I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 70: show me... your hands!

  Chapter 70 Let me see your hand!

   After choosing, the protagonist of the game immediately spoke to comfort him.

  [Calm down first and I will call the police for you.]


Call the police?

   The corners of Mr. Zai’s eyes twitch, you, the protagonist, will die if you don’t act like a virgin! ?

  I chose not to open the door, and you still go to call the police?

   Can you get through?

  Didn’t you try it when the power was not restored on the floor just now?

  But Mr. Zai could only complain in his heart, and then watched the protagonist of the game put the phone receiver on the cabinet, took out the phone, and dialed the number.

  When the woman outside heard this, her expression panicked, and she hurriedly spoke while crying.

  [Sir, sir, don’t go. Don’t leave me. Please let me in, please, woohoo]

   Mr. Zai looked at the crying woman on the electronic screen, and at the same time looked at his left hand making a call to the police.

  But just like before, except for the beeping busy tone, there is no movement, and I can't call at all!

  This building has no signal!

[What's the matter? ]

  The voice of the protagonist of the game is puzzled and trembling.

  The woman outside the door even raised her head, closed her eyes and wept to wake up her child.

  [My child is not good for the mother. The mother should not leave you. Sir, please save me, please open the door and let me in. Please]

  The woman cried heartbreakingly, quite emotionally.

  Under the powerful performance of VR, it is so real that it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

  Especially the facial expression, which is undoubtedly the same as CG.

   Rao is Mr. Zai, I can't bear to see it.

  [Sir, can you open the door please please, there is no one outside. You are the first person I see please open the door and let me in please. Please sir]

   Faced with such a request, Mr. Zai shook his head.

  He can't make a decision, because right now, it's in real-time calculation.

  However, he guessed that even he was a little moved. Did the protagonist of the game, the mother whore, also break the defense?

  Although he chose not to open the door, it was just that he did not open the door at the time. Who knows what will happen later?

  However, the situation made Mr. Zai somewhat unexpected.

  The weird music before slowly sounded again.

  The protagonist of the game slowly put down the phone and leaned towards the phone.

  He stared at the crying woman on the electronic screen, spoke calmly, and said something that surprised Mr. Zai.

  [Please let me.Look at your hand]

   The voice just fell.

  Suddenly, the music changed.

  The feeling of crisis and suffocation hits instantly.

   Indicates that things have changed.

   Zai always understood what he felt strange in an instant.

   That's the hand!

   It's the hand!

   The woman outside the door never moved her two arms no matter what she did from beginning to end!

  When she cried, no matter how many tears she shed, she never wiped them with her hands.

  When she lowered her head and cried, she didn't cover her face with her hands, she just lowered her head.

  When she closed her eyes and choked on her child, she just raised her head without moving her arms at all.

  This woman clearly has hands, but she acts as if she doesn't have hands.

  This is why the cub always finds it strange but can't find it.

   But does she really have no hands?


  Without hands, how did she open the compartment door?

   So the greatest possible

   is her hand. There is a problem!

   Mr. Zai immediately thought of the scene in room 9905, the slender arm covered in blood, grabbing the head of a child like a poisonous snake hunting.

  Suddenly, he narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughtful.

  The woman outside the door stopped crying after hearing this.

  The whole expression became normal in an instant, and there was no trace of crying.

   It's like switching two different expressions on the same face, without the slightest excess, it's extremely weird!

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai immediately understood in his heart that this woman is not human at all!

  It seems that the protagonist of the game is not so useless!

[What.? ]

  The woman outside the door spoke out in confusion, as if she didn't quite understand what it meant.

  The protagonist, staring at her closely, spoke again in a low voice.

  [Your hand. Let me see.]

   As soon as the voice fell, the pupils of the woman outside the door widened slightly.

  After returning to her normal expression, she showed a creepy and weird smile.

  Even the tone of speech is no longer fearful, but disturbingly calm.

[What did you say? ]

   Hearing this for the second time, Mr. Zai realized that something was wrong.

  The current situation is already in the form of confrontation with each other.

   It was almost time to lift the table to reveal the hole cards and expose the identity.

  It is hard to say whether the top floor is a safe house. According to the setting of "Dark Forest", it is not certain that the 100th floor is absolutely safe.

  What if this woman rushes in from outside the door?

   Resist with a metal bat?

  Zi always doesn't know, and neither do the audience fans in the live broadcast room.

  They can only follow along to see what happens next.

  The protagonist of the game did not flinch at all from the change in the expression of the woman outside the door.

  He repeated in a low and calm voice again.

  Unknowingly, his voice no longer trembled, but became smoother.

  [Your hand, let me see. ]

  The woman outside the door suddenly smiled when she heard it.

  But it gives people a sense of horror with a smile on the surface.

   Then she made a peculiar cry.

   Then slam the door!

  [I told you to open the door—! I tell you to open the door—! I tell you to open the door—! ]




  The woman's voice became sharp in an instant.

   And through the earpiece, it rang through the suite.

  At the same time, the closed door was slammed with a bang, the handle was twisted crazily, and the whole door trembled with the force, like a car crashing.

   Mr. Zai was dumbfounded.

  The electronic screen flickered like a signal failure, and the face of the woman who hit the door changed little by little.

  She no longer has the previous pretty appearance, but is like a thin thread, with prominent wrinkles and aging wax.

  The eyes, nostrils, ears, and mouth continuously flowed black blood, and as she roared, it splashed on the monitor.

  [I’m so hungry and open the door. I’m so hungry and open the door. I’m so hungry and open the door.]

  The woman's face was all on the surveillance camera.

   Under the display of the electronic screen, a terrifyingly huge face appeared!

  The dry, wrinkled face dripped pus from the flesh, and the howling mouth was full of serrated fangs.

  There is a piece of scarlet on the top, with tender red meat crumbs hanging on it.

  The protagonist of the game was shocked by this scene and kept backing away, terrified.

  In this situation, the woman outside the door can no longer be considered a human being.

   "She really isn't human!"

   Not only the cub understands, but the protagonist of the game also understands it.

  [What is this? Is this monster in the previous room?]

   While speaking, he tightly grasped the metal bat, always on the lookout for changes in the gate.

   The monsters outside the door are still knocking on the door, and the monitor is reddish because of the blood.

  The woman's voice also became hoarse and dry.

  [Open the door. I want to eat meat I am hungry I am hungry]

  Zai Zong watched this scene, his heart was in his throat.

   "Oh my god! A woman really turns her face when she says to turn her face, what should I do, brothers, am I going to die with honor in the prologue?"

  The audience and fans in the live broadcast room launched barrages one after another.

   "I think you should be proud, the core next door has died twice."

   "Yes, yes, both of my live broadcast rooms are open. The first time Xinxin ran in the wrong direction and was caught up to death. The second time he opened the door and died directly."

   "Brother Zai can still play games, at least the prologue is not dead."

   "It's not your turn yet, what are you afraid of?"

   "Brother Cub, don't let us down."

  Looking at the fans in the live broadcast room, Mr. Zai had nothing to say.

   Indeed, it is now in the process of real-time calculation.

   Indicates that the game has a follow-up.

   Just as he was thinking this way, sure enough, a turning point happened.

  Amidst the violent banging on the door, a terrified female voice screamed from a distance.

   Not surprisingly, it should have come from downstairs.

   After Mr. Zai heard the sound, he immediately looked at the electronic screen.

   There, the **** dry face smiled excitedly.

  [Meat. Tender meat. Very hungry]

  The monster outside the door turned around slowly, like a crab, walking diagonally with a strange smile.

   Soon, he left the cubicle and disappeared under the stairs.

   Seeing this scene, Mr. Zai suddenly exhaled.

   Then he patted his chest, feeling grateful for the peace.

   But the monster is gone, so what are you going to do now?

   Are you going downstairs again?

  But in the next second, Mr. Zai dismissed the doubt.

  Because a male voice sounded on the radio in the suite.

  [Hello guys on the top floor, this is the hotel monitoring room, and I am a guest like you. You're probably aware that the Sky Mountains are getting weirder, right? Listen, if you want to survive, you better do what I tell you. ]

  (end of this chapter)

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