I am the son of Simon Petrikov (An adventure time fanfic)

Chapter 39: Chapter 33: Another chapter begins

-year 84 since the bomb fell-

-island cemetery-

-Blanche pov-

I'm 90 years old now, I'm a damn old man, I've lived, I've suffered, I've loved, I've died, I've been reborn, I've suffered, I've loved and now I feel like I've died again

I'm tired

I don't have the strength to get up

I just want to lie down on this grass staring at these graves trying to find meaning in this whole journey, saving people, having adventures, exciting fights?

I don't have a fucking clue, I don't have a mission, I used to have one, but after the first 30 years it started to seem more and more blurry and was replaced by the day to day

Why go out looking for danger when I could just get up, spend quiet and peaceful mornings with the ones I love

This new peace replaced all my ambitions, all my desire for adventure, for action, everything was put aside and I don't regret it at all

All those emotions, they were just to distract me, so I didn't need to think about the life I lost, better to concentrate on this wonderful new world, I told myself in my youth

But now, this world hurt me like I never thought possible, the moment I lost her, it lost that filter that blinded me, no more excitement for adventure or battle or family warmth

Once all that disappeared I had to finally face what I lost when I entered this world, all those memories about my family, my father, my mother and my sisters

Right now what I want most in the world is see them, talk to them, listen to them, hug them and protect them

I want to go back

Could that be my purpose?

"I never thought I'd see you like this one day, lying in a graveyard for a week"

My thoughts were interrupted by a very familiar aged voice

I looked up from the ground to the leader of humanity dressed in a suit and with his graying hair hidden by a moose hood, Tomas Jr., son of Tom, born and raised on the islands

"You know, from the moment I could reason, my father told me stories about you, the invincible Blanche Petrikov, savior of humanity, even in school they teach about you, I always idolized you and I still do"

He looked at me, with that wisdom and calm that characterized him, characteristics acquired due to an upbringing designed to create the next leader of humanity, although it also made him seem too cold on the outside

"I never thought I'd see you like this, it really makes me fear this world more, that it could even break you, I know I can't begin to imagine how you feel nor do I intend to try to comfort you, we both know it won't work"

"But If it helps, I'm sorry about your loss, I really am, she was family to me too, that's why I know that if she saw you right now she would kick you in the ribs and tell you that you are a crying old man."

Tomas's words of "encouragement" brought up too many memories to count, all those beautiful moments I spent with her and our daily fights, she really was a stubborn girl

Tomas waited patiently for him to get up once he saw the clarity return to his eyes, it seems that he managed to lift his spirits a little

Standing up, he shook off his clothes and looked closely at the man in front of him, looking at him with that irritating calm

They stared at each other for a few seconds in total silence… until Blanche slapped him on the back of the neck faster than any human could react

"Ouch! Why the slap!?"

"There was really no need for the crybaby old man thing, little robot"

"I just said what she would say old man" Rubbing the back of his neck, Tomas muttered trying to stay calm

"[sigh] yeah….I know, I'm really going to miss her"

Tomas glanced at the two graves in the middle of the meadow

"yeah, we're all going to miss her"

-a while later-

Tomas and Blanche arrived at the old Petrikov house in a car very similar to the ones that were there before the war, all the streets were already paved and there were buildings everywhere

As if time had gone back to before the war, in more than 60 years humans rebuilt their civilization, only with much less population since it was being regulated because the space on the island was not infinite

They entered the house and Tomas walked familiarly through the place and went to the kitchen to make himself a coffee while Blanche lay down on the couch in the living room.

After a few minutes, Tomas approached with a hot coffee in his hands and sat down on the single chair next to the sofa.

"[sip] So, now that we can talk calmly, I have news for you and Marcy, by the way, where is she? No one has seen her since the funeral"

"[sigh] she went into hibernation, it's a bit complicated, Chemy's departure hit her hard, more than she'll ever admit"

"she said she needed a break from life, so she locked herself in a sarcophagus in the attic, she instructed me to wake her up only in case the world ends again or I need her help or miss her and want to spend the day together"

"So basically whenever you want"

"yeah, but I don't plan on waking her up, she needs her time to process everything too"

"[sigh] yes I understand, in that case I'm sorry to tell you this in times like these, but I need your help, I tried to think of a solution by myself but it was no use"

The seriousness in Tomas's tone disconcerted me, I had never heard him ask for help like that

Tomas took a few seconds to think and take a deep breath to let out the bad news

"The truth is that the islands reached their limit, we've already used up almost all the resources"

"the population is at its maximum possible, we are already running out of space to grow crops and raise animals to sustain everyone"

"we are also in a technological bottleneck, without the resources we cannot make technological advances to solve the problem"

"we cannot build the necessary equipment to explore the sea in search of resources and even if we could it would be too dangerous, only god knows what mutated monsters inhabit the depths"

"I also thought about sending people to search for more resources on ships, but the entire population is terrified of leaving the islands due to the fear that was instilled in them by their parents and grandparents"

"the only capable ones could be the guardians but if they leave then chaos could reign on the islands without law enforcement officers"

"if this continues like this for a few more years with the resources that remain, I fear that it will be the final end, so uncle, I beg you to help me, could you save us one more time?"

I took a moment to process all the information Tomas ranted, I thought about this problem with Tom years ago but I never thought it would be so soon, I guess life on the islands prospered faster than we expected

I looked at the son of the man who led humanity and I couldn't help but remember Tom seeing him so concerned about his entire race, just like his father

"you know, you really remind me of your father, always so dedicated to his own, until the day he left, his departure really hurt me, he was a great friend, sometimes even a mentor, sometimes he reminded me of my own father"

"and the day he left he made me promise that I would help humanity until they could stand on their own, I guess it's time to keep my promise"

Tomas for the first time allowed himself to show a bit of emotion upon hearing the mention of his father, who raised him to be the next leader but also gave him all the love he could during his life

"[sigh] thanks uncle, I really miss him...."

"just say it and you shall have it, whatever it takes to solve this problem"

"just bring me a boat, the fastest one you have and all the animal blood you can store in freezers"


Tomas left the coffee still half finished without hesitation and at a fast pace [for his age] left the house without even saying goodbye, it seemed that the whole thing had him more worried than what he let on outside

Blanche watched as Tomas walked away before letting out a sigh and slowly getting up from the couch, his slow movements denoting his inner tiredness as he walked slowly and climbed the stairs, trying not to look around the house to avoid awakening more memories

Although what he was about to do was surely going to unbalance him

With heavy feet he walked to a certain room in the house with the door marked with the letters C.M, he opened the door slowly trying not to disturb the interior too much and all the dust accumulated over the years to rise.

The interior was a typical teenage girl's room, if we ignore the various bladed weapons, training equipment and weights that surely no ordinary human could lift

Blanche looked fondly at every detail of the room, in every mark and disorder he could see her old habits, he felt like he could almost see her moving around the room

Coming out of his stupor he finally looked at what he had come to look for

On the wall hung a beautifully crafted axe with marks of age, although it still looked as sharp as ever, the Leviathan axe

It was a gift to celebrate her first year as guardian of the islands

He approached and gently took down the axe to admire it for a second, this axe protected Chemy for years until she retired it due to age

He hung the axe fluidly on his back and headed towards the exit quickly as if he was running away from something, but a slight glow coming out of the drawer of the nightstand caught his attention.

He approached and when he opened the drawer his sight was almost blinded by the glow emitted by a combat dagger that was next to a leather sheath that had a small white rabbit on it

It was one of his first weapons that he made to hunt vampires and also the first weapon that he gave her, gently taking the dagger a smile formed on his lips remembering that reckless girl waving the weapon everywhere

He took the sheath and adjusted it on his belt firmly before sheathing the dagger, leaving the room once again in darkness

-founders island dock-

Tomas along with the guardians were waiting at the dock, they were in charge of finding the fastest boat with the best engine and fully equipping it with a blood supply to last several months.

Each guardian here was trained by another guardian since childhood, Chemy Mertens realized that a single guardian was not going to be enough so she personally founded the organization and trained the first guardians that would succeed her.

And each guardian was in charge of training his successors and this continued for more than 50 years until forming the organization that is in charge of protecting and enforcing the law on the islands.

Everyone waited patiently while the sun set in the distance on the other side of the islands, casting long shadows that almost reached the dock.

"Sir, are you sure you want to do this?"

"If he leaves for a long time, the islands will lose one of their spiritual pillars. If the first generation finds out about this, they might criticize you harshly."

"Don't worry Jack, they will surely understand more than anyone else."

"Don't worry about them. I already visited them for you. They will continue to enjoy their retirement in peace."

A voice and a long shadow caught the attention of the people on the dock, who turned their gaze to a young man with white hair, dressed in an elegant blood-red vest, shirt, and black pants.

Equipped with a beautiful axe hanging on his back and a leather sheath that held a dagger tied to his waist.

His eyes were hidden by round blue glasses.

He walked calmly under the gaze of the guardians to the entrance of the ship where Tomas was already waiting for him.

"Listen to me, Tomas. I need you to take care of the house. That's all. I know you don't need my help to keep these islands safe. I trust you, as much as I trusted your father."

Tomas stared at this eternal young man who had been in his life much longer than even his own father, this man who took care of him when his father left and was his support, was now leaving for who knows how long to find a solution to the problems of humanity.

"I just want to tell you, uncle, thank you for everything."

"Take care, little robot."

Blanche boarded the ship and set sail at full speed without a second of hesitation while all the guardians and Tomas waved him off from the dock until the ship disappeared in the distance.

-Blanche's ship-

Inside the captain's cabin, Blanche set the automatic course to the southwest of a continent that was formed a few years ago when the devastation and earthquakes caused by the bombs ended.

With everything ready in the cabin, Blanche headed to the front of the ship and looked at the immense sea that seemed infinite.

"Back to OOO"

"Who would have thought? Now I have to search the desert for a scientist who doesn't know how to relate to humans."

-34 days later-

After 34 days of sailing, killing mutated sea monsters and leaving huge icebergs formed by the waves that tried to sink it, Blanche finally saw a huge continent in the distance.

His old home, now called OOO completely changed

After several hours he finally approached the shore of a beach that stretched as far as the eye could see, The Bad Lands or rather its predecessor

Using his telekinesis he lifted the huge ship with ease and ran it aground far from the shore so it wouldn't be carried away by the aggressive sea

He floated slowly and landed on the sand that spread around him forming a desert full of huge bones of marine animals and sea rocks that were submerged many years ago in the sea that is now a desert

But he could already see signs of vegetation growing, although this place is now desolate surely several of its areas will transform in many years

Standing in the middle of a desert embraced by the sun Blanche seemed unperturbed, always surrounded by a freezing air that kept him cool

"Well, now where do I start"

He looked to his left, sand

He looked to his right, sand

He looked ahead, sand

"Still, I'm glad to be back".


A/N: Hello, surprised? Having a real computer is useful, comment I love reading them and laughing for a while, this arc will last a little while and back to the island before finally focusing fully on OOO, until next time

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