I Became the Final Subjugation Target of That Era’s Light Novel

Chapter 113

I just realized, my previous life was actually quite wholesome.

I did smoke and drank occasionally, but I had never been to a place like this.

Well, since I didn’t even have a girlfriend, it’s more accurate to say I just didn’t enjoy myself rather than actually being wholesome.

Kagami’s uniform… it looked strangely fitting here, even though it resembled the outfit I used to see during situations where I had to ‘call my parents.’ I thought it was just cheap fabric, but maybe it’s actually pretty expensive?

…Must be because of the interior.

I settled down a little away from the drunken Fukuda and glanced around the bar.

There were a few more customers. Everyone was facing the door. I guess it’s only natural since two girls in sailor uniforms just came in.

As I sat next to Koko, Kagami approached us.

“What’ll you have?”

Her expression was quite annoyed, probably because she felt she had to do this in front of others.

“…You gonna give it to me if I order?”

I decided to play along. It’s not like I was forced to come here, after all.

“If it’s an order, I’ll take it.”

Anyway, it felt less like dealing with family than the boss who at least pretended to care by holding back his smoking.


Since she’s technically a ‘daughter’, there’s no need for her to ask what to order, right?

I couldn’t even be sure if we shared blood or not.


Kagami clicked her tongue and went to get a cup.

In the meantime, I surveyed the bar.

The area where Koko and I sat was made of pretty nice wooden material, but the seats a bit further away seemed like separate spaces for customers to sit.

How should I put it?

It looked like an open version of those decadent room salons you often see in movies or dramas.

In reality, older guys were cuddling up to ladies dressed like Kagami, with deeply plunging necklines on either side.

When our eyes met, some people avoided looking at me as if embarrassed. Why? Are they shy about hugging someone who looks like their daughter?

In the center of the spacious bar was a stage-like area with a big, thick TV and a microphone in front of it.

…I think I’ve seen something like this before, maybe a scene from a game involving the Yakuza. A place where you sing.


The noise came from right in front of me, and when I turned to look, Kagami had slammed down a cup with force.

Water spilled over, and the cup that was once full now held barely half of its contents.

Koko made a cat-like hissing sound as if to warn her, but Kagami just scoffed and placed another glass of water in front of Koko.

…She didn’t slam it down as hard as she did mine.

Why does Koko look a bit scared?

“What’s up, young lady! Running low on pocket money? Shall I buy you something tasty? Huh? Kagami, they have non-alcoholic drinks here too, don’t they?”

No, with a line like that, it looks like you’re hitting on a high school girl, no matter how you think about it.

Besides, it’s more hilarious how oddly kind you’re being. Non-alcoholic? What a world.

I get you’re trying to be friendly as Koko’s friend, but right now the gazes of the other customers are super uncomfortable.

I guess this is a legal establishment. Well, it makes sense. Even if something were to happen between customers and staff, they could likely brush it off as ‘between two people who hit it off’ or some excuse.

“Oh my, if it’s you, Fukuda, I wouldn’t mind accepting. Come on, pick a drink, sweetie.”

Kagami immediately said this in a sultry voice, acting all charming.


What to say…

I had expected something a bit more… suspect, but this is just draining.


Fukuda, happily drunk, and Kagami changing her attitude, while Koko looked confused, shaking her eyes as if searching for answers.




Stepping outside for a moment, Kagami and I leaned against the wall, not saying a word to each other.

A bar doesn’t just end that early. Sure, it’s a Monday, but people don’t usually head home when the clock strikes nine.

Naturally, to share personal stories, we had to find such a separate spot.

For reference, I did give Koko an actual non-alcoholic cocktail.

I think she could handle something with alcohol, but you never know. What if she gets drunk and takes everyone inside along for the ride?

If Fukuda died, what would I tell Fukuda’s face?

“So, what do you think?”


“Since I’m always the one seeing you in those outfits.”

Kagami said this while spreading her arms.

Oddly enough, what she wore today wasn’t revealing her belly button. Though the deep neckline exposed her back, it was a red dress covering her stomach.

…Well, it looked more like lingerie with a skirt than a normal dress, but there’s no need to point out such details here.

I hesitated for a moment before replying.

“It’s surprisingly wholesome.”


Kagami’s eyes widened in genuine surprise.


“…Why? Are you doing something else beside this?”

If she’s dressed like this when she meets the important people she occasionally talks about, that crosses into seriously unwholesome territory. But if she’s just serving drinks here, it’s well, yeah.

I didn’t come to criticize that in the first place either.



“I thought at that age, you’d usually have a bit of a… sexual obsession or something.”

Is that so?

Among my friends, it seemed some were experienced even during high school. There were those who boasted about their exploits, whether it was true or not.

Now, not that there are many like that. Generally, even if they did have relationships, they wouldn’t go around discussing it.

Moreover, this is the talk about guys. I haven’t even been a high school girl for a year yet.

And I don’t even know how this world’s high school girls differ from those from another world. Well, I guess it varies from person to person.

“Did you?”

At my question, Kagami blinked in surprise.


“Uh, no.”

Kagami seemed a little confused as she replied.

“I was just thinking if we’ve ever shared personal stories like this.”


Hadn’t we?

I frowned, contemplating, but no, I don’t think we ever did.

We had simply not cared… no, it’s that I unilaterally had no interest.

Kagami wouldn’t have any reason to worry or think about my ‘past.’ If I recall what she and Kosuzu said, I was someone who ‘shouldn’t exist.’

This is the girl who has seen me lying around for years without doing anything.

They said they had prepared everything about school and whatnot during conversations. It seems she covered the tuition too.

“Is it not okay?”

“…There’s no reason it shouldn’t be, right?”

In response to my question, Kagami replied with a look that seemed odd.

When I stared at her intently, she shrugged.

“I’ve also had days like that… I guess.”

She has, that’s true.

Regardless of how her personality is now, everyone had their naïve days. It’s just how early or in what way those times are shattered.

…It feels a bit out of place to ask, but if Kagami really did give birth to Kurosawa Kotone, she would have been incredibly young at that time.

She might’ve even been younger than I am now.


The atmosphere grew awkward.

“So, the reason you came here was to check on this, right?”



“That’s right.”

There’s still time. I’m thinking to enjoy this time leisurely.

But if I disappear, Koko would be left alone in this world.

Yuka would help. Mako wouldn’t just watch idly, and my friends, along with those who are friends with Koko, would take care of her.

But Kagami’s existence is a variable.

The image people who know Kagami have of her differs from mine.

And Koko’s image of Kagami is different too.

If the two were to collide and a bloodbath occurred, Koko wouldn’t be able to live a normal life.

That’s why I wanted to verify how ‘abnormal’ it was.

I didn’t realize it was this normal in operation.

Could this perhaps be connected to Yamashita’s business somehow?

“Are you worried that the tuition flowing into the place might be illicit money?”


That was a worry I had too.

Isn’t it a cult?

In other words, it’s a syndicate. Even if they believe in a deity that truly exists, I wouldn’t hesitate to label this religion as a cult without hesitation. What’s the distinction if it is causing harm to people?

But… looking at the prices for drinks here, it’s shifted my thoughts a bit.

To be honest, it’s practically robbery, but it’s written on the menu with confidence. At least it doesn’t seem like the business itself is illegal.

Well, I’ll have to further verify the situation with the employees.

“So, what you were saying about checking things out?”

“That’s still under investigation.”

“Do you have no leads?”

“…If it were going to be concluded in a few days, another organization would have already figured it out.”

I shrugged.

Kagami stared at me intently.


“Kurosawa Kotone, right?”

“That’s correct.”

“Is… Koko in disguise or something?”

“Why bother?”

You saw Koko walk in with me, right? What’s the benefit in switching seats between the two of us?

“No, it’s just that.”

Kagami tilted her head as she spoke.

“…It just feels like your attitude has softened a bit.”

“You’re saying some weird stuff.”

I’m just the same as always. I don’t have any desire to change.

“I want to see how people conduct the ceremonies later, since I’ve seen this place today.”


“Not okay?”

“No, it’s not that.”

Kagami looked at me with a frown on her face.

“This really feels strange.”


I didn’t bother to respond.

After that, we went back inside.

Kagami entered first, and I followed behind her.

As Kagami stepped into the bar, she suddenly flinched and stopped.

Surprised, I looked in, and—

—Koko was singing.

It was a children’s song.

But it wasn’t overly silly or anything. Various Japanese singers perform it, and it’s a well-known song that often appears in movies or anime. Maybe an otaku would have heard it at least once?

“You’re doing great! My little daughter!”

I have no idea how long he plans to keep calling her that, but Fukuda was clapping along to the beat while cheering.

Koko seemed energized by the applause, singing even harder.


And Kagami looked at Koko with an expression that words couldn’t describe.


“…Then I’ll take my leave.”

“Yeah, take care on your way home.”

As we went outside, Kagami waved me off.

Fukuda was already totally wasted, leaning against the bar, and no one was stopping Kagami from taking him out.

There were some people calling Koko’s name a few times, but that was about it.

…But is it really okay for minors like us to be inside at this time? Or did it not matter if we were allowed in, regardless of the time?

I’m not sure. Well, I guess it doesn’t matter since I didn’t get caught by the police or reported.

I was lost in thoughts that didn’t concern me, when—

“Ah, Kagami~!”

A super relaxed voice, that of a young woman, called out.

It was a little childish too.

When I turned my head to where the voice came from, a woman dressed similarly to Kagami, wearing a long coat covered in white fur, waved eagerly and ran over.

The coat had long sleeves, but it was quite short from top to bottom, giving the impression of only leaving the arms covered.

Her height was almost the same as mine. Not particularly tall.

But her chest? Huge.

Even Kagami would feel overwhelmed wearing something like that, but this girl seemed a level above.

Her skin was quite fair, and her hair was dyed blonde, tied on both sides.

That… what’s the term again?

It’s a bit strange, but she looks like someone who would match Kagami extremely well if they were together.


Kagami made a rather ambiguous expression seeing the girl.

“…What time is it now?”

“Ah~ Sorry, I totally forgot. Hehe.”

As she said this, the girl mimicked hitting her head with her hand.

No, the sound was quite loud. She really did hit it.


Koko tilted her head at the sight.

“Oh my, how cute they are! Are they the new girls starting work?”

“……How can you take care of girls like these and work?”

“Why? They’re cute~”


It’s a bit… out there. But she doesn’t seem harmful in the least.

Kagami sighed dramatically, like this wasn’t the first time they had this conversation.

“If you put high school students to work, I would have trouble too.”

Just a moment ago, one of the students there was singing happily in a bar karaoke wearing a sailor uniform.

Well, technically, that wasn’t really work, more of utilizing the space. Fukuda had paid for it.

It was equally illegal to say it was work.

“Oh dear~ That’s right. Hehe.”

The girl hit her head again.

“So, why were you late this time?”

“It’s about that~ I set my alarm, but I got the AM and PM mixed up~”

The girl stretched her words out as she made excuses. One foot was playing with the ground, while her other hand clutched a small pink bag behind her.

Kagami gestured for me to ignore it. Likely telling me to go ahead.


But something feels a bit off.

Why do I feel like this?

Maybe it’s an allergy to weirdness after seeing Kosuzu.

I shrugged off my shoulders, grabbed Koko’s hand, and headed towards the nearby subway.

“……What did you think?”

“It was fun!”

Koko answered happily to my question.

Looks like she enjoyed it.

She definitely did have a blast.

But I’m unsure how to take that.

Well, at least I can take some value from the fact that Koko won’t be stressed out because of this.

Shaking off the distasteful feeling, I headed home.

…Once I got back, I was incredibly tired, and as soon as we prepared and laid down on the blanket, I was out cold.


“Alright, then.”

Two days later.

Without any notice, Kagami came to our house and said this.

“Alright? What’s alright?”

“You agreed to assist us with our cult, didn’t you?”

“I never said it like that.”

After all, the term ‘cult’ includes the ‘evil’ character when you break it down. It’s not a term one would use for their own religion.

But Kagami confidently used such words.

In that case, even if it seems fine on the surface, it might just be a very abnormal group underneath, right?

“Paradoxically, the one who would help us gather information the most is you.”


I stared at Kagami like, ‘What do you mean?’

But weren’t you supposed to protect me?

“Don’t worry.”

Kagami said while looking directly at me.

“You have already acted on various requests given by Yuuki, haven’t you?”

…Technically, I’ve acted much more before even getting a request.

After that too, whenever I got caught up in something and defeated a yōkai, Yuka would hand me an envelope each time. Usually, it was loaded with way more cash than what had initially been promised.

Even when I tried to refuse a portion of it, she forced it in my hands, so I ended up using that money.

At least, it felt more comfortable than dealing with money I got from Kagami.

“Aren’t they suspicious of us over at Yuuki’s, but they don’t take action because of you? To them, we look like another group that believes in one of their many gods too. We haven’t killed anyone, after all.”

Cutting the wrists to give blood?

“I thought you were cutting blood to slay yōkai. But as far as I know, there’s only one weapon here that can slay yōkai without any special procedures.”

The Mumei that Yuka carries around.

It seems to be quite a famous sword. Well, I guess that makes sense.

“We’re not very proactive in our activities for now, but since you exist among us, nobody would complain if we do ‘requests.’”

“…Do you have connections with the government or something?”

Kagami smiled brightly at me.


That’s right. I do exist.

Though it’s not that friendly, I have a decent enough face with Miura.

“And, since you’re dealing with ‘yōkai’ turned human, if we recover the ‘yōkai’ corpse you cut down, we might be able to investigate it.”

That’s a hell of a risky method. Since a human created yōkai would just be a regular human corpse.

“…So, have you found any leads?”

“I’ve found some clues, but I’m still verifying whether it’s a normal murder case or if it’s caused by yōkai.”

I perked up slightly at Kagami’s words.

So at least that means they’re doing something.

“What’s going on?”

Kagami hesitated briefly. She looked like she was wondering whether it was okay to let me know yet.

But it seemed she made up her mind and spoke.

“Have you heard about the woman with a torn mouth?”


I had heard the story from Kagami before, but it was still in an ‘inaccurate’ state, so I hadn’t gotten involved in the matter yet.

There wasn’t any urgency, so I went to my part-time job the next day as usual.


“…What are you staring at so intently?”

I felt a strange unease looking at the boss’s face.

It was an emotion I never sensed before.

“…It’s nothing.”

Is it just a hunch?

I have no idea what’s causing this.

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