was coming our way and we were leading the flock of flying lizards to Therian. Brenna would be pissed.

"So, what's the big brain plan?" Mona asked.

"I'm curious too. Do you think the werewolves will help us?" The [Emperor] added.

"Not the werewolves. The fairies," I answered. "The fairies will save what's left of the Empire."

I was proud of my plan. It remained to see if it would work or if I could pull it off. But I was pretty sure my Luck would see it through. Not willing to fly all the way as it would be too slow, I summoned the {Sanctuary Gates} in front of me and plowed through the torii gate. "You guys wait here," I said before jumping out and shutting the gate. Then I could use {Tree Stride} to go really fast from tree to tree until I was inside Therian.

If I could rely on my speed assessment and my [Cartographer] Proficiency, the dragons would take a few hours to reach us. More if they stopped to burn everything in their path as they have been doing so far. Here goes nothing.





I thought originally of using Summon Godmothers but I only needed Brenna. And she was right there in her pocket dimension. The summoning cost, once a heinous expenditure, now was pocket change. I assumed my pixie form as we flew into the fairy forest.

Nenandil came out. "I am grateful for the chance to see my aunt, but what do you expect from them?"

"I just need Brenna to ask for help. Then we can have the [Emperor] say no."

"Why would that help us fight the dragons… OH! Now I understand what you said about saving the Empire!" I grinned. The fairy bumped into me, sending me sprawling down until I could recover and keep flying. "Don't let it get over your head. You still have a deity to kill. One that seems to have too much time in her hands to prepare."

The fairy village was in full-blown panic mode. All of them were trying to carry their meager possessions into the tree that worked as the gateway to Brenna's dimension while the volcano in the back spewed angry smoke and the occasional lava ember. Or pyroclastic, whatever. Don't trust my geology. They didn't recognize us. I searched around and found the landbound fairies doing a bucket brigade to carry items quickly from their lairs to the portal tree. I saw leprechauns, dryads, and brownies, some of them shapeshifted into monkeys to carry more stuff. One, in particular, caught my eye.

"Neep! Neep! It's me, Silverstreak!"

The old brownie stared at me, "Ye dinnae keek lik' th' wee lassie ah knew!" I landed next to him and hugged him as I shapeshifted into the silkie he helped spawn. "Noo that's mair lik' it. How urr ye daein', lassie? 'ere tae save us?"

"I hope. Where's the [Queen]."

"Oan her throne, ah reckon," he snickered. "Awright, Nenandil. Guid tae see ye tae, princess!"

"Neep, greetings," Nenandil curtsied lightly to the elder brownie. "Silverstreak, I think Neep can do it too. It doesn't have to be Brenna."

I brought some cloth golems from my storage and tasked them with helping the fairies. The giant (in a fairy's eyes) golems would surely speed up the evacuation process. Or be mercilessly unraveled by a horde of curious pixies and sylphs. Toss a coin. We would never know because we were already out of that madhouse with Neep (in the shape of a bird) flying behind us.

Five minutes away from the not-so-secret forest, I returned to Percival's form and opened the sanctuary. Out came Madge, Mona, and the [Emperor].

"Quick introductions. These are Neep the brownie on my left shoulder, Nenandil the elder water fairy hovering in the air, Madge, Mona, and my father the [Emperor], the humans standing before me."

Before they could engage in useless banter, I explained what I wanted. The [Emperor] didn't like it at all. Neither did the girls.

"You must be crazy, Percival! We need to fight back against the dragons. What you suggest is the opposite of fighting."

"No, it will work. I was the one to set the terms, I am pretty sure my intent will be respected," I rebutted.

"You aren't doing that to us!" Madge also protested as she clung to my arm. "We are fighting with you!"

"Yes! You didn't spend all that time training us to kill dragons just to let us sit out. And you'll be gone by the time we get back." Mona added.

"I don't want to live without you," Madge said. "We are staying."

I lowered my head, speechless. I was touched by their loyalty and even if they would also die in the fight, I knew very well the pain of living without a loved spouse. Or sibling, in Mona's case.

"You are subjects of the Empire. It will affect you too," the [Emperor] tried to placate them. "How will you stay unaffected, Percival?"

"Easy. I'm the caster. That won't affect me."

The man stared at Nenandil, then widened his eyes in recognition. "The water fairy! The one from the painting!"


He produced a huge painting from his storage ring. It depicted in exquisite detail Nenandil and Brenna in their golden cages at the Mad Empress' bedroom.

"So that's where all the missing history is hidden," I mused. The fairy by my side didn't seem fine. "Nenandil, are you alright?"

I could sense her magic almost jumping away from her and striking the painting. "I don't like that. I want it gone."

I carefully picked the fairy from the air and cradled her in my hands. "It ended well, didn't it? We can't move forward if we erase our past. It serves as a reminder that we defeated that challenge. And despite the collars, the artist caught your beauty perfectly."

She sniffled, snickered, then poked her tongue at me, "Womanizer!"


"Okay, let's do it," she recovered fast. But fairies were like that.

"Wait! We won't let you put us to sleep!" Madge protested again.

The dragons were coming. We needed to act fast. Racking my brain for an answer, I came with a stupid one. I would hack the System and the situation to the extreme.

"Father, Raswaria declares Independence. We are no longer part of the Empire. If you disagree, we'll fight. But I know how we can save the [Empire] and go fight the dragons together."

To push my point across, I summoned the [Unicorn King Spear]. The [Emperor] did his best to remain calm. I could tell he wished nothing more than to fight me but he knew it would jeopardize the survival of the Empire.

"You taunt me, my son. I see my suspicions have been confirmed. It was you who stole my treasures. How did you enter my vault?"

"I was inside the spear when you carried it in. Getting out was much easier."

He scowled, touched the pommel of his blade, then sighed. "You are worthy of inheriting the Empire, my son. Granted, Raswaria is independent. Hope the dragons don't go that far north."

We shook hands and tested our mettle by squeezing each other's hands. "You won't regret it, father. Now, I grant you the {Sleeping Beauty} Perk. If you fall asleep due to a curse or a Perk effect, you shall wake up when a charismatic [Princess] gives you a chaste kiss on the lips."

That cost me 3,000 permanent HP and Energy. Mona, who knew the tale from Earth, snickered a giggle. I sent her a glance, She blew me a raspberry in return.

The [Emperor] didn't let go of my hand. "Where will you find a [Princess]? There's none in the whole Empire!" He asked, angry for being made a fool of. At least that's what he was thinking. In his defense, we were all stressed.

"I grinned. I'll kiss you. Now, Neep. Do it."

"Yer Majesty th' emperor, we need yer hulp!" The brownie on my shoulder requested.

"Denied," the man said and immediately fell asleep as he triggered the curse built in the Perk Silverstreak granted to the Imperial Family three thousand years ago. Neep also fell asleep. The whole forest went silent. The insects, birds, small animals, even the vegetation were asleep.

"I guess the System considered Brenna and the fairies subjects of the Empire as well," Nenandil remarked.

"Would you take him back?" I asked. "Mona has to wake up the [Emperor]."

"I'm not kissing him," Mona quickly refused. "You are a [Princess] as well, you do the smooches."

"First, a test," I said as I fired a {Fireball} at a copse of trees. The spell exploded and the flames vanished seconds later, leaving the forest as untouched as before. The damage notification returned as 0 damage dealt.

Madge had a beetle between her fingers and she was trying to squeeze the bug. She failed. "Seems pretty indestructible to me."

I stabbed the [Emperor] with the spear. Nothing happened either.

"Kiss him already!" Mona pushed me.

I shapeshifted to Raina. "The things I'm gonna do for my country," I bemoaned.

With my spear in my hand, I knelt and kissed the [Emperor]. He blinked his eyes. Then I betrayed him as the good Imperial Crown Prince I was.

> Death Contract.

> You stabbed [Emperor] for ….

> For killing level 100 [Emperor] you gained 2.17 Quadrillion Exp (Base 14,648,438 x 100,000 fast-learner, x3,05 Favored Enemy x7,59 Contract x16 Class rarity x4 Class Rank)

> Congratulations. As the next in line for the Dynasty, you gained the title [Emperor].

> You gained the Class [Emperor (unique)]. Your level will be reset. No Traits will be lost.

As an Emperor, your progression is:

Base Class:

1 Attribute Point every level

1 Attribute Point every even level.

+1 to all Attributes every 10 levels.

2 HP at each level.

1 Energy at each level.

1 Perk every 4 levels, plus 1 extra Perk at levels 10 and 20.

First Rank:

1 Attribute Point every level

1 Attribute Point every even level.

+1 to all Attributes every 10 levels.

3 HP at each level.

2 Energy at each level.

1 Perk every 4 levels, plus 1 extra Perk at levels 10 and 20.

Second Rank:

1 Attribute Point every level

1 Attribute Point every even level.

+1 to all Attributes every 6 levels.

4 HP at each level.

2 Energy at each level.

1 Perk every 4 levels, plus 1 extra Perk at levels 10 and 20.

Third Rank:

1 Attribute Point every level

1 Attribute Point every even level.

+1 to all Attributes every 6 levels.

4 HP at each level.

3 Energy at each level.

1 Perk every 4 levels, plus 1 extra Perk at levels 10 and 20.

Fourth Rank:

1 Attribute Point every level

1 Attribute Point every even level.

+1 to all Attributes every 5 levels.

5 HP each level.

4 Energy each level.

1 Perk every 4 levels, plus 1 extra Perk at levels 10 and 20.

The reason the (unique) Class seemed lackluster at a first glance is because it was an add-on to the bonuses from the previous Class. Not exactly doubling everything but that would be absurd. I was grateful it granted {Ultimate Surpasser} points but I felt a bit shy about that. I also gave no new Proficiencies, points, or Fast-growth.

You reached Emperor level 99

You gained 147 Attribute Points.

Ultimate Surpasser granted you 411 Attribute Points.

You gained 14 to All Attributes.

Attributes above the cap redistributed.

You have 7 base Perks, 7 Rank 1 Perks, 7 Rank 2 Perks, 7 rank 3 Perks, 5 rank 4 Perks.

I maxed out everything then dumped 556 Points in Magic.

Level 100

Strength*: 188+97 (285) - Dexterity*: 188+128 (316) - Endurance*: 188+115 (303)

Mind*: 188+96 (284) - Willpower*: 188+116 (304) - Charisma*: 188+105 (293)

Magic*: 747+123 (870) / 940 - Faith*: 150+38 (188) / 940

Ego*: 188+108 (296) - Luck*: 188+120 (308) - Soul*: 188+120 (308)

HP 1.179.406.565 (15.261.670 HP/s)

Energy 1.413.382.400 (3.264.169 E/min)

With the Magic score I had now, I would need only twelve days with the mages in the colosseum to invert all of the remaining curses. I didn't have that time, however.

I brought the former [Emperor] back to life and {Appraised} him.

> [Bygone Emperor] Level 100 human male [Imperial Mastermind].

I was astonished that he had the most mustache-twirling Class I've ever seen in thousands of years. Scratch that, in all the world history.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him as I offered a hand to bring him back on his feet.

"Alive… I see you obtained the Class somehow… You little twerp!" He cursed with a grin as he saw the red notification. "You murdered me!" We had the perfect storm of conditions to make a father tell that to his son as he grinned from ear to ear. "Well done. How does it feel, being the [Emperor]?"

"Good. I got around seven hundred Attribute Points. I have to spend the perks, however. Any hints?"

"{Dragon Slayer}?" He suggested.

"I have all five stacks."

"Of course you do," Mona rolled her eyes. "Seriously, how many Perks did you earn, sis… erm, Your Majesty? Ow, for crying out loud, stop grinning!"

I broke into a fit of laughter. She hit me, causing our father to raise an eyebrow. "Wait, wait. While Nenandil doesn't come back, I'm going to spend the Perks. Then we go kill some lizards."

Scale-Piercer I: Weapon attacks ignore 20% of the defense of scaled creatures.



Scale-Piercer IV: Weapon attacks ignore 85% of the defense of scaled creatures.

Sureshot Spear: Thrown spears gain +50% Accuracy.

Homing Spear: Thrown spears gain an extra +50% Accuracy.

Heart-Piercing Spear: Thrown spears gain an extra +20% Critical strike rating and damage.

Blood-Drinking Spear: Your spear attacks deal 25% more damage to creatures with blood.

Mind-Numbing Spear: Your spear attacks deal 25% more damage to creatures with a Mind score above 5.

Soul-Rending Spear: Your spear attacks deal 25% more damage to creatures with a Soul score above 5.

Anima-Destroying Spear: Your spear attacks deal 100% more damage if the enemy has blood as well as both Mind and Soul above 5.

Mutant-Slayer: Your weapon attacks deal 50% more damage to creatures with body modifications.

Quivering Reed Parry: Your spear wobbles and vibrates when parrying, giving you +50% evasion.

Rain Parting Lance: Your spear may parry area of effect attacks with -100% evasion. You create a safe cone 30 degrees behind the tip of your spear.

Tsunami-Splitting Kata: When you parry area of effect attacks, you suffer 50% fewer penalties and the safe cone is sixty degrees wide.

Moon-Chasing Lance: Your spear can instantaneously stretch up to three times its length.

Dragon Pierces the Moon: Your spear extends when thrusting, dealing double damage.

Dance of the Dragon Daisy: Execute one spear attack, damage fifteen enemies at range.

Rain of the Chasing Stars: Consecrate your spear to the heavens. Summon the fury of Starfall lances upon all enemies in (Magic/2) meters of range. This Perk can only be used outdoors. Deals 200% extra damage to enemies vulnerable to silver.

Defang Beast: Your spear attacks cause the enemy's next unarmed strike to deal 50% less damage.

Serene Lotus Stance: You gain 50% resistance to all mental debuffs and hostile social interactions.

King of the Hundred Weapons: You gain +50% evasion and Accuracy when fighting against armed opponents with a reach shorter than yours.

Scourge of the Nine Tassels: When slashing with your spear, you strike with one to nine (randomly) tassels, dealing 2d6 base damage with each.

Blood-Seeking Spear: Your spear attacks cause 200% more bleeding and the debuff lasts 100% longer.

Bloodletting Thrust: Your spear attacks stop blood recovery and regeneration for 10 seconds.

Vampiric Lance: Your spear attacks on creatures with blood heal you for 10% of the damage dealt.

Avenger Lance: Using Avenger Strike with your spear increases the damage bonus to 500%.

Grounding Thrust: Attacking a flying enemy from above causes them to immediately stall.

Giant-Climbing Thrust: If you are riding or climbing a creature at least two sizes bigger than you, your spear deals 200% more damage.

Spear Blink: You can open tears between the Material and Ethereal, allowing your spear to strike enemies up to (Magic/2) Meters away. You lose 50% evasion for 1 second.

Extinction Spear: Your spear attacks deal 2 points of Attribute damage to your target.

Anima Apotheosis: Your weapon attacks deal an extra 20% damage to all resources.

Wrath of the Unicorn King (unique): When you charge with your spear and horn, you cannot be stopped and strike all targets in the path, dealing triple damage with each weapon to each enemy.

Nenandil popped next to me using {Guardian's Return}. Ensconced in my solar plexus, Pandora glowed an ominous dark golden. I couldn't be more ready than this. It was time to meet my fate.

"Before we go, I need you to take a sip of my blood," I told my three companions. "I need some of my blood in your bodies to grant you a perk."

2,500 permanent points were sacrificed for each of them.

Pegasus Wings (ultra-rare): You can conjure Pegasus wings. They grow from your back but do not interfere with clothing or your movements. While they are out, you gain 10 Dexterity but your HP regeneration is lowered by 30%.

That would even out the playing field just a little bit.

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