Heaters: Legend of the Celestial Archmage

Chapter 19: Undercover Agents

A young man who has never set foot outside his hometown and for the first time ever, he left his hometown to see the world beyond in his journey to the Academy, only to be taken hostage hours after leaving. This will put a detrimental mark on our Iode's tender heart ___ maybe.

The man with black hair and blue eyes, wearing an orange rope, looked at Iode and said "kid, back there when we were being tied, i can guess what you were thinking".

Iode looked at the man and said "really, what was i thinking".

The man scoffed and said "you were wondering why none of us fought back when our belongings were stolen and taken hostage".

The man was right, that's exactly what Iode was thinking, they are cowards, that's what they are, that's why they lived so long.

"I was right uh, hmm see, those bandits that took us hostage are not your average bandits, to be honest, none of us expected a five star mage bandit on our journey. 1 star, 2 star and 3 star bandits are the ones we usually meet and each one of us is capable of taking them down, but today, it's not so".

"These bandits are all 4 star mages and their leader is a five star mage". The man continued.

Hearing these facts, Iode eyes widens, an average bandit is usually a 1 star mage and at most a 3 star mage, that why they didn't hire any mercenary and now Iode was starting to think he jinxed their journey because of his excitement.

"But don't worry kid, these bandits are going to get what's coming for them hehe". The orange rope man said. Iode looked at the man in confusion.

"Why is he confident and so comfortable. He looks so assured that these bandits will be done for, why"? Iode thought.

"Umm,sir i have a question, how did you know these bandits are four and five star mages, they didn't even cast any spell". Iode asked his question with a raised eye brow.

"Kid, have you heard of the expression, experience is the best teacher? Don't worry, since you are going to the Rohanes Academy you'll learn". The man said looking at Iode straight in the eyes.

"He kept calling me kid but I'm twenty, I'm i behaving like a kid or do i look like one?" Iode thought.


Few hours has passed, nothing happened,

"This man just kept my hopes up for nothing, but i wonder why hasn't there been any other victims since us. Is nobody passing that road? But that's the main route out of illusium city or did this man do something to them on our way here, is that what gave him confidence?" Iode thought as he looked at the man with the corner of his eyes.

Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard from outside, and the bandit guards ran towards it. All hostages in the cell stood up except for the man in orange rope.

"Urgh, about time they got here, those slow pokes". The man said. Most of the people near him heard what he said and wondered who this man was, to not only sit comfortably in the cell, but also know the cause of the amok outside.Well except two, who wore white ropes.

One of the two has green hair and green eyes and the other has brown hair and red eyes. Iode noticed this and came to the conclusion that these people came as an undercover agents. The love for this man grew instantly.

The explosion continued and cries of the bandits were heard. Soon it all died down and some sort of brigade came in. They wore blue ropes with a badge by their left chest. The badge was a tower with a snake warping around it. This was an indication that they came from the blue tower, they were rescued by the blue tower brigade.

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