I'm a God, Ok? (Naruto/God-SI)

Chapter 39: Technically the first Blessed ever.

We were standing on top of some pipes, well, I was standing on top of them, Sara was trying to choke me as she rode on my back as she stared at the emancipated citizens below her.

I had used some DP to find this place, it was the main factory where all the men were being worked to death.

I wanted to speed this whole thing up, so I was forcing a confrontation.

Sara didn't react for several seconds, before suddenly trying to jump down towards the imprisoned people, only stopped by grabbing her arms and pulling her back.

I put her down on the pipes again and looked her in the eyes.

"Don't." I said firmly. "You won't be able to help them, a single puppet could kill you easily."

She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, but didn't try and jump down again.

"Then what do I do?" She asked harshly. "Just sit here while you deal with everything?"

I let the silence stretch, looking reluctant before sighing.

"There is something... Something we can do," I admitted reluctantly. "But it might not work out well."

"...What is it?" She asked after a moment of hesitation, looking both hopeful and determined.

"There is a ritual I know, to beseech the Watcher Behind The Stars for strength." I said solemnly. "But as I said, he is currently sleeping, and this ritual may not work at all."

I saw her take a breath, gathering herself before nodding sharply.

"What do I have to do?" She asked.

"Just repeat after me, and let your faith be true." I responded vaguely.

She nodded again and closed her eyes. I smiled slightly, she really was trusting, not many people would just accept some random guy saying that he knew how to talk with a god.

"I, humble before the Stars, beseech you."

Sara spoke up. "I, humble before the Stars, beseech you."

"Watcher Behind The Stars, You who dwell in the Infinite Void, grant me your divine strength."

"Watcher Behind The Stars, You who dwell in the Infinite Void, grant me your divine strength."

"A Blessing of power, so that I may defend the ones I care for."

"A Blessing of power, so that I may defend the ones I care for."

"I offer you my faith and devotion, Watcher, in return for this request."

"I offer you my faith and devotion, Watcher, in return for this request."

As we finished the chant, I pulled Sara into my Divine Realm. It was empty, since this was in the past.

She appeared inside it with a gasp, her eyes shooting open as she gazed around the place. Almost immediately, her eyes turned towards my God form.

I was laying amongst the stars, eyes closed, as I drifted through them.

Sara's mouth dropped open as she stared at my resting form, all thoughts being pushed out of her head from seeing me.

Then she attempted to bow, but this realm lacked gravity at this moment, so she just ended up awkwardly spinning.

I decided to take pity on her and spent a small amount of DP to slowly put her in place.

When she finally settled down, she looked back at me with a lost expression.

"H-Hello?" She stuttered out, not really knowing what else to do.

I didn't react, come on girl, you can do better than that.


Sara was fully panicking inside, this isn't what she had expected when she asked for help!

First she finds out about her life has been a pretty lie for who knows how long, then she finds out that all her citizens are imprisoned, and now she's in the presence of an actual god?!

This had to be a dream or something, right?

She swallowed, she needed to be strong, people were relying on her.

She straightened her back and stared into its closed eyes.

"H-Honorable Watcher Behind The Stars," She started shakily. "We humbly request your divine intervention, I beseech thee to lend us strength!"

No answer, but the stars seemed to shine brighter. The God shifted slightly and Sara gulped, her knees felt weak.

"I-I am not powerful... I'm not wise, because of my foolishness my people are suffering. Because of my lack of power, they could die!" She continued loudly, overcoming her fear. "I don't care what happens to me, let me protect them, please!"

She felt tears gathering in her eyes, clenching her fists tightly. "Please..." She whispered weakly.

The third eye on the Watchers head opened slowly, a golden orb gazing at her, the pressure emanating from it increased. She would have dropped to her knees if gravity existed here.


The voice rang through the void, echoing through the stars.

Sara tried to answer, but no sound left her mouth. The eye turned slightly, before glowing brighter.




Some of the stars started shinning even brighter, breaking apart into streams of golden light that flew towards Sara, merging with her body as they touched her.

Sara wanted to yelp in surprise, but she still couldn't move or make a sound, she felt the energy merging with her, becoming stronger and faster.

For a few seconds, she felt invincible.

But then the light faded away, and the eye closed again. She still felt stronger, but it was a pale imitation of what she had felt moments ago.

The stars surrounding her were dimmer now, the God before her had fallen asleep again, his eye closing once again.

She felt herself being pulled... backwards? Forwards? She didn't know, but before she left this realm, she did one last thing.

"Thank you! I promise to be worthy of your blessing!"

And then she was back on top of the pipes, with Osamu watching her expectantly.

"Did it work?" He asked curiously.

Sara smiled at him, she raised a fist in front of her, it burst into golden lightning, travelling through her arm.

Osamu smiled, it was tinged with a bit of sadness. Sara frowned.

"What's wrong?" She asked cautiously. The excitement of the past few minutes fading slightly.

"...Nothing, just me being selfish." He responded quietly. "The Watcher spending so much power means it will take him longer to awaken."

Sara's eyes widened, and she instantly tried to apologize.

"Hey now, it's not your fault," Osamu interrupted her before she could even begin. "This just means you will have to carry the Will of the Watcher in my place until he awakens."

She looked up at him with wide eyes. But it quickly shifted into determination.

"I will."

Osamu smiled again, his expression happy once again.

"Now, let's get this over with." He spoke as he turned towards the enslaved workers below. "We can talk more later, your people are more important."

Sara nodded, she called forth her new blessing, golden lightning enveloping her body. She jumped down towards the first puppet, the pipe beneath her bursting from the force of her jump.

The puppet didn't even have time to react before it was blown apart by a single punch. The lightning disintegrating it.

It was instinctive, she had never fought a day in her life, but she knew how to use her blessing and what it did. She knew exactly how to best punch to impart the greatest force, and how to jump to achieve the best speed.

All the workers turned towards the loud sound.

"My people!" Sara spoke up loudly, her voice filled with emotion. "I apologize, I am so sorry that I let this happen!"

She looked at them, meeting their empty gazes.

"Listen closely!" She continued strongly. "I will save you! You will be reunited with your families!"

"I won't let anyone harm you anymore!"

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