How to Survive As a Villain

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Of course I chose to forgive him.

In spring, It’s hard to predict what the people of Yan will do.

While Xiao Yu’an was thinking that the plot of the original book has been disrupted completely by him, from the General Sun’s Mansion came some unexpected news that were beyond his control.

The old General Sun was seriously ill.

General Sun’s body didn’t collapse out of nowhere, after all, he had been fighting for many years, how could he have his body without any injury after so many battles. But still, no one expected that he would suddenly fall at this time.

When Xiao Yu’an arrived at the old General’s Mansion to pay him a visit, General Sun was already at his death breath. He took Xiao Yu’an by the hand and burst into tears: “Your Majesty, although you’ve been confused in the past, you’ve changed your mind and you’re able to know your mistakes and improve what’s wrong. This Minister know that his Majesty has the people in his heart, and his Majesty is a bright Monarch that’s worth of his soldier’s trust and is someone worth of guarding the Country against death threats. But Sun Yuzhong will soon die, and I can no longer go to the battlefield, I can no longer protect the Country, my heart is unwilling, really unwilling.”

Xiao Yu’an felt like he had a fish bone stuck in his throat1, after a long pause, he softly said: “General Sun, you’ve worked hard.”

Because the old General Sun needed to rest, Xiao Yu’an didn’t dare stay for too long, and after hearing a few more advices, he left.

When he came out of the General’s official residence, Xiao Yu’an bumped into a man.

It was the second male, Li Wuding.

He looked sorrowful and in grief. It seemed that he also knew about General Sun’s serious illness. When he saw Xiao Yu’an, Li Wuding knelt down and saluted him: “Weichen salutes his Majesty.”

“Stand up.” Xiao Yu’an looked at Li Wuding and his heart was filled with complex feelings.

General Sun can’t lead the army anymore, which means that he should transfer the Military power. In the sense of emotion and reasons, Xiao Yu’an should give the General’s position to Li Wuding, however, Xiao Yu’an was hesitant when he remembers that Li Wuding will surely become a traitor in the near future.

“Are you and Xie Chungui returning these recent days?” Asked Xiao Yu’an.

“Answering to his Majesty, the youngest son of Xie family is quite capable, weichen thinks that he will make great achievements in the future.” Li Wuding replied.

These two, one betrayed the Country, and the other protected the Country with his own body. But now, they’re unexpectedly talking about each other’s business?

Even though Xiao Yu’an already knows the plot of the original book, he still feels that the fate of these two people is really hard to figure out.

Xiao Yu’an nodded and was about to turn away, ready to leave, when Li Wuding suddenly called out to him: “Your Majesty.”

“Huh?” Xiao Yu’an turned his head around to look at him clearly confused.

Li Wuding’s eyes were dark, and after a little pause, he finally opened his mouth and said: “Your Majesty, It’s necessary to be defensive, even from the closest and intimate person around, or… the Ministers and dixiong2”

Xiao Yu’an stared at him without saying a word, the two of them remained silent for a few seconds until Xiao Yu’an asked him directly: “Go to the point.”

Li Wuding replied: “Your Majesty, without any conclusive evidence, this official doesn’t dare to talk about it.”

He’s not interested into appeasing people.

Xiao Yu’an simply nodded his head, and turned away.

Every year, at the beginning of Spring, there will be some competitions at the barracks of the Northern Kingdom. Firstly, it was meant to abandon the old and welcome the new year. Secondly, it was meant to let each soldier check their own training achievements over the past year.

This rule was set by the old General Sun. And even though he’s seriously ill and unable to lead the army, his rule continues.

At this time, several soldiers were setting up the challenge arena, even if it’s a temporary ring, it’s important for it to be strong.

However, the soldiers were still a little bit exhausted.

Because Xiao Yu’an was with them, at the side, clapping.

When they knocked on the wood wedge, Xiao Yu’an will clap, so they had to knock on the wood following his rhythm.

Just knock with the rhythm, and-that’s-it!

Xiao Yu’an would also sing along with the rhythm: “Two tigers, two tigers3. Hello, it’s fast over there, slow down, do you understand the four on four claps? Four on four claps.”

The soldier that was holding the hammer suddenly collapsed.

He doesn’t understand! He really doesn’t understand!

A soldier that was next to him patted him comfortably.

Xiongdi4, calm down, this is The Empor, you can’t throw the hammer at him.

Fortunately, after a while, Li Wuding appeared right in time to rescue the group of five rough soldiers that were forced to accept the influence of music teaching.

“Your Majesty?” Li Wuding was surprised and saluted him5: “Why are you here?”

Xiao Yu’an smiled mischievously: “There’s no reason, I just came to take a look.”

Although his statement wasn’t false, it wasn’t the entire truth. Because General Sun was seriously ill, the position of General was now vacant, and Xiao Yu’an was still very confused whether he should give the position to Li Wuding, so he just came to take a look.

Li Wuding was slightly surprised to see Xiao Yu’an dressed in a simple and neat white brocade with long sleeves. He was wondering, why would the Emperor, who always liked to show off, be so modest now.

What surprised Li Wuding even more was that Xiao Yu’an only brought with him a single Imperial bodyguard.

The Imperial bodyguard stood quietly behind Xiao Yu’an, he wasn’t smiling, but he didn’t looked angry either, and yet his presence was extraordinary. But also, the coldness in his eyes couldn’t be ignored.

Li Wuding said: “Your Majesty, the outside is covered with dust, you can go to the military account.”

“Yes, I also wanted to ask you something.” Xiao Yu’an nodded his head, turned around but suddenly remembered something, so he turned back to the group of soldiers who were too afraid to even set up the challenge arena and said to them: “Four claps, strong and weak next strong and weak!!”

A soldier that was using the hammer almost hit his hand.

Several people came to the military account, all of them were soldiers that were discussing the matter of the competition. When they saw Li Wuding and Xiao Yu’an walking in, they immediately knelt down and saluted the Emperor.

“Stand up, I have something to speak privately with General Li, please go out first.” Xiao Yu’an raised his hand.

The several soldiers quickly withdrew from the Military account, leaving only Xiao Yu’an and Li Wuning inside.

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