Chapter 21: Jacaerys Velaryon III
Jacaerys sat in the Small Council meeting, watching for now and
saying very little, more observing with a horrid fascination what was
happening. His mother, his good-father and his grandfather seemed
to be constantly at odds with each other, and it appeared to him that
only by the miracle of them being at war was anything done, and that
the differences between them were bridged.
If he was honest with himself all he wished to do was climb back
upon Vermax and fly to Dragonstone and spend his time with Baela,
free of the stress and intrigue of the court in Kings Landing.
The war had initially been between the so-called Blacks and the
Greens, now there were whispers around the Red Keep other
factions were edging towards entering the war. The Silvers who were
the supporters of Corlys Velaryon, and the Reds, who were the
supporters of Prince Daemon, the Lord Protector.
But he was not sure that the so-called Silvers were even a faction as
such, his grandfather was more often spending his time as a
moderating influence upon his mother and her husband and trying to
keep them from destroying each other.
And because he had to, he totted up the dragons in his head
Daemon had Caraxes of course, maybe Moondancer also, and that
wrenched at his gut something fierce. Add to that Silverwing and
possibly Sheepstealer and Daemon had a reasonable force of
dragons, plus the City Watch and an unknown number of
Crownlander lords, and assorted sell swords and the hangers on that
his good father seemed to have collected to his cause.
His mother had Syrax, he had Vermax, Addam had Seasmoke, and
Hugh had Vermithor, he did not count either Stormcloud because the
dragon was too small, nor Tyraxes, as his brother Joffrey was
currently in the Vale at the Eyrie. The troops available to them were
the large Vale contingent, though Jacaerys was wary about some of
these, suspecting that they had been subverted by Prince Daemon,
and again, and unknown number of Crownlands forces.
On paper he had maybe an advantage due to the dragons, but he
was more worried about the men that he could call upon if required.
Kings Landing had fallen to them via the machinations of Prince
Daemon, the city could likely 'fall' to him again if so required.
Jacaerys felt his frustration and rage rise like bile in his throat, at the
sheer stupidity of it all, the Greens, though down, were definitely not
out, and here they were bickering among themselves pointlessly.
And when the Greens were finally defeated for good, then what?
Another civil war to see Daemon's get atop the throne before him or
And thus, the dragons would dance again. And the realm would burn
once more. And would more of his blood be spilled senselessly, for
the pride, arrogance and hubris of the people in this room? Or for the
pride, arrogance and hubris of one particular occupant of this
Would he ever sit atop the Iron Throne, would the Seven Kingdoms
even exist for him to rule, and would he even live to see himself
crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms?
His mother only had eyes for the Iron Throne and ending the war
with as much speed and apparently bloodshed as possible, she had
no mercy in her for the pretenders, wishing to crush all of them
without pity. Norms of leniency offered to defeated foes were not to
be observed, and all sense of forgiveness was to be abandoned.
And his mother seemed to be uncaring of the stigma of being
branded a kinslayer, she had dismissed all such concerns from her
mind. His mother had even gone so far as to propose attaining
Alicent and her get on the grounds of their treason, thereby
technically removing the taint of kinslaying from their executions.
His good father only lusted for power, power to be used, power to be
abused, power to be concentrated in his hands and his hands alone.
His plans to remake the realm into a bastardised version of its former
self were the dream of one drunk on the excesses of power, plain in
simple. The Lords of Westeros would never stand for it, never! Oh,
they might not rebel right away, but trouble would bubble, and brew
and it was sure to erupt in the future, of that he was certain. To
replace a whole swathe of the realm's nobility with a crop of newly
minted Lords, all of whom would owe their allegiance to Daemon
Targaryen? A recipe for disaster and usurpation, a course of action
that all but guaranteed that he would never sit atop the Iron Throne.
He was not stupid, he knew that Daemon lusted after one thing and
one thing only, power, and power was invested in the Iron Throne.
Though Daemon lusted after the Iron Throne with a fierce, all
consuming desire, Jacaerys believed that even Daemon was not
stupid enough to try and claim it directly. This thought brought a wry
internal laugh to Jacaerys, his good father was stupid enough, the
Rogue Prince was capable of literally anything, and one should
never forget that!
No, he believed that the most likely outcome was that Daemon
wanted to seat his son Aegon the younger on the Iron Throne, with
the lad being betrothed to Jaehaera Targaryen, daughter of Aegon,
2nd of his name and his sister wife Helaena. This would unite the
two claims on the Iron Throne and effectively end any lingering
potential for conflict between the two factions. The lad was as yet too
young to rule and there would be a long Regency, to be filled by
Prince Daemon Targaryen as Regent.
Of course, for this to happen he and his younger brother Joffrey
would have to be disposed of beforehand, and he did not think that
his good father would bother much with any taint of kinslaying. But
he would in all likelihood have him and Joffrey murdered by proxies
that could not be tied to him directly, - poison, a fatal fall down a flight
of stairs, a knife in the back during a drunken brawl….the potential
ways his good father could murder them was endless.
Unless he struck first, unless he removed the threat of Daemon from
the Game of Thrones, a delightful name that Hugh had given all of
this nonsense a few days ago. Jacaerys had been conversing with
the dragonrider of an evening, the two of them sharing a bottle of
wine in jovial companionship atop the walls of the Red Keep, he had
come across Hugh enjoying the bottle on his own, watching the
sunset over the city.
He had somewhat unburdened himself to Hugh, telling him of the
machinations swirling around the Red Keep and the various factions
that were forming.
He had heard Hugh mutter under his breath '
that fuckin family'
before he had handed Jacaerys the bottle of wine, which he had
taken a large swig from.
"If you want to lose your dragons, this is how you lose your dragons"
Hugh had remarked as he finished drinking from the neck of the
bottle, handing it back to Hugh.
"It's, it's….it's all just so frustrating…." He had muttered, his anger
and exasperation evident in his voice.
"That is the 'Game of Thrones' for you your Grace, it never ceases, it
just waxes and wanes, but it never ends."
"That, that is….depressing Hugh… though 'Game of Thrones', I, I
like it, it's as good a name as any."
"And you can use it in polite company your Grace" quipped Hugh in
response, a wry smile crossing Hugh's face.
He gave a little laugh at that, glad for any opportunity, however
small, for mirth.
"Well, it's as good a description as any of how power is played for
here in the Seven Kingdoms, and you better get used to it. Men, and
women, are prepared to kill to sit atop that great pile of dragonfire
fused swords my Prince, it's the price of power and many are willing
to pay it. Many more are absolutely willing to sacrifice honour, family,
duty, everything, to grasp at the power that flows from the Iron
Throne, to elevate themselves even a tiny bit off the back of the
power that the Iron Throne bestows."
"Huh…..maybe, maybe I don't want it, to, to sit atop it, to be king."
"You don't get a choice I'm afraid Jace, for when you play the Game
of Thrones, you either win or you die!" came a harsh, guttural bark
from Hugh. "You know how this works, you are not stupid, you, and
your younger brother, are in the way of certain peoples plans…."
"Daemon!" he hissed, his anger finally getting the better of him.
"Only the first and currently the most dangerous, in a long line of
"How, how do you mean Hugh?" Jacaerys gasped, shocked by this
revelation from Hugh.
"The Great Lords of Westeros, do you think they enjoy being under
the thumb of the dragons?"
"I, uhhh, we have given them peace, prosperity, privileges….why
would they not be at least satisfied with our rule?"
"Because they were once king's lad, petty king's aye, but king's,
nonetheless. They had power in their lands, great power, power that
could be exercised, power that could be abused, all gone now, shorn
by Aegon the Conqueror. You think they give a damm about
'prosperity'? or a system of codified laws? A goodly proportion of the
Lords of Westeros cannot even read lad! They care nothing for that,
only for what advantage they can extract, usually by force of arms
and usually at the smallfolk's expense!"
"I, ummm, erh…" Jacaerys mumbled, stunned by Hugh's sudden,
passionate outpouring.
"I would bet you my last groat that a majority of your 'Lords', high and
low, would not shed a tear at the passing of the Seven Kingdoms.
Maybe in one hundred, two hundred years' time, when the idea of
the Seven Kingdoms has become so ingrained, so normal, would the
Lords strive to keep the realms united, but now?"
"How many Lords foreswore their oaths to your Grandfather King
Viserys to uphold your mother as his heir? The Lord Commander of
the fucking Kingsguard murdered Lord Beesbury, the Master of Coin,
for daring to suggest that Alicent and Lord Otto could not put Aegon
forwards as King as your mother was King Viserys rightful heir.
Oaths are words and words are wind your Grace, only power
matters. Might makes Right my Prince…
Jacaerys pondered Hugh's word for a long while, before responding
"can I, can I trust you, Hugh?"
"Trust me? You can trust no one in this place lad, you know that! But
you are asking me the wrong question Prince Jacaerys Targaryen."
"And what question should I be asking you Hugh?" he replied,
knowing in his heart of hearts what the question would be.
"You should ask me what my price is for supporting you" came
Hugh's reply, the ex-Blacksmiths face looked melancholy and sad as
he delivered these words.
"Well then Ser Hugh, what is your price for supporting your Prince?"
And so, Hugh told him.
"Prince Jacaerys?" the question dragging his mind back to the
"Yes, ummm, I'm sorry, what was the question?"
"Not a question your Grace" came Daemon Targaryen's smooth
reply, your mother asked you for your opinion."
"Erh, thank you, sorry your Grace, could you, could you repeat your
"Your mind was wandering my son, see to it that it does not wander
too much, would you?" asked his mother, her face sour and annoyed
looking, the most common look on his mother's face since they had
regained the capital. Before Jacaerys would have thought that the
capture of Kings Landing would have brightened his mother's mood,
but the opposite was in fact true. But then again, of the atmosphere
of this meeting was anything to go by, no wonder his mother looked
bitter the whole time.
"I asked of your opinion regarding bringing your cousin Rhaena back
to Kings Landing from the vale, along with your brother Joffrey."
"Ummm, maybe…"
"Maybe? Is that all you have to say boy?" chuckled Prince Daemon,
irony and sarcasm dripping from his words.
He thought furiously on this, on what Hugh had said to him, on what
adding Rhaena and Joffrey into the mix in Kings Landing would
entail, the advantages and disadvantages for him and his position.
"I don't think that the time is as yet right for this, and it would
concentrate all of the family in one place, vulnerable to a
'decapitation strike'."
"Hah! A 'decapitation strike', you've been talking to Hugh haven't
you!" laughed Prince Daemon, but his mirth never reached his eyes,
as was usual for the man.
"I am inclined to agree with the Prince your Grace" Corlys Velaryon
interjected, rather grim faced and stern, and looking like he wanted
to be somewhere else at short notice.
After a few minutes of silence his mother finally made her decision
"very well, for the time being Princess Rhaena and Prince Joffrey will
remain at the Eyrie."
Jacaerys coolly noted the reaction of Lord Corlys and Prince
Daemon, the first looked relieved, the later looked angry, furious
even, but the Lord Protector hid it well he had to admit. And Jacaerys
knew that once was the time that Daemon would have responded
with an angry outburst at not getting his way, remonstrating openly
with his mother.
But now the man hid his emotions better, and that scared Jacaerys
to the bone.