Chapter 7: Absorbing Myotismon's Soul
"Your own? What do you mean?"
Moss was confused.
Angewomon explained:"I can absorb past evolutionary forms, like borrowing Gatomon's claws or eyes while staying in my Ultimate-level form and using its abilities."
Moss was shocked."That's possible?"
Angewomon nodded."I was just as surprised as you. Maybe it's because Digimon are unique beings, so Absorption Magic behaves differently with us."
There was only one way to confirm.
Moss decided to test it herself.
"Partial Absorption: Gatomon's Claws!"
She raised her right hand, and a magic circle appeared in front of it. A brief flash of light followed, and then a pixelated distortion swept over her fingers.
The distortion vanished in an instant, revealing a fluffy white glove with three sharp black claws—Gatomon's clawed mitts.
Even though it looked like Gatomon's gloves, its data actually came from Griffomon, a Mega-level Digimon, making its power incredibly strong.
Moss asked, "How powerful is it?"
Angewomon hesitated."I didn't test it before because if I moved too much, it would wake you up."
"You're so kind!"
Moss's heart felt warm at the thought.
After dispelling the magic, she freshened up and left the dormitory, where she ran into Mirajane Strauss, Lisanna, Erza Scarlet, and Cana Alberona.
Since this was the girls' dormitory, it was only natural to see them around.
After greeting each other, they all headed toward the guild together.
After finishing breakfast, Moss turned to Erza and asked,"Erza, I want to test my Absorption Magic. Is there a good place for that?"
Lisanna gasped in surprise."Moss, you already mastered Absorption Magic?!"
Moss nodded."I made some big progress yesterday."
Lisanna looked at her with admiration.
Even though she had discovered her magic earlier, she was still struggling with learning it.
Erza thought for a moment."You can use the training grounds behind the mountain."
Since Erza often trained there, she decided to bring Moss along.
Curious about Moss's magic test, Mirajane, Lisanna, and Cana all followed them.
Testing Absorption Magic
At the training ground, Moss found a large boulder, about as tall as a person.
"Partial Absorption: Gatomon's Claws!"
Once again, the gloved claws appeared on her right hand.
She clenched her fist—
—And punched!
The boulder shattered instantly, sending shards flying everywhere like a divine explosion.
The group watched in awe.
"She broke that boulder with a single punch?!""And with pure physical strength?!""That's insane!"
Mirajane, Lisanna, Erza, and Cana all exclaimed in shock.
Meanwhile, Moss casually named her attack:"I'll call that… Holy Blast Fist!"
Inside her mind, Angewomon, who had been quiet until now, finally spoke up:"That's just Gatomon's Cat Punch."
Moss sighed."'Cat Punch' doesn't sound powerful at all."
Angewomon insisted,"But that's what it's called."
Moss pouted.Maybe… keeping the name Cat Punch wasn't such a bad idea.
It had a psychological advantage.
Imagine the scene—
After getting defeated, the enemy asks, "What kind of technique was that?!"Answer: "Cat Punch."
The enemy, humiliated and enraged, might just die of frustration…
Angewomon, however, was more focused on the raw power Moss had just demonstrated."That was incredibly strong! Using Cat Punch in an Ultimate-level body makes it so much more powerful than in Champion form!"
Moss realized that absorbing Gatomon only gave her more attack options—it didn't boost her overall strength.
But what if she absorbed a Mega-level Digimon?
"Can I absorb a Mega-level Digimon?" she asked.
Angewomon responded,"Our body retains data from our past forms, so I can absorb those. But I can't absorb forms that don't exist yet."
Moss raised her right hand, igniting a small ball of Digisoul in her palm."What if I combine it with Digisoul?"
She remembered that in Digimon Savers, the main characters' Digimon could briefly use their Mega forms thanks to Digisoul.
It was like a temporary evolution boost—a trial card for Mega-level abilities.
"If I merge Digisoul with Absorption Magic… Maybe it'll work?"
Angewomon thought for a moment."I'll give it a try."
Moss smiled."I'm counting on you, my other self."
Angewomon fell silent.
Drawing the Evolution Lottery
The next morning, Moss woke up yawning, noticing that her magic power had grown again.
She smiled."Angewomon, did you make any progress?"
Her inner voice responded:"It's still just a theory. You need to activate Digisoul first, and then we can attempt Absorption."
It was a two-step process:
Use Digisoul to trigger a temporary evolution.Use Absorption Magic to copy that evolution's abilities.
"Got it!"
Following Angewomon's guidance, Moss activated Digisoul.
"Digisoul, Charge!"
Since she didn't have a Digivice, she had to improvise—
She gathered Digisoul in her palm and slapped it against her stomach.
A mysterious wind surrounded her, blowing her golden hair upward, making her look like a Super Saiyan.
A soft glow covered her body, faintly pinkish-white.
A ghostly pink figure appeared above her head.
It was…
A pile of poop?!
Moss stumbled back in horror."Ew! At least I didn't actually evolve into it!"
Angewomon, however, was unfazed."This is normal. Digimon who rush their evolution process often experience data corruption, leading to freak mutations."
The ghostly poop vanished.
Moss sighed."So, I was too impatient?"
She freshened up, changed clothes, and tried again.
Another evolution attempt—
This time, the ghostly figure looked like…
…A rotting slime blob?!
Moss: "Again!"
Another try—
A tall, cloaked figure appeared.
A vampire with piercing red eyes.
Angewomon sounded displeased."Moss, our body and mind aren't ready for evolution yet. You should stop."
But Moss had already figured it out.
This was like a gacha game.
Each time she used Digisoul, she was pulling from a fixed evolution pool.
Right now, her options were:
Garbagemon (common pull)Numemon (common pull)Zombieman Satan Mode (rare pull)Myotismon (rare pull)LadyDevimon (ultra-rare pull)
She had finally gotten Myotismon.
"If I don't use this now, I don't know when I'll get it again!"
Moss made her decision immediately.
"Full Absorption: Myotismon's Soul!"
Angewomon gasped in shock, too late to stop her.
Moss's form changed—
A dark, high-collared cape appeared behind her, her helmet's feathers turned into bat wings, her chest armor became a skull, and her clothes darkened into deep blue and black.
Her heels sharpened, her gaze darkened—
She now looked like a Vampire Queen.