Chapter 8: Criston Cole I
He hated this place, its huge echoing chambers, the strange, twisted
and melted stone that made up a goodly portion of the castle, and
most of all he hated the very atmosphere of the place. For it seemed
to him that Harenhal was not just inanimate stone and mortar, no to
Criston Cole it seemed to be alive, no alive was probably the wrong
word, possessed, yes that was a better word, possessed.
The place was getting to his men also, many complained of strange
noises and whispering in the night, of figures glimpsed out of the
corner of the eye that disappeared when you turned your head to
look for them. Of strange, freezing breezes and draughts that would
suddenly spring up from nowhere and just as suddenly dissipate,
and of nightmares, always nightmares.
He suffered many of the same, inconveniences as his men, but as
their commander, and as the Hand of the King, he could not be seen
to be suffering as they did. He hid his uneasiness under the mask of
duty and burdened himself with as much work as he could.
Hah! Work? He was supposedly Hand of the King, but little business
reached him here in Harenhal, no he was sure that Lord Otto
Hightower had slipped back into his previous role back in Kings
Landing. No doubt with the tacit approval of Dowager Queen Alicent,
Lords Strong and Lannister would be unlikely to raise too much of a
stink on his behalf, of that, he was sure. Oh, he was certain that Lord
Otto had not officially replaced him, but he would wager that he was
the Hand of the King in name only in Kings Landing. Which might be
a reason why he was now stuck here in Harenhal with Prince
Aemond, safely removed from the capital while others plotted to
remove him from power.
Dowager Queen Alicent never forgave him for the injuries sustained
by the King at Rooks Rest, nor did she look favourably on him for
replacing her father as Hand of the King, even if King Aegon had
gotten tired of Lord Otto's cautiousness. A woman Cole knew was
never open to reasoning with, especially when it came to her family,
so he knew that he did not have the favour of the Dowager Queen
Thus, he spent his days in Harenhal, making sure that the Lannister
army and his men were kept in decent shape and kept supplied via
the Gods Eye, while Prince Aemond rode Vhagar out nigh on every
day and methodically burned everything within a day's flight of
Harenhal. Once everything within a day's flight was destroyed the
Prince had sworn to continue out to destroy everything within two
days flight, and then three days, and so on.
Of the rebels they had seen nothing, they had refused battle and
dared not confront then with Vhagar available to support them. But
as the days wore on into weeks, Criston Cole became more and
more concerned.
The passivity of the rebels was disconcerting to say the least, and he
suspected some sort of a trap, and so he had set his armies to work
on a plan that would hopefully serve two purposes, one it would alert
him to any potential attack by the rebels and two it would keep his
army occupied and busy.
Harenhal itself sat on a raised plateau above the shore of the Gods
Eye and from its towering walls and turrets one could spy upon the
lands for miles around, but Cole and studied the maps of the
surrounding terrain extensively before he had left Kings Landing. It
had been to better understand the locality and prepare for any
pitched battle, but now the lay of the land suggested something else
to Cole.
With the cooperation of several of the Maesters who had
accompanied the army they surveyed the empty land around
Harenhal in more detail. And the results confirmed what Cole had
suspected, there were numerous hills and ridges that were in sight of
the walls and towers that could do service as chains of watchtowers
to extend the terrain her could keep under surveillance from
And so, he has set his men to work, building watch towers and
'fortlets' out from Harenhal, the layout and placement of these
structures were carefully sited so that they all had sight of each
other. There was a large amount of grumbling at this, the levies of
the Westerlands in particular being very averse to being used as
labourers. But he persisted and eventually up to half of the army was
used on any one day for construction work, the towers and fortlets
were of wood and earthwork design, temporary in nature but they
increased by a factor of ten the amount of land he could keep under
surveillance, and it only took about a thousand men to staff the
watchtowers and fortlets.
The completion of this network made him feel a little more secure,
and stopped his army getting bored and restless, but even with this
the rebels still did no show their face. And as Aemond burned ever
more of the Riverlands Criston Cole became more and more
nervous, surer every day that Queen Rhaenyra would strike at Kings
To counterbalance this the news from the Reach was good, Lord
Ormund Hightower and his armies continued to crush the Blacks in
engagement after engagement, and still it seemed that Queen
Rhaenyra was doing nothing, content to sit on Dragonstone and see
her allies defeated. The Vale was quiet also, its great strength
seemingly content to sit and wait, like their Queen. And the North
was supposedly mustering its forces, but apart from the so called
'Winter Wolves' no forces of the North had been committed to battle.
All of this screamed at Cole that something was in the offing, that the
Blacks could not remain so passive, that they would not remain
passive. Prince Daemon Targaryen was not a passive type of man,
of that he was certain, and his fleeing of Harenhal before their arrival
was an ominous sign.
Prince Aemond had declared the absence of Prince Daemon to be a
victory, but Cole had disagreed with him on this matter. And this had
been the start of him and the Prince not seeing eye to eye, they had
clashed again over Cole's insistence that the Prince cover the
advance of the Westerlander army with Vhagar. Aemond had instead
wanted to start 'burning the Riverlands until they screamed for him to
stop' as the whelp put it.
It had only been Cole's insistence and persistent reminders that the
Westerlander army was vulnerable to ambush by the Riverlander
forces had gotten the Prince to reluctantly cover the march of the
Westerlander forces.
After the Westerlander forces had arrived safely Aemond had chided
him before the assembled Lords and Knights as being too cautious
and reminding Cole that caution had cost the last Hand of the King
his badge of Office.
In truth Cole was glad that Aemond took off every day and flew off to
burn smallfolk to ash in their homes, for it kept the lad and him
separated. And every day Cole visited the Sept in Harenhal and
prayed to the Gods that Aegon would recover from his wounds as he
could not abide by the thoughts of his fool of a younger brother being
at the helm of the Seven Kingdoms. The youngest of the Princes
Daeron was of a much calmer and pleasant disposition, he had
trained the lad himself on occasion, and he was much more suited to
the mantle of leadership than Aemond, of that Cole was sure. Once
all this unpleasantness was over, and if Aegon did not recover
sufficient to rule, mayhaps a tragic accident might befall Prince
Aemond, and Daeron might assume either the duties of Lord
Protector of the Realm or even King?
For had he not already made one King, what was making another in