HP: The Arcane Thief (LitRPG)

Chapter 107

In a few days, the day of the match finally arrived. Another day of the match. This day is also called a meeting day, as parents are able to come to and meet the students in the stadium. 

Usually, on the meeting day after Christmas, the stadium is the least crowded, since the parents had just met their children not even a week ago, resulting in many parents who are busy or far away, to not make an effort to make the trip. But today though, the scene was entirely different. 

"It's his second match, right?"

"Yeah, but if you look at him play, you'd think he was a veteran."

"Best in the world, huh?" 

"I heard he broke 22 world records in one go." 


"Yeah, I know, right?"

"Nothing can be confirmed with just one match." 

"Is he really that good?"

"I think the last time was a fluke."

"What if he can't do much next time?" 

"Yeah, I have to see for myself."

"Me too."

These kinds of conversations were taking place everywhere between the Quidditch fans all around. That's why, even after extending the stadium to its limits, the tickets were sold out very early, leaving a large number of people disappointed.

All the major Quidditch fans had recognised this as an important moment. They were about to confirm if the skills shown by Axel were actually real or not.  That's why, the broadcast range of this match was increased, and the viewer count had skyrocketed to an absurdly high number, making the game reach the popularity of a league match, which was leagues above even the last match which already had an incredibly high reception.

In this hyped up atmosphere, Axel walked towards the stadium in stealth, passing through the crowd of students who were also headed there. 

Aside from Hufflepuff, all three other houses were excited for the match. The Hufflepuffs though… the members of the house of loyalty and hard work looked like they were going to their funeral. But they couldn't be blamed for their negative reactions, since now the whole world was going to watch them play, and if it went anything like the last time, their House would be humiliated in front of everyone.

That's why, for the past week, they had been looking at Axel with complicated looks, some even begging him to be lenient in the game. Though, maybe because of his savage reputation as or maybe because they were Hufflepuffs, he didn't get any threats, nor did they try to sabotage him. After all, he wasn't playing against the Slytherin team, he WAS, the Slytherin team. 

So, Axel really didn't have anything against the house, but he would really have to destroy them a little for Daphne to see. 

He thought about the things she had said about him. 'She seems to really hate me right now,' he concluded. 

'Well, I really had it coming.'  Looking back, while she had always tried her best to make him let her in, and had always been shown her passion, he had always taken her for granted. His attitude towards her was mostly cold and perfunctory, which was quite contrary to how he really felt. 

He had been just... too scared to admit it, afraid of getting hurt. 

But despite that, Daphne had never given up her affection towards him, even though any girl in right mind should have hated him. 

It made him wonder... did he really deserve her? Was the affection and attention he had been getting valid? Or was it given to him just because he had saved her sister and did her a few other favors? 

Had she begun to look at him through a jaded view? Always looking at him as the person who saved her sister from her suffering and made the biggest in her life go away? Had she started loving him due to the heavy debt of gratitude she felt towards him? 

If that was the case, then he didn't want such affection. He wanted her to like him for who he was, not for what he had done. Because he hadn't helped Astoria for Daphne. It was more for his personal satisfaction. 

That's why, after she had lost her memories, he had asked Astoria and Evelyn to not tell her anything about him.  

"Because this time..." 

Because this time, he would win her over with his sincerity, instead of charity. He would become the person worthy of her affection. 

That's why... even though he didn't have anything against the Hufflepuffs, he wasn't going to hold back. 

With determined footsteps, Axel marched towards the stadium. When he entered the changing room, he found the whole team waiting for him.

"You're here!" 

"Thank Merlin he's here!" 

"We're saved!" 

Patricia stood up as soon as she saw him. "Where did you disappear to again? I didn't see you for the whole week!" 


Patricia just sighed. "I have no control over you. You did this last time as well. Anyways, quickly get changed. The match starts in 10 minutes!" 

"It's plenty," muttered Axel, taking over his clothes from the locker. 

When he turned back, he found his team members giving him intense stares. 


Everyone quickly looked away, and the girls who their Magi-mirrors pointed at him quickly hid it with embarrassed faces. 

Shaking his head, he went to the changing room. This time, the guys didn't dare to say anything. 

As the door to the changing room closed, the girls sighed in disappointment, and even Patricia looked disappointed. 

"What a pity..." 

"I wanted to record it this time." 

That sculpted body of absolute perfection, filled with numerous scars and imperfections which only served to make it more enthralling... they wanted to look at it again. They had only been able to catch a glimpse last time before he had changed. But, Axel simply decided to change from the changing room, much to their chagrin. 

What could they do? Stop him like the last time? They were dependent on him to get through the incoming matches. They can't afford to even look at him the wrong way. 



"This is Lee Jordan, Hogwarts' Quidditch Commentator, and today, I have with me a very special guest as a co-commentator! Hogwarts, please welcome the Pro Quidditch Player, professional commentator, and the Legend, LUDO BAGMAN!" 


"Thank you, everyone, for all the love. Blimey, it's good to be back! It certainly brings back memories!" said Bagman, as the crowd cheered. 

"So, as can be seen by Mr. Bagman's presence and the big companies as our sponsors, this match is no longer a simple school league match. Currently, the match is being telecasted live all over the world, and even the streaming servers are overcrowded with viewers from all developed communities, meaning it's popularity has escalated far beyond the realm of school matches, reaching major league match levels! Mr. Ludo, what are your thoughts on this?" 

"Lee, I will not beat around the bush. There is only one reason why this has happened, and that is Axel Hunt, the boy we're all here to see, no offense to all the other players."

"Of course, the Unseen Prodigy. There's no denying your statement, and I don't think the rest of the players, mind since this match is currently being watched by the recruiters of all the team across the world!"

"That's right," Agreed Bagman. "And by a large audience as well. This is a golden opportunity for those players. If they can perform well, not only will they get famous, they can also get great offers even from major leagues! No one should waste this chance,!" 

"Definitely, Mr. Ludo. And since we've already breached the topic, then what ARE your thoughts on Axel Hunt? Could you give us your take on the subject?" 

"Well, I don't need to say anything about his talent and potential, since everyone already knows about it. But from what I see, the kid reminds me a lot of myself when I was young. 

Back in the days, I was a lot like him, full of potential, charming the witches, and doing whatever the hell I wanted without a care of the world. But this is where the real test comes. 

Too many talented players never actually rise to the top. It is the steady and hardworking ones who finally make it. Even if he was somehow cheating, no one can do what he did even if they are given full reign to cheat, so there's no denying his talent and potential. But, it's too early to tell if he can actually keep it up. The tricks he pulled in the last match? He may not be able to do them again, and countermeasures will soon be developed against him as well. As I said, it's too early to tell." 

"...." It had only been a few seconds, but Axel, who was standing on pitch along with his team already didn't like this Ludo Bagman, who is so full of himself. 

"You've put it very well, Mr. Bagman," said Lee. "I completely agree with your words, and those international viewers who didn't understand everything, since they do not yet have the full context, here's a recap of the whole situation! 

Axel sighed. 'Not again?' 

The big screens showed highlights of the events from the start and also, they didn't forget to put ads of their sponsors in the corners. Jordon explained everything as the clips played. The very first clip was of Axel and Rose facing each other seemingly in a confrontation. 

"It started with Axel Hunt, an unknown student, and Rose Potter, the then best and youngest seeker of Hogwarts having a conflict, due to Rose getting jealous about him hanging out with other girls. In response, Hunt proposed a bet, saying he would face her house in a Quidditch match, and the loser would have to do anything the winner asked." 

Then the screen showed scenes Axel getting splashed with paint. "Hunt, as an unknown player, was ridiculed by the whole Gryffindor House for proposing the bet against Rose Potter, who was already good enough to be scouted directly to the major leagues. He even got splashed in Gryffindor colors the night before the match, but Hunt waited, biding his time."

The screen then began showing the highlights of the match Gryffindor vs Slytherin, getting cheers from the audience. 

"And then, when the match started, he exploded, catching the snitch within seconds, and creating a world record! And that was just the start! He then proceeded to take full revenge on the Gryffindor House for every single thing by breaking 21 more records, and defeating Gryffindor with more than a 1000 point difference! And… the match ended with this:" said Jordon, as the screen played the clip on him catching and throwing the Bludger at the Weasley twin in slow motion, and the crowd gasped and cheered the stunt.  

"OOOHHH! It's painful no matter how many times I see it..."

Axel shook his head as he looked around at the crowd. They did all this last time as well. Putting him on display just to increase the interest of the crowd. It's all business to them. He hoped it was over now so he could finish the game and leave. 

"You'd think this was it. But after this, Hunt made headlines again for several different reasons, becoming the most searched person of the year 1993," said Lee Jordon, as the Clip showed large headlines of about the Christmas party. 

'Stop it already! It's not even related to Quidditch!' Thought Axel, his face turning colder. But of course, the recap continued. 

"Axel Hunt got engaged to Martina Valentino, princess of one of the most wealthiest and most powerful families in the world, and then beat Maksmilian Mikhailov, the Heir to the dangerous and power Mikhailov family to a pulp right in front of the Godfather Mikhailov!" He said, as the clip showed Axel doing exactly that. 

"And then, the news about his past was leaked, something he had kept a secret all this while," said Jordon, as the headlines about him being a muggleborn orphan and images of child rough childhood began to be shown on the screen, for all the world to see. 

'Damn it.' 

Axel no longer heard what Lee Jordon was saying. He didn't feel comfortable playing for people in this way. He felt exploited. Like a zoo animal on display. 

Since the Valentinos had handled the situation, this news was gradually buried, and many people still hadn't found out about it. But now, it was dug out once again, with such a large audience watching it. 

At this moment, the close up of Axel's face appeared on the screen, showing his reaction to the current situation. 

"Sweet Merlin, Hunt looks absolutely livid. I have seen that look before... Maybe... um... maybe we went a bit overboard in sharing the details." Lee Jordon was regretting it a bit, but what could he do? The sponsors and broadcasters had asked for the recap to retain the viewership. 

Bagman just scoffed. "Oh come on, there's nothing he can do about it. He should have thought it through before stepping into the spotlight. You just continue the recap," he said from experience. Once you become a celebrity, your life can no longer be private. The sooner the boy learnt of it, the better. Besides, what can he even do? 

Axel looked around at the crowd. The reaction of the people had changed. They were now looking at him with different gazes, some of them no longer cheering for him and while were openly looking at him with disdain and hostility. Because no matter what, his past and his background was something that many of the wizarding families find degrading. 

'Well, fuck it then.' 

Axel didn't like the fact that they were making money off of him like this. They thought they could make a show out of him, but, he is not going to just let them exploit him like that. 

"—AND that's why we're all here, aren't we?!" Lee was almost finished with the recap. "To See The Process! To find out, Is Axel Hunt a rising Star who would retain its shine, Or is he just a shooting star with a single moment of blinding brilliance?! So, Witches and Wizards, ARE YOU READY YET?!"



Madam Hooch came to stand between the teams. "I want a fair and injury free match," she said, the last words directed at Axel. 

Her words were ignored, since Axel had already decided what he was going to do. Activating the Arcane Eyes on low intensity, he peered at the VIP box. 'Are you watching?' He thought, and indeed he found the silhouette of Daphne there, sitting together with two other silhouettes, belonging to Evelyn and Astoria. 'You better watch this with your eyes wide open, you troublesome girl.' he thought, as he waited for the match to start. 



next: Axel Hunt... I think h broke Quidditch (Savage Action)

next next: A Talk with Daphne

next next: The Headmaster has called for you

next... next: Axel vs Ravenclaw

Read ahead on Pàtreon 🫡


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