I Became the Final Subjugation Target of That Era’s Light Novel

Chapter 93

Yuka and I decided to search together, but there was one problem.

We couldn’t visit the scene until after the incident occurred.

There was no way to chase after the Hacha itself. How could we possibly track down a Yōkai that steals corpses from Hell?

The best method would be to visit the ‘fire scene’ itself.

Once a Yōkai comes to this world, it can’t return to its own world immediately. It creates a nest to secure space and expands or moves that nest as it broadens its area of activity.

In the case of Hacha, after obtaining a corpse, it would slowly return to its own world before coming back to this one, repeating this process.

…Even if we can’t find it, if we keep following the traces, we’ll eventually encounter it.

After Sasaki and Shii’s mother, and her husband had died, that is.

Moreover, they happened to be caught up in that scene.

I understand why Kosuzu is currently chasing me. But what was the reason behind targeting Sasaki and Shii in the original?

Was it truly because of Sasaki’s blood? I think I’ll need to observe that a bit more closely.

Regardless, I hoped to somehow find Hacha before such a situation unfolded.



As soon as we got home, Koko rushed to Kuro and hugged her tight.

I was a bit startled to see cat fur stuck all over Kuro’s black school uniform, but I had no intention of stopping Koko.

Today is Monday.

The sports festival is next Saturday. The cheerleading practice was progressing quite smoothly.

I’m not the best dancer, but I’m not the worst either. I may not have great physical abilities, but I’ve noticed my sense of rhythm is better than in my previous life, likely thanks to being good at singing.

By this coming Monday, it should be nearly complete.

As for Koko… she didn’t dance particularly well, but she danced happily. The kids loved her for that. Perhaps there were more kids who were affectionate towards Koko than those who were towards me.

No, I’m sure there are. Koko is that kind of kid. There’s something about her that makes you want to help her when she’s around.

“Koko, it’s time to wash up.”


As I said this while putting my bag down, Koko let go of Kuro and replied.

Kuro, who had been disturbed from her nap on the blanket, shook her body in annoyance and fled to the corner of the room.

Who would have thought she was a cat, right?


After a long time, I finished dinner by making fried rice and then handled school homework with Koko. We then lay down together under the blanket.

The mere fact that there was another living being in the house besides me made me not feel bored or lonely. Even though we didn’t have deep conversations, something about the presence was reassuring.

Now that the nights are getting a bit chilly, I didn’t really need to open the window.

Of course, there was no danger of it getting cold at night. Koko was snugly curled up next to me, and Kuro always occupied my belly or chest.

As I gently stroked Kuro’s back, which had climbed on top of the blanket, a memory suddenly crossed my mind.

I slipped both hands under Kuro’s armpits and lifted her slightly up.


Seemingly woken up by me, Kuro made an extremely annoyed face and then dragged herself in front of my face to show me her face.

With the lights in the room already off, Kuro’s eyes gleamed brightly from the light coming in from outside.



“Is there any chance you could help search for Yōkai?”



What am I thinking?

I let out a small sigh and pushed Kuro back towards my belly. Kuro let out a whining sound again, but she didn’t escape and curled up tightly on my abdomen.


Hearing a voice from beside me, I turned to see Koko looking at me.

“Do you really have to find it?”

Koko asked that.


Koko always found me no matter where I was and would follow me at an incredible speed.

I have no idea how she does that. Whether it’s something that only works on me or if it works on all beings.

For a brief moment, I thought about asking Koko to look for that Yōkai.

But strangely enough, even though I recognized that it was a plausible and reasonable thought, I hesitated to say it.

What was the reason?

Perhaps it’s because I keep seeing my younger sister in Koko.

I fear that if she does something risky where I can’t see her, she might get seriously hurt or worse.

Ordinary people would probably feel reassured.

I know enough about how people can die and how they can survive. I’ve dealt with related matters before.

So I could just bluntly say, “Don’t do such things.”

But Koko—I think of her as a person. I treat her as one. However, I’m also acutely aware that she is a different existence from ordinary people.

Because of that, I can’t pinpoint where her weaknesses might lie, and I hesitate to put her on the front lines of a fight. If for any reason Koko were to die while fighting alone, I wouldn’t be able to bear it.

“No, it’s okay.”

There’s still time.


“Yes. It’s okay.”



Even though I know I shouldn’t say this,

the people affected by Hacha are fundamentally evil characters.

I don’t think I have the right to decide over human lives, but even I have precious existences.

I have no intention to risk Koko’s life just to save those people.

Koko nestled close to me, curling her body around me.

The blanket I received when I first started living in this house is a one-person size, so originally, I couldn’t use it with Koko. The blanket I bought for Koko is also one-person sized.

But Koko slightly overlapped her blanket over mine and used it like one big blanket.

I could feel Koko’s forehead touching my right arm.

Before long, she would start breathing steadily and fall asleep peacefully.

“…Kotone, good night.”

Koko said in a small voice.

“You too, good night.”

I replied to Koko.

Not long after that, both I and Koko were able to sleep.

I didn’t even have a dream.


In the end, I thought to call Kagami thinking that nothing ventured nothing gained.

[So you want me to look for a Yōkai potentially related to your sister?]

Even though I woke up early to make the call, Kagami responded to the call easily. Didn’t she usually run a bar? I would have thought she’d be up all night and sleeping in the morning.

…But then again, the times I met Kagami weren’t always at night. Maybe she has some supernatural abilities.

I think that possibility is quite low at the moment, but I still believe there’s a chance that Kagami could be Niarlathotep.

Since she’s involved with the outsiders, she could be acting.

Half of me was suspiciously forcing myself to doubt, but I was a bit scared that if I completely trust her, I might end up being taken advantage of and abandoned later.

“If a fire breaks out, just let me know… Are you not listening to police radio or anything?”

I was reminded of American movies and dramas as I said this.

Even though it was a long time until I would reach this world, I remember having seen a movie like that before. An amateur journalist who filmed traffic accidents or murder scenes and sold them to broadcasting stations.

In that movie, the reason the protagonist could reach the crime scene quickly was that he was eavesdropping on police radios. It was not that he had some great abilities, but rather, he had just bought a radio that could catch police frequencies.

[Oh my, how terrifying.]

Kagami replied nonchalantly.

But the tone that followed did sound somewhat serious.

[But if it’s something related to your sister, the moment we move, they might catch on and stop their activities. Is that okay?]

“It’s fine.”

If that’s the case, then it’s for the best.

After all, Kosuzu has already shown herself to me.

And she has already failed to kidnap me. She will be moving quite cautiously regardless.

If they completely stop their activities altogether, then I wouldn’t have to worry at all. The reason Sasaki and Shii got involved would vanish.

[Then, let’s do that. …By the way.]

Kagami let out a chuckle over the phone before continuing.

[In the end, you’re asking for help like this.]


[Did you perhaps start to think of me as your mother?]


[Just kidding, just kidding.]

Since I didn’t say a word, Kagami replied back teasingly.

“…Don’t send people to die needlessly. Just tell me. It’s safest if I check things myself.”

[You still say that, even with such a safe person next to you.]

Kagami fell momentarily silent.

[Using a convoluted method instead of some quick and direct way means there must be some reason behind it.]

Knowing I had no intention of replying, Kagami continued speaking.

[Yes, I will contact you if a fire incident occurs. It will be enough to mail you while you’re at school, right?]


And just like that, the call ended.

I tilted my head and put the phone I had wedged between my ear and shoulder down, then pulled my socks up to my knees.


It was somehow both uncomfortable and refreshing at the same time.



Koko, who had been rolling around on the floor while I was on the phone, lifted her face to look at me. Kuro, who had also been rolling on the floor next to her, looked up at me as well.


Is she really a cat? I used to confuse whether Koko was a person or a cat, but these days I’m starting to confuse whether Kuro is a person or a cat.

“Let’s go.”


Koko jumped up from her spot.

Her school uniform was a bit wrinkled, but… well, she looked cute, so I decided not to say anything.

Having done this much, if something happens, I’ll probably hear about it.
For now, let’s not worry about it.


And over a week has passed without any contact.

I wondered if Kagami’s side had missed something, so I looked through occult magazines, kept watching the news, and even searched on the library computers at school.

The world remained quiet.

In such a vast Tokyo, there should have been an incident or two to occur.

Not that I was particularly wishing for something to happen. Rather, confirming that nothing had happened put my mind at ease.

“Alright, alright, that’s enough for today!”

Fukuda clapped her hands as she spoke.

There’s no guarantee that a character with a ‘Gyaru style’ would necessarily be well-endowed. However, in all the manga I’ve read until now, usually, tanned Gyaru characters had good figures.

Fukuda Harumi was like that too. If she were to appear in a light novel, she would surely be one of the great candidates for a heroine.

To top it off, she had the additional setting of a cheerful personality while having never experienced romance, which was quite a catch in many ways.

Seeing such a child wearing a cheerleader outfit was something else entirely. At the very least, there wasn’t another student cheering like Fukuda in my class.


I shook my head to clear those thoughts away and let my arms droop.

Today is Friday.

I should have been off to my part-time job as usual, but the boss decided that from Thursday until tomorrow should be days off.

I’m not really sure why. It could be related to me and Koko. I had told the boss about the sports festival happening tomorrow.

The dance was already completely mastered, so I figured there was no need for extra time, but still, it wouldn’t hurt to be sure.

“You all did great. Just don’t be too nervous. After all, the ones who need to do their best tomorrow are the ones competing, right?”

Fukuda’s words brought out light laughter.

There was a smile on Fukuda’s face as well.

Every time I see that expression, I wonder what Fukuda was like after losing Miura.

Could this atmosphere really be so bright after that?

I never lost a friend when I was a student. It’s not that many people go through such experiences, to begin with.

So I don’t really know how long that heavy atmosphere lasted after a child died.

Miura was well-liked and friendly with everyone from the start of the semester, so that heavy atmosphere might have persisted for quite a while.

Or perhaps it was too early in the semester, and by the end of the year, the kids might have almost forgotten that incident.

But at least, I could guess that it must have left a very deep scar on Fukuda and Yamashita.

While looking around the classroom, Fukuda’s eyes met mine.

Like a true Gyaru, Fukuda threw me a peace sign. Surprisingly, it was a Gyaru peace sign. Was this something already in existence in Japan from this time?

“Tomorrow will be fun, right?”

Fukuda asked me as she approached. I nodded in agreement.

It’s bound to be fun. It’s going to be a sports festival with all my friends attending.

Interestingly enough, aside from Fukuda, all my friends had a sport to partake in from their own classes. No one was doing cheerleading.

So there would definitely be kids from opposing classes coming head to head.

While they might be calm about it, it was intriguing to me.


Just as I nodded in agreement,


Koko excitedly rushed over to me.

“Did Koko do well?”

“I did! It was awesome.”

“Koko was amazing!”

As I replied, Koko raised both hands above her head in excitement.

Having already been showered with compliments from the kids, Koko was on cloud nine from my praise, which I could tell had sent her feelings soaring.

“Oh, look over there.”

I placed my hand on Koko’s head as Fukuda pointed towards the playground.

A figure in a school uniform, Yuka, was walking towards us.

“Looks like Mako and Yuuki’s practice is done now.”

Fukuda said this and then addressed both me and Koko.

“Let’s go change our clothes soon.”


I waved to Yuka and pointed towards the school building with my finger.

Yuka nodded and waved her hand like she was urging us to hurry up and change.

It seemed she intended to wait until we were done changing.

Well, Yuka always walked home with me when I had no plans anyway.

So Koko, Fukuda, and I hurried towards the changing room along with the other students from class.


“After all, there was nothing particularly noteworthy until the sports festival.”


I nodded at Yuka’s words.

I originally walked with Yuka to school, regardless of whether it was a working day or not. After all, the route to the station from school was the same.

However, recently, we were separated because our practice periods ended at different times.

Today was the last day of practice before the festival, and it seemed Yuka’s class also stayed a bit later to practice.

…I wonder if Yuka made many friends in her class?

I hope she made a lot of friends while practicing for the festival. Now that she’s gotten to know Sasaki, she shouldn’t be completely isolated in her class anymore.

What would it feel like if Yuka said she was walking home with other friends besides me?

I might feel a little lonely. Koko is next to me, but she’s more like a younger sister than a friend.

“I hope nothing major happens.”

As I said this, Yuka nodded in agreement.

Koko was walking next to me, humming a tune. It was a cheer song that had been adapted from a CM song on TV. So, her humming right now was practically just the CM song… um, that sounds a little strange.

Anyway, getting back to the topic of Hacha.

Just because we were safe until the end of the sports festival, I didn’t think that we would continue to remain safe.
I know how much the original story has twisted since I appeared, but for now, Raiju came even with me around.

If there’s a chance that Hacha has no relation with Kosuzu, or if Kosuzu is targeting Hacha, the story changes. In that case, an incident involving Sasaki and Shii would definitely unfold.

“I’m excited for you and Koko.”

“…You’re in a different class.”



As Yuka was about to answer, my pocket vibrated.

In the quiet surroundings, that vibration sounded particularly loud.

“Catch it.”

At Yuka’s words, I took out my cellphone as naturally as possible and looked at the screen at an angle that was not visible to Yuka.

On the outer screen of the flip phone, the name ‘Kagami’ was displayed.


I clicked open my phone and held it to my ear as I spoke.

[I found it.]

Without needing to ask more, such a response came back.
I immediately knew what she had found.

Unconsciously, I glanced at Yuka. Yuka was quietly staring at me, with no change in her expression.

Could she have understood the voice coming from the phone? I thought it was possible since Yuka is a hunter.

…More importantly, not being aware that I had involuntarily glanced at Yuka itself was a blunder.

I stopped my steps.

In the meantime, Kagami told me the location.

She said it was a mansion not too far from here. Within walking distance.

“…Got it.”

When I responded politely, Kagami paused for a moment.

She must have figured out that someone was next to me.

[You’re having a tough time.]

Kagami ended the call with a bitter laugh.


As I closed the phone,

“Who was that?”

Yuka immediately asked.

“…Just someone I know.”


Yuka, who had been staring at me, seemed to have decided not to pry further.

“Where are you going?”


Saying ‘going back home’ wouldn’t be believed by Yuka at all.

She already has a history of following me when she was not as close to me.

“…To the fire scene.”

“Let’s go together.”

Yuka said.

I turned to look at Koko.

Koko, who had also stopped walking, was staring at me wide-eyed.

Koko is smart. Unlike her outward behavior.

So, even if I told Koko to go home, she probably wouldn’t listen to me.

I looked up at the sky for a moment.

The sun was slowly setting. In another 30 minutes, the sky would turn completely dark.

…Well, at least it should be bright near the site of the fire.

I let out a small sigh and nodded my head.

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