hollywood system: art

Chapter 499: of water

July 14.

The events on the sinking ship are complicated, and capturing the scene is a real headache. Filming certain sequences is simply exasperating. After some delays, they were ready for the key shots, one of which involved filming water scenes in enclosed spaces.

These spaces are certainly not for the claustrophobic. As the water fills up, Billy has adapted to some quick rehearsals on how to act in the water's environment. The best way is to work in a confined area and mimic the real scenes.

-I tested the water a bit. We'll warm it up with some heating; as long as it's around five degrees, it'll be bearable,- commented Conrad Buff, the editing supervisor.

He was joined by six other crew members, all with a singular goal: to execute the grand set design of the Titanic's corridors and the sinking. This remained a monumental operation, filled with tragedy and backed by a massive production team paying the box office price.

-Let's make sure everything is done the best way possible,- added Conrad, jotting notes in his script. Billy stood nearby in his modest costume: simple fabric pants, a plain shirt, and a light jacket that barely shielded him from the cold and harsh conditions.

-They say you're a fish,- Kate teased, lowering her voice when they were together, instinctively leaning closer, a detail she couldn't control.

-For now, I hope you don't freeze. They'll warm the water, but there will be scenes where the temperature can't be regulated due to certain issues—like when it's released at high speed, which makes proper heating impossible,- Billy explained.

-It's just cold water; it'll be fine,- Kate replied. Behind them loomed an impressive green screen, capturing a magnificent shot and blending old-school techniques with new ones—a process more intricate than merely capturing a detailed image.

-It's curious how they'll sink the ship this time,- Billy remarked. Not long ago, he had seen all the models: six different sizes, each with numerous intricate details. Miniatures and production techniques enriched the woven storyline, from green screens and models to Digital Domain's special effects. Real ships were used to film the machinery interiors, while the green screens would later enhance every element seamlessly.

A 1:1 scale set of a lake and a divided ship allowed each section to tilt at various angles, where Billy recorded his scenes. It was remarkable how often he had to repeat each sequence on the green screen after filming.

For the iceberg interaction, they used real ice launched through a tube, followed by miniatures filmed in tandem with green screen effects to place everything precisely.

-Are you afraid of drowning in the tank?- Billy asked. His eyes sparkled with control despite the fear; the sinking had three phases, each involving stunt doubles performing numerous scenes. The set, though made of rubber to look like metal, offered safety, while Billy and Kate were only there for a few green screenshots. The extended shooting schedule had been utterly exhausting.

This workload had driven Cameron to madness at the slightest error. He acted like a madman, berating anyone who made mistakes.

-We'll be filming until the early hours,- Kate yawned, sitting on a small chair. They were lifted by cranes to the ship's upper deck and sat on its uncovered side.

The model was built on a scale, with only the left side detailed while the right remained empty. The hallways and elements were designed to replicate the sinking accurately.

-They threw ice at us earlier; now they'll toss water,- Kate whispered, preparing for her scene.



Jack pulls the pipe with all his strength. It doesn't budge. A gurgling sound emerges. Water seeps under the door, spreading rapidly across the floor.

JACK: Damn.

He tries to free one hand from the cuffs, working until his skin is raw… to no avail.

JACK: Help! Can anyone hear me?

Billy lowers his head, trying to act as naturally as possible. The water, chilly, reaches his knees.

-This could be bad.-

The hallway is deserted. Floodwaters rise a few centimeters. Jack's voice is faint through the door, but there's no one to hear him.


Meanwhile, Rose rushes to save Jack. He's desperately trying various ways to free himself from the cuffs that bind him.

Jack pulls at the pipe again, his face turning red from the effort. Collapsing onto the bench, he realizes he's in real trouble. Then he hears her through the door.

JACK: Rose, here!

Less than a meter away, Rose films her transitions as directed from the lobby. Hearing his voice, she turns and runs back, finds the right door, and opens it, letting in a small wave.

ROSE: Jack, Jack, Jack… I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

Their reunion is almost embarrassingly joyful. Jack offers a big smile—a lover's smile—closes his eyes, and tries to compose himself.

JACK: That guy Lovejoy slipped it into my pocket.

ROSE: I know, I know.

She moves closer and hugs Jack tightly, and he melts into her embrace, reciprocating with equal warmth.

JACK: See if you can find a key for these. Check those drawers—it's a small brass one.

She kisses his face and hugs him again, overwhelmed by her love for him.

JACK: So, how'd you figure out I didn't do it?

ROSE: I didn't. - She looks at him. - I just realized I already knew.

They share a glance before Rose resumes searching the room, rummaging through drawers and cabinets. Jack spots movement through the porthole and looks outside. It's a green screen, but it appears to be a lifeboat.

JACK: You need to go find help.

ROSE: I'll be right back.

JACK: I'll wait here.

She runs off, glancing back at him from the doorway before splashing away. Jack looks down at the swirling water, unsettled but resigned.


Cameron beamed, pleased with how everything was coming together. It was 12:04 a.m., and many scenes remained to be shot. Billy prepared for his next scene, taking deep breaths to manage the complexity of the sequences.

The cameraman signaled to raise the water level until it nearly reached Billy's shoulders. He settled into position, shivering from the cold but pushing through with a burst of energy. It was time to act.

Kate stood nearby in her dress, holding an axe that looked metallic but was rubber, except for the handle, which was real metal. The blade's tip had been lacquered with aluminum for a convincing finish.

-We'll start in two minutes. Take your positions,- came the foreboding voice over the radio.

Kate gripped the axe.

-It's heavier than it looks,- she said, taking her place and exhaling deeply.


Jack stands on the bench, clutching the water pipe. The water level is higher now. He holds the axe above his head.

ROSE: Will this work?

JACK: We'll find out soon enough.

Both are terrified but do their best to suppress their panic. Jack places the chain of the cuffs over the steel pipe. The chain is, of course, very short, leaving his wrists exposed on either side.

JACK: Take a couple of practice swings.

Rose raises the axe and hits a wooden cabinet.

JACK: Now try hitting the same spot again.

She delivers a powerful blow, the blade sinking about four inches from her target.

JACK: Alright, that's enough practice.

He winces in anticipation as she lifts the axe again. Her target—a piece of steel two and a half centimeters wide—requires all the force she can muster. Kate's expression shows her determination as she grips the heavy axe.

JACK: You can do it, Rose. Hit it as hard as you can—I trust you. - His tone is calm. -

Jack closes his eyes. She does the same. The axe falls with a loud clang. Rose cautiously opens her eyes to see Jack smiling, his hands-free.

The cuffs had been broken with a set of bolt cutters Billy had used earlier, a realistic touch added during filming.

JACK: You're amazing, my love.

The improvised line carried immense emotional weight, perfectly fitting the scene. As the two moved closer, sharing a kiss, Cameron observed, approving of the authenticity it brought to the sequence.

Drenched, Billy felt the fabric of their wool costumes cling to their skin.

JACK: You're incredible, Paul Bunyan.

The water was now chest-high, rising steadily with each passing moment.

JACK: Damn! Excuse my French. Oh, this is freezing. Come on, we need to get out of here.

ROSE: God.

Rose began heading toward the stairs, but Jack stopped her. Only the edge of the stairwell was visible.

JACK: Too deep. We need another way out.

-Cut,- Cameron called out, his booming voice echoing across the villa meters away. Occasionally, he directed from cranes high above, but this time, the scenes were being filmed in a water tank, with meticulously designed corridors serving their purpose perfectly.


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