Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 238 Barbaric Rule

Entering the realm of the Nine Insect Gang this time, Qin Niu also saw the tip of the iceberg of the Insect Master.

The areas he passed through belonged to the original Seven Star Sect and were not the old territory of the Nine Insect Gang. Even so, the insect masters encountered were still very dangerous.

Those people are by no means the insect masters of the Nine Insect Gang, they are just the most ordinary insect masters.

It feels like almost everyone in the Nine Insects Gang is an insect master.

It is almost certain that the Nine Insects Gang must have a large number of top insect masters.

Because the base of insect masters is large, there will naturally be no shortage of powerful insect masters.

For example, Mr. Huang is particularly powerful. The evolutionary potential of the Corpse Bees he raised was even second only to the Green Devil Bee.

Moreover, corpse wasps are as strong as iron, have strong self-healing ability, night vision, and are extremely poisonous.

Its venom is not ordinary wasp venom, but has the properties of corpse venom.

This is bee venom like no other.

Wasp venom is already very complex. It has the toxicity of corroding and destroying human proteins, hemolysis, and destroying tissue cells.

If not much venom is injected into the body, there may only be local redness and swelling and unbearable pain.

If you are stung by multiple wasps at the same time, or if you are stung by a single wasp of level 2 or above, you can easily die directly.

Qin Niu will definitely encounter some particularly powerful insect masters in the future.

And there is a high probability that they are enemies rather than friends.

Now that he had the Green Demon Bee and the Corpse Eater Bee eggs, he could consider cultivating the two bee species together.

Or even merge the two into one.

In the process of cultivating bugs, almost all bug masters will find ways to slowly synthesize bugs of the same type. For example, if you have three different types of wasps at the same time, one is good at flying, one is good at breeding, and one is particularly poisonous.

Cultivate three at the same time, and resources will be dispersed.

It would be wonderful if the three of them could be fused and the three advantages concentrated into a new bee species.

Not only can the new bee species greatly increase its combat power, but because you only need to cultivate one, all resources are concentrated on one, making it easier to advance.

Even Qin Niu has this kind of thinking in the general direction of cultivating insects.

The number of termites seems to be large, but the only ones he really cultivates at the core are the queen and the fourth child.

Although other termites will also be cultivated, all top resources will be given to the queen first.

More is worse than fine.

He kept his head down and hurried along, dressing up like a local.

The basket on his back was replaced with a larger one.

According to the route on the map, if you want to go to the territory of the Shennong Sect, you must pass through the Seven Star City of the Nine Insect Gang.

Once upon a time, this was the core city of Seven Star Gate.

But now it has changed its tune and become the largest city of the Nine Insect Gang.

The topography of the Seven Star Gate is excellent, with the seven stars looming over the moon, condensing the Seven Star City. It has more mountainous areas, but also a lot of fertile farmland and rich water systems, and its geographical location is also excellent.

It can be called a geomantic treasure land that is the thoroughfare of nine provinces.

If the leader of the Seven Star Sect had not died back then, it would have been almost impossible for the Nine Chong Gang, a vicious mountain gang, to annex the Seven Star Sect.

The Seven Star Sect back then was not only strong in itself, but also had excellent relations with its neighbors.

I heard that the sister of the leader of the Seven Stars Sect is married to the leader of the Shennong Sect.

The two families have this marriage relationship and have always been in close contact.

The agricultural products of the Shennong sect were sold to surrounding places through Qixing Gate.

Later, something happened to the leader of the Seven Star Sect, and the Shennong Sect didn't take the opportunity to swallow up the Seven Star Sect for some reason.

On the contrary, the Nine Chong Gang, who was living in the poor mountains and rivers, took advantage of the loophole and took the opportunity to become powerful.

Now, the Nine Insects Gang is extremely ambitious and is invading the territory of other gangs everywhere, causing trouble in this large area.

Qin Niu traveled very fast along the way and arrived at Seven Star City in less than two days.

Along the way, he discovered that the people along the way were not living well.

The Nine Chong Gang divides people into three, six or nine grades. The original Nine Chong Gang belongs to the people and is the upper class. Most of the Seven Star Sect and its non-Nine Insect Gang subjects are classified as second-class people.

The worst offenders were the lower class people, who were taxed extremely heavily, and the whole family had to work as slaves for the upper class people, working hard to farm or work.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to eat enough or wear enough clothes.

Many adult women in their twenties and thirties simply wear shabby clothes that barely cover their bodies.

This is not an isolated phenomenon, but a common phenomenon.

And their living customs have also undergone great changes.

According to Qin Niu's understanding, the former Seven Star Sect was the richest among all the surrounding sects. Even the Black Tiger Gang is a step behind it. In terms of civilization, the Seven Star Sect has always been an example for the surrounding sects to learn from.

But now, the living customs of the local people are similar to those of the uneducated primitive people in the mountains.

The woman bathed right by the river, topless.

Many people eat directly with their hands.

Violent incidents of all kinds emerge one after another.

When Qin Niu was on his way, he encountered people who robbed him no less than ten times.

Although those people were dismissed by him, it could be seen that the once civilized place had turned into a backward and barbaric place.

It is said that once a gentleman is a courtier.

The Nine Insect Gang has ruled the territory of the Seven Star Sect for less than two hundred years, but it has wiped out civilization and implemented its barbarian policies.

When he first entered the country, what the soldiers did was no different from that of bandits.

There was another phenomenon that made Qin Niu feel creepy.

Almost every household keeps insects.

Here, everything is about insect masters being the most noble. Becoming a bug master is almost the only way out.

Just like the Han Dynasty back then, it proposed to abolish all schools of thought and only respect Confucianism.

The Nine Insects Gang now dominates the insect control.

Under this policy, both ordinary people and middle-level people will work hard to train their children to become insect masters.

I simply can’t imagine how strong the Nine Insects Gang’s Insect Masters will be if this policy continues to develop.

He couldn't help but think of what he said with his half-open mouth again, The insect master will rise and the world will be in chaos.

If the Nine Insects Gang only develops insect control, it will definitely be like a wasp and eventually go on the road of plunder.

A wasp cannot make honey by itself. If it wants to feed its colony and survive the winter, it must kill and plunder. As late autumn approaches, entire nests of bees are often killed by wasps.

After the Nine Insects Gang developed, it became much scarier than the Wasps.

The sect forces adjacent to it will suffer.

There seems to be something wrong with the Hundred Refiners Immortal Sect recently. It may be that the centenary period of the Hundred Refiners Immortal Lord has arrived. In this case, the Immortal Sect needs to defend with all its strength to protect the safety of Bailian Immortal Lord.

There is no energy to take care of the affairs of the sect below.

The Nine Insects Gang will seize this opportunity and will definitely expand aggressively.

It depends on whether the Black Tiger Gang can resist.

If the Black Tiger Gang is annexed, the Nine Insects Gang will be unstoppable, and all other surrounding sects will become its prey.

Qin Niu was somewhat worried about the future.

Standing under the Seven Star City, after two hundred years, the city still looks majestic and majestic.

The city wall is as high as ten men, the tall city gate made of pure copper, and above the city gate, the three characters of Seven Star City are written like dragons and snakes, and the moat is thirty feet wide.

All of them reflect the grandeur and scenery of Qixing City back then.

It is said that the three characters Qixing City on the city gate belong to the first generation city lord and the most evil gang leader of the Seven Star Gate. He jumped up with a sharp sword and carved the three characters Qixing City with the sword in his hand. .

At that time, when mentioning the Seven Star Sect, everyone would think of the Seven Star Sword Technique.

It's a pity that as the Seven Star Sect was annexed later, the Seven Star Swordsmanship also gradually disappeared.

The Seven-Star Sword Technique that Qin Niu obtained might have been written by a master from the Seven-Star Sect. Then for various reasons, Wu Hao, an inner disciple of the Nine Chong Gang, obtained it.

As a result, Wu Hao was killed by Qin Niu again, and the Seven Star Sword Technique finally fell into Qin Niu's hands.

It is worth mentioning that the Seven-Star Sword Technique was the Seven-Star Sect’s secret art at that time, and there must be more than one copy preserved. All disciples and elders of the sect who have learned the Seven Star Sword Technique may write down the sword manual of the Seven Star Sword Technique and leave it to future generations.

Hey, hey, do you understand the rules? Pay a fee when entering the city. You are carrying such a large basket of goods, and you go into the city to sell goods, right? The fee is thirty cash.

A soldier from the Nine Chong Gang blocked Qin Niu's way.

It’s different from the Black Tiger Gang’s queue to enter the city.

The management of entering the city here seems very loose.

Eleven soldiers stood at the gate of the city to collect fees. As long as they paid the money, they could enter the city.

The very-looking man was sitting on the recliner at the back, eyes half-closed, not minding anything.

The entry fee of thirty cents into the city is already a sky-high price.

Under normal circumstances, ten cents is the market price.

Qin Niu was just passing through Qixing City, so he would not have a conflict with the soldiers over thirty coins.

He paid thirty cents honestly, but the other party didn't even check his goods.

Perhaps because of his young age and the fact that he was dressed in an ordinary farmer's outfit, he was too lazy to look at him.

That's just right.

If you check Qin Niu's basket, you will find something abnormal.

If you even have to search them, there will probably be a bloody battle.

He has never been an honest person.

As long as there is a threat to him, he will never show mercy.

After entering the city, he first checked out the south gate of the city.

There is a fee for people entering the city, but no one cares about leaving the city.

It was a rare opportunity to enter the city, and it was the Seven-Star City that had once been the most magnificent. He simply disposed of those silver and gold tickets.

Through various bank accounts and black market exchanges in the city, the silver notes were exchanged for gold tickets from Tiandi Bank.

It’s really not that I don’t know, I’m shocked when I calculate it.

By killing people and selling goods, he plundered dead people for their wealth, and the total value of the money he had on him reached an astonishing more than ninety-three thousand taels.

There is only less than seven thousand taels left to collect one hundred thousand taels of silver.

With such a huge sum of money, you can live a comfortable life anywhere. The premise is not to be robbed.

Now he has exchanged them for nine thousand taels of gold notes and three thousand one hundred taels of silver notes.

There are also some scattered pieces of silver and copper plates for pocket use on the road.

After handling the silver and gold tickets, Qin Niu did not dare to stay longer, but chose to leave the city and rush to the Shennong sect.

The junction between Qixing Gate and Shennong Sect is about 700 miles away.

And there are many mountain roads, so it is estimated that it will take at least two days to get there.

On the second day after he left Seven Star City, a large number of soldiers were suddenly deployed at the gate of the city. They were all at war with each other, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The police officers in the city led the way, and the soldiers launched a search throughout the city.

Looking at this situation, it is very likely that there are clues found in the silver notes exchanged from Qin Niu.

After all, the Nine Insects Gang has always attached great importance to the murder of its leader. (End of chapter)

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