HP: The Arcane Thief (LitRPG)

Chapter 111: A meeting with Headmaster

Axel stood in the training room of his hideout. He had completely surrounded this place in layers and layers of wards and enchantments for his practice so he wasn't worried about damaging this place.

He finally drew his newly repaired and improved wand, which no longer felt the same.

When he had bought it, he wasn't expecting much from it. It was just a tool used for magic casting. But after using it for more than a year, he had come to realize that the wand had a degree of sentience, even if only a little.

It had emotions and judgement of its own to only serve the master which it deems worthy and who treats it well. After he realized that and truly began to gain it's loyalty, he had slowly stop seeing it as simply a tool. From then, until its destruction, it hadn't disappointed him once, even damaging itself to fulfill his command.

Axel was not heartless enough to not get care for such a loyal helper. But he only found out when it was gone. Now that it was back, and much more powerful than he had imagined, Axel felt that his weariness had lessened quite a bit, and he no longer felt the urge to sigh. It was like a part of himself had been restored, and moving forward was no longer as difficult as it was just an hour ago. If only Daphne was cured, he felt like he could take over the world.

"Let's see what you can do," he murmured, and the wand glowed in response.

Axel pointed it at the training dummy. "Reducto."



The dummy was reduced into nothing, and most of the layers of protection he had installed on the walls were also gone.

But... what was even more baffling was, Axel found himself falling to the floor right after, completely powerless.

"What... the fuck? What the actual fuck?!" Exclaimed Axel, unable to comprehend the situation at all. Alright, the spell was powerful, much much more powerful than what a simple reducto can ever be. But... how exactly did he end up falling?

The last time this happened, he had loaded Electrica Impulsa a frightening amount of time in limit break. At that time, if the spell hadn't passed through the window, it could have destroyed anything in its way. So right now, he didn't find it an equal exchange at all to lose all of his powers over something so weaker.

'System, what the heck?'

[Axel, the materials used in your wand have extra ordinary origins, and their combination makes the wand even more powerful. You currently don't have the capability to draw magic with it. To use it, you must train with it first.]

Axel frowned. 'What the hell are you talking about? I haven't had any problems related to my magical aptitude after getting healed. What's so special about these materials?'

[Your aptitude is not less, Axel. Other people will have an even harder time using it. The problem is, the wand is too powerful. Especially due to the wood, the dark crystal, the master level wand crafting skills, and your bond with the empowered cherub core. All things combined, it will be counted among the top magical conduits even in other worlds.]

What? An absurd laugh escaped Axel's mouth. Too much information was revealed in the last statement. 'Why does it seem like the other worlds are much more powerful than this world?'

[Because that is the case.]


Axel decided to not think about the other worlds for now. And focus on the current world.

'What about the elder wand?' Different from the noob he had been, Axel now knew what the Elder wand was. The most powerful wand in the world. 'Is it more powerful than that?'

'It is. The margin between the Elder wand and other well crafted wands with good owners is not that huge. This wand can be much more superior, if you can use it to that level.'

Axel smiled. 'Now we're talking.'

Whipping out his wand again, Axel started to have fun with it again.


Unbeknownst to Axel, the incident caused by him once again shook the internet, this time causing even bigger waves.

The sight of a giant middle finger logo made out of green smoke could be seen in the news of all the major media outlets across the world the very same day.




These types of articles and video clips were appearing all over.

But that wasn't enough. On the internet, a video edit blew up big time, gaining a lot of views with the title: THE MOST SAVAGE STUNT IN QUIDDITCH HISTORY

It featured first Axel entering the stadium, and then cutting to the part where his past was shown on the screen, showing his annoyed reaction as many people in the crowd started booing and catcalling him.

And then, a fast music starts booming in the background, as it shows Axel first destroying the opponent team, flying at a speed at which forced others to stop flying while catching the snitch in quick successions.

The scoreboard was shown going up one-sidedly by a multiple of 50 until 25 minutes, showing the crowd's dumbfounded and spellbound reaction, after which Axel walked out mid-match like a gangster, leaving the middle finger in the air.

This video blew up big time, getting popular even among people who don't take active interest in Quidditch. And for a while, things like 'Axel Hunt', 'Savage Hunt Latest Shenanigans', What is the Savage Mark?', 'How to create a middle finger logo with magic' and 'How to create the Savage Mark?' were on the top searches.

Copying this, a few students made a video in which they went into Lockhart's classroom and said to his face that they would no longer be attending his classes, giving legit reasons like his classes are all about himself and useless nonsense, even adding a few small clips of his previous classes as proof.

After saying their piece in front of the whole class, the students walked out while leaving the middle finger sign to Lockhart.

This video also went crazy viral, especially due to Lockhart's already existing fame. And then, something amazing happened. It led to the start of a trend, in which people would post videos of them doing something savage and then leaving the symbol of a middle finger.

And this middle finger symbol which Axel had created, began to be called 'The Savage Mark'.

In just a few days, the Internet was filled with videos related to this. The year had just begun, and Axel had become the most famous person of 1993. But of course, not everything was positive.

Axel was heavily criticized for using an obscene gesture in public, and the opposition of these people only increased as the Savage Mark gained popularity. It came to the point that it was being demanded that he be banned from playing Quidditch in the future matches at Hogwarts, something which even the sponsors and Ludo Bagman protested against. After all, there was no money to be made without Axel.

And, as the person in question here, Axel was completely impervious to the whole situation. He continued his days as usual doing his own things, and attending only certain classes for appearance's sake. Theodore and Tracy, who had recently become the only two people he'd hang out with, would tell him the bug waves he had caused from time to time, but Axel didn't pay much attention to those things.

Professor Mcgonagall was the only one among the professors who admonished him for his behavior. (I am most disappointed in you, Mr. Hunt. You brought down the school's reputation with your rude gesture. That is not how a student of Hogwarts should behave. 50 points from Slytherin.) Like he gave a fuck.

Other than that, everything was going the same. Until one day, something happened.

"Mr. Hunt, you've been called to the Headmaster's office," Professor Mcgonagall informed him one day as he was leaving her classroom, making him stop in his tracks.

"What?" Axel thought he might have heard it wrong due to all the students' chattering.

But, Mcgonagall destroyed his hope. "The Headmaster has called for you," she repeated patiently. "The entrance is on the seventh floor, guarded by a gargoyle. The password is Sherbet Lemon. Off you go now," she said, and Axel could almost hear a hint of gloating in her voice, but maybe it was just his imagination.

"You're in trouble, mate," said Theodore, as Axel walked out of the classroom in a daze.

"Heh, creating so many headlines and controversies, I'm not surprised this is happening? It was only a matter of time," said Tracy. "Though, for the awesome things you did, I'd say it's totally worth it."

Shaking his head, Axel separated from them at the stairs, going for the seventh floor. His head had hundreds of thoughts. What does the old fossil want from him?

Now that he thought about it, there could be a lot of reasons. He had not been properly attending the classes, he had been in conflicts with various students, and when push came to shove, he had even gotten into many physical confrontations as well.

Aside from this, there was his most recent deed of making the flip off gesture in front of an international audience as well. Not only had he affected Hogwarts' image, he had also prevented the school from getting a generous amount of money in promotions, even though they were getting it by taking advantage of him in the first place.

And then there were his secret exploits as well, which could have been revealed even though he did make sure to always look out for House elves and portraits on system's warning. So, in the end, Axel decided not to think too much about it. What will happen will happen. If Dumbledore wanted to pull some shady tricks he wouldn't have called him so openly.

Reaching the Gargoyle, Axel stared at it for a few moments using Arcane eyes, admiring the enchantments. "Password?" It asked irritably, as if it was used to people staring at it.

"Sherbet Lemon?" Asked Axel, feeling quite doubtful himself. Surprisingly, it actually worked, as the staircase leading to the headmaster's tower appeared in front of him. It made him wonder if Dumbledore was really a little barmy as he had suspected.

When he knocked on the door, it swung open on its own. Shrugging, Axel walked in with his guard up, his Arcane Eyes subtly active. Though, what he saw inside was quite surprising.

The walls were covered by portraits of various old people. On one side, weird silver instruments were put on small spindly legged tables. Low whirring noise was coming from the devices, which was strangely harmonious with the surroundings. In the second section, lay a Mahogany desk with a grand chair, which was currently empty, and the third section had a small library of sorts with all types of antique books which Axel was sure would sell for a lot.

Though, all this wasn't what really surprised him. It was the presence of the old foggy standing behind the Library. Yes, Dumbledore was present in the office, but the problem was, he was under disillusionment. Axel had only noticed him because he was using the Arcane Eyes.

"Excuse me? Professor Dumbledore?" He called out, but no response came.

Axel had just pretended to glance past him in the beginning, but now it was getting difficult for him to pretend he couldn't see the Headmaster, and it was starting to feel a bit awkward. Axel didn't know what Dumbledore wanted from him, as the old man was just standing there, doing nothing.


At this moment, a sound attracted Axel's attention. Looking over, he found a small bird with scarlet plumage and golden tail feathers, sitting on a perch beside the table.

As Axel watched, the bird flew up from its perch flying over to Axel.



It came to land on his shoulder. Tilting its head to one side, it regarded him with one of its gleaming black eyes.

Since Axel was looking at it through Arcane Eyes, he had realized that the bird was magical. And now that it was sitting right on its shoulder, he could feel heat radiating off it, confirming its identity.

"A fucking pheonix," Axel muttered in fascination. He had researched extensively on the creatures due to their fascinating abilities, especially the healing and teleportation, but it was his first time seeing one. He had heard the rumours about Dumbledore having one, but he didn't know it was true.

By now, the bird also seemed to have done with its evaluation of him. It made a screeching noise that hurt his ear drums badly, and flew away leaving a burst of flames that singed the tips of Axel's hair.

"What the—" Axel almost smacked the bird into oblivion, but he controlled the urge since Dumbledore was right here, observing the show with his hands folded in front of him.

Axel touched the tips of his hair which were emitting smoke.

"Damned Flaming turkey," he cursed, making the bird squawk at him in indignation.

A deep chuckle reverberated in the room, as Dumbledore walked out from behind the Library shelf with his disillusionment undone.

"A flaming turkey! Ho-ho, that's indeed quite a thoughtful comparison, Mr. Hunt," said Dumbledore in amusement, who thought he had surprised Axel with his entry. "But his name is Fawkes. And he's a phoenix."

"Well, "Fawkes" doesn't seem to like me much," said Axel blandly. He knew that Pheonix were light creatures and could judge a person's character, so he had understood why Dumbledore pretended to be behind the Library before. The old man was testing him, checking out Fawkes' reaction towards him.

And it appears that he had failed the test spectacularly.

Fawkes squawked at Axel once again before flying over to perch on Dumbledore's shoulder. "Indeed. But don't mind him. He can be a bit rude sometimes..." said Dumbledore as he went to sit behind his desk, but Axel was a bit confused whether the old man was replying to him or Fawkes.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall told me that you had sent summons for me..." said Axel, indirectly asking, 'why the fuck did you call me here?'

"Indeed." Dumbledore nodded, adjusting his half moon spectacles. "You must be wondering why you were called here. Please have a seat."

'Well, Duh,' thought Axel inwardly as he sat facing the headmaster.

Dumbledore leisurely popped a candy into his mouth. "Lemon drops?" He asked, offering him some, which Axel denied impatiently.

Dumbledore chortled. "Mr. Hunt, you don't have to be so tense. Let me assure, you are not in any sort of trouble. I merely called upon you to have nice chat with you, as I am a bit... concerned." he said, peering at Axel through his glasses.


Dumbledore nodded calmly. "Yes, Mr. Hunt, concerned," he said, leaning forward. "Could you tell me what your plans are for the future? And if it's not too personal, could you tell me, what is your aim? Your dream?"

Axel thought about it. His plans for the future? First he has to make sure there is one, by defeating Voldemort. And his dream? Well, he hasn't given it much thought yet. So, he just shook his head. "No, I haven't thought of anything yet," he replied.

Dumbledore's eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. "None? With your talents, I would have thought you would be interested in pursuing a career in Quidditch in future," he mused.

"No, I don't think I'll be playing it much after this year." said Axel, shaking his head. To him, Quidditch has always been, overall, just a means to an end.

This time, Dumbledore was genuinely mystified by Axel's statement. "You have me at a loss here, Mr Hunt. Could I ask you why? You are extremely gifted for the sport. Surely you could gain boundless fame and wealth if you were to continue...?"

"No, I'd rather not. I'm finding all the attention too annoying," said Axel uninterestedly. As for money? As long as there were people like the Mikhailovs to loot, he didn't need to worry.

Dumbledore sighed. "Then Mr. Hunt, what IS it that you want? As Slytherin, you can't tell me you don't have any ambitions?"

'I do. I just don't feel any need to tell you,' thought Axel inwardly, looking at Dumbledore. But as he was about to answer, he felt a slight Legilimency probe in his mind, making him baffled at the old man's daring.


'This wrinkly old foggy!' Axel cursed.


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