I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.212 Challenging the Queen.

The queen scanned the room and spotted the four cloaked women standing behind Quinus. She furrowed her brow, trying to discern which one was the dark elf her son had mentioned.

'Is that one the dark elf? Or is it the other one,' Rianna thought as she glanced between Rya and Yuliana. 'Two of them are well-endowed, so one of them is this "Rya" my son wrote about, while the other two cloaked women are well-shapen, from what I can tell... But they aren't at my level, so those two aren't her. Hmm... Three of them must be Rya's friends, but why are they wearing cloaks? What do they have to hide?'

Quinus and his group bowed.

"Welcome back, my son. I-It's been too long. How are you feeling?" the queen asked, trying not to cry tears of joy.

"I'm fine, Mother. Thank you for your concern," Quinus replied as he and the others straightened.

"I heard you were gravely injured in the battle of Ironside. A-Are you okay? Does it hurt? Shall I call for the royal physician?" Rianna asked.

"I'm okay, Mother. My lovely fiancee treated my injuries," Quinus said, gesturing to Rya.

'Fiancee? Oh! So it was that one!' the Queen exclaimed to herself as she put on a fake smile, "So, this is the dark elf you told me about in your letter. She can take off her cloak and approach me."

Quinus nodded and whispered to Rya, "Come on, I'll introduce you."

'Fuck... She's staring daggers at me. Just breathe, Rya. Just remember that etiquette training that Fyrella did for me. You can do this. For Quin,' Rya thought to herself as she took off her cloak and stood next to Quinus. Rya slowly removed her hood, revealing her white hair, azure eyes, and pointy ears.

Rya's hair was done up in a braid, and she was wearing her royal yellow dress and silver heels.

She could see the surprised look on the Queen's face when her eyes landed on her.

'Huh? If it weren't for her ears she would have passed as a human. A very beautiful human at that... Gah! My son is just like his father! He can't say no to women with a body like mine! Cyndre is lucky that I'm kind and understanding. However, I have my limits. I will not have my son marry a hussy! I will not allow it!' the Queen thought to herself as she observed Rya, 'She seems confident. But this could all be a ruse to make my son her puppet by using her beauty and curves to her advantage. She's pretty, I'll give her that. But she must prove herself worthy of being my son's bride.'

Rya was nervous as Quinus grabbed her hand and walked toward his mother.

"Mother, this is my fiancee, Lady Rya of the Sorellian tribe," Quinus introduced Rya, who curtsied to the queen.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. I am Rya of the House of Vellanax. Adopted daughter of Princess Yuliana Vellanax," Rya said.

Rianna observed Rya as she stood up, 'Hmmm... She has good manners. Hold on!? That last name is from a famous Wood Elf family... I remember! It's from the Royal House of the fallen Kingdom of the Wood Elves! One of them survived?'

Rianna looked at Rya with a raised eyebrow. "I'm impressed. You're not like most dark elves I have seen. You have good manners. I am impressed. What else are you hiding under those curves of yours?"

"Mother!? That is uncalled for!" Quinus interjected.

"No, Quin. I'll handle this," Rya said calmly.

"Good. Show me that you can stand your ground. Show me how you intend to defend my son's honor and virtue," Rianna said sternly.

"Yes, my queen. My intentions are nothing but pure. My feelings for Prince Quinus are true and honest. He's the only one with whom I wish to spend the rest of my life with. And I will do everything in my power to keep him safe and happy. My only wish is to be the woman he needs and the partner he can depend on," Rya explained.

Rianna stared at her, then looked at her son, "Is this what you truly want, Quinus?"

"Yes, mother," he answered.

Rianna looked back at the dark elf, "So, do you think it will be easy? Do you think your looks alone will keep my son's attention? I heard what happened to you in Ironside. You allowed yourself to be captured by Alaric's mercenaries! Is that really watching out for him?"

Rya felt her face flush with embarrassment and anger, "I let my guard down. It will not happen again. And yes, I am well aware of how beautiful I am. I have known this for a while. I never relied on my appearance to get an edge with Quin. My skills are my own and are the fruits of my hard work and determination. My appearance is just a bonus."

"How am I supposed to believe you won't make another mistake? Alaric is looking for revenge for the death of his son. The Divine Three with the Prime Minister won't accept a dark elf as the next Queen, and the Kingdom of Marn has been eyeing to take over the north. So if you really love my son, you need to show me that you will put his safety and the wellbeing of this kingdom first," Rianna argued.

The Queen was hoping to scare off any ideas the dark elf had of taking her son's hand in marriage. And instead of seeing a hint of fear or worry in the girl's eyes, she saw determination and confidence. Rya took it in stride as she smirked. Rianna felt uncomfortable as the dark elf stared her down.

"I was afraid to fall in love with your son, your Majesty. It was a love I never knew existed... And I learned a very valuable lesson when I tried to fight these feelings. I attempted to resist falling for him, but I couldn't. His presence always drew me in deeper, no matter how hard I resisted. I wanted him... but I knew deep down that he would be better off without me. Especially when I was dumb enough to get collared... I learned the hard way how dangerous the ambitions of powerful people can be when they prioritize their own best interests.

"They will sacrifice anything and anyone to get what they want... I had to watch myself kill innocent soldiers while my body was controlled. I almost killed a good friend and saw Quin at death's door because of my mistakes... I also witnessed corrupt nobles using the civilians for their own gain.

"When Quin freed me. I made sure that all of those who dared to hurt my love paid dearly. I made sure that the Black Roses were destroyed so they could never hurt him again. If my love wants to be with me, then I will destroy anyone who dares try to stop us, no matter who it is. I will do whatever it takes to be with him. To stand by his side and to support him," Rya said confidently, "Whether that be destroying the Kingdom of Marn to free the wood elves, fighting against the Divine Three and their false Gods, or even facing a God. If it is in my power, I will destroy them. If it is beyond my power, I will find another way to defeat them... And for Duke Alaric... I will turn every ally against him, I will cut off his funding, and I will weaken his influence to the point where no one will follow him. If it is necessary, I will even kill him myself. I refuse to let his insanity and anger poison the happiness of the person I love... Because Quin is my one and only. I refuse to let him go through life without me by his side."

The room fell silent as Rianna stared at her, not knowing how to respond, 'S-She definitely has the heart of a lioness. But still... If she thinks she can just waltz into the palace and take over the kingdom... She is very much mistaken.'

"You are a brave girl to say those things to me, and I admire your resolve and conviction. But not everything can be resolved by bloodshed, even if I wish that some people were dead. You need to know your place and understand how politics work. How can I trust someone like you, a dark elf and a member of a dark elven tribe, who is responsible for looking after the welfare of this kingdom and my son? What proof do I have that you will keep your word?" the queen asked.

Rya took a step forward and said, "I know what I am saying is a lot. And I will not force you to accept me or our love. If you don't like me or disapprove of our union, we will find a way to be together. But I ask you this, Your Majesty, to please give me a chance. Please allow me the opportunity to prove myself. Allow me the chance to earn your approval."

Rianna stared at the dark elf, 'What does she want? Hmmm, she seems willing to play along and do what is needed. Maybe she is not a lost cause after all... Still, this is not something I can agree to so easily. If I say yes, the church will throw a fit. Not that I care, but they are a major political power that can cause a civil war.'

Rianna looked her in the eye, "If you wish to be by my son's side, you will have to prove yourself worthy of that position. And not just to me but to the Church, the people, and the Kingdom as well. You will have to go through the proper channels. First, you must visit our High Priestess, Mother Astra, in the capital's Temple of Balance. If the Goddess shows you favor while doing the ritual before the Idol. Then, we can move on to getting the Prime Minister to accept you as a possible candidate, which is already an uphill battle because he is the main driving force behind signing a peace treaty with the Alliance. I'm sure you know about the arranged marriage with the Divine Three's Princess. That can't be broken without starting a war. But if you get a connection with the goddess, we may have a chance. But it won't be easy."

"I'm well aware, Your Majesty. I won't ask for an easy road; I know it will be difficult. But I will do everything in my power to stand by Quin's side," Rya replied with a smile.

Rianna couldn't help but start to like the girl, 'Well, she has a fire in her, that is for sure. But is that enough? And there's the issue of her becoming pregnant. Female Elves' reproduction cycles are extremely long and only happen once every decade or so. So, her chances of having a child with my son are improbable. That means we will have to rely on a mistress. That is the only way for my grandson to be born. Hmmm, but can she accept that?'

"Well then, I have a couple more things to discuss with you," Rianna said.

"Okay, what is it?" Rya asked.

"So, if you can get favor from the goddess and somehow get the Prime Minister's approval, and I have my doubts about the latter. The last thing we will need to discuss is your children. If you can't produce an heir, then you will need a mistress who can. And I fear that fertility potions won't work on Elves. This means you will be required to have a baby outside of your marriage... Are you willing to accept that, Rya, or will you refuse and leave my son's side?" Rianna asked with a serious tone.

"I'll accept it," Rya answered immediately.

"You won't try to fight me on this? Will you?" the queen questioned.

"No, Your Majesty. I will not try to argue with you on the matter. I have thought about this, and if Quin wants me, then I will accept any condition, no matter what it is. A-And I know that it's a long shot even to hope to have a baby, but if there is a possibility that we can have a child... Then, I will do anything to make it happen. Because I love him, and I want to have a family with him," Rya said with a gentle smile.

The queen smiled as she watched the dark elf. She could see that she was being honest. And she knew that the girl loved her son. She could tell by the way Rya was staring at him and the tone of her voice.

'Huh... Maybe I should give my son a chance with her. Maybe he will be happy with her. But, will she be able to handle the pressures of being the future queen?' the queen wondered.

"Well... I think I can see why my son likes you. You seem very genuine and are not afraid to say how you feel. And I can tell that you will do whatever it takes to protect him. Just be sure not to lose yourself in the process. Being in this environment is different than what you are used to. Things here can be a little more... intense," the queen said as she glanced over at her son.

"I'll remember that, your Majesty," Rya replied.

Queen Rianna then looked at the other three cloaked individuals. She was curious about their identities, and since they were clearly close to her son, she was naturally suspicious.

"And these three are?" the queen asked, gesturing to the hooded figures.

"Oh, yes. I'm sorry, mother. You haven't been introduced to them yet. These are my wife's friends. The first one is Dalia Nightshade, and she's a wolfkin we saved in the labyrinth. She's engaged to Percy, one of my knights. He's the second boy there," Quinus said.

Dalia hesitated for a moment but then summoned the courage to join Rya by her side. She revealed her identity to the queen when she pulled down her hood. She was nervous as the queen stared at her.

"Nightshade? Could this be related to the Nightshade tribe?" Rianna asked.

"Y-Yes. I'm from the champion's bloodline," Dalia replied.

'How did they get her to agree to take a human as her mate? Hm... I'm concerned that my son may have used a slave collar on her. It's hard to see under that cloak, but that has to be the reason why she's here, right?... Gah! It doesn't add up, though. She seems genuinely attracted to young Percy,' the queen thought.

"Is she your servant, son?" Rianna asked.

"No, mother. She is my wife's companion and friend. She's an adventurer and she fell for Percy," Quinus replied.

'An adventurer? And a member of the Champion's line? Hmmm, I wonder...' Rianna thought.

"What were you doing in the labyrinth, young lady?" the queen asked.

"I was an abandoned battle slave that got captured by the goblins. If it wasn't for Alph~I mean, Lady Rya and The Prince. I would've probably died there. They saved me and gave me a second chance. I am eternally grateful to them, and my life is in their debt. So I have pledged myself to them," Dalia answered.

'There has to be more... Beastkins are notorious for being hard to tame. So there's no way she submitted to humans without a fight... Unless they somehow earned her trust. Or my son has lied and used a slave collar. It might have been Rya's idea to convince him to do such a terrible act,' the queen pondered.

"Remove your cloak. I wish to check something," the queen ordered.

Dalia looked over at Rya, who gave her a nod.

Dalia removed her cloak and was wearing a cute orange mini dress. Her black ears were out in the open, and her tail wagged behind her.

"Where is the slave collar?" the queen asked.

"I was never put in a slave collar, Chieftain," Dalia answered.

Rianna was about to question her again when she noticed Dalia's baby bump.

'She's pregnant? And she looks no older than 18 or maybe 19 years old. Hmmm, this is quite surprising... So, she's carrying Percy's children!?... How am I going to explain to Wina that her son is marrying a wolfkin demi-human? It would be fun to see her reaction to the news if things weren't so damn tense at the moment. Especially since the church will not like this,' Rianna thought.

"So, you are carrying Percy's child, is that right?" the queen asked.

"Y-Yes, your Majesty. I am," Dalia replied.

Rianna nodded. Then she turned her attention to the two girls standing beside Percy. She recognized that they were elves as well.

'I've lived most of my life without seeing any demi-humans, and now I'm surrounded by them. And there's a dark elf as well. Is this some kind of joke?' the queen thought.

"You there. What's your name and relation to the dark elf?"

"I'm Princess Yuliana Vellanax. Only surviving heir to the Wood Elf throne. And I'm Rya's adopted mother," she said as she pulled down her hood. Yuliana wore the wood elf family crown that used to belong to her deceased brother, who died during the war.

The queen looked surprised. Why was a fallen princess with her son?

"Hmmm, I see. I had heard about your disappearance after the war. How did you come to be with my son?" Rianna questioned.

"My daughter was the one who ran into Lady Rya. And the reasons why we were in your kingdom is a bit complicated," Yuliana explained.

"That is an understatement," Rianna said sarcastically.

"Well, you'll understand when you see my blood daughter. Nieren," Yuliana called out.

The elf girl removed her cloak, and her golden blonde hair shined brightly under the sun's light. Her green eyes sparkled as she looked up at the queen.

Once Rianna saw Nieren's hair, her eyes widened in shock.

'No way... That's impossible! She has blonde hair of the High Elves... She's a half-breed?' the queen thought.

"So... I'm assuming that you couldn't find shelter with another wood elf hidden village because of your daughter's hair. She's part High Elf, isn't she? So, you came here to seek refuge. Am I correct?" the queen inquired.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty. The High Elves abandoned my people in their time of need, and the Lesser Elders of the hidden villages would have taken my daughter away and killed her due to her father's actions. So, I fled the forest and brought my daughter to Ironside. I needed time to rebuild the kingdom's Elder Tree. But when my daughter became Lady Rya's lady-in-waiting. It took me some time to process everything, but I realized that the only place she could be safe was by Lady Rya's side," Yuliana answered.

"So, when did you decide to adopt a dark—"

"Rya!... That's her name!... I've held my tongue long enough as you refer to her as "the dark elf" and not her name. She's my daughter, and I would appreciate it if you'd treat her as such," Yuliana snapped at Rianna, cutting her off.

The queen's eyes went wide. No one has ever cut her off before.

"Listen, Queen Rianna. I don't know you, and I'm not one of your subjects. I do not have any desire to become one if this is how you will treat my daughter. Though she may not share my blood, the moment I learned about the hardship that this 27-year-old girl had endured after losing her parents, I was deeply moved. I made the decision that she could benefit from having a mother and a big sister. She accomplished more than you could ever understand. So, I adopted her into my family. She may have a different skin color than us. But she's not a monster and deserves to be treated with respect. I can see that your son loves her, and I know that he'll protect her. So, if you have a problem with that, you can keep it to yourself," Yuliana finished.

Rya was impressed that Yuliana had a bit of bite to her. She had only seen Yuliana be sweet and motherly towards her, so it was surprising to see this side of her.

The queen stared at the wood elf princess and couldn't help but feel a little impressed.

"You're telling me that Rya is a 27-year-old woman?" the queen asked.

"That's right, Your Majesty. She's not close to being an adult. She's just a girl," Yuliana replied.

'She doesn't act like a child to me... Maybe she's been through more than I realized and that's why she acts more like a 27-year-old human... I'm still not used to calling a 27-year-old elf a child though. But that's elves for you... Maybe she still has her innocence... That's why she fell for my son. I'm a fool for not seeing it before. Plus, my son is a good judge of character. If this is the woman that caught his eye, then I should try to accept her... But we still need to go through those stupid hoops in hopes of stopping any uprisings. We can't have the kingdom tear itself apart, even if it isn't her fault.' Rianna thought.

The queen finally noticed Johan Dule and his wife hiding in the back of the room. She was so focused on the demi-humans she didn't see him enter the room.

"Lord Johan? What are you doing here?" the queen asked.

"Ah, forgive me. Lady Rya wanted me and my wife here. She's done so much for us that we felt we needed to be here," Lord Johan said.

'And he's calling her Lady Rya as well? Why does everyone seem to treat her as if she's a goddess? I get that she's young, but she's still a dark elf... Oh well, it's not like I have a choice. I'm already going against my better judgment by letting them in the palace. But what else can I do?'

Tayna walked up and curtsied. "Hello, Your Majesty. I'm Tayna Dule, Johan's wife."

Rianna studied the young woman before her. She recalled the rumors about her and the arranged marriage. Johnathan Dule was having a hard time getting a woman for his son. Most of the women in the kingdom had refused him. So, he tried a different tactic and looked for a woman in the Minor Noble families.

That's when word got out that he married a poor girl who was injured by a monster at a young age. The Minor Lord assumed that no one wanted to marry his daughter due to all the scars, but when a House of a Major Family requested a betrothal. He jumped on the opportunity, not caring about his daughter's opinion. Things weren't good between them as Tayna refused to consummate the marriage, and there were rumblings about the end of a Major Noble House if Johan couldn't get a child from his wife. So it was a shock to Rianna when she saw Tayna in the same room as well as traveling with her husband this entire time.

'She doesn't look like a woman who was forced into a loveless marriage. Johan seems happy, and they look like a real couple. I'm glad to see him happy, but I wonder how they overcame their differences. Hold on? Why does Johan look more striking than ever? I remember him being an average-looking guy with a beard... Hmmm, his muscles are bigger. He's almost twice the size. And his face... it's more handsome. What the hell is going on?'

"Lady Tayna? It's good to finally meet you. I've heard some interesting rumors about you," the queen said.

Tayna was about to reply, but her husband placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I'm absolutely certain that only the most wonderful rumors surround her. Isn't that right, my darling?"

Tayna giggled. "That's right, honey."

The queen looked dumbfounded. 'What is happening right now? Did she really just call him honey? I-I definitely need to invite her over for tea soon. I really want to figure out how this all happened. And why does Johan look so... different? There's something not right here. There's something that I'm missing, and it's bugging me...'

"So, did you wish to tell me something, Lady Tayna?" the queen asked.

"Huh? Oh yes! You see, I can tell you aren't fully sold on Lady Rya... I understand. When I first met her, I did the same thing. But she has done more for me than I can ever repay. She healed me, took care of me, and became my friend. She also healed my husband and told me that he was a perfect man for me, and I didn't see it like the fool that I was. And it was all because of her. So, I owe her my happiness and my life. That's why we're here... So, give her a chance... She hasn't failed anyone," Tayna finished with a curtsy.

'A dark elf saved her. And she's praising her. Hmmm, she seems sincere, and Johan is a good judge of character. Okay, so far, everyone who has met Rya has only given high praise to her. Maybe Douglas has something to add. But I'll ask him when no one is around,' Rianna thought, 'I better wrap this up so I can speak to Quinus alone before I do the same with Rya at the tea party.'

Rianna turned her attention back to Rya. "Well, it seems interesting things happen around you, Lady Rya... So, let's move on to the next step. I would like to have a less tense environment when I get a chance to talk with you, Lady Rya. So, we are going to have a tea party later. And I expect you to be there. And all four of you ladies can join me. Is that understood?"

"Of course, Your Majesty. I'll happily answer any questions you have," Rya replied.

"Good. Now, we can end this for today and have tea in an hour," the queen said.

After the meeting, everyone exited the room, leaving only Rianna's guards behind. As Quinus prepared to depart with Rya, Rianna halted him and signaled for Rya to leave.

"I want to have a word with my son. You can have him later, Lady Rya," the queen said.

'Haah... What does mom want to talk about?' Quinus thought as he took Rya's hand and kissed it.

"I'll be back soon. Please behave, my dear."

"Okay, sweetheart. Don't let her bully you too much," Rya replied with a wink.

The Prince observed the Dark Elf's departure from the room, and as the figure disappeared, he made his way back to his mother. The heavy doors closed behind him, and a few moments later, Rianna signaled for Lady Nelumbo and her guards to withdraw as well. Left alone, the queen fixed her intense gaze on her son, filling the silence with unspoken thoughts.

Hey all! If you don't want to wait for a whole week to see the next chapter. Then check out my Patreon Page of Vol.3 First Drafts for only $1 dollar! That's correct. One USD is needed to read up to Chapter 224!

See where Rya is going next (with a bit more grammatical mistakes, but you'll get the point) and see if she can convince her future mother-in-law that she's right for her son!

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And if not, then I'll see you next week with another next chapter!

Also, I have Vol. 4 started for those who choose a higher membership. PEACE!

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