High School DxD: ERO!

Chapter 12: Aka Manto

Tsubasa was a very affectionate girlfriend, as it turned out. She texted me out of the blue, gave me little gifts every other day, and occasionally just came up in the halls to whisper in my ear how she thought I was cute. It truly was the power of the heartbreaker prince!

Luckily, she didn't have any problem with me going out with other girls. If anything, when she spotted me spending time with Kiyome, or Aika, or Rias (Asuka didn't go to our school so she didn't see her), she just nodded along or frowned. If I invited her over, she was incredibly polite and gracious to the other girl - almost like she was trying to seduce her... Tsubasa, I like you, but don't seduce my girlfriends away from meeee!

I'd been with Aika at a manga shop that didn't card even though it definitely had adult manga, when I spotted Tsubasa staring at me through the shop window and waved her to come inside. She didn't focus on me, at least not immediately, instead sort of perching behind Aika to watch as the other girl flipped through manga. Judging by the variety of facial expressions the normally quite stoic Tsubasa made, it was definitely very interesting...

In the end, Aika bought a copy of the manga, and so did Tsubasa. When we left, Aika spoke up. "So, Tsubasa, how did you become a devil?"

Tsubasa paused for a moment at the question, once more putting her first in front of her mouth as she contemplated it - then she spoke. "I had the power to see and touch supernatural beings and phenomena-"

"Um, but I can see and touch Rias and Asuka," Aika pointed out.

"Yes, but there are other supernatural phenomena that you can't see," Tsubasa replied, then continued on as if she hadn't been interrupted. "Since I lived in a world full of monsters that nobody else could see, I learned martial arts. I could also tell when the martial arts had magical elements, or if it was just 'fake,'" she explained. "Many martial artists who say they can do things like fire energy beams, are just lying or mistaken. But some are not, and I can tell the difference at a glance."

"Whoa. What martial arts do that?" Aika asked.

"I'll give you the address of the dojos if you remind me," Tsubasa said. "Regardless, I studied how to fight, and fought off those beings that attacked me. I recognized that there were students at Kuoh who had a supernatural aura, like Sona or Rias, but they didn't do anything evil as far as I could tell..." She turned her head my way. "You haven't noticed Rias doing anything evil, correct, Issei?"

Tsubasa had a really intense energy as she asked that question - like she would destroy Rias in a heartbeat if it turned out that she was evil. "No! She's super nice!" I said hurriedly.

"Good. That is what I thought." Tsubasa nodded.

"Um." Aika started. "So... you became a devil how?"

"Oh, yes." Tsubasa nodded again. "I was going to the bathroom when a masked figure, wearing a red cloak, approached me. He held out two rolls of toilet paper - one red, and one blue - and asked me which I wanted. There was no toilet paper in the stall, so this seemed very helpful," she explained. "I asked for the red toilet paper."

"Wait, isn't that Aka Manto? You're not supposed to take the toilet paper!" Aika said in shock.

"Wait, Aka Manto is real too? It was invented in like the 1930s, since it haunts public bathrooms it obviously couldn't predate the Meiji Restoration," I said, confused about the whole thing. Lamia and harpies and devils and stuff were ancient, but modern stuff could be real too? But wasn't all the modern stuff just made up?

"Yes," Tsubasa said. "Apparently that creature was Aka Manto. I didn't know about that particular legend, so he attacked me brutally, drawing a blade and striking me many times. I managed to fend him off with my martial arts skills, but I was seriously injured. As I staggered out of the toilets, bleeding from a dozen serious injuries, Sona found me, and saved my life, reincarnating me as a devil and making me part of her peerage. When you are reincarnated as a devil, you are healed of even the most severe injury."

"Wow. So then you tracked down and killed that Aka Manto, right?" Aika asked.

"No. I have used that bathroom several times since then, and even conspired to enter a stall while there was no toilet paper inside, but he has not appeared to me or anyone else. I believe most likely it only attacks humans who can see it - as I am a devil now, it ignores me, and similarly, it doesn't attack anyone else, since they lack the talent to see supernatural beings."

What the heck? Some guy/monster/urban myth almost killed my girlfriend and he's just walking free?! Or floating free, since it's a floating ghost thing. "Tsubasa, do you want to take revenge on this guy?"

"Certainly, but as I said, he hasn't appeared since," Tsubasa said.

"Right. But I know somebody who's an expert in supernatural monsters!" Unfortunately, I hadn't studied that hard to copy all her skills, since there were no classes on supernatural monsters and I was busy using the tennis club's skills to ace all my tests. "Let's go find Kiyome," I said.

* * *

"The Aka Manto," Kiyome said, humming patiently. "That monster is new."

"There are new monsters?" I asked in surprise. I'd sort of assumed all the monsters were around forever.

"Yes," Kiyome explained, raising her chin proudly, putting off some strong onee-sama energy now that she had the opportunity to lecture me! "You see, monsters can be formed in a variety of ways! Firstly, we might call the 'big tragedy' monster. Suppose that a bunch of people were all murdered at a particular place. Their spirits' ambient anger at the unfairness of it all might create a spirit which reenacts the horrible event."

"So a bunch of people were killed because they didn't have enough toilet paper, and that created a spirit?" Aika asked.

"No!" Kiyome said. "Let me finish!" Kiyome cleared her throat, then continued. "Second, sometimes a monster is actually just another monster, but its behavior has changed. Sometimes you see goats climbing trees, even though clearly goats are not made for tree-climbing."

"So Aka Manto is just a ghost that kills people because he's mad about toilet paper?"

"I said, let me finish!" Kiyome seemed more flustered this time. "Thirdly, sometimes someone intentionally creates a monster, such as a mage or devil, for some purpose of theirs."

"So he was created..."

"Stop interrupting!" Kiyome yelled, and Aika fell silent. "Oh, that was all three major ways that new monsters are produced," she said, sounding sheepish as she realized she'd finished. "Well, sometimes you have something like, a half-mermaid, half-siren, but that's clearly not the case here."

"So which is it?" Aika asked.

"How should I know? If Aka Manto truly exists, as Tsubasa says, then most likely it is a unique creature, thus its rarity and position as an urban legend." She paused. "Oh, sometimes monsters act like other monsters from folklore to intentionally put off would-be hunters," she added.

"Isn't that just the goats thing again?" Aika asked.

Kiyome just huffed.

Tsubasa spoke up. "I see. In other words, it's possible that the Aka Manto was a different kind of being, nursing a grudge against me, which took advantage of me being on the toilet to attack in a way that also hid its true identity... and the reason it has yet to appear again is because it was never an 'Aka Manto' at all."

"That is possible," Kiyome agreed.

"In that case, isn't there no way to find it?! That monster almost murdered my girlfriend!"

Tsubasa smiled pleasantly at that, patting my head. "Don't worry, Issei-kun. I don't need you to protect me. I can be the one to protect you." The prince energy! It was overwhelming!

"Issei is a natural being of pure masculine energy, effortlessly protecting his womenfolk with his sheer force of manly will," Kiyome replied seriously. Her energy exactly counteracted Tsubasa's prince energy! "To deny this is an act that will surely leave you taught a lesson about your place as a woman... right, Issei?"

Wha- no! Don't bring me into this stupid fight! "I think we should try hunting down Aka Manto!" I declared, changing the subject instead of answering. "It could just be another monster, but if it's actually an Aka Manto, then we can work together, with Rias's wish-granting magic, and Kiyome's monster knowledge, and me and Tsubasa's raw physical strength, to take down the monster that hurt my girlfriend!"

"Issei-kun is so sweet," Tsubasa said, patting my head and kissing my cheek. "Don't worry, though, you can let me do the fighting... wait, hmm... but it was nice to watch you fighting Riser, putting it all on the line for the girl you love..." Her cheeks turned a little pink. Eh?! The gap moe was extremely strong! She had gone from I will protect you to I want to be protected just like that!

"I think Issei should be the one to lure the monster out," Aika said. "Since he's not a devil, but has a lot of magic power, he's the one who is most likely to lure it out, and also least likely to get killed."

"Ah. Yes. Issei can lure out the Aka Manto, and then avenge me by defeating it... or I can swoop in to save him from the monster..." Tsubasa frowned. "Dating a boy is definitely very different..."

* * *

Rias had consulted with Kiyome and Tsubasa before she actually granted my wish. I was really glad that all my girlfriends were getting along! Rias even seemed very supportive of my plan to take down that Aka Manto! "Issei, I like how earnest you are. You really are a good boy." I wanted to let out an 'arf' at being called a good boy, that's how powerful her onee-sama energy was at that point! Ahhh! I had five girlfriends and they were all wonderful! Any guy should have been satisfied with just that-!

But not me, though. I wanted even more girlfriends! I wanted to be the harem king! Having five girlfriends wasn't enough for me, I wanted the whole Occult Research Club and the whole tennis club to join my harem! Well, not Yuuto, because he's a guy, but the rest of them!

Once I had my magic power set up so that I would be magically 'pungent,' and so that I could see spiritual beings, while the rest of my power was just dumped in defense again, I went to the same bathroom that Tsubasa had been attacked in. It was right there in school! Tsubasa had removed the toilet paper roll from the very same stall shortly before my arrival. "It's messed up that the boys' bathroom is busted," I said, to excuse why I was using the girls' bathroom. Then I sat down to take a dump.

I was fiddling around on my phone, both to 'act natural,' and also because if Aka Manto wound up not showing up... I'd need one of my girlfriends to bring me some toilet paper! I was really pooping! It was a big one, too! I groaned and grunted and put down my phone as I finished going, leaning forward to help make it easier.

When I leaned back up, letting out a satisfied sigh - I yelped as there was a floating guy in a red cloak and a mask, holding out two rolls of toilet paper, one red, the other blue. "Would you like the red or the blue?" He asked.

I realized something that Tsubasa hadn't mentioned: it was a pain to fight while your pants were around your ankles! But, I quickly, barely, managed to squirm my feet out from my pants without visibly reacting. "Um, there's, uh, already, toilet paper," I mumbled as I worked them off, distracting Aka Manto by making him look at the toilet paper roll.

"No there isn't," he said - and then I kicked him in the balls as hard as I possibly could! He let out a noise of pain from just how hard I'd hit him, and I grabbed his stupid cloak, gripping it tight to keep him from running off! I wasn't wearing any pants but I didn't have time to worry about that - I was in a fight for my life, and for my girlfriend's honor!

"Boost!" came the call of my Sacred Gear, and my gauntleted hand smashed in his mask in, turning it into so many pieces of shattered porcelain that fell all over the floor. His face underneath was... just some guy!

Yeah, it wasn't a cute girl or something, or anybody I knew, or some major serious villain. He was just some random Japanese guy. A random Japanese guy who had almost murdered my girlfriend, Tsubasa! I smashed my hand into his face again, making him reel backwards from the sheer force of the attack. He started trying to claw at me, his fingers turning daggerlike as he sliced up my forearm, and I heard the door to the girls' bathroom swing open, Tsubasa soon arriving as I continued to punch the guy in the face.

She didn't hesitate. "Hiyaaa!" She shouted, kicking the guy right in the nuts too. A woman after my own heart! He let out a strangled noise as the two of us just kept punching and pounding him, and eventually, his body started to shrivel up, like all the water was being drained out of him at once. "That means he's dying, Issei-kun," Tsubasa said, pausing for a moment.

"Oh. Did you not want to kill him...?"

"No! He absolutely needs to get killed!"

The pair of us went back to beating, punching, kicking, and eventually stomping on him, while he twitched and futilely defended himself. It was an incredible bonding experience that made me also want to take down evil monsters with Rias and Kiyome too! (I didn't think it would really be Aika's kind of thing.)

Eventually, Aka Manto was nothing but a cloak, his physical body reduced to dust from repeated kicks and stomps. He'd been making some wailing noises, but apparently non-supernatural people couldn't hear them, judging by the fact that nobody came in to find out what was going on.

At that point, Tsubasa slid a box along the ground towards the cloak, grabbing it and stuffing it inside. "Grab the bits of the mask that you shattered," she said, and I hurriedly did so, both of us taking extra care to make sure that there weren't any pieces we missed. At that point, she snapped the box shut - all across the outside were countless runes and scrolls and all the kind of stuff you associate with sealing a magic creature up. She locked it up tight, and I grabbed the white toilet paper roll that she'd brought along and cleaned myself off, tossing it in the toilet and flushing it all away.

When I turned back to her, she was still at eye level with my cock, and she started staring at it quietly. I wasn't hard, so she just stared quietly. "Wow... your cock is cute when it's small like this."

"Wh-wha-?" I sputtered out. I'm a grower, not a shower- not that my cock is tiny when flaccid! Look, my cock is big, it's established, it's 28 centimeters long, how big it is when it's flaccid isn't relevant! You can't have sex with a girl while your cock is flaccid!

"It's very cute. Like a big clit, Issei-kun..." She reached out for it curiously, fingers running along it. I was still a little amped up, in the non-sex way, from beating the shit out of a murderous spirit, so her fingers didn't make me get hard... but that apparently made her find it even sexier?! She gently crab-walked towards me, not rising from her squatting position, the locked and sealed box full of Aka Manto forgotten for the moment as she tilted my cock up and suckled it into her mouth. She looked up at me curiously as her tongue gingerly dashed along my length, and it was insanely sexy, and also I still wasn't getting hard because my heart was still pounding from a life or death battle with a ghost!

Look, I looked it up afterwards, and one of my fuckbuddies wants to be a nurse! It's real! When you crank up the sympathetic nervous system, it makes it hard to get an erection! Just think about it, do you want a boner when you're running for your life from a lion?! Emotions are a chemical reaction, so they don't just clear your system the moment you're not in danger any more!

Tsubasa popped my cock out of her mouth, letting out a sigh. "How cute. The gap moe between the buff hero who gets his hands dirty, and his tiny cute soft cock..."

"Please stop calling my cock small and tiny and other words like that! I understand you mean it as a compliment, but I'm a man, Tsubasa! It hurts my feelings to have my cock described that way!"

"Oh." Tsubasa did the hand in front of her mouth thing again as she thought about it. "Sorry. I do like it like this, though, Issei-kun, so if you can keep it like this for a blowjob later, I would really like that..."

Nnn! She was almost pouting... it was super cute! It did make me want to keep it soft just for her! But if I hadn't just gotten done fighting to the death with an evil ghost, then I would definitely get hard any time she put me in her mouth... unless! "Maybe if I come a whole lot, I'll be able to keep it soft," I suggested. Gah! I was too weak! My pride and joy as a man, the giant dick I bought with magic points from a CYOA-! I was willing to give that up in order to make my girlfriend happy! I hadn't even really hesitated before coming up with that idea!

The smile on Tsubasa's face made it worth it, as she nodded and stood up. "You should put your pants back on, then, Issei-kun," she said, and I practically scrambled to get dressed.

* * *

"So this is Aka Manto..." Sona said, staring down at the sealed box. She let out a long breath. "I had assumed it had fled Kuoh Academy after failing to kill you... it's good that you found it, Issei," she said to me. "Otherwise it might have taken another student as its victim. Thank you."

"I did it for Tsubasa's sake," I said, and Sona just frowned slightly at that. "Aka Manto hurt her, badly! He forced her whole life plan off balance! Obviously, he needed to be punished!"

"I see. I had thought she was nursing a grudge, but that's the reason instead."

"It is cute, isn't it?" Tsubasa said. "When a boy wants to protect you..."

Now it was Tsubasa's turn to get the confused look from Sona. "I wouldn't say it's cute. You just say everything that people you like do is cute."

"Do I?" Tsubasa asked, placing her hand in front of her mouth as she contemplated the question again. "Perhaps I do. People always like it when I say it about them, though."

"Um..." I didn't want to argue with my girlfriend- but it hadn't been twenty minutes ago that she had called my cock cute!

"All the people that you have said that about in the past were girls, Tsubasa," Sona said simply. So mature! Her onee-sama energy was high, even if her boobs weren't as large as Rias's! Wait, hang on, Sona, aren't you with the student council and therefore should not be fine with Tsubasa playing the role of the relentless heartbreaker prince?

"Hm. Perhaps you're right. Issei-kun, do you dislike it when I call you cute?"

Gah! Like I could just tell her yes, I dislike it! I didn't dislike it, for one... but sometimes I'd rather she said something else! "I don't dislike it," I told her. "But... could you say I'm-" I can't say it! I can't! But she's looking at me now, so I have to! Issei, just say it! "I'm cool or badass sometimes."

"Mm." She nodded in response. "Okay. You're very cool, and badass, Issei-kun." She said it without the slightest hesitation, like she was just casually dropping the words because they were true, and she didn't think much about saying true things about her boyfriend. Her heartbreaker prince vibes were truly destructively overpowered!

"I'll handle Aka Manto," Sona said. "You two can go flirt somewhere else- oh, and don't have sex on campus," she added. By the way she looked at both of us, it was possible that it wasn't even directed solely at me!

As we headed off, Tsubasa leaned into me, whispering into my ear. "Kiyome is very beautiful. I want to thank her for her help with tracking down and defeating Aka Manto."

* * *

I was pretty sure that Tsubasa had talked about thanking Kiyome because she was hoping for a threesome. As she was buttering up Kiyome, though, Kiyome had taken out a notebook full of poems-in-progress, her neat kanji script naturally drawing the eye. "This is the one I'm currently working on - ah! Issei, please don't be angry if it turns out to not be too good, it's still a work in progress!"

"Don't worry," I told her. I wasn't much for poetry, but it clearly made Kiyome happy to write them, and since she was my girlfriend, that made me happy too!

Kiyome cleared her throat. "Oh brute of Kuoh / Strong and tall, beautiful too / This cock looms over me and you."

"It's quite pretty," Tsubasa said. "You must be working hard on it."

"You think?" Kiyome said, sounding ultra-chipper as she started to play with her hair. Wait a second! Tsubasa! You're doing it again! I sat down next to Kiyome and placed a hand on her thigh. She liked that kind of possessive thing! She flushed as I touched her. "Ah... Issei..." She breathed the words out.

"Tell me more about this poem," I said.

"Oh, well, it's a work in progress," Kiyome said with a little smile, her cheeks glowing. "I need to get the last line down to five syllables," she explained. "I wanted it to be a bit of a bait-and-switch, where you think I'm complimenting how handsome you are - which, you are! - but then it turns out to be an ode to your cock, too."

"His cock is very nice," Tsubasa agreed, taking up a seat on the opposite side of Kiyome. "Hm. Oh! Instead of 'looms over,' why not 'rules'? Then the last line is six syllables, so it's closer..."

"Oh, that's good! Ah, I liked the image of the looming cock... myself kneeling before it, the sheer length of it bobbing in front of me, a serpent hypnotizing me... I guess it can go in another poem!" She scribbled the words, 'looms over' and 'hypnotic serpent' on the side of the page, then rewrote the last line of the poem. "Ah, then I could change 'me and you' to 'us,' but that would ruin the rhyme. And of course I can't get rid of 'this'! It's Issei's cock, not just cock in general!"

"Could you maybe change it so..." I started, and Kiyome looked upset, her lower lip trembling as she looked up at me with big brown eyes, making me trail off.

"Issei-kun," Tsubasa said. "You can't help Kiyome write a love poem to your cock. This is a maiden expressing her pure, heartfelt affection for you - you can't play the role of editor! A good editor must be a ruthless critic - but the subject of a love poem is to be idolized like no editor ever could be." She sounded like an older sister chiding her younger brother's dumb antics with his girlfriend... and I was roundly defeated, falling silent. I did keep my hand on Kiyome's thigh, and as she spoke to Tsubasa, she also adjusted her legs subtly, slowly, to inch my hand up towards her sex.

She was acting like she was totally innocent in the whole thing, and that she just wanted to talk about poetry with Tsubasa... but my magic sex skills told me she absolutely wanted me to start fingering her right there on the bench, right in the middle of school, and right in front of Tsubasa...

Sona had told us not to fuck on campus, though! Just a few scant minutes ago! Sorry, Kiyome, I know you really wanted to get fingered because your manly boyfriend just couldn't control himself around you, but Tsubasa might even report me to Sona if I did that! She was part of her peerage, after all...

Still... Kiyome didn't want me to just quietly sit there... she wanted me to become the beast she loved, who'd just despoil her and do all sorts of things to her because he was horny for her.

"You two can talk about this later," I declared, suddenly swooping Kiyome up into a princess carry. "Right now, I can't restrain myself any longer, and I'm going home with Kiyome. Tsubasa, come too," I added, hoping that would hit both of their charm points well enough - and, given Tsubasa just followed after me without complaint, it seemed like I succeeded.

* * *

I honestly didn't have any great plan when I actually got home - my mother just let out an "Oh my!" when she saw me princess carrying one girl as a second followed after me. "Kiyome, and..."

"Tsubasa, okaa-sama," Tsubasa said. "I'm sorry, but Kiyome urgently needs some privacy, I would love to talk to and get to know you later." The words of a well-practiced heartbreaker prince! Making a good impression on the girl's parents was definitely important. I tried not to think about what Aika's parents' first impression of me must have been.

Either way, I soon had Kiyome laid out on the bed, and it was at that point that I realized that if I just fucked Kiyome, then Tsubasa wouldn't have much of anything to do! Supernatural sex skills, help me! I closed my eyes and concentrated, and I could feel as my mind quickly settled upon something both girls would like: a shared blowjob! No, wait, I had an even better idea! "Kiyome," I said, softly stroking her cheek with my hand, then running my thumb along her lower lip. "Ah... I want that mouth of yours that reads poems about me wrapped around my cock!" Her eyes lit up at that, and she nodded rapidly, her lips parting - and I plopped down on the bed next to her.

She scrambled to follow the suggestion, crawling down in between my legs, wrapping her lips around my tip, and just starting to slide down. I let out a low groan, enjoying the feeling as she slurped me up - and then turned my attention over to Tsubasa, who was watching the whole scene with her hand in front of her mouth. "Tsubasa, you're really good at fellatio," I said. "Why don't you help show Kiyome what to do?"

"Oh." Tsubasa hesitated a moment, but Kiyome quickly gestured for her to join in, either out of earnest enthusiasm to learn, or thanks to Excellent Beloved. Either way, Tsubasa stepped forward, giving Kiyome a quick peck on the cheek, before her fingers gently ran through the other girl's hair. It was a dead sexy sight, her cool, analytical gaze running all along Kiyome's features, and then a small smile appearing on her lips as she started to make Kiyome bob.

The actual pace of Tsubasa-set bobbing wasn't very different from Kiyome's own, au naturel bobbing, but it was very pleasant to watch as she moved up and down like that, taking Tsubasa's guidance. Tsubasa's gaze was on me as she moved Kiyome up and down, her expression very steady, and Kiyome herself was slurping and sucking on my cock hard, her tongue dancing around.

However... I had the power to just come! So I did it! I groaned as I started to pump a thick load of tasty cum into Kiyome's mouth. She hummed and moaned and slurped and swallowed around my cock, looking delighted to receive a nice thick load of cum, gulping it down eagerly. When I was finished coming, she popped off for a moment, swirling the cum in her mouth and then swallowing the last of it. "Ahh... Master, your cum is truly delicious," she said, making my cock twitch. "You came so quickly. Does it excite you, having two women working together to service your manly rod?"

"When they're as beautiful as the two of you," I said. "Tsubasa, put her back to work," I told Tsubasa, who immediately pushed Kiyome down. As my cock slid into her throat this time, I made her come, groaning as she let out a choked moan around my dick, intensifying her pleasure as she just moaned and twitched around my cock.

Tsubasa leaned down to get a closer look at Kiyome, surprised at how fast - and how hard - she had come. Kiyome herself just moaned around the base of my cock, tongue batting away as she massaged my dick in her throat. Her eyelashes fluttered as she held herself down, completely content to just slurp away. "She came from giving oral sex?" Tsubasa asked, a note of confusion in her voice, which just made my dick twitch more in Kiyome's throat.

I made Kiyome come again, her choked moan intensifying. "I can make a girl come if I'm fucking her at the time," I explained, and Tsubasa nodded in response, staring down at Kiyome as the other girl twitched and spasmed around my dick. "Do you like seeing her come from sucking my cock?" I asked.

Tsubasa nodded. "I do. You didn't do that to me," she noted, as I made Kiyome come again, her eyes peeling back.

"I didn't think you'd want it," I said - then I came, spraying hot cum directly down Kiyome's throat. I groaned in pleasure as I unloaded, and Kiyome gulped and swallowed rapidly around my dick, as best she could, in the midst of her own orgasm - and when we were both finished coming, it was Tsubasa who peeled her off, letting the hot-cheeked tennis princess pant for air.

"You're very pretty when you come, Kiyome-chan," Tsubasa said, casually stroking Kiyome's cheek, and my dick twitched a little. Kiyome's flush grew a bit brighter, and I worried I was going to have serious competition! "Issei-kun needs you to swallow the cum in your mouth, so you can suck him off again."

At that, Kiyome swallowed - and immediately, Tsubasa guided her back down towards my dick, starting to make her bob on my cock. She smiled up at me, and I groaned at the feeling of Kiyome's tight throat around my cock. "Making a girl come is her partner's job, isn't it?" Tsubasa asked guilelessly, and I took the suggestion to heart, making Kiyome orgasm again, earning a delicious moan around my dick as she twitched around me. "Does Kiyome like it gentle or rough?" My cock throbbed in Kiyome's throat, and I worried I'd have to answer myself - but luckily, Kiyome herself raised one hand up, holding out two fingers. "Rough?" Tsubasa confirmed, and Kiyome switched her hand into a thumbs-up.

At that point, Tsubasa began to pump Kiyome up and down my cock, forcibly fucking her on my cock, and I kept sending orgasmic bliss up into Kiyome's brain, getting the idea that both girls wanted that right now. Kiyome wanted me to make her come her brains out, not just for the obvious reason that it was fun, but also because it had gotten framed as a dominant, manly thing to do to her, and also because she'd been told she looked pretty when she came. Tsubasa, meanwhile, liked Kiyome coming because she liked watching people orgasm.

I came again, and Tsubasa didn't even stop Kiyome's facefuck, not caring that some of my spunk spurted up out of her mouth or nose. Kiyome definitely didn't care either, just moaning incoherently as she got thoroughly used like that, drool and cum mixing together as she spasmed in bliss. Hot, wet breaths came in and out through her nose, and my cock furiously throbbed at the ongoing obscene show... and once my orgasm finished, I came again, giving her another orgasm right alongside it.

That was how most of the threesome went: me, coming in Kiyome's mouth or throat, Kiyome constantly orgasming, and Tsubasa roughly facefucking Kiyome on my cock. Tsubasa was the only one of us to really be capable of speech, given how fast and hard Kiyome and I were coming, and she spoke up to compliment us both. "Kiyome-chan, you're so pretty. Your cute o-face is extra cute. I think the fact that it's a little messy is just gap moe." "Issei-kun, you're so cu-cool. You're able to keep going so long, which is really amazing and badass. I love seeing you coming and groaning and making a big show of how good you're feeling."

I enjoyed the feeling of the two girls working together to make me feel good, my cock twitching in Kiyome's mouth as I came over and over again, the sweet vibrations of Kiyome's orgasms carrying up through my cock. When my dick finally started to wilt, after coming a couple dozen times in about as many minutes, I planted one hand on Kiyome's forehead, pushing her up and off my cock, letting it pop free. She panted for air in response, her eyelashes fluttering, her clothing slick with sweat as it clung to her form in an appealing fashion.

Tsubasa's eyes roamed across Kiyome's form hungrily, looking at the other girl like she wanted to eat her up... then she slid her gaze down towards my groin, where my cock had finished going flaccid. Her mouth opened, her eyes focusing on it for several long seconds. "Issei-kun... ah! You did this for me, didn't you?" She actually blushed at that, then leaned down, wrapping her lips lovingly around my soft cock. Her tongue danced around the very tip, sliding and scooping up Kiyome's spit and what lingered of my cum. "Thamf foo," she got out around my tip. Her mouth started to slide down until she had my whole, soft cock inside her mouth, her tongue rubbing along the underside now, her cheeks warm. "Mm, ish ayfy," she slurred out around my dick, a somewhat dopy smile in her eyes as she slurped around my dick.

When Kiyome had been blowing me, I'd been fighting hard to keep going - and the consequence was that, without me trying at all, my dick remained soft as Tsubasa slurped, suckled, and licked all over my cockhead. Little wet breaths spilled out of her mouth, and they felt amazing - but they didn't excite my body any more. I just let out pants and groans and moans as she worked me over, and when she seemed to finally feel satisfied with the experience of blowing my soft dick - well, then I came, spurting out several sticky splatters of cum hitting the inside of her mouth, with her gulping it down eagerly as I let go of my final load of the night.

She handily just dragged Kiyome up to my opposite side, and both girls cuddled into me happily - Kiyome fucked senseless, and Tsubasa feeling truly seen and appreciated.

I woke up with a hard-on, but, I also woke up with Kiyome's lips around my dick and Tsubasa's hand in her hair, so it was fine.

To think I had been worried that Tsubasa's love of being the sweet dominant, and Kiyome's love of receiving cruel domination, would wind up with the pair in conflict!

You can read the next chapter on my Subscribestar at https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1715363 , for the low price of just $3. It features Issei finally going out with Akeno.

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