HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 117

Chapter 110 I said he was wrong

The free development of the world suddenly stopped at a certain moment.

Because this world gave birth to intelligent life, the humans and beasts at that time-in Jon’s cognition, perhaps such a race should be called Yaozu.

Intelligent life learned to use tools to change nature, but immediately, in their development, they violated the laws of natural development.

This is of course a normal thing.

Just as there is a saying that “new born calves are not afraid of tigers”, these newly born creatures in the world all feel that they are the masters of the world, and they naturally have no scruples when they start things, but in the end there is no good result. .

A certain “creator” drew the ocean and set off a great flood that submerged the world, and swept most of the civilizations of various ethnic groups, and finally the lives left behind began to fear the gods.

Then, a **** appeared.

No one knows exactly how these gods appeared, but one thing is certain is that these gods all claim to be “world creators”-this term is too ambiguous, after all, for the life in this world, As long as they were born in a lifeless period and have the ability to create life, they can almost all be called “creators”.

But Helga also has the ability to create life, but she is limited by her own realm, and she has no way to create a real soul.

The soul, as I said before, is not something that can appear in the world at will.

In addition to the normal way of birth, the conditions for the emergence of the soul are quite harsh.

Otherwise, Helga would not use the soul of the dead, and wanted to create a [pseudo·soul].

But isn’t it the same for those “creators”?

The birth of soul and the birth of life are not part of a system at all. New souls can be attracted by life, but it does not mean that souls can be created.

Helga’s current dilemma is this. Because of the particularity of the magic fairy castle space, although the life in it can have a body, it also has a little soul characteristic, coupled with the environmental problems of the external world, the current Helga does not Ways to attract new souls.

Those who are truly powerful are called “creators”.

But, think about it.

There is no real **** who dares to steal creations brazenly.

Jon knew one, the **** who created the Holy See genre and finally ascended to the throne as a man to control the light. He added fuel to his legend, and then he was gone. Later, the Holy See he founded also lost. It was a complete failure.

Therefore, even if it is a god, he will not die if he does not die.


Back to what I saw at this moment.

There are indeed countless possibilities for what intelligent life does. Even the best predictor cannot predict all possible futures.

However, they can see the best future.

That is the best development direction of the whole world, order, stability, and peace, which meets all the definitions of perfection.

Under the temptation of such a future prospect, those who have experienced a huge death and survived [life] finally became [life] who knew to save their mistakes.

But as the number of individuals increases, faith will eventually lose its binding force. When faith cannot restrain everyone, evil will always appear in this world.

In order to prevent things like the Great Flood from happening again, the strong at the top of the race began to look for ways to fight the wrong things done by the evil ones.

Finally, of course they also found it.


The world is a complete closed loop. Even the gods cannot escape from this closed loop to the outside of the world.

They do not deliberately do certain things because they are praised or feared, on the contrary, they are praised and sacrificed by believers only because they have done certain things.

But the gods are not unscrupulous existences, they also need to play their own roles in the development of the world-the power has become stronger, the horizon has become wider, but the responsibilities that need to be shouldered have also become greater.

Because their lives have been tied to the fate of the entire world.

(Of course, some gods who are themselves dead cannot be included in the list of gods who have been cleaned up by the creator because they gave birth to ideas they shouldn’t have.)

At this point, the **** also lost his destiny.

is already tied to the whole world anyway, so there is no need for any other purpose.

And the legendary wizards who have not become gods, but have powerful powers and even some of the powers of gods (such as walking in the [Blue Deep Sea]), if they want to take their realm to the next level, they must adapt. Acting on the feedback of this world.

But in this way, it means losing freedom.

This is also the reason for the emergence of some [evil], because the word freedom is very precious, so it is not incomprehensible to ruin others for freedom.

However, the direction of the world is the joint effect of all decision makers. Any intelligent life with [possibility] has the power to influence the direction of the entire world.

Even if this power is trivial, it can’t stand the accumulation of four words.

Once the direction of the world deviates from the established track then we need to use force to draw him back to the right path.

This job has always been done by the gods of the world. However, with the development of the world, the gods have gradually lost their reversing effect on the world.

Therefore, after the gods no longer easily reveal their tracks, the legends who lost their guides have found the power of [Destiny].

This strength is said to be strong or not, and weak or not to be weak.

It can not only drag the whole world back to normal, but it may not even be able to move a stone.

Because this power needs to be accumulated.

Anyone, anything done, as long as it is beneficial to the world to develop in a good direction, then this accumulated power is called [repair quota];

On the contrary, those things that will lead the world to unexpected destruction, the accumulated power is named [Destroy Trend].

If [Repair Amount] is left and [Destroy Trend] is right, the upper limit of both is 1, then the balance 0 displayed on the dashboard is the best future of the world.

And the power of the two can cancel each other out.

There is a bit of [Destroy Trend], it is necessary to use the accumulated [Repair Quota] to repair, so as to maintain the balance.

“But, it’s not right.”

Standing in the void, onlooker Jon murmured:

“I remember, this earth is round!”

(PS: Congratulations, everyone, you have ushered in Zhang Xingyang, who frees yourself, so, tremble, readers.)

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