Harry Potter The Serpent

Chapter 171: Harry's Dangerous Encounter

Harry gritted his teeth as he slowly walked into the tent where the other champions were. Once he got in he looked around, Krum had a small bandage on his wrist, Delacour looked fine, except her clothes were slightly burnt. Diggory undoubtedly looked the worst, his entire right arm was covered in bandages as he laid down on a bed.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked Cedric, drawing the attention of the champions.

"You're alive?" Cedric breathed as he and the other champions looked at him.

"Clearly." Harry nodded just as Madam Pomfrey entered the tent and rushed over to him.

"Mr Potter, you're bleeding." She said as she guided him to a nearby bed.

"Clearly." Harry repeated as he sat on it while she waved her wand over his head.

"A manticore of all things," She hissed, sounding angrier than Harry had ever heard her. "I cannot believe that you actually managed to get past one." She added.

"How did you do it?" Krum asked, he and the other champions weren't able to watch the other champions compete in the task. "Distracted it?" He asked.

"Killed it." Harry answered, wincing slightly when he felt the tip of Madam Pomfrey's wand touch the area near his cut.

"You...you killed it?!" Madam Pomfrey gasped as the other champions looked at him like he wasn't human. "But...but it's a manticore!"

"I am well aware of that." Harry said before he gestured to his cut, that seemed to snap Madam Pomfrey out of her shock and she quickly returned her focus to healing him.

"How...how did you do it?" Fleur Delacour asked.

"Two arrows into its eyes, plus I tied it up before I knocked onto its side and forced it to stab itself with its own tail. Then I summoned the key and left." Harry answered, the other three champions exchanged looks, all silently agreeing that their chances of winning the tournament had decreased a lot the second Harry Potter was put in the tournament. "What happened to you?" Harry asked Cedric.

"Huh? Oh, I tried to distract the dragon," Cedric sighed. "it didn't work properly and my whole arm got burnt, so did my wand." He said, a sad and disappointed expression on his face.

"Wait, you can summon the key?" Fleur asked. "Why not just do that in the first place? Then you do not have to fight the creatures."

"Can't," Harry sighed as Madam Pomfrey left to go get some potions. "I asked Lord Black about the task earlier, he mentioned that the there's an anti-summoning charm on the key that's tied to each creature. As long as they're conscious you won't be able to summon it."

"Oh." She said, sounding very disappointed.

"Time to choose your next opponents." Percy said when he entered the tent later, once again holding a bag. The champions were about as healed as Madam Pomfrey was able to make them in the limited time she had.

"Mr Diggory cannot compete in the next task," Madam Pomfrey told Percy. "His arm requires serious attention and he no longer has a wand."

"My condolences." Percy nodded to Cedric, who gave a small nod back. "But the other champions can, so let's begin." He said, this time it was Fleur who went first, she reached her hand in and pulled out a sphinx. The it was Krum, he pulled out a dragon, the dragon model in his hand was a 'Chinese Fireball'. Next it was Harry's turn, he took in a deep breath and reached in, he let out a small grunt when he felt something bite his hand, he pulled the model out and had another dragon, except this one was very different from Krum's. This dragon had black scales, and was lizard-like in appearance. It also had yellow eyes, with vertical pupils like a cat's, bronze horns along with bronze spikes that stuck out from its long tail which it would gladly deploy in combat. Harry's dragon was a 'Hungarian Horntail', the most dangerous and violent of all known dragon breeds.

"You're fucking kidding me, right?" Harry sighed while Madam Pomfrey started ranting under her breath about stupid tournaments.

"No jokes, Mr Potter." Percy said in a respectful tone, while he didn't like Harry personally, he was not about to anger the wizard who had not only killed a minotaur, but a manticore as well.

"When you next see Bagman, let him know that I'm going to kill feed him to my snake."

"Fuck my life." Harry muttered as he entered the stadium for a third time. This time the crowd began cheering for him loudly, more loudly than they had for any of the other champions. Though the cheering was quickly silenced by the loud roar of a dragon. Harry took several deep breaths before he walked closer and quickly hid behind a boulder, he leaned his head past it and saw the horntail on the other side of the arena, chained there so it couldn't start flying around. Harry also spotted the key, it happened to be right under the horntail.

Harry was fairly well healed, even if his body ached. Madam Pomfrey was also kind enough to give each champion a vial of an energy boosting potion that they were to drink before they left the tent. She had okayed it with the judges and that was good enough for the champions who had quickly drank their vials before they left.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, we get to bear witness to Harry Potter facing off against the Hungarian Horntail, widely considered to be the most dangerous dragon breed alive." Ludo spoke via his magically amplified microphone. "Though if the boy can handle a minotaur and a manticore then he probably stands a better chance than most."

Harry gingerly moved to hide behind another boulder that was closer to the dragon, but unfortunately the dragon spotted him halfway across. It roared and sent a blast of fire towards him, Harry rolled out of the way and quickly hid behind a boulder.

"I don't want to fight you." Harry hissed in parsletounge, wondering if the dragon would understand him, apparently not since it roared and fired again.

"No, I'm the snake, that's a dragon!" Jet hissed loudly from his place in the audience. A few seconds later Harry heard a large snap, he looked past the boulder and saw that the dragon had apparently broken the chains and was now starting to fly.

"Yeah...that matches my luck." Harry sighed before he aimed his wand at the dragon, a whole swarm of bats shot out and charged towards the dragon, Harry quickly began transfiguring six large rocks into spears while the bats began distracting the dragon. Harry sent the spears at the dragon, the first three bounced off of its head but the fourth managed to pierce the dragons tongue, while the fifth managed to hit it in its gums. The sixth one would have hit its eye if it hadn't closed its eye lid at that moment.


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