Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy


I hate writing with a smart phone. Apologies for any errors! My poor thumbs ><! I've been putting chapter progress notes on my Ko-fi page if you wanna know whenever the next one comes out. Enjoy the Chapter!



After getting knocked out from the blast of a paper bomb, Rei was just now getting up

"Nn...agh! Ow! That friggin hurt! Guess that what happens when keep trolling adults. Wait! Suz-EH?!"

Shock was all he felt

{Huh?! Where the hell am I?!} (Rei)

Waking up with a headache, Rei found himself not in the pit with the Fūma...but an empty white space. No person or thing in sight except a black, sphere-shaped gem the size of a baseball floating in mid air

"Am...could I be under a Genjutsu? N-No...I can sill feel my's not disturbed at all. I don't think I'm dead either-OW!" (Rei)

Struggling to get up, Rei poked his hand on a sharp object. What came into to view were more of the "Scales" he manufactured

"The hell?! These are the failures I made. They should been sealed in the scroll connected to the marking on my bracers. Did I summon them by mistake?" (Rei)


Rei stared at the pile of broken weapons with disappointment

"Still broken. Man, I get irritated just thinking about the money I spent to make them. No wonder Isshiki created 'Kara', I really hope Tetsuo can come through for me" (Rei)

With no one in sight, Rei screamed for help...

{I'll have to deal with those Fūma all by myself, unarmed...and that's even IF I figure out how to get out of here} "Notitia! You there?! I need your help!" (Rei)

...but there was no response. Accepting no one would come, he decided to look around


{This empty's probably endless. I can breathe yet...I don't feel any air resistance whenever I wave my hand. Also, my chakra has remained the same despite the fact I've been using Shunshin's1Body Flicker constantly. And if that wasn't weird enough...} (Rei)

Rei glanced behind him

{That strange sphere has been following me this entire time. What the hell is that thing? A gem, pearl, or maybe a stone?} (Rei)

While exploring every inch of this white space at top speed, the floating black sphere effortlessly continued to follow him. Rei was unable to get away from it no matter how hard he tried

Understanding it was pointless, he stopped running and turned towards it

{This thing doesn't appear to be just follows me around. I wonder...} (Rei)

With much caution, Rei stretched his hand out towards the sphere. But it was too high, and even when he jumped in the air, it maintained its distance from Rei

{It seems be set on a fixed range from me. Never too far, but never too close. Ahh, this is getting annoying...just get over here alrea-?!} (Rei)


Before he could even finish his thought, the black sphere flew at incredible speed, stopping right in front of him

{The hell, I could barely react?! And that timing...does this thing know what I'm thinking?! I wanted it to come closer and it...} "Hey...move up and down" (Rei)

There was no response

{Can it not hear me? Move up and down} (Rei)


{?!} (Rei)

The sphere suddenly moved up and down

{It responded to my thoughts...but not my words. Hmm...this place. Despite being able to breathe...there's no air in here, which means no sound can travel. Maybe it didn't respond to my words because it couldn't hear me? Yet somehow, it can hear my thoughts...Stop moving} (Rei)


The strange object stood still in the air

{Huh? Guess it does work. Though, I wish it could show me the exit to this place} (Rei)


The sphere suddenly moved away from him and unbelievably tore the very space in front of Rei

{Haha! It does work!} (Rei)

Rei approached the tear and was shocked to discover what he saw. The appearance of him on the ground, just where he left off from fighting the Fūma. But oddly enough, nothing was moving, as if time itself came to halt

{No way?! I've been...OUTSIDE my body this whole time?! And speaking of time, does it remain unchanged in here? Maybe...that's why my chakra doesn't change while I'm in here?} (Rei)

After a few minutes of pondering for answers, Rei ultimately gave up

{Whatever, I'll figure this out later, I need to return as soon as possible but...I'm out of weapons} (Rei)

Despite how skilled he was, Rei knew it was futile to take on the remaining Fūma-nin by himself without extra help. The only reason he lasted as long as he did was because of Yugito and the tools he made. But with the former down and his weapons broken, returning would mean certain death

{Damn it, I wish these tools weren't broken! Then I could-?!} (Rei)


The black sphere suddenly sucked up all the broken "scales" on the floor, then proceeded to spit them out. Only now, they looked brand new all shapes and sizes!

{It fixed...and changed them?! Impossible! Accessing the space within my red arm bracers is weird enough but...all "Black materials" I fabricate can never change form after they've hardened!} (Rei)

Rei recalled the time he tried to melt down and re-forge the materials Isshiki had already made and left in his lab before he was killed. All attempts ended in failure. This led to Rei's discovery for using certain chemicals to induce changes within the Ten-tails blood, revealing how Isshiki made them in the first place

{Can this thing alter matter...on a subatomic level? Or does it control Space-time? Both? Hey...can you tell me?} (Rei)

Silence. The object in question didn't respond at all. Leaving Rei stumped on whether it couldn't answer...or that it refused to. There were still many questions in his head

How was it able to access the space in the scroll containing all of Rei's weapons? How can it tear space? How does time work here? How and why it's able to read Rei's thoughts?

He had none of these answers. Understanding he wouldn't get them anytime soon, Rei decided to leave

{I don't know if time out there will resume again. If it does, my real body will be powerless and unable to fight back. I have no intention of dying by the likes of Fūma-nin after coming this far. Figuring this place out will come later} (Rei)


Rei slowly approached the portal with one final thought before going through

{I just hope I'll have enough strength to fight them} (Rei)


Just as he left, as if responding to his thoughts, the black sphere bolted! Flying towards Rei and entering his body!

{Wha-?! What the hell are you-UH?!} (Rei)




The battle site with the Fūma Clan

"I don't sense anymore movement!"

"Cease fire!"

After their last barrage of attacks, they confirmed Rei and Suzu were finally down

"Looks like they're down. Sealing team! Status!" 

"The Jinchūriki has been taken care of! But we can sense other chakra's on the way!"

"That has to be their their back-up! We've wasted enough time as it is, let's grab the host and leave. We'll continue the ritual somewhere else!"

One of the Fūma approached an unconscious Rei and Suzu. With veins appearing on his face, the man clenched his teeth in anger. Eager to end their lives after all the trouble they put him, and his group through

"What about these kids? I'm thirsty for some payback"

"We also don't want Kumogakure finding out we're the ones responsible for this"

"A little late for that. Remember the two we left to interrogate those kunoichi?"

"What about them?"

"Oh yeah! Where are they?"

"Most likely taken captive by Kumo ninja"


"We just confirmed they have reinforcements on the way and those two interrogators haven't shown up after all this time, which means they were either killed or captured. In other words..."

"It's safe to assume Kumo is fully aware of our involvement. Shit..."

"That's just what we of the five great nations hunting us"

"We all knew this could happen. Come on! Grab your things and go!"

The majority of the group heaved out a sigh of relief. This task, which proved far more tedious than initially expected, was finally over. After days of performing a Tailed Beast extraction ritual, none were in a mood to stick around

"Finally! Lets get the hell out of this dump!"

"I gonna need a vacation after this one"

"Fine...but I'm still killing these little brats before we-!"





"?!" (Everyone else)

Just as the cruel ninja was about to turn around to kill Rei and Suzu, his face was met with the former's fist

"...ill" (Rei)


"The hell?! I thought you guys said they were down?!"

"He was! His chakra was pretty much gone!"

"Who cares! He's just one kid, not much of threat. Hurry up and kill him so we can leave!"

The Fūma prepared to finish what they started, but Rei was not himself. The tie holding his pony tail gone, his black hair was lose and disheveled. His mind completely groggy, as if he wasn't conscious at all



"Where's he-?!"

Dashing to Yugito, he placed his arm on her stomach

"The hell?"

"Huh?! This kid is-?!"




"...ou..!" (Rei)


"What did he just say?"






A few kilometers away, Tango was jumping through the forest

"We're almost there! I saw the explosions coming from that direction!" (Tango)

"Just a few more klicks...!" (Mabui)

Following him were Mabui, Samui, Tai, and...

"Tango, my team will go on ahead!"

"Right! Don't wait on us Senpai!" (Tango)

"Let's move!"


...the back-up Kumogakure had sent. Led by Toroi, his team of ninja bolted on ahead

"Tango! I'm going on ahead to!" (Mabui)

"Ah?! Mabui-senpai! Your condition is still-!" (Tango) 

"Let's just hope we get there in-!" (Toroi)


"?!" (Toroi)

"W-What the hell was that?!" (Samui)

"That has to have been the biggest one yet..." (Tango)


"Whoa!" (Tai)

"Hold on to something!" (Toroi)

"Ugh!" (Mabui)

The shockwaves of a massive explosion were felt by everyone present despite how far away they were

{Just what the hell is going on over there?!} (Toroi)

{Rei...please be safe!} (Mabui)




"AAAHHHHH!!!!" (Rei)



"Will someone one stop him already!"

"We can't catch him! He keeps dodging everything!"


Rei was, for all intents and purposes, letting loose! With nothing but incoherent screaming, he moved at insane speeds. Stabbing everyone present with the weapons he received in that "other" world he was just in

[Rei! What the hell happened?! I lost my CONNECTION with you! And those tools-!]

"Nnnnnnn!!!" (Rei)

[What's wrong with you?!]

"Suiton: Orca!2Water Style: Orca(Rei)


Rei unleashed a torrent of water splashing in all directions at the center of the enemy. Separating them all, he picked off the enemy one by one

"This little shit! Hold still!"

"Hmph!" (Rei)

[Those moves...]

Armed with his signature black staff, Rei was fighting on par with these fully grown shinobi, much to the shock of Notitia

[He was always good at Taijutsu, but he could never fight like THIS! It's almost as if I'm watching Isshiki fight...!]



"Damn it! Another one down!"

"He's throwing those blades with insane accuracy!"

"Katon: Homura!3Fire Style: Blaze(Rei)


"Ugh! These weird black blades are-HUH?"

"BURN!!!" (Rei)


Rei started unleashing fire blasts at the enemy, burning them alive

[His Katon is it an effect of the Two-tails chakra he took? No, that's not it. This is happening because...!]




"What the hell is with him?!"

"This is not happening right now!"

Losing his patience, the one who initially tried to kill Rei and Suzu tried to take Rei on himself but...

"Little shit...I'll kill yo-UHACK!!"


...Rei moved and blinding speed, punching him in the neck and slamming his head into the ground


[He's even trash talking like an Ōtsutsuki, but "This fire, this water is disgusting"? The hell does that mean? Is he talking about his Katon and Suiton?]


Rei was out of control! Continuing to slam the man's head despite already dying from the sheer impact. Over and over again even as the eyes popped out, his facial flesh was removed, revealing his skull

The remaining shinobi were too scared to even move as they watched such a small child commit such a brutal murder

[What's happening to you Rei?]

After finishing the man off, he tossed his body aside as if it were a worthless hunk of meat. Turning around, he glared like an animal at the few ninja left standing

"GGGRRRRRR!!!!" (Rei)

"We-we can't beat him!"

"We have to leave!!"

"What about the mission?!"


The entire group turned around and, almost in unison, tried the flee the area...but Rei wouldn't allow that.


Jumping into the air, he stopped using ninjutsu and tapped his red arm bracers, summoning several "scales" the size of houses. The very same weapons provide by the strange black sphere

[He's flying?! And those weapons were never made by him!! Where did he get-?!]

Too big to throw, he used inhuman strength and kicked each of them in front of the stragglers, blocking their route of escape



"How is he floating like that?!"

"There's no way out!"

"Oh god, oh god!!!"

"Please, we surrender!"

"Kumogakure obviously wants information right?!"

"We'll tell you anything you want to know!"


Rei, still in the air, simply looked down on them...with disgust. After a moment of silence that felt like an eternity to them, Rei moved

No hesitation, no remorse, he launched the remaining scales





One after another, their bodies were crushed by the gigantic blades, reducing them into grotesque meat 


The last of them spoke his final words

"I thought the Tailed beasts were monsters but..."








"...he's the real demon..."


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