I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 176: Repercussions part 1.

10 advance chapters in my Patreon. 



(General P.O.V)

An hour or so had passed since the two cosmic entities had arrived undetected in Bleach.

Davian had his face buried in another dish.

A stack of empty bowls and plates were on the table next to him. He couldn't help himself. The food was just too good!

"You're really not having anything?"

The silver haired man asked his companion. Doctor Manhattan blinked lazily without replying.

"Fine. Suit yourself."

The Reaper snorted, slurping up a noodle and sighing in content.

Davian then leaned back in his seat, patting his belly.

"Man that was good. I haven't had food in a while. Especially that good."

He reached into his pocket dimension and a neat row of dollar bills appeared on the table. The amount was easily in the thousands.

"Alright. I'm full now."

He gave another sigh of content, before jumping to his feet.

"We can get back to the Multiversal exploration or whatever this is."

Doctor Manhattan looked bemused.

Something that wasn't helped by Davian's laughter as they exited the establishment.



The waiter bowed at them as they left.

A few feet from the restaurant, Davian suddenly stopped, brows furrowed.

"Now what?"

Doctor Manhattan questioned in what was his first instance of true exasperation.

Davian snapped his fingers.

"I knew I was forgetting something!"

A resolute look appeared on his face as he turned to Doctor Manhattan.

"Give me a second, there's something I need to do first."

He said, before abruptly teleporting away.

A second later he was back with a different look.


His hair was tied back and he had switched out the jacket for something a bit more fitting for the day.

A gray vintage band t-shirt, faded, ripped jeans and combat boots adorned with chains stomp.

"You went back."

Manhattan observed.

Davian nodded with a smile.

"And fixed everything. I couldn't keep the universe waiting in a frozen state. Who knows how long we will be away? So I decided to put everything back to normal."

It hadn't taken long either. And even if it had, time was relative.

It was a single second for Manhattan but Davian had spent the entire day in Prime Earth.

And the reason he stayed there for such a short time, was because he knew the Justice League would have wanted to talk to him.

Unfortunately for them, that was a conversation he wasn't keen on having.

Dealing with one Batman was enough.

So instead, he chose to spend the day with Raven and the Teen Titans.


Manhattan inquired.

"Don't act like you don't already know he's been dealt with."

Davian rolled his eyes.

Fake Darkseid was nothing like the real deal.

After letting Raven completely overwhelm him, Davian literally waved his hand on what remained of Obsidian and undid him from the sub-atomic level.

He literally unmade him, hence restoring the Emotional Entities back to their real selves. All the Lanterns caught up in Darkseid's scheme were freed from the control of the fake Anti-life equation.

"And I hope you don't mind... But I brought someone along for the ride."

Davian added, stepping aside to reveal...Grail.

"A New God."

Manhattan muttered, turning to Davian with his usual blank expression,

"Are you sure that was wise?"

"Of course it is."

Grail herself cut in, walking towards the powerful being who could undo her with a single thought.

"It was either that or I was going to take over my Father's vast empire, become the New God of Evil and then wage war on everything."

Manhattan blinked down at her.

"You are not lying."

Grail crossed her hands over her ample chest, gazing curiously at the blue god infront of her. She could sense he was just as powerful as the other entity behind her.

"I'm an Amazon, a warrior. I make no false claims."

Manhattan turned a questioning glance Davian's way.

"She promised she was going to behave."

Davian shrugged, moving past the two of them.

"So I thought, heh, what the heck. Now let's go, we've been standing here for too long and I wanna see my Cat goddess."


"I'm tired."

Jinta said, throwing down his broomstick and leaning on the door of the Urahara shop.

"It's only... morning though..."

Ururu said timidly.

The two children, Jinta, a boy dressed in a white t-shirt and red shorts and Ururu, a small girl wearing a floral dress were supposed to be sweeping the pavement before the Shop was officially opened.

'Supposed', being the key word as one of them was more concerned with enjoying the morning sun, a straw in his mouth.

"Don't care." The little boy said with a shrug,

"I'm still tired. Tessai ran us to the ground yesterday. All that training and for what? Hats and clogs can handle any- huh?"

He was interrupted by a shadow appearing over him. Quickly, Jinta stood up, broom in hand.

"Ururu! Stay behind me. I'll protect you from these weirdos."

Jinta moved infront, pointing the broom stick towards Davian and his companions who had just entered the compound.

"Whoa, calm down kid. We didn't mean to startle you."

Davian said, smiling down at the two.

Grail on the other hand was not as nice.

"Weirdos?! Who are you calling that you little brat! I will-"

She began, furiously stomping towards the two.

Only for Davian to chop the back of her head.

"Do nothing because we agreed on a few ground rules."

Davian continued sternly as the New God rubbed the spot on her head in surprise.

She was a warrior! An Amazon! So how could a simple head chop hurt that much?

"Impressive application of Reiatsu."

A deep voice said from behind the two children.

"You have managed to weaponize it enough you can mold it however you want."

A black haired tall man in an apron and glasses commented, stepping out of the shop.

"Thank you." Davian nodded,

"Impressive sensory skills as well. Not many could tell that I was doing that."

He returned the compliment with one of his own.

"Tessai? Who is it? Customers maybe?"

Another voice reached their ears from within the shop.

Sharp clops sounded out, heralding the arrival of another person. The owner of the establishment.

He was dressed in a dark green, long-sleeved kimono over a simple outfit. A wide brimmed hat adorned his head where long strands of blonde hair were peeking out.

A simple cane was clutched in his left hand, and he walked forward like a man tired of his own body.

A black cat sat perfectly balanced on his shoulder, sleeping.

"Ah, just the man I came all this way to see."

Davian said, stepping forward.

"Hello, Urahara Kisuke."

(General P.O.V)

Across the wide expanse of reality,

In the deepest recesses of the Multiverse, beyond the reach of mortal comprehension, there exists a dimension known as the Orrery of Worlds.

Constructed in the space between worlds called the Bleed, the Orrery is profound and so infinitely vast, that it defies all conventional laws of physics and existence.

Here, at the highest echelon of cosmic understanding, resides a place where the most powerful beings gather to discuss matters of universal consequence.

The Orrery itself is a breathtaking sight to behold.

It manifests as an ever-shifting, radiant sphere, composed of countless interlocking gears, spheres, and spiraling energies.

The gears represent the intricate interplay of realities and dimensions, each one a world within the Multiverse.

The orrery's constant motion symbolizes the dynamic nature of existence, as worlds collide, merge, and diverge in an eternal cosmic dance.

It is essentially, an extension of the Rock of Eternity. Or rather it would be fitting to say the Rock of Eternity was a dimension attached to the Orrery.


(Orrery of Worlds)

(Space above the Rock of Eternity)

In a sprawling golden chamber, the meeting was about to start.

The Lords of Order and Lords of chaos were in attendance, manifesting as two sides of a scale, they weren't physically present as that would have led to an unnecessary clash between the two.

Their positions were divided by a figure dressed in green, the Specter, floated off to the side, power wafting off him.

With a blinding flash, the next being arrived.

Resplendent white wings flapped in the air behind Gabriel as he descended onto the floor, where an old man dressed in white robes was meditating.

The old man was the Wizard, Shazam.

"Good. Almost everyone has arrived."

Shazam said, nodding at Gabriel.

The angel nodded back, white wings tucked behind his shoulders.

There was a pop and Mr. Mxyzptlk appeared above the Specter, falling on him and sitting in his shoulders. The Specter gave no reaction.

"Oh my, were you waiting for me?"

The Fifth Dimensional Imp asked with an air of importance.

"Settle down Imp or I will make you."

A new voice said from behind the Specter.

"Huh? Who dares-"

Mr. Myxzptlk stated, turning around to see who had the gall to speak to him in such a way.

Rama Kushna's impassive stare met his eyes. Dressed in a silky green gown, her power and aura was nothing to scoff at. None of the beings here were weak.

"Oh it's you Rama. Nevermind. I'll settle down."

Mr.Mxyzptlk changed his tune very quickly.

"And now everyone has arrived."

The Wizard said, getting to his feet.

"I don't think I need to tell anyone why we are here. It's time. The Fifth World is upon us and we need to decide, whose side do we fight on? The side of the Creator...or the side of Davian Mabuz?"

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