I Found Myself Pregnant After Becoming An Omega

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 41st

The sparks buried in my heart ignited into a raging fire, and the flame spread to the limbs and limbs instantly along with the blood.

The cold white skin was dyed pink a little bit, and the sanity that was finally recovered disappeared once again. Ji Yu’s mind was blank, and he could not feel anything except comfort and joy.

The annoying itch finally had someone to scratch, and he wanted to sigh comfortably.

But his lips were blocked, he had to clenched his hands on his broad back, curled up his clean and slender toes, and slapped hard against the tiles on the ground.

With beautiful eyes narrowed, Ji Yu panted quickly and hard.

The shower was turned off long ago, but the temperature in the bathroom still failed to drop.

The humid and sultry mist lingered around the two people who were kissing, and the dry pants were full of moisture a little bit, the color gradually darkened and became more docile, and the slightest reaction was clearly outlined.

He Zhou kissed deeper and pressed the hand behind Ji Yu’s head harder.

Their lips are tightly pressed together, their breath and breath are intertwined, and it is impossible to tell who is hotter.

After a long time, He Zhou finally let go of Ji Yu, and he laughed softly: “Hey, breathe.”

Ji Yu finally floated to the surface like an oxygen-deficient fish. He took two breaths with his mouth open and blinked as if to regain his senses. Then he subconsciously moved his throat and swallowed.

It wasn’t until He Zhou smiled that he felt what he had done, and reached out his hand to wipe the wet corner of his mouth.

“What are you looking at?”

His voice was soft, waxy and hoarse, and his eyes seemed to be filled with water. He didn’t have any strength to stare up, but he was like acting like a baby.

He Zhou moved his heart and stretched out his thumb to rub Jiyu’s lips: “How is it?”

Ji Yu waved He Zhou’s hand, don’t open his eyes: “How about what?”

“Like it?”

After He Zhou finished speaking, he added another sentence, “The kiss just now.”

Ji Yu blinked and said like a mosquito, “It’s okay.”

Looking at the earlobes that were so red that they could drip blood, He Zhou’s smile became deeper: “Like men?”

“…Hmm.” Ji Yu’s lips moved, and he responded vaguely.

He Zhou smiled again.

His chest trembled, and his hot breath sprayed into Ji Yu’s ears.

Ji Yu lowered his eyes and shrank his neck, rubbing his ears not tenderly with his hands, making the ears redder.

Halfway through the kneading, his hand was grasped, a broad and warm palm pressed against his ear, and then he rubbed it gently twice.

Ji Yu continued to lower his eyes, her long eyelashes trembling.

He didn’t look at He Zhou, didn’t say a word, just sat with his knees around and didn’t know what he was thinking.

He Zhou did not ask further.

He looked down at Ji Yu and couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to comb the black hair that had been tousled by him again.

Slender fingers passed through the black hair and wiped the scalp.

Ji Yu shrank, and once again reached out and patted He Zhou’s hand.

With a “pop”, it was very crisp in the quiet and airtight bathroom.

He Zhou raised his eyebrows and put his hands back.

He looked down at Ji Yu and said, “Does it feel very subversive?”


This time Jiyu finally had a reaction.

“But it’s normal. Likes and loves shouldn’t have gender limitations.”

Ji Yu lowered his head and said, “I know. But it’s—”

He prolonged the tone, frowning, “It just feels weird.”

It didn’t collapse, and it wasn’t particularly difficult to accept, but if he wanted him to accept it immediately, it was always a bit unsatisfactory.

There is confusion, confusion and surprise.

Ji Yu couldn’t imagine that he would like the same sex, even just a kiss, so he easily teased the cells of his body. If it weren’t for the last time he was hypoxic and He Zhou let him go, then it would be impossible to say what would happen later.

Maybe… they will do something more extraordinary.

Such as sex.

Just thinking of the word Ji Yu felt ashamed to death, but what’s even worse was–

His body seemed to crave the word.

Especially the place behind you.

A kiss magically opened him up in an instant, and he suddenly understood what was going on behind.

He didn’t get sick, nor was it the cause of the mess on the Internet.

He was just longing for men.

Longing for a strong, powerful man who can easily suppress him.

It doesn’t matter whether this desire comes from him or from this body.

Because this body is now his, this desire is generated by his brain and he feels it himself.

and so–

What is he going to do?

After a long silence, Ji Yu said hesitantly: “I…”

He Zhou looked at Ji Yu in his spare time: “Huh?”

Ji Yu bit his lower lip, and he couldn’t say what he said next.

After I spent a long time, he collapsed his shoulders, put out his hand to cover his face as if giving up, and said to He Zhou: “Do me a favor, and get me another inhibitor.”

“But you are not in heat.”

He Zhou clicked the suppression ring of Jiyu again. Although the value on it has risen a little, it is still within the normal range. He also knows that Jiyu is not in heat unless he looks at the value above, otherwise he would not be so sober.” Inhibitors are not so casually used.”

Ji Yu withdrew his hand and said annoyed: “Then what do you think I am going to do?”

He was irritable and frantic, “Do you know that I am now–” The voice paused, Ji Yu pressed his lips, and finally he was embarrassed to say it.

“What do you know?” He Zhou fixedly looked at Ji Yu.

He was so close to him, the two were facing each other, almost sticking together.

Ji Yu gritted his teeth and said nothing.

He Zhou looked at him and said in a low voice again: “Do you know this?”

After he finished speaking, he didn’t know what he had done, and Ji Yu shook his whole body.

Ji Yu stared at He Zhou, clutching his arm with both hands.

But no matter how hard he tried, He Zhou’s hand still stood still.

A shocked and red face was reflected in the deep black eyes, and He Zhou asked him again: “Is it this?”

Ji Yu gritted his teeth, his face burning.

He pressed harder in his hand, digging into the firm muscles with his fingertips, his shiny black eyes staring at He Zhou closely, and a word was squeezed from between his teeth: “Go!”

He Zhou withdrew his hand without change, spreading out in front of Ji Yu.

The five fingers were brought together and opened, and then all dropped. He silently watched the transparent mucus slowly slide down, gathering little by little on the tip of the middle finger, showing a dripping momentum.

A slightly strange smell filled the tips of their noses.

He Zhou didn’t say a word, and Ji Yu didn’t say a word.

The eyes of both of them were focused on the fingers that were reflecting the light, and in the end, Ji Yu took the lead in opening his eyes.

He pushed He Zhou away, stood up swayingly, got the shower and turned around and pointed at He Zhou’s hand.

The gear is opened to the highest position, and a powerful jet of water is ejected from the nozzle.

He Zhou’s fingers were immediately washed clean, but Ji Yu was still not satisfied. He turned his face and turned his hand, and then pointed the shower to the place where he was squatting just now.

There is a puddle of muddy water stains.

The water rushed through, and the tiles on the ground glowed cleanly.

The hands are clean, the tiles are clean, but there is a place that can’t be cleaned.

It’s still itchy, still sticky.

The shower was thrown on the ground, and Ji Yu squatted down somewhat depressed.

He held his head and his voice was dull: “I’m so annoying.”

He likes men, which he can barely accept, because this is the conclusion he reached through active thinking while awake.

But the physical commotion was uncontrollable at all. It came suddenly and inexplicably, but it easily disturbed his senses, which made it difficult for him to accept.

Do you want to be dominated by the lower body?

Absolutely not.

He Zhouqiang couldn’t bear to look at Ji Yu’s invisible body, and calmly comforted: “This is a normal physiological reaction.”

Ji Yu raised his head and retorted: “This is not normal!”

He Zhou sat against the wall, bending one leg to cover it: “Okay, it’s not normal, but we can find a way to solve it.”

“How to solve it? Let you **** me?” Ji Yu blurted out.

He Zhou shrugged: “This is also a way.”

Seeing that Ji Yu’s face was ugly, he changed his words again, “Of course there are other solutions.”

Ji Yu raised his eyebrows: “For example?”

“I can mark you temporarily.”

He Zhou endured the movement of his mind and slowly explained, “You are awake, but your body is very–” He didn’t say much, skipping the passage, “The body’s restlessness can be completely resolved with a mark.”

Ji Yu snorted lightly: “Then I wash the mark, isn’t it a superfluous act?”

He Zhou said: “Temporary marking is different from thorough marking. It is only temporary and can help you suppress your body’s restlessness without affecting others.”

Looking at He Zhou, Ji Yu said every word: “But I hate markings, very hate, and temporary.”

“What about sex? Do you hate it too?” He Zhou asked without changing his face.

Ji Yu did not answer immediately.

He looked down and thought for a while, then shook his head after a moment: “It’s not annoying, but I think that should happen between two people who like each other.”

He Zhouyang leaned against the wall and said frankly: “I like you.”

Ji Yu said, “I know.”

“How about you?”

He Zhou raised his chin at him, “Why do you think you don’t like me?”

“It’s not that I don’t like it, but I like it—”

Ji Yu paused, looking confused, “What do I like about you?”

He Zhou raised his eyebrows: “If I don’t like me, why would I suddenly question that I like men?”

Ji Yu was silent again.

His head was messed up, and his heart was messed up. He couldn’t find any clues about He Zhou’s problem.

He Zhou pointed his finger at his heart: “I like you, I admit it. How about you?”

Ji Yu looked at He Zhou irritably, “This is not a question of whether I will admit it or not. I really don’t know, and I really don’t understand it. I am confused now, do you know? I can’t think at all!”

After speaking, he stood up on his knees and walked a few times in the bathroom with one hand on his hips.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yu suddenly bent over and picked up the shower, rushing all over his body in front of He Zhou, and after washing it clean, he pulled a towel to dry his body without saying a word.

Without looking at He Zhou, he walked straight to the door and opened the sliding door. After leaning over, he stepped into the bedroom barefoot, picked up the clothes on the stool and changed quickly.

This dress is a few yards smaller, but it’s still big for him, and it’s a bit empty on his body.

“So what are you thinking about now?”

He Zhou stood at the door of the bathroom at some point. He was soaked, and his pants could not hide any physical reactions.

Ji Yu only glanced at it and immediately retracted his gaze: “First do what I should do before talking about it. I will think about the other things when I am free.”

Everything came too suddenly today. First, I discovered that I liked men, then uncontrolled body reactions, He Zhou’s kisses and confession, and finally the question of like or dislike.

He can’t turn his mind completely, he has to find a free time to think and digest slowly by himself.

He Zhou raised his eyebrows: “Then what about your body?”

Ji Yu raised his eyes to look at him: “Do you have a handkerchief? You want it clean.”

He Zhou was startled: “You…”

Ji Yu rubbed his nose: “Well, let’s put a pad first, I can bear it.”

This time of restlessness was not as irrational as the previous estrus. He was very sober. Although the feeling was hard to bear, it was not impossible to endure it.

He Zhou looked at Ji Yu with complicated eyes, and finally turned around and entered the bedroom without saying anything. He found a clean handkerchief from the drawer and handed it to him.


Ji Yu took it: “Thank you.”

He took the handkerchief into the bathroom, closed the sliding door, and walked out after a while.

He avoided He Zhou’s gaze, coughed unnaturally, and said, “I am not so good to see your dad in this way. Or you can take me to see Xiao Universe. I will come back officially tomorrow morning. How about seeing your dad?”

He Zhou stared at Ji Yu, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he nodded and said, “Wait for a while, I will change my clothes.”

Ji Yu: “Yeah.”

He Zhou took his clean clothes into the bathroom.

The sliding door closed, and it was quiet for a long time.

After a long time, Ji Yu couldn’t help walking to the bathroom door strangely, trying to knock on the door to remind him, but when he raised his hand, there was a depressed hum from inside, and then the sound of the shower water rang.

The knocking hand stopped, and Ji Yu took two steps back awkwardly.

However, no matter how far he retreated, the low snort mixed in the sound of water still passed into his ears very clearly, and his calm heart pounded once again, and his white cheeks also heated up.

Ji Yu took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice steady: “I will wait for you outside the bedroom.”

The people inside did not answer.

He walked quickly to the door, opened the door and went out and then quickly closed it.

Across the two doors, the sound inside finally disappeared.

Chief Ji Yu sighed, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, then raised his head and leaned his body relaxedly against the wall next to the door.

He wanted to go through today’s things quickly, but before his thoughts began, he heard a familiar cry.

——It’s the voice of the small universe!

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