I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 336

Chapter 333 High-profile

At the end of the game, Xuena took off this heavy visor, and immediately gave her a close-up close-up of her face on the big screen, but this could not help but surprise the venue again, and the reporters also went crazy, alive. A wall formed by people, cameras and video cameras was built on the side of the stadium, which indirectly affected the competition of other players. A referee had to stop this group of people — a strong and eldest lady, who unexpectedly grew up like this. With a pure and lovely face, how could there be such a perfect person.

The players from both sides saluted again. Xuena retired with a round of applause. She happily ran back to their player waiting area. The first thing was to shout to Shimizuya who was sitting there with a smile on her face, ” Shimizu-senpai, I will avenge you.”

“Thank you, Xuena.” Shimizuya was so touched. She didn’t expect that Xuena was still remembering her things. If there were more people present, the big screen perspective of the venue had shifted to their side, she would There were tears in the corners of his eyes.

Jiangchuan Kikue greeted him immediately, and kindly took over the visor and bamboo sword from Kitahara Yukina’s hand, and asked in a gentle and gentle voice, “Xunna is not tired, are you thirsty? Sit down. Take a rest, who…boy, go get an unopened bottle of mineral water.”

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Kitahara’s head, but the visor and kendo clothes were covered in panic, but she was not very tired. For the first time, she was a little uncomfortable when she received this kind of treatment that was suddenly cared about. Touched his head and replied honestly, “Jiangchuan-senpai, I am not tired.”

If you’re not tired, you must rest. Now it’s the turn of the other teams to play in the sixth game. Kikue Egawa invited Kitahara Yukina to a chair to rest and fanned it herself. Before, she only dared to think about the victory of the Yulongqi Conference. , But it may be possible now.

Anyway, as a general, she hasn’t come off the field yet. For the five consecutive beheads to give them a hero who dares to fight, she should do such a trivial thing as fan.

“Egawa-senpai, let me come.” Seeing Ekawa Kikue picking up a fan and preparing to fan Kitahara Yukina, Kirisu Kazuto stepped forward and said.

He is now a support staff, and this is what he does. After waiting for the men’s team competition two days later, he will turn upside down. The girls will serve the boys.

Jiangchuan Kikue nodded. Someone was willing to do her for her. Naturally, she was very happy, but when she handed over the fan, she massaged Xuena again. This is a treasure girl. She has to take care of it. When she returns to Tokyo, she has to fudge. In the department, thinking about it this way, she felt that she could be more diligent.


Thinking of this, she glanced at the auditorium again. Xuena’s younger sister couldn’t let go either. These two people and Yoshiko Hatta, the national champion of next year’s National High School Kendo Contest might be theirs. At that time, she was already In college, although she can’t lead the team personally, she will personally go to the scene to cheer for her lovely school girls.

After seeing Ekawa-senpai’s eyes, Kitahara Rina felt a chill in her body. She didn’t need to think she understood the idea, but kendo competition was not the ideal place for her and her sister.

If possible, she still wants to play baseball. She is a pitcher sister and a hero, and the two enter Koshien together, but unfortunately, Xuena has gained strength and she does not have it. Thinking about it will only make people embarrassed. Sad.

Looking back on the playing field, Rina suddenly lost interest in the game without her sister. She wandered boringly for a while. It is true that the other first-time players did not play very well. There was no one to shine, most of them were quite satisfactory. Even “Qi He” is not enough. Didn’t you eat?

Xuena enjoys the treatment of “respecting the king” very much. Was it so good to win the game? Even drinking water is to feed her. She doesn’t want to wake up from this dream, she has discovered a new world.


When the dream finally awoke, the staff soon informed them that they were ready to play again, and the second elimination game on the first day of the Yulongqi Conference.

Sakuragaoka High School Kendo Department Mizuno Haruka has taken someone away dingy, Kirisu and Kazuto helped Yuuna wrap a headscarf and put on a visor again.

After checking that there is nothing left, he said to Kitahara Yukina, “Xuna, enjoy the rest of the game with peace of mind, come on.”

“I see.” Kitahara nodded and said, their most hated enemy has been defeated, and the next step is normal competition.

Came back to the arena again, this time the opponent was the team from Chiba Prefecture, and as a forward, she still started. After a series of pre-match etiquette, Xuena started in a middane pose, and the referee announced it. At first, she rushed forward without hesitation.

As soon as she came into contact with Xuena, she could only feel the opponent’s strength, her strength, reaction, and momentum were not as good as hers. In this way, she was chased by her twice and caught the flaw twice in a row, and was eliminated directly.

The same is true for the second forward of the Chiba county team, but she has a momentum in front, and the second forward against Xuena feels not as good as the forward.

The backbone and lieutenant, Xuena feels the same. The only thing is the general of the Chiba county team, which makes her feel a little bit difficult, but it also stops at “a little bit it takes more time.” After playing some, she was eliminated, and finally left the field sadly.

Click, click, click! !

The person with the angle of view on the big screen is her, and the flashlight outside the stadium is constantly taking pictures. To be honest, Xuena doesn’t like it very much, because it really affects the performance of the players.

Another person won the game and Xuena returned to the contestant area, and the people on their side were even more excited. It was not enough for five people to dare to fight for rewards. Then ten people dare to fight. This is the first time in the Jade Dragon Banner Conference in recent years. One, Jiang Chuan Juzhi laughed so hard that he couldn’t close his mouth. Today is really a surprise and a surprise.

of course……

The treatment cannot be less. In addition to the fan massage and water feeding service, Jiang Chuan Kikue personally asked if Xuena had any needs. Even if he wanted to eat a big meal now, he also asked people to buy everything they wanted.

Kitahara Yuuna shook her head. She felt a little embarrassed by Jiang Chuan-senpai’s treatment of her, but it was really comfortable. She squinted her eyes and Yoshiko Hatta also came up and began to help her massage her calf.

After a short break, Xuena was on the court again, and at this time the 6th arena had already become the focus of the audience. The big screen immediately cut over from the other players, and by the way gave a close-up of the new opponent’s big team.

Whether the great demon king Xuena’s daring fight can break the record, this is what the audience and reporters are looking forward to.


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