Hegemony of all Dynasties: Get the Zhao Yun template at the beginning

Chapter 47

Chapter 47
"I think the master's plan is good, let's do it like this!"

Wang Jing smiled and immediately made up his mind.

Hearing that Wang Jing trusted him so much and didn't treat him as an outsider at all, Zhu Wu felt a little moved in his heart.

With such unsuspecting and decisive determination, Wang Jing showed a good demeanor.

At an angle that Zhu Wu couldn't see, Wang Jing's eyes flashed with inspiration, and he had already seen the data of the Murong cavalry outside the military castle in the distance.

Most of these cavalry are just 0-level creatures, exuding a light green aura of life.

The strength is about the same as that of Li Shuo and Yu Hong, veterans of the begging army.

However, after they got on the horses, relying on their horsepower, their strength soared in a straight line. Several cavalrymen charged together, and the elite of the first rank could kill them.

"The team of the Murong cavalry is very long, and the strongest is only the first rank!"

"As long as they fall into an ambush and the speed of the horse slows down, if I and two hundred soldiers attack together, there is no reason to fail!"

Wang Jing's eyes flickered.

He didn't just sit and watch the begging army and the Murong family fight these days and do nothing.

The inheritance power inspired by the last fight has been completely absorbed by him in the process of continuous training these days.

He could feel that the second stage of Changqing Tuna Kungfu was about to be practiced, and if he was given another seven or eight days, he would definitely be able to reach the peak of the second stage.

While practicing breathing skills, marksmanship is also improving day by day.

Zhao Yun is the top fighter in this world, and his inheritance is the top.

It may not be comparable to the inheritance of other top fighters in the early stage, but it will only become stronger in the middle and late stages.

As for the Murong cavalry in front of them, they were brave and elite, but they had no cultivation method at all, and they did not have the strength to threaten Wang Jing at all.

After three sticks of incense time.

The [-] infantry had already consumed dry food, and their physical strength had fully recovered. Wang Jing immediately dispatched a group of the fastest-footed troops to leave the hiding place and appeared in the eyes of the guard post in the fort in the distance.

Wang Jing and the remaining 150 people have already prepared the ambush site.

The sentry post on the high platform blew the alarm, and the whole fort immediately burst into a chilling momentum.

As Zhu Wu said, after the Murong family's cavalry swept across the begging army and plundered hundreds of miles, they were already arrogant.

After discovering that there were only 50 or [-] people peeping at the Tunbao from a distance, the cavalry team led thirty cavalrymen to rush out without thinking too much.

In fact, it cannot be said that Murong's cavalry is arrogant, thirty cavalry assault fifty infantry, there is no possibility of failure at all.

Their only mistake was that they were a little careless and did not consider the reason why a pair of pawns suddenly appeared outside the Tunpu.

Smoke and dust rose from the earth, trampled by iron hooves.

There are only thirty riders, but they abruptly create the momentum of a large group of people charging.With such an aura, the expressions of the pawns who were going to lure the enemy changed wildly.

Although they had trained for a lot of time, and thought they could be regarded as elites when fighting in battle, it was the first time they saw cavalry crushing and assaulting.

This suffocating momentum, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, immediately made the group of infantry faintly show signs of collapse.


Thirty horsemen arrived at gallops, took their bows and arrows and shot a round at Wang Jing's infantry, the sound of sharp arrows piercing through the air roared, and the sound of arrows piercing through bones and screams erupted at the same time.

Seven or eight pawns were the first to be shot and fell to the ground.

A team of 50 people was covered by the rain of arrows and suddenly collapsed. The formation that was originally trained was completely forgotten, and they turned around in panic and fled.

Fake defeat to lure the enemy directly turned into real defeat.

far away.

Wang Jing was not surprised to see this scene. He is not a supernatural being. He trained infantry for only one month to make them resist the rain of arrows and cavalry without collapsing.

As long as this group of infantry can lure out the Murong cavalry, the task will be completed.

All the cavalrymen of the Murong Clan looked at the dozens of people who had collapsed and laughed, put away their bows and arrows, took out their spears and laid them flat, and continued to charge.

At this moment.

Dozens of people who went to lure the enemy exhausted all their strength and rushed towards the mound forest not far away.

The more than 100 people around Wang Jing were a little nervous when they saw the thirty riders approaching, and couldn't help but make some commotion.

The Murong cavalry charged forward, the horses were galloping, their spears pierced through the last few people, and they were strung on the spears.

Hearing the screams of these people, Murong's cavalry couldn't stop laughing.

Just like hunting on horseback, the soldiers sent by Wang Jing were regarded as prey.

They didn't push the horsepower to the limit, but drove the soldiers in front to run wildly at an unhurried speed, and stabbed the soldiers to death with a spear when the soldiers in front exhausted their energy and fell down.

It's like a cat playing with a mouse. It's boring to play with the mouse, and then kill it.

In less than a while, half of a group of fifty soldiers were killed. In front of the Murong cavalry, there was no chariot formation, no army formation, and the end of being tortured.

But they persevered and fled to the mound, where they were about to enter the woods.

Seeing this, the Murong cavalry stopped playing around and began to speed up their horses, preparing to kill the rest of them.

There was only a whistling in the air, as if the air burst.

An arrow pierced through the air instantly, puffing into the face of one of the Murong cavalrymen.

The cavalry, who were about to harvest the infantry in front, subconsciously turned sideways to avoid the arrow before being hit by the arrow, but the speed of the arrow was too fast, and there was no time for him to dodge.

His body swayed on the horse, and then fell to the ground with a crash.

At the same time, hundreds of arrows were shot out one after another, these arrows were not as accurate as before, covered by arrow rain, they shot more than a dozen Murong cavalrymen off their horses.

These cavalrymen are all veterans of the battlefield. After falling off their horses, they rolled on the ground and stood up roaring.

The other cavalry also roared and pulled the reins, their sharp eyes immediately saw the crowd in ambush.


Under the leadership of Captain Zheng and Shi Chang, the three teams of ambushing troops jumped out of the ambush and rushed towards the cavalry with their knives and guns in hand.

In front of these people, Wang Jing took the lead, with a speed like the wind.

After killing Murong's cavalry with a bow and arrow, he threw away his hunting bow, pulled out his spear with his backhand, and rushed out first.

The dozen or so Murong cavalry who hadn't fallen from their horses hurriedly fired arrows. Wang Jing shook his spear, and the spear exploded, scattering all the flying arrows away.

Zhao Yun's marksmanship can be said to have passed through thousands of troops, and the sword does not touch his body.

Although Wang Jing has not reached this level, he has keen senses and super spiritual sense, and ordinary arrows and cold arrows have little effect on him.

He used his long spear to divide the way, jumped up, and flew onto the horse of the cavalry team. He pulled the rein with his left hand and exerted force on his legs. The riding experience from the inherited power quickly exerted its effect, allowing him to quickly Take control of the steed.

"Gather together and don't scatter! Shoot together!"

Zhu Wu also rushed out with the crowd.

He stepped up quickly, and with a flash of the knife, he beheaded a cavalryman who had fallen to the ground.

Then he glanced away and saw that the soldiers rushing out couldn't maintain their formation at all.

They rushed out and killed most of the fallen cavalry, but the dozen or so cavalry who did not fall took the opportunity to distance themselves from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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