Chapter 62: Johanna Lannister III
She sat as comfortably as she could, knowing that waiting was now
the game, but she was starting to get concerned, the servant girl
should have returned by now to indicate that it was time to make
their way to Prince Hugh's chambers.
A rather seedy business, but a necessary one, Tyshara was her
most wilful daughter, as headstrong as she was beautiful, and sadly
one who had already gifted her maidenhead to some handsome
travelling bard. Said bard had briefly sung a few notes higher after
she had him gelded, and then never sung again after his throat had
been cut. But there was nothing she could do about her daughter's
condition. The girl in question drank her Moon Tea as required and
thankfully there was no complications of a bastard to deal with, and
Tyshara did like horse riding, so the lack of a maidenhead could be
explained away if required.
But for her purposes it would do nicely she hoped, and she hoped
that her daughter would be able to seduce Prince Hugh, the girl was
a natural flirt, of that she knew, able to use her beauty, and when she
wanted to, her words, to twist men into doing her bidding. Despite
her nature Tyshara was not an unclever girl, and she was not all that
bothered by having to try and seduce Prince Hugh, even if he was a
Not that she could blame her daughter, Prince Hugh was a fine
specimen of a man, tall and broad shouldered, with more than a
strong dash of a roughness from his humble birth to give him a
certain frisson of dangerousness about him. Where she younger she
would not have been averse to offering Prince Hugh Lordship of the
Rock itself and her hand in marriage. A fine big slab of a man like
Prince Hugh set her juices running, she would have very much liked
to enjoy his attentions, and more accurately attention from that
massive pillar of his which his trousers and britches often did a very
poor job of hiding.
All the maids were a flutter over him she knew, both from her agents
reports and from the numerous Balls and Parties that were being
thrown with seeming no concern for the winter that was gripping the
land. Every House worth its salt in Kings Landing with an unwed
daughter seemed to be falling over themselves to throw as elaborate
and expensive a feast as possible. And invite the King, Prince Hugh,
and Ser Addam to the events, oh, there were other noble sons and
even some older widowers about that were looking for wives, but the
prize was the three aforementioned heirs of the Old Blood.
The competition was fierce, but her House had the not
inconsiderable advantage of an almost bottomless purse to fund its
battle, her daughters wore the latest fashions, the most expensive
silks and woollens, the food was lavish and the entertainment
extravagant. And if other Houses grumbled about this, what did she
care, and if barefoot, ragged Septons preached in the snow-covered
streets of Kings Landing against the indulgence of the Nobles in the
Red Keep, let them. The smallfolk had no business being concerned
about how their betters lived their lives.
While the King was nominally the greatest prize, his current betrothal
was somewhat of an obstacle, and one which could be overcome if
required, her indulgence of the Master of Coin would assist her in
this, and the removal of Lord Ormund Hightower would likely
eliminate any real objections to the breaking of the betrothal between
the King and Princess Jaehaera. The Hand of the King was a man
with many enemies at court, and the gold of Casterly rock was not
just being used flippantly, it was equally being put to good use
greasing the correct palms. And should it become necessary to
remove the little Princess, it would be something that she would
have no problem in setting into motion as required.
Dear Tyshara's fixation with Prince Hugh blinded her to the better
option, the King, but Cerelle was keeping her preferences close to
her budding chest. Two daughters wed into House Targaryen would
be a coup of imaginable scope, and would no doubt cause fierce
resentment against House Lannister, but as her good father had
once remarked, 'lions do not concern themselves with the bleating of
And so, the rounds of entertainment continued, the battle for
supremacy waged with a ruthlessness that matched any clash of
arms, the deliberate not inviting of some, the deliberate inviting of
others, the timing and settings of each banquet and ball. The Houses
involved marshalled their forces, manoeuvred on a battlefield
unfamiliar to their menfolk, but intimately known by their wives and
daughters. Woe be it a noble girl who only had her father to
accompany her in the Red Keep, for those unfortunates were sadly
unlikely to prevail.
Despite her musings her mind returned to her thoughts of Prince
Hugh, as she had found them wont to do these last few moons. She
had met him on many occasions, for he was always invited to
whatever soiree she organised, and his presence was rather hard to,
well ignore. He towered above most men easily, dressed well, if
rather plainly, with his style starting to be copied by some other men
in the Red Keep, but none wore it as well as Prince Hugh to her
mind. And his courtesies, if not as polished and adroit as others,
were something she was sure every maid who had tilted their minds
towards ensnaring him cared little for.
In fact, the opposite was the case she was sure, Prince Hugh's
slightly artless approach to the finer points of etiquette enamoured
many and provided a delightful challenge to numerous maiden
daughters and their scheming mothers alike.
Tyshara in particular seemed adroit at engaging the rather taciturn
Prince in conversations, said conversations often taking quite the
risqué bent, and her boldest daughter seemed to be not in the
slightest bit embarrassed by any of it.
And it was not just at organised events that she conspired to meet
up with Prince Hugh, she and her daughters, and an increasing
number of other unwed maidens and ladies were congregating to
watch the men practice at swords or a morning. Though Prince Hugh
was 'no great shakes at the tilt' according to Ser Garrel, he did admit
that Prince Hugh was a 'devil with that hammer and shield of his'.
And his warmup and warm down exercises were as popular, if not
more so, that his actual practice fights, for the Prince tended to
remove his shirt and gambeson respectively for these.
Prince Hugh's torso was corded and bulging with muscles, his
shoulders broad, his chest deep, and he made many of the other
men look like children beside him. Those images of Ser Hugh
stripped to the waist were a familiar companion to her in her private
moments, and nigh on every night she brought herself to shuddering,
glorious peaks with her fingers at the thoughts of Prince Hugh.
Despite her desires, despite her wants, she knew Prince Hugh was
likely beyond her, and that it would by her daughter Tyshara who
would enjoy the physical attentions of Prince Hugh, and this thought
made her resent Tyshara with a sour hatred.
But she had to think of her House first and foremost, and of her own
selfish desires second. House Lannister needed to recover its
prestige and it needed to deal with the Ironborn, and Prince Hugh fit
the bill on both of those respects.
The Iron Throne showed no signs of committing forces to defend the
Westerlands, possibly as a petty insult for their recent position in the
war, but also because of the harsh winter that had descended upon
But a dragon, even a single one like Vermithor, roosting in Casterly
Rock? That would deter the Ironborn, and if it did not, the beast
would burn those savages to ash. And if it took her daughter's
honour to achieve this, then so be it!
Well, it would take a little bit more than that, support from others to
smooth the path to the alter for the loving couple for one, and she
was sure that Hugh would be besotted by Tyshara. A frank mother
daughter conversation and the provision of a Lyseni pillow book for
Tyshara to study, along with some well learned advice on the most
sure-fire way to ensure a man's love and devotion. Though that had
not stopped that oaf of a husband of hers from deserting her bed, no
matter how many times she sucked his cock and swallowed his
All that coin she was distributing, all the coin she was making
available to the Iron Throne to assist in the rebuilding of Kings
Landing, all the coin she was providing to feed the city, all of that had
a price, and the price was no opposition to the marriage of Prince
Hugh and her daughter.
Tysahra had barely batted an eyelid at the Lyseni pillow book, nor at
her advice that the best use of her mouth was not for talking. But her
daughter had insisted upon a very large dowry, one that she thought
excessive, but then Tyshara did state plainly that no Lannister had
ever wed a Prince of House Targaryen, so there was that. Also, she
had insisted upon a substantial increase in her allowance, to be paid
for the rest of her life, even if the marriage with Prince Hugh fell
through for any reason, arguing that a failure and its public reveal
would tarnish her reputation sufficiently, and that gold would in part
make up for this remote eventuality.
A smart enough set of demands which she had agreed to after only
the barest minimum of consideration. At least the girl had her head
screwed on somewhat securely, even if she had been childishly
difficult over the matter of wearing inconspicuous clothing on the way
to seduce her future husband.
Her musings were interrupted by a maid suddenly entering the room
where she was waiting and whispering urgently in her ear. It took all
of her considerable willpower to neither gasp nor have her face twist
in shock at what was said to her.
Instead, she simply replied, "have Ser Garrel attend to me, then you
may admit them to my presence."
Her mind was racing, and her heart she could feel beating a wild
tattoo in her chest, it appeared as if things had taken a rather
dramatic turn, but until she was in possession of all the facts she
would have to refrain from acting. Then, she would see what her
options were and act accordingly. What was it Ser Garrel had once
said? Oh yes, 'no plan survives contact with the enemy', well on that
it looked like the old knight was right.
Ser Garrel entered her chambers, well dressed but with his sword
belt strapped around him and a sheathed sword hanging from it. He
looked worried and a glance from her confirmed his concerns, he
stood behind and a step to the left of her seated form, his right hand
resting on the pommel of his sword. She composed her face and
asked that her visitors be allowed admittance to her.
In strode Prince Hugh, Grand Maester Gerardys, though his title of
Grand Maester had not been confirmed by the Citadel, he was
referred to this in the Red Keep by order of the Iron Throne. And
following them her daughter Tyshara and the servant chit who had
set out with her, both looking chastened and embarrassed, both
hanging their heads and avoiding eye contact.
She steeled herself and said, "Prince Hugh, Grand Maester, what
brings you to my chambers at this hour?"
"I think you know very well enough my Lady," came the reply from
Prince Hugh, his voice strained as if he was keeping it under a tight
control. The Prince seemed very, very angry, has she misjudged him,
was he not interested in girls, was he a sword swallower? If he was it
was such a dammed shame, what a waste of a fine man…
"I do not Prince Hugh," she replied frostily, deciding to play this out
as long as she could, the Prince might slip up and give her valuable
information that way.
"You do….. do not play coy with me Lady Johanna. Your daughter
Tyshara was found naked in my bed not twenty minutes ago by I and
the Grand Maester. I doubt that your daughter, lovely and all that she
is, would be able to make her way from here to my quarters
undetected, or unaided, to artfully drape herself naked atop the
blankets of my bed. And if she did, then you have even bigger
problems than I think you have….."
"Rather convenient that the Grand Maester was with you my Prince,
do you not think?"
Before Prince Hugh could reply said Grand Maester interrupted, "I
examined the girl, with the servant wench present. Your daughter is
missing her maidenhead, but there is no evidence that this was a
recent thing, nor was there any evidence of sexual activity on her
part, no blood or seed was present within you daughters'
"Tell Lady Johanna why you were with me," Prince Hugh said in an
exasperated tone, clearly having been surprised that the Grand
Maester would divulge such information without prompting.
"Oh, yes, that! Well, Prince Hugh is quite the, well polymath, he
apparently is quite learned in High Valyrian1 and he wanted to draw
my attention to something he had recently read, wanting to check on
his translations. You see the empire of Old Ghis was apparently in
possession of a material called 'pourstone', whose exact qualities
and properties has long been hotly debated in the Citadel. Prince
Hugh has brought to my attention that some of the reasons for the
confusion over the properties of pourstone is due to that fact that
there may very well be several types of this substance, and not a
singular substance as we previously believed. His Grace has also
made a, to my mind at least, a very valid case for the ingredients of
pourstone and how to apply its usage to construction. The empire of
Old Ghis used the substance quite widely, if the records are to be
believed, though it did somewhat fall out of use for fortifications due
to its vulnerability to dragonfire. But it retained its popularity in civilian
building, in fact documents in the possession of the Citadel would
indicate that its popularity actually increased as time went on, and it
was in use right up until the end of the empire. Strangely enough,
there is little evidence of the Freehold taking up the use of flowstone,
despite its…"
"Thank you Grand Maester, for enlightening Lady Johanna on our
endeavours…..I asked the Grand Maester to carry out his
examination of your daughter, so as there could be no mistaking, no
uncertainties," Prince Hugh interrupted the Grand Maester, who was
obviously intending to bore them all to death with his diatribe on this
so called 'pourstone'.
"Lady Tyshara, return to your quarters at once, you, maid, you may
leave us, and do not think to repeat anything of what you saw here,"
at this she made a slight gesture to Ser Garrel, who fished out a
silver stag from his purse and tossed it to the wench, who caught the
coin handily enough. She would bear watching this one, and
probably more than watching, as she was a lose end that very
definitely needed tidying up. She would arrange for that immediately
after this rather unpleasant business was dealt with to as much
satisfaction as she could extract from it.
"What do you want Prince Hugh?" she asked, her voice steady and
level, refusing to be cowed.
Prince Hugh nodded his head at the Grand Maester, who bowed to
him and her and then left the room, Hugh's eyes resting on Ser
"He stays, I trust him to hear and know everything."
"Nothing will be said of this…..incident, ever. This will remain a
secret between you and me."
"And in return for your secrecy?"
"There, there are certain facts that have recently come to my
attention, facts that demand action on my part, and I need support
for what I will have to do."
"Marry Tyshara, I'll give you all the gold in the Rock and every sword
the Westerlands possess!"
"No, that you will not get, had you not tried this stunt, maybe, but
after this no. I have already been somewhat instrumental in your
kinsman Ser Tyland Lannister being released and pardoned, and
that is the limit of my forbearance. You must learn your lesson, and
the cost of said lesson is my hand in marriage to your daughter,
beautiful and all that she is."
"I have a younger daughter, Cerelle, just as fair as Tyshara, and
budding quite nicely…."
"No, but I may be able to arrange for a suitable marriage for one of
your daughters."
"Not for now Lady Johanna, give me your pledge of support and
this," here he made a gesture to the room, "need never have
happened. Your daughter retains her honour, and nothing is ever
said of her discovery naked and already long deflowered in my bed."
"I want the curse of the Ironborn lifted from the Westerlands," she
replied, refusing to further drawn on her failed plan, it was time to
move on and extract as much advantage as she could now.
"As do I, but that is not within my gift to give."
"What exactly do you want me to do?"
"Someday soon, I will call upon you to do me a service, to throw the
lot of House Lannister and the Westerlands behind me, but until that
day, accept the gift of your daughters honour."