Life 33 - Chapter 44 - The Cuckoo in the Madhouse, part 2 of 2
I should seed the world with bloodline Perks. Like go out around the world and grant them to people everywhere. This way, I could gain some of them If I were reborn into one of these families. However, it could backfire stupendously, just like what I just witnessed.
Stupefied, I stared at the [Emperor]. It would be so hard to call him “father” now. Not to mention awkward too. Did he have reasonable cause to suspect I wasn’t his child? Probably. I needed to talk to Rhiannon.
That meant neither Mona nor Raina were the prophetized princess.
Hooray, the Empire wouldn’t be destroyed. Except it had to. I would crush the Empire and every single noble house had to be remade. The Byzantine corrupted government purged and laws re-written from scratch. People often complained about big government but this cankerous bloated institution had grown to the point it was choking its own host.
Some of the blame was on the Gods’ Silence. Temples and priesthoods had declined. Without guidance, the priests pushed their own agenda, paying only lip service to their deities. Selling benedictions and church services to the highest bidder. The only church that didn’t do that kind of shit was mine. And that’s why every other religion, even the ones usually allied to me, shunned us.
“The army’s duties are done here,” the [Emperor] said. “You excelled and went beyond my expectations. What were those army-wide bonuses? That’s absurd if I hadn’t witnessed the numbers myself. How did you get such high Proficiencies?”
“I’m a reborn soul,” I answered. That should be enough to explain any oddity.
He narrowed his eyes. “How many (capstone) Perks do you have?”
I grinned, “More than one.”
And raised his guard. “The [Assassins] at your debutante. They dealt seventy to eighty million HP of damage before reductions. Yet the bolts bounced off of your skin like they were twigs thrown by a three-year-old toddler.”
I shook my head, “No, that’s not an accurate estimate of their average damage. Without mitigation, the bolts dealt around a hundred-fifty million damage each.”
“I don’t think the armor you are wearing right now has that much mitigation. Yet you were in plain clothes.”
“This armor is mostly ceremonial. I’d rather fight naked and gain the extra mobility, even if it’s almost not hindering me at all.”
“Tell me, what’s your highest Attribute and the size of your HP pool?”
“Charisma at three-hundred-eleven and over three-quarters of a billion, respectively,” I answered truthfully but with a grin that obviously made him call bullshit.
“Bullshit,” he called, then chortled, “That’s exactly how you should answer, my son. Don’t reveal the details of your Status to anyone, not even to me. They’re your best protection. Keep them guessing!”
I bowed with my head, “I will take your advice to heart, father.”
He laughed and clapped my left pauldron. Grabbing it, he drew me closer. He had that mob boss aura around him as he crooned, “Percival, do you wish the throne? Do you want to fight me for it right now? A duel, the first one to reach zero HP loses.”
> The [Emperor] has challenged you. Should you win, you ascend to [Emperor], ignoring the line of succession and he retires. If you lose, you die. Do you accept?
In hindsight, I should have accepted, right there and then. It would save so much trouble. But I fell victim to the sunken cost fallacy and my own hubris. I had invested so much, plotted so much into several plans, the people underground, Raswaria, the way I would defeat each of my brothers, and the protection of my family back home.
I also wanted to reach the level cap before resetting my Class. Defeating the Emperor now would jeopardize that advancement. The latter was a good explanation as to why I declined it. I could get two capstone perks if I reached level 100, then defeated the [Emperor].
“No, father. I’d rather not commit parricide again.”
He threw a punch at me. I saw it coming with {Prescience} as it allowed me to predict attacks 1.64 seconds (t the current Proficiency levels) before they happened. Or, in his case, as soon as he committed to attacking. I turned off {Titan Boby} and took the teeth-shattering haymaker in the cheek. Or adamantite helmet, as it was.
> The [Emperor] punched you for 704,551 HP of damage (Base 142 [16d8+54 base -60 armor] x11.2Attributes x21 Skill x3 Power Attack x2 Sucker Punch x3 Bloodline Killer x4.51 Surprise Strike x2.25 Human Slayer x0,8 Armor (reduced) x0,25 Favored Enemy)
> You gained 1 point of Physical Mastery.
-- I reckon the [Emperor] had some disturbing Perks.
Bloody hell. I was knocked two meters away. Then I stood up and rubbed my cheek.
“That punch took less than one percent of your HP,” He remarked.
“Much less,” I agreed. “And it was totally gratuitous.”
“Seventy to a hundred million HP is impressive but not absurd.”
“I agree with that statement as it was stated,” I said.
“You must be in the fourth rank. Why does your level show seventy-eight?”
Annoyed, I crossed my arms, “Because I set it to display that way. Are we done with the tests, father? Do you want me to display level 100?”
“No. It’s fine. We are done here, Percival. I want you to know that I tested you because we needed to be sure. It is more than just you, me, or any feelings we have in our great family. This is about the Empire’s survival.”
They shouldn’t anger deities if their goal was to survive. Just saying. I stared at him. “What about my territory?”
“I already published a decree granting you the Sunset Sea Range and Raswaria Highlands.”
I pointed at the forest and the volcano beyond it. “And Therian. Therian will be mine as well.”
“That I cannot do. We have a treaty with the Werewolf [King].”
“I know of the treaty, father. I did my homework. Isn’t him a vassal of the Empire?”
“Then, if I convince him to pledge fealty to me, will it be okay?”
He shook his head, “Keep your ambitions in check, young Prince. You also need permission from the fairy [Queen] of fire.”
“And if I get both...”
“Then Theria is yours. You seem to like beasts and savages.”
“They often are more honest than those who call themselves civilized.”
The [Emperor] laughed. “We have a deal. Get them to sign a decree with their magical signatures, and the territory is yours.”
Under the victorious howls of the werewolves, we departed the field, leaving the officers to withdraw the troops and dismantle the camp. It was a win for me since I was playing both sides. But it was a true win for me since my people down there in the forest earned a ton of Faith points and I got a bit further on unraveling the mysteries of the Empire.
And I would give another important step three days later. I could fast-travel but it would be odd for Percival to be back home so soon. As I entered the palace, I went straight to find my mother.
“Percival! News of your victory had already reached us! The [Emperor] sent a bird with the decree! You now own Raswaria!” She congratulated me.
I tried to accept her fully, without judgment. But it was hard to do that three times in a row. That’s when I realized that my daddy issues were way bigger than my mommy issues. My streak with deadbeat and trashy fathers was so long I usually had two nowadays. If I had a decent father who loved and cared for his wife, the women wouldn’t feel the need to cheat. But that might be trying to boil the ocean. Even with magic, it seemed impossible.
“Yes, mom. I learned one little tidbit of information I would like to share with you. In private.”
“Sure, let’s get Mona and we can talk, the three of us,” she turned to go but I gently held her arm.
“Just the two of us, mom. We can give Mona the news later,” I demanded with gravitas.
“Is something wrong?” She asked as some of her fears resurfaced. She could control them with System aid, but they didn’t go away. It just kept her from breaking down.
“Not really. Or better, it’s not something I cannot handle. But I’d rather have the truth from you.”
“I–“ She tried to protest but shut down. “I understand, son. Let’s talk over some tea.”
We had tea with pastries to calm us down. After we were done and the maids cleaned the table, I raised the privacy ward.
“The attack on Therian was just a ruse. A test from the [Emperor], just like the [Assassins] he sent to my debutante. I passed, before you worry about that. But I also learned one truth about me, mom.”
She closed her eyes and remained silent. Only a slight nod prompted me to go on.
“I’m not the [Emperor]’s daughter. Or son, whatever. Neither is Mona. We are your daughters, mom. I checked our blood with my magic. But the Empire’s ruling family has a bloodline Perk tying them to the protection of the Therian fairies and werewolves. At first, I thought they weren’t the same bloodline as that of the Mad Empress of three thousand years ago, but now he confirmed to me he and all the other [Princes] have that Perk. I don’t, and Mona doesn’t as well. That means we aren’t the emperor’s children.
She teared up and blushed in shame, “Percival, I–“
“Before that, mom,” I cut her off. “I hate the [Emperor]. I almost killed him there three days ago. I don’t care what you did and I won’t judge any of your actions. I love you mom, and if I had to choose between this world and you, the world would burn in a heartbeat. I am with you. Forever. I just need the truth.”
“I didn’t think it would happen, but I guess the seed of a Flesh [Mage] is too strong. You were sired by Buscalpaun. I was in doubt too, as I fell to his wooing too close to one of your father’s rare visits. It was right before he arrived unannounced.”
She cried for a few minutes and I let her take her time. “It’s okay, mom.”
“I’m sorry, Percival. You wouldn’t understand, you are… Oh, what am I doing? I’m sorry, Raina. You’re a woman like me, I’m sure you understand I have needs too.”
I chuckled, then sidled next to her as I left my chair and knelt by her. I grabbed her hand. “I know, mom. It’s only natural. If anyone was at a fault, it was the [Emperor] for neglecting the emotional needs of his wife. It must‘ve been lonely here, right? I have something for you. Here, I put it in your storage ring.”
{Dimensional Pilfer} could be used to plant items too.
She checked the inventory list and gasped. “Percival! A son shouldn’t give such things to his mother!”
“What about a daughter?” I chuckled. “Just keep it, mom. I understand you have needs. While I can give you emotional support and all the love you might need, others are best solved by yourself. Have fun playing with it later, mom.”
I hugged her but I could tell she was embarrassed. I shifted to Raina and whispered in her ear. “Mona has one of these too and she won’t let go of it for nothing. I use mine sometimes and I’m very proud of my masterpiece.”
She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and avoided making eye contact. “Thank you, my daughter.”
Then we never again talked about magical dildos, although the issue of the deadbeat father and his emotional neglect would come up later.
The next day, an invitation to the Spring Hunting Festival arrived. All the Princes would attend along with the [Emperor] and the crème de la créme of the nobility. We had to attend.