Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

“The Deserter” Saga – 90. Kisshōten

Keyboard goal on Ko-fi: COMPLETE!! Thanks for the support guys! Special shout out to @Voluxu for contributing! With a new keyboard on the way, my updates will be all the more faster! No more typing with my tiny-ass phone!! Enjoy!!


The hospital within Kumogakure

Rei was laying on a reclining hospital bed with his upper body adjusted upwards. Forced on a leave of absence, he decided to call his acquaintance, the librarian Pyua to help pass the time

The latter of whom provided information and lectures on various advanced subjects of Ninjutsu, even going so far as bringing a whiteboard to his hospital room

"...and as you can see here, just the slightest change in kneading chakra can make all the difference in your Jutsu" (Pyua)

"I get that, but on the subject you mentioned does this correlate Suiton1Water Style with Katon2Fire Style? I mean, besides being natural opposites" (Rei)

"Each element is special in their own right. What special about Suiton is its natural versatility. It's the best element when it comes to applying shape transformation. Many other ninja have studied this and applied it to their own elements, take your Katon for example" (Pyua)

"How so?" (Rei)


Pyua starting writing on the whiteboard

"Okay, lets take three Katon Jutsu that have similar effects. How about, your 'Katon: Homura'3Fire Style: Blaze; and we'll add; 'Katon: Endan'4Fire Style: Flame Bullet and the Uchiha's infamous 'Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu'5Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu. They all shoot out a fire blast right? So why the different names?" (Pyua)

"It can only be the...initial process? Shape transformation?" (Rei)

"Correct. Your 'Homura' jutsu is actually a weakened version of the 'Katon: Homuranagase'6Fire Style: Blazing Meteors Jutsu, meant for small rapid fire blasts. You must've noticed the lack of power with the version you've been using so far right?" (Pyua)

{I never was satisfied with its small size and that's the reason} "What about the other two?" (Rei)

"Right, 'Endan' works with more fine control. The user actually kneads the chakra within them to create a flammable substance. Usually something along the lines of oil or gas, before igniting it" (Pyua)

"And since this method relies more on control..." (Rei)

"It keeps down chakra consumption while still providing adequate results. As compared to the Uchiha's signature Katon, which is just that, a fireball made from pure chakra. Relying solely on their natural affinity and power, the opposite from the 'Endan' Jutsu. These techniques appear to be so similar yet...they're all completely different when you look at their structures" (Pyua)

Pyua reached into the bag she brought with her and took out a scroll. Handing it to Rei, she gathered her belongings

"This is?" (Rei)

"A scroll I wrote for you detailing various techniques and their unique intricacies to study. Just something to go over so you don't go insane from boredom. My lunch break is over, I need to get back to the library" (Pyua)

"Right. Being in charge of Kumogakure's Ninja Records is not some simple job. Thank you for everything Pyua-nee, this has been very insightful" (Rei)

"Get well soon Rei. Mariko keeps asking me when you're going visit. The kids at her orphanage miss playing with you" (Pyua)

"Careful, you give me news like that and I may stay here forever" (Rei)

"Hehe! Can't fault you for that I guess. See ya" (Pyua)


Leaving him to himself, Rei laid back on his bed


"Sigh...Notitia" (Rei)

[You finally called me. We haven't talked since you first woke up here]

"Mm" (Rei)

[Enjoying your free vacation? Ya dirty liar]

"Technically, I didn't lie. I was hurt...I just recovered faster than they anticipated" (Rei)

After the intense fight, Rei had immediately recovered hours later thanks to his inhuman regenerative capabilities. In order to avoid revealing these powers, Rei pretended he was still injured

[I pity Mabui for having a cruel cousin like you. When you were pretending to unconscious, the poor girl was crying her eyes out]

"Don't remind me...I couldn't pretend to be asleep any longer with her staying by my side in the room over night" (Rei)

[I was wondering how long you could stay still before you dropped the charade. Oh! Happy 9th birthday by the way]

"That was days ago but...thanks I guess. Not that having a birthday in this body is a treat" (Rei) 

[Now on to the matter at hand]

"I've been thinking a lot lately...about my current situation" (Rei)

[Yeah, that power you displayed was crazy. But even more, it wasn't the powers of Isshiki Ōtsutsuki at all]

"That's what I thought" (Rei)

[You weren't shrinking things with "Sukunahikona7Small Man of Renownand his other power to pull things out of his personal dimension, "Daikokuten8Great Black Heaven" only works if the object in particular has been shrunk. But considering you were flying, that abnormal speed and strength, and taking Yugito's chakra to use said's definitely the style of an Ōtsutsuki]

When Rei first lost control of himself, his very first action was absorb the chakra of Yugito. Almost instinctual, it was as if he knew his chakra reserves were lacking to perform these new powers

"You previously stated my foreign soul would cause changes in this world right? Because the soul is the source of everything in relations to chakra" (Rei)

[Changes being the "Ripples", then yes. The soul also determines everything about a person's powers. It's how shinobi reanimated with Tensei Jutsu9Reincarnation Jutsu can still retain their unique powers despite being reborn within a different body for a sacrifice]

"Is it possible a foreign soul could've changed the abilities I've inherited from Isshiki's cells?" (Rei)

[I suppose it's possible but...agh! Here's the thing Rei]

"?" (Rei)

[You're a being composed of various features. Foreign soul, different DNA, and other materials used for enhancements...your body has become a battleground for dominance, like a bunch of roommates who hate each other. It can't even decide if it wants to be Human, Ōtsutsuki, or something else entirely. I believe your rampage was the result of this, you touched true Ōtsutsuki power for the first time and your body didn't know how to respond properly]

"..." (Rei)

[So until your body figures out what it wants to be, I don't recommend using this power too often. The damage done to your chakra network was no joke. Continued use could cause PERMANENT detrimental effects, that's the last thing your grumpy-ass needs]

"Okay..." (Rei)

[It's just sucks you don't remember anything. Any details prior to your rampage could help solve this mystery]

"I told you, it's all one big blank" (Rei)

[Hmm...a true shame]

"..." (Rei)

That was lie

In truth, Rei remembered everything that occured. The strange space his subconscious entered where time flows differently. The connection it established to his red bracers, taking the tools within to fix and change them without his consent. Not to mention the weird black orb that followed Rei's commands, flew into him, and probably caused the rampage...he remembered it all

But Rei decided to withhold this information. The white space seemed to be outside the range of Notitia's sight, and could very well be a trump card against it

Even now, Rei never fully trusted Notitia. While it appeared to help him on the surface, it kept a myriad of secrets and motivations that if one called them "suspicious", would be a gross understatement. From the beginning, it never even acknowledged whether or not it was responsible for bringing Raymond into this world

{When that black orb entered body, I instantly learned the name of the technique...Kisshōten10Auspicious Heavens} (Rei)

Having a place where he could keep his thoughts to himself was an asset he refused to give up

[Considering you were producing new weapons, it may not be space-time jutsu, but an In'yōton Jutsu11Yin-Yang/Shadow & Light Style Jutsu]

"I've never truly understood that power, hell, I don't think anyone did. Doesn't that nullify all Jutsu or something?" (Rei)

[Yin-yang Jutsu is about about returning chakra to its original form. Yin-Yang is the purest form chakra can take. Say someone launches a Katon at a Yin-Yang user. When said user "nullifies" it, they're simply returning the elemental attack back into original form, basically undoing the jutsu. It also gives form and breathes life & "Will" into objects, and creating things from nothing]

"The Sage of Six Paths called it...'Creation of All Things' right? That's how the Tailed Beasts were created" (Rei)

[Creation & Destruction, these are the aspects Yin-Yang oversees, which makes it the most powerful. If you were creating the giant "Scales" from nothing, it stands to reason the power you were using is based off this element]

When the black sphere consumed the broken tools it removed from the scroll they were sealed into, connected to Rei's red bracers, it produced more materials than initially taken

Though, the object could only produce things it previously consumed and Rei had already tried using the ability again in his hospital bed

Upon activation of the ability, his consciousness entered the white space and he tried something simple. Asking for water, but there was no response

{If that were the case, it's possible that black sphere is my "Will" considering it followed my every thought and command. I wished for more weapons and it made more, I needed "strength" to fight the remaining Fuma, and it provided. But bringing objects made in that world into this one consumes a dangerous amount of Chakra} (Rei)

[There are so many things an uncomfortable degree. But at least there's one benefit!]

"...My affinity right?" (Rei)

[Yup, your Katon has become much easier after your adorable little freak out]

"Not the word I'd use to describe it but yeah. Although I can still feel Rei's doesn't hinder me as much as it used to" (Rei)

When Rei used his chakra the first time after waking up, he noticed the "creepy" feeling that emerged every time he used Katon was gone. Though the original Rei's presence could still be felt

Somehow, the power he demonstrated had pushed "Rei's" soul aside...though whether this was permanent or not couldn't be confirmed

{This seems to be more of support type, rather than an offensive type. Meant to be used outside of battle, it resembles a production-like ability. If I'm able to use it would aid immensely with my other projects} (Rei)

Because Rei was flat broke after investing in Tetsuo's company, it was getting harder and harder to make more weapons. Being able to produce his own materials would be a Godsend

Rei, as the enigmatic engineer "Developer R", had left the hospital at night to visit Tetsuo and after some convincing, he finally agreed to allow Rei to alter his memories with Genjutsu, in order to protect his identity. Tetsuo now fully believed Rei had nothing to do with his new chief engineer

With his chakra in Tetsuo and his Inton12Yin/Shadow Style more powerful than ever, Rei was finally able to use Isshiki's projection type Genjutsu to communicate at long distances...the Genjutsu Tsūshin13Genjutsu Transmission Technique

With the duo now in constant contact, progress with their projects has increased exponentially. Mori Sp has already begun major manufacturing of the new batteries Rei designed. However...

"Enough about abilities we don't understand and can't use Notitia. I would like to discuss our current problem" (Rei)

[And what would that be?]

"My current progress" (Rei)

...he was still unsatisfied

['re not gonna...!]









"I think it's time for another experiment"


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