How I Became The Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 15: The next day

As he woke up the next day, He whipped his eyes and raised his body up, stretching his arms out wide. Wow now that was some good sleep he thought.

He got up {moving around} some stuff, and walked out the door. He knew today was going to be a long day. As he moved to the kitchen he saw his brothers sitting at the table eating their food. Ej spoked up!! I heard you got into trouble last night!!! "Brandon " He looked at him and said "not really" he stated. He grabbed a roll.

Now to the matter at hand, He rushed outside to go to the barn. Opening the door he rushed inside. Grabbing the back pack and out the door again. He started walking towards the lake, where he knew he wouldn't be bothered. Once reaching to the lake. He looked around, checking to see if anyone was around. He set down on the lake bed. Reaching inside the back pack he pulled out a book. The cover was kinda redish looking. Old, and torn. The picture on it, looked like a child or something. He open the book and it had words and pictures of different stuff. He thumbs through several pages. The book must be like 100 years old he thought." Or very well read".

As he was reading the book{ it stated there was demons and trolls and fairy and dragons} He leaned back and kept reading. Wow there's tons of beast he read. A Griffith, and a witch's, knights, A king. there was even talking trees. Whoever owned this book must have wrote everything down to keep records of them.He looked at the drawings next to each Paragraphs.

He sat there looking at the sky. If these things really did live here! Where could they be! By what he was reading there was tons bad. But there was some good. He kept reading until he finished the whole book.

After he finished reading the book, his stomach was telling him he was hungry. He stood up and saw an apple tree not too far from where he was standing. He walked to the tree and reach up and grabbed the brightest apple. After the first bite he says wow this is the sweetest apple he ever tasted. Now looking around, his since of sight was better then before. It's like he can see farther, and smell better!! He set down next to the tree. Opening the back pack again. Pulled out another book and began reading!!!

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