I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 91 - hell deck

According to the rules, the duelists from the two camps formed a circle, enclosing Yuyu and Lishid, who were the representatives of the battle, in the middle.

The two sides shuffled each other’s cards, inserted their card decks back into the duel board, turned around and walked back to their designated fields.

But this time, there is no dark game with the fate gambling mode turned on.

Of course, You Yu himself would not start the dark game. At most, he could only summon spirits to attack people. Li Shide did not use the power of darkness when he fought against the city in the animation, and Yu Yu guessed that the big man of the too advanced dark game might not be able to.

From Yu Yu’s point of view, he actually didn’t want to defeat the big man in front of him, or rather, it would be more useful to keep this big man named Lishid.

According to the DM plot, Malik also has an evil dark personality in his body. Compared with the watch Malik, the dark Malik lurking in his heart is more evil, full of destructive impulses, more unpredictable…and more elegant.

When Malik was a child, he accepted the cruel ceremony of the tomb-keeper family and engraved on his back the secrets of the pharaohs guarded by the tomb-keeper family for generations. Because of the unbearable pain, he nurtured hatred for the unknown pharaoh and even the world. destructive character.

Brother Lishid is the key to suppressing Malik’s dark personality. In the original work, it was also because Lishid fell in a duel with the city that Dark Malik was awakened.

Because You Yu doesn’t want Dark Malik to come out to disrupt the situation for the time being, so it’s better for this eldest brother to stay in Gurus.

……Of course, people can leave, but the card has to stay.

“Duel!” x2

【You Yu, LP4000】

【Lichide, LP4000】

The first is Lishid: “I attack first, draw cards. I set three cards, and the round is over.”

As expected of the well-known DM’s early-stage heavy pit brother Lisid, this start was too much to guard the tomb. There are not many beeps and beeps, it is directly three cards in the backcourt, the standard underworld start.

But it doesn’t matter. The advantage of You Yu compared to the original character is that he already knew through the animation what deck Lichide would use, and he also knew that 90% of his entire deck was a trap.

To put it bluntly, it is a pit, a pure heavy pit. Take one step and be tricked by three steps, the kind that makes you doubt your life.

Then since you know in advance that the opponent is autistic, you can of course adjust a wave of decks in advance. Here, You Yu directly brought all the wind in his hands, what a whirlwind storm, and even brought in the tornado of sand and dust that he kicked out of the deck for a long time. It was this kind of autistic player.

Sure enough, the effect of this adjustment was immediate. You Yu started to draw a card, and Zhang Xuanfeng came directly, so naturally there was no hesitation.

“Quick Attack Magic – Whirlwind!” You Yu played this timeless classic pit-clearing old card, “Destroy a magic trap card on the field!”

The swirling storm rushed towards Lisheed’s backcourt with lightning, and rolled up the leftmost one of the three cover cards. The flashing lightning struck the card, and the strong wind pressure ripped the card to pieces.

It is a “Universal Mine Broadsword Form”, which is triggered at the moment when a monster attacks, and has the effect of destroying the monster with the highest attack power on the opponent’s field.

It’s okay to replace this one.

“And then summon it from your hand, Sorcerer Destroyer!”

The wizard warrior in red armor appeared on the field with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

“When the Sorcerer Destroyer is successfully summoned, it can place a magic counter on itself, and its attack power will increase by 300!”

Lishid narrowed his eyes: “And by removing counters, can you destroy the magic and trap cards on the field? But it’s not that simple!”

Lishid waved his hand: “Open the cover card – cave! Activate when a monster with an ATK of 1000 or more is summoned, and that monster is directly destroyed!”

A huge hole appeared on the sole of the Sorcerer’s foot. The warrior in red armor stepped on the air under one foot, his body crooked, he couldn’t stand still, and he fell into it.

But at this moment, Yu Yu quickly played another card from his hand: “Quick Attack Magic – Illusion Magic! Use a Magician-type monster on the field as a sacrifice, and select a ‘Dark Magician’ from the deck to add to the hand! “

After all, the magic warrior who fell into the cave was not smashed, but turned into a golden light and was liberated under the effect of the magic card.

You Yu pulled out the deck, picked out “Black Magician” and showed it to the opponent, and added it to his hand.

The players were very excited at this time.

“Appeared! The originator-level pit god’s self-closing deck!”

“Can MD get some cards from the world?”

“The players in the underworld die and the whole family…”

Over the years, autism has been a part of Yu-Gi-Oh, and while the game is developing, the autism routine is also constantly developing with the times.

The players of Yu-Gi-Oh! Real Cards have more or less the experience of being trapped to the point where their relatives do not recognize and doubt their life. Therefore, when everyone sees this underworld card group, they seem to feel the same way, and they all have a feeling of righteous indignation.

“Come on, You Yu!”

“That’s right, hurry up and beat that autism back to the underworld!”

Although Big Brother Lihid has a stable mind and doesn’t care about the abuse of the players, he can’t help but be surprised by the shameless behavior of these sand sculptures——

——The one who defected from his side only a few minutes ago~www.mtlnovel.com~ is now screaming more fiercely than the other, and those who don’t know think they are all brothers and sisters with You Yu… ..

So it seems that the morality of this group of sand sculptures may be wholesale in the market, and they are especially discounted during the ten yuan per catty event.

“Speaking of which…Does Yu Yu seem to be playing autism when he knows that the other party comes up?” Some players realized the problem, “Why did you just start with a wind and a destroyer?”

“I’m afraid it’s not… Didn’t shuffle the cards?”

“What do you know? It’s called the bond with the deck, do you understand?” A player immediately explained, “Real duelists are only able to draw cards that come in handy. You know a hammer.”

When You Yu heard this, he couldn’t help but wanted to roll his eyes.

P, there are six cards in the labor card deck, two Destroyers and a bunch of filter draws, but I only got two cards in my hand. This bond is already in arrears and needs to be recharged, okay…

But it still doesn’t matter. He still has a good understanding of Lisheed’s deck. The opponent’s deck is basically a full-pit deck with extremely poor offensive ability. It’s okay to remove two pits this round.

The key is to look at the follow-up.

“My round is over.”

“Then it’s my turn.” Lisheed drew the card, snorted suddenly, changed his tone, and said in a voice that seemed to be lowered several times, “From now on, you are going to step into the absolute restricted area. People other than the Tomb Clan are absolutely forbidden and will be instantly killed by many organs.”

You Yu’s face turned positive.

Are you coming?

He was waiting for this card.

“Activate from the hand,” Lishid took out this card from his hand solemnly, as if performing some kind of ceremony, “the field magic card——

——The temple of the royal family! “

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