I'm a God, Ok? (Naruto/God-SI)

Chapter 53: War declarations.


Kazuo was feeling annoyed, maybe he shouldn't expect anything different considering his past, but Kirigakure not sending any more ships after their hunting squad got captured gave him false hope.

Fucking Shinobi.


He snapped out of his thoughts, and realized everyone was looking at him with expectation, waiting for something.

"Sorry." He apologized. "What were we talking about?"

Zabuza snorted, before repeating what he said.

"Any of the bodies tell you something good?"

Kazuo shook his head.

"Besides some interesting implications about Otokagure's enjoyment of experimentation, no."

He learned a lot from examining those 2 squads, but very little of it would be useful, just disturbing.

"What does that mean?" Zabuza questioned gruffly.

"Age correlated directly to how altered their bodies were, the older ones had more enhancements to them." Kazuo explained briefly. "The enhancements were haphazardly applied, different in each person, and mostly minor things, one of them had gills for some reason."

Zabuza hummed in response.

"Anything that we could use?"

Kazuo's face shifted into an expression of disgust.

"Maybe as a guide of what not to do, even before I was blessed by the Watcher I would consider this work sloppy. If you want gills that badly, give me a few months and I can give you some."

It was quiet for a moment.

"I will keep it in mind." Zabuza said dryly.

Haruka's lips were twitching, trying to hide a smile.

But the relaxed atmosphere was interrupted by a crow suddenly appearing in the middle of the table everyone was sitting around.

Heads turned, and everyone got serious. The Great Messenger had appeared.

"You all look well." The Great Messenger greeted them. "I bear a message from The Watcher Himself."

Haruka bowed her head, Kazuo straightened his posture, while Zabuza simply leaned forward. Hikari still had the casual look on her face.

"The Watcher declared Otogakure to be his enemies." He continued calmly. "And He wishes to see it destroyed."

Kazuo sucked in a sharp breath, this was the first time since Gatō that The Watcher took such an aggressive stance on something.

"Orochimaru and his followers are a rot, one that cannot be allowed to grow further."

This is big, Kazuo realized. This was a declaration of war.

Some part of him rebelled at the thought of war, he still remembered the horrors he witnessed, if he asked he could resign, no one would hold it against him, he could choose to not participate.

But another, louder part of him rose above that feeling. This time it was different, The Watcher fought with them, He has never failed to protect them.

He looked around at his fellow Order members.

Haruka's expression was grim, but determined. Zabuza was stone-faced, but he had a glint in his eye, eager for battle. Hikari was nonchalant, Kazuo was sure that she had already predicted something like this.

Kazuo let out a sigh. Well, someone had to stitch the wounds, so it might as well be him.

Guess they are at war now.



Tsunade was sitting in her office, contrary to normal, it was a fairly neat and organized space.

For the past few weeks, there had been no big messes, everyone in the Village behaved, she still had a few hours worth of mind-numbing documents to sort through daily, but she actually had time to relax!

So when there was a knock on her door, Tsunade let out an exasperated sigh.

"Come in."

The door opened, revealing the familiar form of her receptionist.

"My Lady, the representative from The Order has requested a meeting with you." She reported politely.

That explained why she was being interrupted from her paperwork time, they were on the 'express meeting' list, mostly due to the fact that they were still a mystery to Konoha.

Her eyes narrowed, this would be the first time they've ever asked for a meeting, besides the first few a year ago when they first established their presence in the Village.

"Send them in."

The receptionist nodded and disappeared behind the door. A moment later, a figure entered the office, dressed in the distinctive black and white robes of The Order. The hood was up, obscuring the representative's face.

Yamada was his name if she remembered right.

"Lady Hokage," Yamada said, bowing respectfully. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me on such short notice."

Tsunade leaned back in her chair, studying the representative closely. "Of course. What can I do for you?"

The man straightened. "I come bearing news from our headquarters in the Land of Waves. Our leaders have decided to declare war on Otokagure and thus, by extension, on the Land of Sound."

Tsunade's eyebrows shot up. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her desk.

"The Land of Waves is declaring war on Otokagure? Are you aware that Orochimaru leads that village?"

"We are well aware, Lady Hokage."

"Then you must also know that the Land of Waves lacks the military strength to challenge a hidden village. You don't even have a formal Shinobi force."

The representative remained calm. "The Order has its own resources."

Tsunade was starting to get irritated as she worked through the full implications of this.

"Resources?" Tsunade's fingers drummed against her desk. "What kind of resources could match up against one of the most dangerous Shinobi alive?"

"I'm afraid I cannot disclose the details of our capabilities. But rest assured, we have planned this carefully."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed. "This seems like suicide. The Land of Waves is small. Your economy is booming, I admit, but there is a limit to strength bought by money. Starting a war now..."

She was annoyed at this, they have had a relative peace for so long, two small nations unrelated to the rest of the Great Five Shinobi Villages might not be on the level of the previous wars, but she knew very well on how fast this could escalate.

The last two wars had started with minor nations fighting and the Great Villages interfering.

Tsunade sank back into her chair, massaging her temples. "You realize I can't officially support this. The political fallout would be catastrophic."

"We are not asking for support, Lady Hokage. The Order stands on its own."

"And what makes you so confident? What gives you the audacity to challenge someone like Orochimaru?"

The representative's posture straightened, and though Tsunade couldn't see their face, she sensed a shift in their demeanor.

"The Watcher guides us. Through His divine wisdom, we have seen the path to victory. It will be swift, decisive, and it will free countless souls from Orochimaru's grasp."

Ah. For a moment, she forgot they were religious fanatics.

Tsunade scoffed. "Divine wisdom? You're betting people's lives on religious faith?"

"Faith moves mountains, Lady Hokage. We do not enter this conflict blindly."

She studied the figure before her, searching for any sign of doubt or hesitation. Finding none, she crossed her arms.

"I can't stop you. But know this - if this escalates beyond your control, if it threatens the stability of the region, Konoha will have to intervene."

"We understand completely." The representative bowed again. "Thank you for your time, Lady Hokage."

The figure turned and walked to the door, their robes rustling softly against the floor. Before leaving, they paused.

"The Watcher's blessing be upon you, Lady Hokage."

The door closed with a soft click, leaving Tsunade alone with her thoughts.

Fucking Wave.

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