Chapter 39: Chapter 39: An Offer I Can't Refuse
The day had begun so simply. My plans to sideline Draco by making him commit a crime had gone spectacularly with him casting an unforgivable in open public, with multiple witnesses. I had been called to the DMLE to provide testimony, and things were looking up and up for me. Then Narcissa Malfoy had curb stomped my confidence with a single blow, but I still had some cards in my hand to play against her. Even in an event where it came to a showdown between myself and the Malfoys, I had some preparations on my side.
Maybe I'd win. Maybe I wouldn't. But even if I lost horribly, I'd ensure that the Malfoys bled for it.
Instead, I had… this.
"I love watching you think," said Narcissa, her eyes sparkling. "I can almost see the poor hamster running on the wheel."
"You clubbed me in the head with your proposal," I retorted with a glare. "What do you expect?"
"Oh, this," she said with a grin. "You are always so sure of yourself, Harry Potter. It amuses me to see you off-balance. Besides, you asked for it. My own methods are far more subtle."
As if to make a point, she sunk my cock deep into her as slowly as she could, rolling her arse to make a pleasurable, sucking sensation.
I glowered at her. "You said you wanted in. Explain."
"It's exactly what you think it means," she said. "I want in. I want to see you rise to Lord Black and snatch it from my dearest husband."
"And your son," I pointed out.
She waved it off. "Semantics. Draco has never cared for his Black heritage. For him, it's just another vault of gold and relics, and an extra seat of power on the Wizengamot. I'm certain even if he becomes Lord Black, he'd always consider himself Lord Malfoy foremost. My husband ensured that."
The scary part was how carelessly she had said the entire thing. Narcissa had, just mere moments ago, shown exactly how terrifying she could be if I fucked with her son's future. And here she was, casually arranging matters to deny him the very thing I was trying to do. The only difference was that the former involved him going to Azkaban, and the latter…
Well, I was still not up to date with her plans. Yet.
"Do not trouble your head with it, Potter, lest you damage it," she said, with an idle shake of her hand, pulling herself away from me and sitting on her back, and hissed. "You fucked my arse quite hard. It stings to sit like this."
I wasn't sure whether to shrug at her rhetoric or apologise for her discomfort, so I did neither.
I'm a Black and my Black pride will not allow me to see it trampled underfoot while House Malfoy uses it as its cash-cow. No, Potter. I will not allow it." A hardness formed on her features. "Marrying Lucius was one of the greatest mistakes of my life, but I suppose I have my parents to blame for that. My father could never see beyond the gold. Short-sighted bastard that he was. But enough ranting! I'll help you gain the mantle of Lord Black."
"Help me?"
"Oh, right! You already have Aunt Walburga for that. Morgana's tits! Fine. I'll not obstruct that process and keep you out of Lucius's notice. In return, you'll make me Narcissa Black again. Simple as that."
"Not so much," I shot back. "What's nothing stopping you from… oh I don't know, horribly murdering me and taking the mantle for yourself?"
Narcissa looked like she had just tasted a bad egg. "I'm appalled that you think I am capable of such crudeness, Potter. My name is Narcissa Black. I will forge you into the most marvellous weapon with which I'll destroy my enemies. I'll make you secure my future. But fear not, Potter. I abhor bloodshed and love peace. I love talking, laughing, dancing, relaxing, and making love. If I have to kill you, I'll kill you with peace. I'll strangle you with it. And you'll thank me while I do that."
She said in a scary way — with no melodrama at all.
I believed her.
"Join me, Potter. I can take away all your troubles. Lucius ignored my skills and limited me to his trophy wife. But with you, I will be free. Free to exercise my mind, my spirit, free to indulge in the magics that I grew up learning about. I can teach you all that. Forget the plebeian things they teach at Hogwarts. I will help you navigate the waters of truly dark magic. I'm a Charms Mistress, Potter. With me by your side, there is nothing you cannot have. Power, territory, fortune, girls, wives, mothers — everything you desire, I'll help you get there."
Her voice grew more and more seductive every second. "I will take away the pains of your mind and body and your heart. Imagine, you and me, in the quiet darkness and my flesh against yours. I can give you that and so much more."
"And all I've got to do is free you from your marriage?"
"Make me Narcissa Black, yes."
I narrowed my eyes at the way she stressed on her choice of words over mine. What was I missing?
"How do I trust you?"
Narcissa sighed. "What will it take? An unbreakable vow? Will that suffice? Understand this, Potter. So long as you're willing to drop this case and let my son go free, I'll join you. I would have, either way, in time. But you forced my hand. Now, choose."
Damn. She had a great pitch.
Everyone selling something to a sucker does.
I rubbed my mouth slowly, mulling it over in my head. It was a simple bargain, as these things went. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Narcissa had offered me a great package, sweet and neat as a Halloween candy.
Which meant I'd be stupid to not check for razor blades and cyanide.
At the same time, she was on the level with her offer. I could feel that, sense it in a way so primal, so visceral, that there was no room for error. Her ever-increasing world anchorage towards me was prime evidence to that end. She would be a powerful ally if I agreed to her bargain. It was possible she had sinister motives that were beyond my knowledge at the moment. Motives that would pass through her unbreakable vow like water through tissue paper. There was also the chance that this was simply a ploy to get me completely under her control. With every single step, she'd get me deeper and deeper until I was her toy.
Like credit card companies. That's real evil for you.
I could feel her watching me like a hawk.
"Okay," I exhaled. "But there's something I need to know first."
"What about Vol — the Dark Lord?"
She narrowed her eyes. "Why is that a concern? I'm not a Death Eater, if that's what you're worried about." Her lips twisted into a teasing smirk. "I'd have thought that you'd have known that by now, given how familiar you've been with my body recently."
She grabbed my cock and began playing with it.
I rolled my eyes and did my best to ignore her ministrations. It was more difficult than you might think. But I had to focus. To know.
"There is a high chance that the Dark Lord will return."
Silence rang in the room for a long moment. Her hand stopped moving.
She met my eyes. "Are you certain?"
I nodded.
Her blue eyes remained on my face, unblinking. "How soon?"
"It should be… within a year. I'm uncertain of the details."
I based that, keeping the canon timeline in mind. But too many variables had changed. Too many deviations from JKR's canon. Hermione becoming a werewolf hybrid. Harry's death. My entrance and the addition of this Outlander system. Me rising as Lord Potter. Narcissa and now this — too much had changed to rely on the canon facts anymore. The only thing I could probably rely on was my knowledge of Voldemort's horcruxes and even that was showing signs of deviation, what with Kreacher's absence in Grimmauld Place.
Damn it.
"A year…" Narcissa mumbled thoughtfully. "And you're certain that he will be back?"
"Reasonably, yes."
I watched her carefully, observing her behaviour. The casual amusement in her face had faded, replaced by a wariness, her eyes shifting constantly. Whatever worried her, it was clear she was giving it a lot of thought.
"I suppose," she said at last, "it makes sense in hindsight. Lucius has been mostly away during the summer, and he isn't telling me where he is going. He has been seeing several of the old crowd recently. I had originally thought that he was…. Never mind, it doesn't matter."
She met my eyes. "I believe my husband is involved in the Dark Lord's revival."
I wanted to believe her. Canonically, Lucius did not know Voldemort's resurrection until the Third Task. That, or he had simply stayed out of the matter. But that was canon, and this was… this. I simply couldn't trust things to play out canonically. Not after all this.
"It is possible. Yes."
"Well…" she sighed, "that changes things. That changes things a lot."
A shiver ran down my spine. If Narcissa quit our new arrangement in favour of the Dark Lord, things could get really complicated for me. But when she spoke next, her words ended up surprising me entirely differently.
"We have to speed up our plans," she said.
Plans? What plans? I had no plan except to get Draco out and settle myself as the Lord Black. Did she really think that it'd be easy to just cancel her marriage with Lucius Malfoy with no hitches? Especially with the Dark Lord being so close to his resurrection?
"Look, Potter. I'll go on a limb and tell you I wouldn't think twice before spitting on mudbloods and blood traitors. I believe swine like them would end up making our world a copy of the muggle world if given the opportunity. But I'm not a homicidal maniac. The Dark Lord promised us a pureblood utopia, but ended up throwing us in the middle of a genocidal war. By Morgana, he ended half of the pure lines by his own hand. I remember how things were. I escaped being…." her lips curled in distaste, "being branded like cattle, but my sister Bellatrix wasn't so lucky. I remember bowing before that… thing, and serving him as my master. Heir of Slytherin or not, Narcissa Black bows to no one. Not even the Dark Lord."
"But you did."
Her nostrils flared. "I had to. Regulus was part of the Inner Circle. My husband, my elder sister, every single member of my family in London, save Sirius, had joined the Dark Lord's ranks. You do not know what it was like, Potter, and for Merlin's sake, I pray you don't. If that man returns to power, things will…"
She regarded me. "I imagine you have something, some ploy, to deal with this problem?"
"What makes you think that?"
"Do not insult my intelligence," she scoffed. "It is clear you have knowledge of the Dark Lord's movements. Either through first-hand or through Dumbledore. I have heard some rumours coming from Hogwarts. I imagine you are working with Albus Dumbledore behind the scenes, while pretending to be the goody two-shoes that everyone thinks you are."
I considered the logical string of assumptions she was making about me. Given the differences between what Harry Potter was in the past, and myself, it was only natural for her to think so. Even Hestia and Hermione had mentioned that they found it difficult to believe that he was himself and not some imposter under Polyjuice. My newfound powers, my growing affinities, my increasing arsenal and the effects of my growing perks could be seen as something I had developed through secret training over the years under private instruction.
It was a far more believable scenario than me being dropped in a fictional world and given a system that allowed me to fuck my way to godhood.
"Dumbledore has his plans. I have mine. Some of our plans mesh. Others… don't."
I didn't know if she took my response as a minor act of rebellion and meaningless defiance against Dumbledore, or something worth her attention. Either way, she did not comment.
"I told you, I have plans, and some of them need to be hastened. I can give you whatever vows you wish me to swear," said Narcissa, "so long as you agree to drop this case."
I pursed my lips.
"Of course. I'm not asking you to do this for free. After all, suddenly changing your mind over nothing concrete would attract all kinds of questions."
"What do you have in mind?" I asked.
Narcissa smiled. "Trust me. You will like it."
If you want to help me financially, you can do it on