I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 171: No Escape.

15 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

In a section of outer-space, between Mars and Earth, a very strange scene could be seen.

Floating in mid-space, was a lone bubble made up of blue energy with cracks running around it.

The light of the sun millions of miles away glinted on the surface of the bubble, splintering in to various kaleidoscope of colors and light that highlighted the zone around the bubble.

Surrounding it were bodies, similarly floating aimlessly in the vacuum of space.

some of them were frozen stiff like corpses, only more literal, a layer of ice covering their diverse biological features.

The rest were alive. If barely. And by alive, it meant they were mere puppets for the god of evil Darkseid, bringing forth into question which was better, freedom in death or enslavement in life.

Two similarities were evident between the ones dead and those left behind.

The first being that they had all tapped into the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum, an energy field that is fuelled by the emotions of all sentient beings.

it was the power source for all of the Lantern Corps, providing them with a wide range of abilities.

Also known as the Spectrum of Light, it was also one of the Seven Forces of the universe.

The spectrum of light was the power source for all of the Lantern Corps, providing them with a wide range of abilities.

The second similarity were the flecks of scarlet and murky green energy passively being produced by the dead and alive alike.

A brand, a symbol of Darkseid and his Anti-life equation. A reminder that they were enslaved.


Within the blue bubble were two individuals.

"What...is he?-"

The leader of the Blue Lanterns, Saint Walker said to himself, eyes tracking the purple trail left behind by Davian as he headed for Earth.

He closed his eyes, his skin shivering in fear as he remembered the kind of presence Davian had exuded.

Saint Walker felt some movement behind, revealing Sinestro who was now just waking up after the Reiatsu attack had taken down all the Lantern Corps.

The Sinestro Corp leader looked around, noticing he was in a blue sphere created from the energy of Hope. On the outside, members of his corp and the rest floated, completely soul stunned.

Immediately, his memories came back to him. The hand with the ring tightened into a fist.

Only he and his savior? seemed to be alive and moving.

"You saved me...why?"

Sinestro questioned.

Saint Walker closed his eyes, a breath leaving his chest.

"So much has already happened. I wish I could say it was all over. But something tells me the worst is yet to come."

The leader of the Blue Lanterns turned to face his long time enemy.

"I saved you because we have work to do Sinestro."

"What nonsense do you speak of now?"

Sinestro enquired, the yellow glow around him pulsing as he rose off the Shield's floor.

Saint Walker showed no reaction to the rude response, instead he went on to say,

"The delicate dance between fear and hope births the spark of will. In this cosmic tapestry, balance is the key."

He raised his right hand, the ring on his finger glowing bright.

"The infection...the fake Anti-life equation relegated us to foot soldiers for Darkseid's ambition. I cannot feel it anymore. Yet- my heart does not beat with the steady rhythm of hope. Something big is coming."

"Bigger than enslaving the entire Emotional Spectrum to do your bidding?"

Sinestro snorted in disbelief.

Saint Walker's face was serious.

"Almost certainly."

Both figures stared at each other without saying a word, then Sinestro turned away with another snort, hands crossed over his chest.

"Don't expect me to thank you for saving me, Walker. I have decided to take my corp and leave this madness. If Darkseid wants to conquer one measly planet, then the rest of the Universe is mine for the taking."

The shield around them dissipated as Sinestro begun to fly away.

"We tread a path where even the most unlikely allies may hold the universe's salvation, Sinestro."

Saint Walker added as Sinestro begun to leave.

"Every Lantern, including you, bears a fragment of this intricate design."

Saint Walker's insistent voice reached the former Green Lantern.


Sinestro chuckled, throwing one final look back at Saint Walker and the planet behind him.

"Good luck with-"

The sound of a bird cry reached both their ears. A call out to the wilderness of space.

Sinestro went silent.

A massive white Raven had appeared out of nowhere.

The Raven seemed to surround the Earth with it's wings spread out across the planet's atmosphere.

On the other side of the planet, circling it as it battled against the white Raven was an... unexplainable beast.

It's form shifted from something that made sense to a totally strange and border line disturbing body.

One second it would have haracteristics reminiscent of classic demons, such as horns, sharp wings, and a menacing aura.

Then the next it could be depicted as a colossal and armored titan, evoking a sense of dread and power.

Black skin the color of night...leathery wings with holes in them... Red Eyes that glowed with a familiar red...black teeth...sharp and menacing, dripping with acidic venom that melted anything it touched upon.

Reality seemed to fold around the beast. As if fighting it's very existence.

This was clearly an enigma. One that left the ever confident Sinestro in a state of shock and terror.

(Davian's P.O.V) (a few minutes ago)

My body brimmed with more power than I had thought possible before. The rampant energies from absorbing the Seven Deadly Sins had fully been intergrated into me.

The battle with the 3491 Lanterns had more than helped me prepare for this. The final battle.

A simple Shunpo and I was already blasting through the Earth's atmosphere, my form resembling a falling star as I headed straight for where I could sense my Sheath and Chase.

The first view of the planet after being stuck in Limbo for so long was surprising. I seemed to be above Metropolis but it was immensely destroyed.

Skyscrapers were down, a smog filled the air and the sounds of battle still continued.

A group of Soldiers seemed to be in a fierce confrontation with a troop of Para-demons. The soldiers were being pushed back by the horde but luckily they weren't completely overwhelmed.

That was mostly owing to the red, black and bleached blond haired broad smacking Para-demons away with a baseball bat.

And her team of course.


I muttered to myself, a small smile briefly appearing on my face.

Beside Harley, covering her back was Black Manta, wide scarlet eye-beams carving a charred path across the enemies in the sky.

I spotted a few more members as well. There was Boomerang and Idris- sorry Bloodsport as well.

It seemed that even in this universe, Waller still formed her little band of convicts to carry out her dirty missions.

That said, it had been long since I'd seen Harley. Even if it was just a version of her. Both their souls were like mirror versions of each other.

She was someone I didn't mind considering a friend.

And for that reason, let me lemd a hand.

"Hado 7: Akai Inazuma."

Wild erratic lightning left my palm, moving through the street, avoiding the Suicide Squad and the soldiers, before decimating the ranks of Para-demons, frying them in millions of volts.

Burnt bodies fell from the sky in droves. The attack had been high profile enough that no one around could have missed it.

I could feel their gazes on me through Reikaku.

"Thanks, scary dude!! We'll clean up down here!"

Harley's voice came from below, her pale hand waving at my quickly disappearing figure. The smile from before returned.

"You're welcome Crazy Chick!"

I responded, increasing my speed now that I was getting closer to where I needed to be.

I left the Suicide Squad and the army behind. From there on out, no infrastructure stood tall. All I could see before me was a large pile of ruins and debris.

The multi-building residential area around Metropolis, structures worth billions were now torn apart concrete, shattered glass and shredded metal remains.

And so was the number of enemies before me increasing.

Para-demons filled the air around the entire block. It seemed like they had copied the soldiers and set up a perimeter around the shore, all to protect the ship floating on the bay.

Let's get rid of that first.

I was quickly spotted by the Para-demons but fortunately, there was a plan for that.

Reiatsu roared out of me, hitting the ranks of the creatures and immediately sending the hundreds of thousands of Para-demons to sleep.

It was a literal rain of Para-demons.

Energy brimmed from within me, as Shunko activated.

The world narrowed down in my focus. I pushed off the air, moving through falling bodies that looked to be suspended in mid-air.

"Blade of the Grass Crane: Zanjutsu edition."

I called out the attack, applying both Reiryoku and Tairyoku onto the edge of the blade.




3 purple lines appeared around the massive Apokaliptian vessel measuring thousands of feet across. The vessel tilted on its side, a section falling into the churning sea below.

Then another section followed the first, an explosion rocking the water.

The ocean erupted into a shower of sea water, that sprayed those close.

The whole vessel becoming remains that sank into the depths of the sea.


I said to myself, eyes staring at the God of Evil and his posse on the ground. Our eyes met for the second time.

"Now there is no way you can escape."

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